The OTHER Rise of the Runelords

Game Master KoolKobold

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Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Opening up the Discussion boards for the new players (and Azzerix) to dot.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

hello all, I have just arrived from Whistledown.

oh allow me to introduce myself, Fulito Fulto Ferrywarden, Bard of the River Kingdoms, teller of tales, singer of songs, and Harmonica player extraordinaire.

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Hey all Toban here. He's the quiet bruding type.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

Good Day to you all. Adolina d'Jhaltera at your service. I am conducting research into Varisian history. A pleasure to meet you.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

We'll just wait for Ethan Sower to show up and we'll start tomorrow.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1


I have just remembered that Ethan won't be available until the 8th. He will still play, but I suppose that we can wait for Azzerix before starting? Or are you guys willing to wait a couple of days for Ethan?

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

"So! These are the new Talons I have been given!? ...passable! I shall turn you into mighty draconic minions soon enough!"

Also, hello!

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

I say, we at least open the gameplay and set the scene as the night before or maybe a day or two before and we start getting into character there.

Let's get going at least a bit, Ethan can always wander back into town from the woods just in time for the ceremony, or otherwise appear at a suitably dramatic moment! :)

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Alright, the gameplay thread is open!

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Kobold I finally PM'ed you back sorry for the delay...weekends aren't a great time for me to post. I also posted in the game thread.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

will post tonight, busy Sunday right now. but I am still here.

At least my dice are off to a good start...

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Sorry about the delay guys. Should've mentioned that Sunday afternoons and nights I cannot reply at all.

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Its fine

Male Human Cleric of Erastil 2 l AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 15/15 l F +4 R +2 W +6 l Init +2 l Perc +3 I CMB +0 I CMD 12

On the road back from my family vacation.

I will have a post up tomorrow, as promised.

Thanks for making me part of the team!

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

No problem Ethan!

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

So Adolina when is the wedding lol. We seem to be hitting it off.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

I think we need to talk to Fulito about his pre-cog abilities...

I hear Magnimar is nice this time of year? ;)

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

So who will hold the wedding for Toban and Adolina? xD

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

Obviously me! You need a deity's blessing to consecrate unions, yes? (I know you softskins make things so much more complicated than necessary, so I'm presuming.)

Well, I AM an almighty dragon, so that's even better!

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

Wonderful... I can hear the bride crying already... must be tears of joy right?

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

Of course, what else could it be? You have the blessing of a dragon! And not just any dragon, the Winter Dragon!

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

just popping in to let everyone know I have a PFS event tonight, will not be posting till late if at all.

depends on what time I get home

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Hey guys just wanted to let you know that next week is finals week for me and I have finals on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday with 2 projects due Thursday as well so my posting might be a little limited next week.

After that I will be unavailable from December 22-January 2 as I'm going to be going out of town for the holidays. 2000 miles in under 2 weeks in december weather in the midwest...oh joy. Hopefully it doesn't snow to much in MI...

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Fulito @ Toban: That's fine. I'll guess now's a good time to let you guys know that I'll be giving you guys a break for the holidays starting December 19th all the way to January 3rd. I'll PM you guys when I return.

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Hmm how very Talon like to protect the winter dragon one handed lol. Who knows maybe this might become a pattern. Danger to the dragon is posed, Toban sweeps him up and then defeats said danger one handed lol.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

I go to bed for seven hours and look what happens...

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

lol I handled that well I believe

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

Probably. Azzerix won't really be smite-capable until, like, level 5... though at level 3, when he learns Obscuring Mist, he can use that, Dancing Lights and Disguise Self to make one absolutely badass entrance.

(And he would, too! Blow spell slots just to make a head-exploding rockstar entrance against the big bad. Give everyone a +2 morale bonus on all rolls for a duration of forever!)

Ethan Sower wrote:
"I do not know what to make of it," he whispers. "Every tale I've heard of kobolds is that they are clever, dangerous, and thoroughly evil. This one seems to be living inside a fantasy of its own making. I am concerned that this is a manipulation, part of some scheme of which we are not yet aware."

As an aside, that would be an either hilarious, amazing, or hilariously amazing evil plot story. Some wizard tampers with a kobold, accidentally makes him a sorcerer and convinces him he's really a true dragon, then sets him loose on a town to give them trouble and distract them from his dastardly scheme.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

trying to decide how to respond right now.

new experiences and all. Fulito was asked to play a song (good) but the commanded to play, (bad) he wants to play a song, but now is conflicted . if playes then Azzerix will assume it was for him,

If he does not play then Adolina will think I am a heel and ignored her request.

decisions decisions...

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

To put this in perspective: nobody has to do anything even remotely related to what Azzerix is demanding. He's just a self-obsessed little cretin right now who thinks himself a dragon because of his bloodline (and also might be a little crazy). I just play it up and play off refusals as him just presuming folks are too intimidated by his magnificence to abide (to be fair, kobolds put FAR more emphasis on dragon worship than any other race, so the fact folks are not bowing makes him just a little sad)

So Fulito doesn't have to play anything (hard to say if he would even pay attention right now, he's so sad that nobody seems to have heard he was coming and preparing for him).

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn
Fulito Ferrywarden wrote:

trying to decide how to respond right now.

new experiences and all. Fulito was asked to play a song (good) but the commanded to play, (bad) he wants to play a song, but now is conflicted . if playes then Azzerix will assume it was for him,

If he does not play then Adolina will think I am a heel and ignored her request.

decisions decisions...

He can always explain IC - I'm not the kind to judge immediately without good reason. :)

re. Azzerix - im sure we (Adolina and Azzerix) will get on fine in the future. Atm they're both too 'important' for that to work :D

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Loving the interactions so far-never thought that things would go like they've been going. And the first battle hasn't even started!

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Sorry guys, no posting today. Today will be busy; I'll have to make the map and that may take me quite a bit tomorrow. Again, sorry. Getting things ready for my holiday vacation.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

That is cool, we can pal around in the tavern for a bit.

I am sure that Fulito has some more songs to sing.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

Guessing we'll be on hiatus until Jan now? :)

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Looks like which is kind of a shame.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Yeah sorry guys-things are getting a bit hectic this week. So yeah, go on ahead and start your holiday breaks early.

Happy Holidays everyone!

Male Human Cleric of Erastil 2 l AC 17 T 13 FF 14 l HP 15/15 l F +4 R +2 W +6 l Init +2 l Perc +3 I CMB +0 I CMD 12

Were we planning on resuming after New Years, then?

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

I hope so.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

Hoping so yes - I'm certainly keen to. KoolKobold is back tomorrow so hopefully next week!

Male Kobold Sorceror/1

As do I!

...probably more than I should!

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Hello guys.

Yes, we can start anywhere from the next couple of days (can't tomorrow, got errands to run) or next Friday-whichever is the best for you guys.

male Halfling Bard 1[AC:15; FF:13; T:13 / F:+1, R:+5; W:+3/ Init: +2 / Perc: +6]

sooner the better while we still have interest.

I would recommend a little role-play interactions during the festival first though to help get back into character and re-invigorate the flow.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Already taken care of Mr. Ferrywarden.

EDIT: I got some things to do tonight AND tomorrow so I won't be able to start the official battle until Wednesday afternoon-so you guys just get back into the RP mood until I return.

Male Human Barbarian(Titan Mauler) 1

Sorry for the delay in posting things have been CRAZY here. Our basement flooded while we were gone and everything down there is trashed. We've been with out hot water since Saturday(probably before that but we didn't get home until Saturday) and our washer and dryer are trash. We also have a new puppy that I got my wife for christmas/her birthday that has been keeping us busy.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

That's fine Toban.

When I was with my grandma, a snow storm knocked out our power for 12 hours. And I would've had little time to check here anyways as I had to take care of my mom's 6 month old Yorkie last week.

Male Kobold Trainee Game Master 1

Bump-I want to wait for Azzerix, but if you guys just want to jump into the fight, that would be fine.

Silver Crusade

HP: 99/130 | AC:28 (32) FF:22 (26) T:18 | F:+13 R:+14 W+14 | Init +7 | SM +15, Di/In +23, Lore Kintargo +14, KwNo/R +13 | Smite 0/2, LoH 4/8 (2d6+1), Channel 4/5 (3d6+1) | 1: 1/7, 2: 4/5, 3: 4/4 Wand 2, 50 | Whisper +16/+11, d6+12 15-20 | Active: Irskn

"Thank you for your patience ladies and gentlemen, your flight to madness and mayhem will depart shortly once the captain, a white kobold with delusions of grandeur, arrives."

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