The Reclamation of Zahvroma (Inactive)

Game Master Signore di Fortuna

Chapter 7: To Forge The Future Combat Map

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Male Elf Cleric 8 / Hierophant 1 /\/\ Init: +1 | HP: 53 / 53 | AC: 18 | FF: 17 | Tch: 11 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +3 | Will: +9 | Per: +10 | Special: +2 saves vs Enchant and emotions spells and effects |

"Are you alright Rajni?"

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

She shakes her head and looks a bit confused, "Huh? Oh...sorry I guess I just sorta spaced out for a second. I'm fine, really I am. Well, I guess I better be going now and thanks again for everything." She turns to leave and nearly trips over her own feet. Holding a hand up she says, "I'm fine...just not watching where I was going."

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

"Take this trash with you, maybe it'll do you more good than it has me." Fae says throwing her blade across the clearing.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Weird nice or weird crazy?"Cyna asks.

Female Half-elf Druid 9 HP 73/73 AC 20 FF 19 Touch 11 Perception +21 Init +5

Once they get upstairs and Rhy is near the bed, being careful not to scratch her too much, Teisa unwinds herself from Rhy's neck and climbs down her till she gets close enough to the bed to jump on it. Taking a bit of a tumble she rolls once and lands on her belly. Scrambling back up on her paws she looks up at Rhadaya and lets out a soft 'meow?' Her eyes twinkle a bit though right before she changes back into herself, "Sorry I didn't give you much warning. It was something I thought of at the last minute."

Female Tiefling Barbarian (Unchained) 12; HP: 142/142, DR:2/-; AC: 23, T: 15, FF: 19, Fort: +12, Ref: +8, Will: +5, Init: +3, Perception: +15

"She's just weird weird," Cynalea says as the black onyx gate begins to appear on the horizon. "I wonder what she got to guard the gate this time."

Orias goes to pick up the blade. "I thought you used a bow."

He stoops and takes Omen by the hilt, his fingers touching the blade. Suddenly, the sword glows red and Orias falls to his knees, screaming in agony. It appears as if he is being torn in two, a human figure that Cynafae recalls from the vision Nethys had given her and a dark devilish figure that bears a multitude of scars. The devil falls to the ground like a marionette without any strings, while Orias curls into a ball, wracked by pain.

"Well...Cyna has a little more time now that I have to recharge..."

Orias looks up at the tiefling. "Fae? Is that you?"

He groans before shuddering some more.

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

"Look at that... Damn thing was useful after all." Cynafae says before slipping into unconsciousness. The stress of operating a flesh and blood body proving to be too much.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Whatever it is I'm sure the two of us can handle it together"
Perception: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (10) + 15 = 25

Female Sylph Sorceress (Stormborn) 14 Mythic Tier 3rd: Archmage. HP: 80/80. AC: 22 touch 20 FF: 16. Fort: +7 Reflex: +7 Will: +9. Electricity res: 5 Sonic res:5

"It was perfect." Rhadaya says with a beaming smile, "You were absolutely adorable......although, I'll always prefer you in this form." she says taking Tes face in her hands and bending forward to kiss her gently.

Male Dhampir Investigator (Psychic Detective) 12/Archmage 3 /\/\ Init: +6 | HP: 76/76 | AC: 21 | FF: 17 | Tch: 17 | Fort: +6 | Ref: +13 | Will: +12 | +2 vs Disease / Mind-Affecting, +4 Ref vs Traps, +4 vs Psychic Spells / SLA | Perc: +17 (+6 vs Traps)

As Yulia fell asleep, her rhythmic breathing allowed Drago to fall into a meditative state.

Bonds of Blood:
The Summoner awoke in the misty forest of the Sacred Space. Its soothing atmosphere giving him a measure of serenity he could only achieve in Yulia's presence. But soon he felt something else. Turning around, the Dhampir saw the ghostly form of a woman with violet hair. Her form enveloped by a pale blue light.

She bowed and spoke, "Greetings Drago Zakharov, my name is Inana, your Aunt. We need to talk about Tarja."

The Summoner was taken aback, "My, Aunt? are you here?"

A pained look crossed the spirit's face, "Tarja. She feels responsible for my death at Blackcrown, but her memory is....flawed. For her own sanity, I need to set the record straight." The ghostly woman reached out her hand, "Let me touch the mark of our house upon your brow."

Though he had never met this being, something about her seemed trustworthy. Stepping forward, he allowed her touch.

The rune upon her forehead began glowing, and a vision appeared in his mind.

What really happened: The dragon fire had just missed the Eidolon and her Summoner, a beautiful woman with violet hair and orange eyes.

Tarja held her ranseur tightly, "We have to get out of Blackcrown, it's lost to the Dragons."

"Tarja, I'm surprised at you. Never thought you'd ever run from a fight. We have to hold while the survivors get away." Inana responded while energizing the siege shot to be launched at the oncoming red dragon.

"I know a lost fight when I see one." The Eidolon said.

Suddenly, the stone they were standing on gave way, into the waiting group of Akulov Summoners. With a wave their hands, three of them launched Tarja against a wall, pinning her there. The other two advanced on Inana, a menacing look in their eyes. The Violet haired Summoner tried to defend herself with magic, but the two men kept countering her every attempt. Against the wall, she feared what they intended to do.

Suddenly a Blue Dragon the size of a man, landed through the hole. "I told you, none of that or I'd end you. Well, you didn't listen." In a flash of movement, the dragon tore the traitorous Summoners apart with its obsidian-like claws. Tarja was in shock, and couldn't move. The dragon looked at Inana, "I'm giving you one chance, leave, now, and you'll live." Turning about, it started leaving. The Summoner reached down and grabbed sharp shard of rubble and rushed the dragon. With a swipe of its tail, both the Summoner and Eidolon flew across the space. Tarja ended up impaled on a splintered timber.

Approaching the fallen Summoner, the Dragon said, "You should have left." Lunging forward, the dragon slashed its claws across Inana's belly, leaving a gaping wound that caused her to scream in agony. But only for a moment, as the blue monster clamped its jaws about her throat and held on. As life ebbed from woman's eyes, the vision faded.

Drago pulled his head back, "That was intense. It's no wonder she doesn't trust dragons."

Inana replied, "She blames herself for not saving me. Please, tell her it wasn't her fault." Quickly, the spirit faded.

Drago opened his eyes, trying to process what had happened. That was.....strange. He thought to himself.

Female Human (Anizari) Female Human (Anizari) Magus (Bladebound) 14 : Mythic tier 4th (Champion ); HP: 160/160; AC:34 FF:30, T:15; Init:+5, Fort: +12, Ref: +6, Will: +10; Perception:+4(+6)

Scanning the sky, Sadhana, glances to the west. "Ah, there! The Warrior." she says pointing to constellation with a row of 5 stars forming the line considered to be the figure's sword. "I always liked the idea theat at the same time, a scared kid the night before their first battle would look up at her and draw courage, while somewhere else someone who managed to make it through that life and hung up their sword would see her and draw solace from their memories."

Female Gnome Rogue 13; Mythic Tier 3rd (Trickster) HP: 115/115; AC: 26, FF: 19, T: 17; Fort: +8, Ref: +16, Will +7 (+4 vs fear); Perception: +19; Init: +8

"So which side of that are you on? Are you still the scared kid or the grizzled warrior looking forward to retirement?"

Fae comes to in a small bedroom of a wooden cabin, Orias laying in a bed across the room. A middle-aged woman walks in. "Ah, you're awake. I thought it was just a cliche to find passed out people in the wilderness, I suppose I was wrong. I took the liberty of cleaning your wounds and dressing them."

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

Rajni shakes her head and laughs slightly as she waves to Mr. Milocathe, she would try not to be so formal in front of him, but in her mind he was still Mr. Milocathe. She couldn't just undo the years of....conditioning she underwent in a few days. She heads to the stables and asks for a ten day supply of feed for one horse. Once she's paid for it and given instructions for it to be delivered to Hadrinns the next day with a note explaining that she would be there later to load up the sled and hook up the horse that Mr. Milocathe was letting her borrow. After paying for the feed, she heads back towards Michaels to see if Dillon is still at the school.

She walks up to the door and hesitates only a moment before knocking.

Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Arista just sits quietly and gives Sienna some time to relax.

"Oh, hello," Michael says, opening the door. "What's going on, Rajni?"

A jackal-headed statue stands guard at the gate. It fixes its eyes upon the approaching tieflings.

Female Tiefling Barbarian (Unchained) 12; HP: 142/142, DR:2/-; AC: 23, T: 15, FF: 19, Fort: +12, Ref: +8, Will: +5, Init: +3, Perception: +15

"Ah, it's a new one," Cynalea says, wiping sweat off her face. "I wonder if it talks."

Female Half-elf Druid 9 HP 73/73 AC 20 FF 19 Touch 11 Perception +21 Init +5

Rhy sees the mischievous look in her eye a second too late as Tesia wraps her arms around her and pulls her on top of her. Smirking a bit she says, "Well....I coulda changed into a mouse, but I didn't think you'd like that." She wags her eyebrows up and down, "I love everything about your form and prefer it as well." She says as she runs her hands down the sides of Rhy's body. Nibbling on her lower lip slightly she looks into Rhy's eyes as she attempts to look contrite, "Sorry...I might still be feeling a little....whatever this is from the drink, so I don't know if I'm even making sense right now. You're just lovely.....mmhmmm." She giggles a little uncontrollably before starting to hiccup.

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

She looks a little apologetic, "I'm sorry to disturb you when I know how busy you are, but I was just wondering if Dillon was still here?"

No, he went home about an hour or so ago,"[/b] Michael answers. "And it's no problem at all."

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

She sighs but nods and gives him a smile, "Thank you Mr. Andimus, I'll go to him there then. Have a pleasant evening." Giving him a slight nod of her head she turns and heads back towards the fort to find Dillon.

Remembering which room was his she goes to his door and knocks.

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

Fae looks around pushing aside the pain of her headache. "Um, thanks. How long ago was that?"

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Hello there?" Cyna says questioningly.

"Last night, so about eight hours ago," the woman answers.

The statue looks at Cyna, but says nothing. Its hand goes to the scimitar at its side.

Dillon opens his door. "Oh, I wasn't expecting to see you tonight, Rajni. This is a pleasant surprise. So...what brings you by?"

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Can we come in ...please?" Cyna asks.

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

With not much else to do Fae succumbs to her curiosity. "How exactly do you manage out here on your own?"

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

She gives him a slightly nervous smile, "I was hoping to persuade you to join my family and I at home for dinner tonight. I need to discuss something with all of you and I'd rather do it all together than one at a time. Is that okay?"

"The Hospitallers were a hardy bunch, when we had a chapel," the woman says. "I prefer being out in the wild to the comforts of a civilization I don't belong to. I know how to keep myself alive and fed. Though...the quiet does bother me every so often."

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Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

"Is that why you brought us here, for the company? You're not gonna feed us cookies and throw us in an oven?" Fae asks.

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The woman laughs. "No, you don't look well enough for my special pies."

She gives Fae a wink. "I'm kidding. Though the Hospitallers are no more on Zahvroma, I still believe in helping others. Old habits die hard."

"Sure, give me a couple minutes to get changed," Dillon answers with a warm smile. He closes the door and Rajni can hear him shuffling around. Dillon emerges five minutes later, wearing a blue shirt and some cream-colored pants. "Ready."

The statue points at Cyna and nods, then points at Cynalea and shakes its head.

Female Tiefling Barbarian (Unchained) 12; HP: 142/142, DR:2/-; AC: 23, T: 15, FF: 19, Fort: +12, Ref: +8, Will: +5, Init: +3, Perception: +15

"What's its problem with me?" Cynalea asks, a hint of anger in her voice.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Maybe because you killed the last one? Or because you didn't ask politely?"

Female Tiefling Barbarian (Unchained) 12; HP: 142/142, DR:2/-; AC: 23, T: 15, FF: 19, Fort: +12, Ref: +8, Will: +5, Init: +3, Perception: +15

"It wasn't a statue last time and I didn't kill it, I just beat it up really really really badly," Cynalea protests. "Fine, I'll ask nice. Can I come in too...pleeeeeeease?"

The statue still shakes its head. It points at a holy symbol of Sarenrae around its neck.

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

"Then we got lucky, thanks again." Cynafae lays back down with her arm over her eyes to block out the light.

"I put your sword up in a safe place," the woman answers. "As for that devil I found...well, that was the odd part. It just seemed like a soulless puppet. I figured it'd be best to get rid of it. I probably don't want to ask any questions, just rest and feel better."

The woman gives Fae a nod before returning to the other room.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"I think I understand." She says turning to the stature. "I'll make sure she's on her best behavior, we can't help anyone if we don't give them a chance now can we?"

Cynafae Singer Tiefling Evangelist of Sarenrae 12
Init: +8 | HP: 82/82 | AC: 23 | FF: 21 | Fort: +9 | Ref: +5 | Will: +11 | Perception: +4| Bardic Performance 26/26 | Aura of Heroism (11/11) | Channel Energy (Bravery/Valor) 5/5

Fae taps her finger in thought. 'Now how did Cyna's father know my name... I guess I'll have to ask when he wakes up.'

Orias stirs in his sleep, muttering. "Where...where did she take Fae?"

The statue still shakes its head. It points at the symbol, it points at Cynalea then it shakes its head.

Female Tiefling Barbarian (Unchained) 12; HP: 142/142, DR:2/-; AC: 23, T: 15, FF: 19, Fort: +12, Ref: +8, Will: +5, Init: +3, Perception: +15

Wisdom Check: 1d20 ⇒ 6

"It just doesn't like me," Cynalea huffs.

Female Tiefling Sorcerer 13; Mythic Tier 3rd (Archmage) HP: 92/92; AC: 21, T: 14, FF: 17; Fort: +8, Ref: +10, Will: +10, Init: +12, Perception: +11

Sienna gets out of the bath and dries herself off. "Could...could you get that spot between my sorry excuse for wings? It's always hard to reach there."

Female Fetchling Ranger 6 HP: 51/51; AC: 20, T: 16, FF: 15; Init: +7; Fort: +7, Ref: +10, Will: +1

She nods at him approvingly, "You look very nice. Thanks for coming to dinner. Mother and Aunt Priya already kinda know about it, but I wanted a chance to talk to everyone together. It's not anything really bad....ugh, it's hard to explain it without explaining it. Anyways, it'll give us some more time to spend together." As they head to her house she takes his hand in hers and smiles up at him.

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Female Aasimar Warpriest 12; Mythic tier 3rd (Marshal); HP: 102/102; AC: 25(28), FF: 19, T: 14; Init: +5, Fort: +12, Ref: +7, Will: +15; Perception: +9

Arista nods and takes the towel to help her get the hard to reach spot, "Ya know...we're all made different for a reason. Don't be so quick to put yourself down all the time. There is nothing wrong with who you are. It's our unique differences that make us all special." She finishes helping her to dry off and moves around to the front of her where Sienna can see her, "Look at me Sienna, you are beautiful just the way you are. There is nothing wrong with your appearance. We love you because of you, nothing else. It's that love that's going to bring Cyna back to you, to us. We just have to hold on and have a little faith." Though she means every word of what she says, she can't help the slight tremble in her voice.

Tiefling Spirit Ranger 14, Trickster Tier 4
Init: +11* | HP: 170/170 | AC: 21 | FF: 16 | Fort: +13 | Ref: +15 | Will: +11 | Perception: +20* | Surge 11/11 | Spirit Bond 3/3

"Hold this for a second." Cyna says handing over her holy symbol to lea.

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