GMMichael |

The three I'm considering this morning-
Primary Combatant: Shadowfox---?? Shoanti Barbarian (Invulnerable Rager)
Primary Arcane Caster: Dark Netwerk---Ellysmus Rayne Human Wizard (Air Elementalist)
Primary Divine Caster: Fyren---Ashimar Siril of Shelyn Human Female Cleric
many of the characters are listed in two categories, and I will be choosing the other categories tonight when I get home from work.
The criteria I used was
A) How do I like the Character. (because that is part of how a DM gets his enjoyment is seeing the character develop in play)
B) How well did the player follow instructions (In PBP its critical that the player and the DM be in tune so to speak.)
C) How well does the character mesh with the campaign. (did the character choose goals that can be developed, how did the character approach his background and writing sample.)
D) Can I see the party members working together (Is there anything in the background or writing style that could fortell of a character either wanting to 'take more of the spotlight' or would make it tough to get the character to work toward the campaigns goals.
The three of you please move to the discussion thread and start working on your characters if you havent already. Today wont see me responding a lot during the day as it is the end of the month and work can be demanding at that time. But I get off at 8PM and home by 830. so say 9PM Ill work on the other three slots.

GMMichael |

and as a reminder this is whats pending-
4. Trapsmith (Alchemist (Certain Builds), Bard (Certain Builds), Ninja, Oracle (Certain Builds), Ranger (Certain Builds), Rogue, Sorcerer (Certain Builds))
PhilOfCalth---Voren The Rogue Tiefling Male Rogue
Algar Lysandris---Cedric Human Urban Ranger
RyckyRych---Jarrin Fayne Human Male Bard <Detective>
5. Secondary Caster (Alchemist, Bard, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle)
RyckyRych---Jarrin Fayne Human Male Bard <Detective>
Gavmania aka Achren Brayland---Marnos Monnwalker Half-Elf Male Inquisitor
Daxter---Demitri Severin Human Male Inquisitor
gyrfalcon---Mibliblin Goodfling is a Gnomish Alchemist
Saronian---Ezekial Simorivatram Human Male Alchemist (Chirugen)
6. Secondary Combatant ( Barbarian, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Monk (would consider though no good bab), Paladin, Ranger, Samurai)
Stardust---Branhleir Gilden Female Dwarf Ranger (Guide Archetype)
Algar Lysandris---Cedric Human Urban Ranger
Spazmodeus---Tolenn Human, Female, Paladin (Undead Scourge)

GMMichael |

Earlier in the thread I mentioned that I shouldve called the trapsmith roll the skill monkey roll
speaking of which-
4. Trapsmith (Alchemist (Certain Builds), Bard (Certain Builds), Ninja, Oracle (Certain Builds), Ranger (Certain Builds), Rogue, Sorcerer (Certain Builds))
Backstory- As given in my profile. Voren would generally live in the woods surrounding Korvosa only entering the city in disguise or under the cover of darkness. I would see him as spending his early years in an orphanage but running away due to bullying and mistreatment, and learning to fend for himself.
Through his contact Applin (NPC) he takes some jobs with The Cerulean Society, but doesn't touch anything he has scruples with.
Sometimes he manages to hunt some game and sell it to a butcher (NPC) to allow himself to buy equipment to survive in the wilds.
Why your character is choosing to be an adventurer:
Voren longs for friendship and to be accepted, and would do anything to be part of a group of friends
Why you live in Korvosa:
Despite his mistreatment Voren sees Korvosa as his home and would have no idea of how to survive elsewhere. He cares for those he has regular contact with, even though it is rarely reciprocated
Why you would work to save it from itself:
Although Voren would happy kill anyone who has wronged him he considers most people who react badly to him as innocent. Only fearing his looks and not knowing any better. He sees Korvosa as his home and wouldn't want to see any harm come to it's citizens.
GMMichael wrote:
Goal- 1/ The search for the missing child. The only person to currently accept Voren as an equal. 2/ His search for acceptance. Voren dreams of being an accepted member of society. He doesn't truly believe he'll ever achieve this dream, but he longs for it more than anything.
Writing Sample:The outcast Voren did his utmost to stop himself from pacing, if he could do that he was sure that the halfling wouldn’t be able to read the anxiousness on his face. For a change it was he that wanted something from Applin. The thief Applin owed him a lot of favours, but if he realised how much the information Voren wanted was worth he would surely only accept cold hard cash for it.
From deeper in the city came the sound of celebrations. Parties and festivities were no place for Voren, although they did make for a good distraction.
”Good evening toad face” The halfling’s japes were supposedly well natured. Applin was misguided and wrapped up with all the wrong people, but basically good. Or at least Voren wouldn’t like to see harm come to one of his few contacts with civilised society.
”Did you gets what I wants? Where’s Lamm?“ Voren’s voice had faint a hissing quality that he tried to suppress.
”Eager aren’t we? There’s a rumour that he’ll be heading through the East Shore district. That’s all I have.” Applin raised an eyebrow, what’s it worth to you.
”Considers your debts tos me payed”
”Awh come on...” the halfling started to complain but Voren cut him off
”You shoulds negotiate prices before you provides the services little man.”
The tiefling stalked off towards the closest entrance to the city, wrapping his scarf around his head and pulling up his hood. His clothes already adequately covered his bestial legs. The information given was hardly worth the risk involved in entering the city before night had truly descended, but he would not lose his only friend to Gaedran Lamm. He had to try, for the child’s sake.
Hurting Children is the one thing completely unforgivable to Cedrec. Adults have the tools (moral values, intelligence, education, cultures etc...) to understand that they are responsible for their actions, children aren't usually.
So when he has heard word that Gaedran Lamm might be heavily in the children slavery business, Cedric know he had to find out the truth and do something about it, if it was.Character goal:
Goal- To become an Arbiter or maybe, just maybe Cedric would dream to become a minor noble.
Writing sample:
As the evening street party was going in full strength, Cedric got himself ready to go to work. He sight a few times while heading toward his workplace for he knew, tonight when all the cheerful people would go home his job would be dangerous. There were lots of cleaning up to do and the Otyughs were likely to get out of hand, and with passed out citizens in the streets it could get ugly real fast. He really wanted to stop somewhere and pray but the festivities meant it would take extra time for him to get to work.
Upon arrival, after saying hello to everyone ine in the courtyard he went directly to the Otyughs pens, and gave them a long hard look.
You better not give us any trouble tonight, there will be plenty of waste for you to eat in the sewers so don't get to curious if you smell lots of nice things to eat up on the streets. You have plenty down there. It was wishful thinking of course but he couldn't help it. For tonight some of his colleagues might not make it home.
Well then i better get ready now he said to no one in particular.
Jarrin quickly became very successful though his father took most of te profit from his act. Eventually Jarrin decided he had outgrown the travelling caravan shows and eloped with his sweetheart, Vissa, and made his own path. Word of his "powers" spread over time and eventually led him to settle down in the city of Korvosa, performing his craft for parties, nobles, and even honed his "psychic" abilities for local law enforcement from time to time.
Things were going well in the confidence games Fayne was playing. He soon had a nice home and was comfortably supporting his wife and newborn daughter, Eleeva. He was generally respected by the common folk but always had a suspicious eye cast upon him by those who had sharper minds than the simpletons that were easily deceived. The more the masses were amazed by his predictions the more cocky and overconfident he became. His readings were more like shows, using his psychic/fortune-telling "powers" to make bold, brash statements about anymore he desired, in particular the beacon of hope of the people, “Black Jack”, expecting that no backlash would come to him due to the popularity of the underground hero (or that what he said might actually prove to be true).
One day, Jarrin was asked to help with locating the famous criminal Gaedran Lamm. Jarrin agreed and put on quite the show, gallantly claiming that Lamm and his associates were living on borrowed time. Fayne assured the masses that justice would soon be at hand and prosperity would return to their fair city as a result, filling the building once more. Foolishly he boasted that this future had been shown to him time and time again. Since Jarrin felt his standing in society was enough to protect him he was naive enough to think that his words would never fall on the ears of these villains, so what was the harm? For all he knew Lamm had escaped and left the town for good.
Evidently harm found its way to Fayne. His home was looted and then burned to the ground with disregard to anyone that may have been inside. Jarrin was at a high-society function working his craft for the nobility that evening and had no idea of what had happened while he was away. Returning later that night, he found that not only his home was in ruins but also his life, as two small burnt corpses had been brought out of the rubble. Clearly his words had been heard and this was the vicious response.
Jerrin was devastated, he might be a con-man but he was as good as any home-loving man would be to his family. He was sure Gaedran Lamm did not approve of Jarrin’s forecast of the villain’s fate. Jarrin took to grieving over his wife and daughter full time, neglecting anything else for months. People in Korvosa felt his pain but they also knew that he had likely brought down this upon himself, perhaps even a message from the gods. Eventually Jerrin spent most of his nights in drink and self-pity, losing any faith he ever had in said gods, and his life spiraled downward fast.
Slowly over time Jarrin found that vengeance was growing stronger than the grief. That strength soon had Jarrin dedicate the rest of his life into finding a way, any way, to bring Gaedran Lamm to justice for all of his crimes, including the murder of his family, whether he had that proof or not. Jarrin had also grown to love this city, another reason that he had made up such stories was to give the people who looked up to him any hope that things would get better, no matter who was ruling the city.
But how Fayne would be able to locate a man that no one was able to pin down was still a mystery. Perhaps to track down the myth named Black Jack? Discover if there were any secrets within The Hellknights or the Korvosan Guard. Was evil truly even higher than that, for the youg Queen Ileosa surely seems to crave the power of ruling the city.
Whatever that case might be somebody had to determine the truth and help rescue this once fine city from the burdens of its dire conditions. Surely a man with the talents of Jarrin Fayne could find himself to be valuable in times like these. But as this day drew up him, he had to wonder if his current investigation on trying to find Gaedran Lamm would ever bear fruit.
Goal- The quest for vengence, assuming the background I have constructed is acceptable. Being able to help with a greater cause while seeking said vengence.
Writing Sample: Come now, Nivik, you'd had to have heard about what happened yesterday. Men with Sczarni connections don't fall out of windows and onto their own daggers everyday like Harrin did. Jarrin watches the man in front of him with a keen eye.
Honest, I haven't heard anything! And 'specially nothing about Lamm being involved 'n anythin' lately. I'd tell ya, ya know I would. Nivik is not the trustworthy type but Fayne has one over on him and does mostly trust his intel. I know you want Lamm pretty bad but not everythin' that happens 'round here is cuz of him. You know that!
Jarrin Fayne spies his informant once more. Perhaps you are right. But we can't be too sure. Keep your eyes and ears open for me, alright? I'd ask the Guard but they don't always seem willing to tell me everything they know. Nivik gives a quick smirk and chuckles. You give them too much credit, ya know that, right? Fayne looks back at him with a smile, Maybe I give you too much credit also. Right?
From these three I Like Algar Lysandris---Cedric Human Urban Ranger for this roll
Once more my criteria is-
The criteria I used was
A) How do I like the Character. (because that is part of how a DM gets his enjoyment is seeing the character develop in play)
B) How well did the player follow instructions (In PBP its critical that the player and the DM be in tune so to speak.)
C) How well does the character mesh with the campaign. (did the character choose goals that can be developed, how did the character approach his background and writing sample.)
D) Can I see the party members working together (Is there anything in the background or writing style that could fortell of a character either wanting to 'take more of the spotlight' or would make it tough to get the character to work toward the campaigns goals.
Cedric go ahead to the discussion thread and start working on the character in earnest.

GMMichael |

This category was the hardest one for me to choose for as There were 4 excellent enties and 1 that was pretty close to the other 4.
5. Secondary Caster (Alchemist, Bard, Inquisitor, Magus, Oracle)
Jarrin quickly became very successful though his father took most of te profit from his act. Eventually Jarrin decided he had outgrown the travelling caravan shows and eloped with his sweetheart, Vissa, and made his own path. Word of his "powers" spread over time and eventually led him to settle down in the city of Korvosa, performing his craft for parties, nobles, and even honed his "psychic" abilities for local law enforcement from time to time.
Things were going well in the confidence games Fayne was playing. He soon had a nice home and was comfortably supporting his wife and newborn daughter, Eleeva. He was generally respected by the common folk but always had a suspicious eye cast upon him by those who had sharper minds than the simpletons that were easily deceived. The more the masses were amazed by his predictions the more cocky and overconfident he became. His readings were more like shows, using his psychic/fortune-telling "powers" to make bold, brash statements about anymore he desired, in particular the beacon of hope of the people, “Black Jack”, expecting that no backlash would come to him due to the popularity of the underground hero (or that what he said might actually prove to be true).
One day, Jarrin was asked to help with locating the famous criminal Gaedran Lamm. Jarrin agreed and put on quite the show, gallantly claiming that Lamm and his associates were living on borrowed time. Fayne assured the masses that justice would soon be at hand and prosperity would return to their fair city as a result, filling the building once more. Foolishly he boasted that this future had been shown to him time and time again. Since Jarrin felt his standing in society was enough to protect him he was naive enough to think that his words would never fall on the ears of these villains, so what was the harm? For all he knew Lamm had escaped and left the town for good.
Evidently harm found its way to Fayne. His home was looted and then burned to the ground with disregard to anyone that may have been inside. Jarrin was at a high-society function working his craft for the nobility that evening and had no idea of what had happened while he was away. Returning later that night, he found that not only his home was in ruins but also his life, as two small burnt corpses had been brought out of the rubble. Clearly his words had been heard and this was the vicious response.
Jerrin was devastated, he might be a con-man but he was as good as any home-loving man would be to his family. He was sure Gaedran Lamm did not approve of Jarrin’s forecast of the villain’s fate. Jarrin took to grieving over his wife and daughter full time, neglecting anything else for months. People in Korvosa felt his pain but they also knew that he had likely brought down this upon himself, perhaps even a message from the gods. Eventually Jerrin spent most of his nights in drink and self-pity, losing any faith he ever had in said gods, and his life spiraled downward fast.
Slowly over time Jarrin found that vengeance was growing stronger than the grief. That strength soon had Jarrin dedicate the rest of his life into finding a way, any way, to bring Gaedran Lamm to justice for all of his crimes, including the murder of his family, whether he had that proof or not. Jarrin had also grown to love this city, another reason that he had made up such stories was to give the people who looked up to him any hope that things would get better, no matter who was ruling the city.
But how Fayne would be able to locate a man that no one was able to pin down was still a mystery. Perhaps to track down the myth named Black Jack? Discover if there were any secrets within The Hellknights or the Korvosan Guard. Was evil truly even higher than that, for the youg Queen Ileosa surely seems to crave the power of ruling the city.
Whatever that case might be somebody had to determine the truth and help rescue this once fine city from the burdens of its dire conditions. Surely a man with the talents of Jarrin Fayne could find himself to be valuable in times like these. But as this day drew up him, he had to wonder if his current investigation on trying to find Gaedran Lamm would ever bear fruit.
Goal- The quest for vengence, assuming the background I have constructed is acceptable. Being able to help with a greater cause while seeking said vengence.
Writing Sample: Come now, Nivik, you'd had to have heard about what happened yesterday. Men with Sczarni connections don't fall out of windows and onto their own daggers everyday like Harrin did. Jarrin watches the man in front of him with a keen eye.
Honest, I haven't heard anything! And 'specially nothing about Lamm being involved 'n anythin' lately. I'd tell ya, ya know I would. Nivik is not the trustworthy type but Fayne has one over on him and does mostly trust his intel. I know you want Lamm pretty bad but not everythin' that happens 'round here is cuz of him. You know that!
Jarrin Fayne spies his informant once more. Perhaps you are right. But we can't be too sure. Keep your eyes and ears open for me, alright? I'd ask the Guard but they don't always seem willing to tell me everything they know. Nivik gives a quick smirk and chuckles. You give them too much credit, ya know that, right? Fayne looks back at him with a smile, Maybe I give you too much credit also. Right?
That was before she got murdered.
This is my City, and I know all of it. All of its rhythms, its heartbeat; I see it all - and there is something Evil there, like a cancer eating at the bones and wasting it away. I cannot see quite what it is, but I will not rest until I have hunted out this Evil. That is my mission, my purpose; my calling.
Goal- That is her ring. Definitely HER ring. I wish I could purchase it. WE have so little left of our parents; It would make a wonderful gift to Efelyn for her wedding.
If only I could have enough money to buy her the ring AND provide a dowry. Soon we will need to consider suitors for her hand; it would be good to see her well provided for and happy.
GMMichael wrote:
Writing Sample: Marnos paused on the rooftop, instinctively going still. Below him the sound of drunken revelry abounded, but it was all part of the rhythm of the city. They just want to forget, he thought, just one night when they can pretend there is no pain. Some of us can never forget. He extended his senses, searching for the anomoly, the sound out of place, the movement where there should be none.
There, he thought turning slowly so as not to give his position away.We will hunt well tonight and he began the painstaking process of stalking his prey.
But that tragedy was not the only one to happen to Demitri. On the girl's 8th birthday, he took his daughter out to the market to buy her a gift. He took his eyes off her for a moment to haggle with a merchant. A moment which was enough for the cur known as Gaedren to abduct her.
The young guardsman used all the resources at his disposal, but it was for naught. No one wanted to get involved as they saw the futility in the situation. No one could catch Lamm, he was like a wraith who could appear anywhere and leave just as quickly. Demitri was so filled with rage he quit the guard. If the cowards weren't willing to help, he'd use his own means.
Goal- Well the obvious character goal is that he wants to find his daughter and to stop Lamm, ideally bringing him to justice for his crimes. But besides that, he feels he doesn't have a purpose in life which makes him doubt every decision he makes. But he has a strong sense of duty and responsibility so he definitely wants to help Korvosa.
Writing Sample- Demitri sat there in his cups, drinking his sorrow away like any other night. People celebrating around him for the new Sable Company. "Another useless organization. There are curs like Lamm running around and people want to party. Maybe if the king and queen weren't so busy worrying about their image, they might do something about it. Or maybe they just don't care." He thinks to himself as he sips his drink. His dour thoughts drowning out the loud revelry.
Of course he wondered why they had to break down their lab in hurry from time to time, and move elsewhere...but honestly his mind kept returning to the next all-consuming puzzle: How could he make a fire bomb burn longer? How could he get a batch of the stuff his boss always wanted to cook faster? He was mostly happy to have interesting tasks placed in front of him, and he welcomed the praise he got for his efforts.
That all changed when he came back to his old neighborhood one day, saw another orphan he’d lost touch with strung out on shiver...and recognized the smell for the first time. He realized that that was what he’d found a faster, more reliable way to cook up. Suddenly, the potions -- and drugs -- he’d been cooking up were more than just an interesting challenge. He was responsible for this, and he needed out!
hook: His shiver-cooking boss has surely put two-and-two together when Mibliblin disappeared, and he's not happy. Mibliblin is keeping an eye over his shoulder to see if he's being followed by then (to conscript back into cooking, or just for revenge).
* Is his recipe to make (what he now knows is shiver) still out there? Gaedren always had several labs. Mibliblin never new how many or exactly where. His boss might have shared his notes with the others. He wants to make sure that his recipe is destroyed, and not sold or distributed to other drug makers.
* He still very much wants to find an alchemist to apprentice to, and a lab to work in, to accelerate his studies...but this time he’ll ask a few more questions.
Writing Sample: He went back to the lab that night, stole any supplies he could carry, smashed the rest, and disappeared. He’s still easily distracted by new puzzles and mental challenges, but he’s had a harsh awakening to the real world implications of his work...and now he’s driven to right the wrongs he’s helped to commit. He knows he’s not enough by himself, but somehow he’ll find a way to do more than trash one shiver lab. He’ll find a way to bring down Gaedren.
A middle child of a moderately well to do family, Ezekial Somrivatram was a brilliant student at the Andoren Alchemical Society as well as occasional visitor to the Almas University. An accomplished alchemist and budding doctor, Ezekial was part of a fraternity the two universities shared, one that sponsored safaris, hunts, and expeditions to various parts of the world. Seeking to expand his knowledge as well as his skills as a field doctor.
It was during these trips that he came to a simple solution; as an alchemist and a doctor, his job was the most boring at times and the most intense. As such, he took to cooking while on these expeditions, reasoning that if he wasn't being used for his medical skills, he might as well be useful for his culinary. In addition, Ezekial is studying the use of the crossbow. While not a great shot, he has worked on extractions that will help his skills nonetheless. As time went on, he also became an invited guest to several academic parties, trading stories on the expeditions he was part of, and the stories of his medical experiences in the field.
After two years and several expeditions, Ezekial felt that he saw it all. Despite his young age, he has mended bones, healed scraps, cleaned infections, removed barbs, arrows, and spears from fellow adventurers, and seen the after affects of several diseases. With such field experience, he was on the verge of becoming a rising star in the alchemical and medical science world. But nothing prepared him for betrayal and political intrigue
Goals- Find his sister's charge before the boy gets himself injured or killed. Become the best doctor while helping people live better.
Writing Sample: Ezekial stood outside the room, finished helping the cleric heal his sister. As usual, she'll be alright, but her charge had ran off with the gang that attacked them. Spoiled brat, Ezekial thinks as he goes over his sister's injuries one more time. You ran off with that gang. If you hadn't, my sister wouldn't have been distracted.
Though a few people saw him attack his sister and beaten her, none stopped him. Only after he left did they help her, sending for a cleric and Ezekial when she regained consciousness. From the witnesses, Ezekial learned the name. Gaedran Lamm.
Reflecting on the man's reputation, Ezekial let out a sigh. Kid is in trouble. His parents aren't thrilled with him gone on his own. Need to find him before my sister gets released. Standing up, Ezekial made his way out the small clinic into the parade going on outside. I need to find that kid before he gets into more trouble.
Really was tough. I liked all of them. But finally I went with a class that really is the ultimate in teamwork and a player that was one of the first to respond and has been very attentive on the thread...
RyckyRych---Jarrin Fayne Human Male Bard <Detective>
go ahead and move to the discussion thread.

GMMichael |

6. Secondary Combatant ( Barbarian, Cavalier, Gunslinger, Monk (would consider though no good bab), Paladin, Ranger, Samurai)
Goal- Branhleir wants to see quite a few of Korvosa's crime lords brought to justice. At least 5, including Lamm)
Writing Sample: Branhlaier ducked down into an alley, nimbly stepping over a stream of an undefinable putrid fluid, her bright eyes looking around and into the shadows, piercing the darkness with her racial sight. One of those guttersnipes is around her somewhere, she thought to herself, carefully holding up her repeating crossbow. "Come along, little lamb, I won't hurt you if you tell me where your master is. There's other things you can do to make a living, and I know people, important people, who can help make it happen."
She doubted that her promise would have much effect. She looked up briefly as a shadow flitted across the sky between the buildings above her. An imp, or a pseudodragon, she couldn't be sure. Or perhaps a roofrunner. But she hadn't heard the sounds of running feet, nor, she reminded herself, had she been trying to.
A sound ahead of her drew her attention back to the alley. "Well? This type of opportunity only comes along once or twice in a lifetime you know. Most people would shoot first and ask questions later." It was obvious that she was losing her temper, if only a little bit. Miriam Iomenclair would be very mispleased if she learned of it. She applied herself a little more forcefully to prevent herself from inadvertently killing the child, but she expected some cooperation. Finally, after what seemed like an hour, a lone child crept out of the shadows.
conscience, Tolenn was a poor thief, frequently on the receiving end of Lamm's viscous temper. After one final beating, he left her for dead.
Sore and sodden, Tolenn woke to screams filling the air. Running to find her uncle, a crony of Lamms', she witnessed his death
at the hands of a zombie. Apparently, Lamm, entrepreneur, had been investigating the profitability of necromancy, having heard
of its prevalence in Kaer Maga. The experiment was out of control. Lamm escaped, many did not. Cornered in an alley, Tolenn
found a well of strength and outrage within her, and defended a group of orphans from undead attack. Her bravery was witnessed
by a priest of Sarenae, who had arrived to quell the undead infestation. Seeing kindred spirit , she took Tolenn into her care;
arranging for Tolenn to receive training in her faith; whether as healer or warrior only time would tell.
Goal- Tolenn lived the live of an Empty in Korvosa. While her main goal is to bring Lamm to justice, there are many others
who prey on the unfortunate; helping to better the life of those unfortunates is her ultimate goal. To help those people is to help Korvosa, the only home she's ever really known.
Writing Sample: Once again Tolenn was returning empty handed.
A quiet drizzle fogged the streets of Bridgefort as she slipped through the press of people. What am I going to do. He's
going to beat me again! Tolenn despaired, looking about, wondering as she had in the past if she could run away, escape
Lamm's punishing blows.
"Hi, Tol" a bright voice took Tolenn out of her reverie.
A brown haired girl a few years older had run out of an alley and now walked beside Tolenn.
"Hi, Ammi" Tolenn said quietly
"You din't find nothin', huh?" Ammi asked, concern on her face.
Shaking her head, Tolenn continued in silence.
"You kin shares with me. I found me a bunch." Ammi offered, pulling Tolenn into an alcove.
Pressing a few pinches into Tolenn's hand, Ammi smiled brightly and pulled Tolenn back into the rush of people.
Later, a group of thirteen orphans were lined against a wall , Tolenn among them.
Pacing in front of them was Gaedren Lamm, all 140 vicious pounds of him.
As usual, he was ranting about how useless all of the orphans were, how little profit they brought him; on and on.
Occasionally, he would slap a child to punctuate a point.
Finally he ended his harangue, and called each child to bring him his tribute.
Tolenn's turn finally came, trembling she offered Lamm her measly pinches. She never saw the fist that doubled her over,
air expelled from her lungs, nor the other open hand that flung her to the ground. Lying in pain, she could smell
Lamm's foul breath as he leaned down to whisper in her ear "Next time you don't find nothin' fer me, I'll have yer
tongue out!"
"And you! Shares you yer finds with her again and I'll have a finger for ev'ry pinch!" Lamm screamed at Ammi.
He continued to berate and yell at the children, but his voice slowly faded for Tolenn as the light dimmed and went
again Both entries were excellent. I just felt that one edged the other out a tiny bit
Spazmodeus---Tolenn Human, Female, Paladin (Undead Scourge)
move to the discussion thread.
Everyone else..thank you for trying. As we all know from experience in PBP, sometimes life causes folks to step back from role playing ...if that occurs, dont be surprised to get a PM from me asking if youre interested.