GM Coluber |

Next time, could you please give a bit of advance warning before ending the recruitment? I was under the impression that there was still time, seeing that no kind of deadline had been given. (My apologies if there was one and I just didn't see it) Had there been one, I would not have wasted the hours I spent planning a submission, since I would have been able to either speed up my work or abandon the effort if it looked like I would not make it in time.

GM Coluber |

Nope, I didn't. My point being that it would have been nice if you'd told us that the deadline was appoarching, so I would had known to do it sooner than later. Though I'll admit that missing this is pretty much my fault for assuming things. It's just nice to know the dates so that the temptation to assume things would be lower. :) (And yeah, I should have asked about the deadline, though it's of no use realizing it in hindsight...)

Whispers Through The Snow |

This is hard for me to do, I couldnt wait any longer.....
I have my 5....
Any all of the submissions were so awesome....
I wish I could run more than one campaign for you guys. :(
But here are my picks.
Dr. Garriton Alderly-Bryan-Human Wizard (Transmuter)
Rhia Van der Geist-Mark Thomas 66-Human Oracle (Ancestors)
Lord Charles Iridian Bloodgrave-CaptainCortez-Human Ranger (Sword & Shield/Infiltrator)
Vigilance Hall- Bathmat Djinn-Tiefling Investigator
Jethnash Aessuashy-Void Dragon-Samsarian Bard (Dirge Bard)
Oh yeah.... I couldn't just pick 5...
I was afraid of this... I have one more...
Professor Zadrol Taladia-Alex Mack-Elven Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Internal Alchemist)
Everyone else, you had solid characters and I loved watching you roleplay with each other and reading the backstories each of you crafted. I am incredibly pained that I have the time restraints I do, or I would be running two campaigns of CC.
I will be auditing the ones I picked. Once I PM you telling you you're good to go, dot the Gameplay thread!

Whispers Through The Snow |

you have 1 to many skills
Shorted yourself on nobility and religion. Should be 1 point higher.
After you fix these, you may dot the gameplay thread.
I will have the rest of you audited tomorrow, after class. (Around 12 pm EST.) I look forward to adventuring with you!

Vigilance Hall |

In turn, I was wrong on my ranks for Religion/Nobility as they should both be 4 not 7 since they're untrained.
Fixed both so they're more readable.

Ysmerelda, Dawn's Rose |

This is hard for me to do, I couldnt wait any longer.....
I have my 5....
Any all of the submissions were so awesome....
I wish I could run more than one campaign for you guys. :(
But here are my picks.
Dr. Garriton Alderly-Bryan-Human Wizard (Transmuter)
Rhia Van der Geist-Mark Thomas 66-Human Oracle (Ancestors)
Lord Charles Iridian Bloodgrave-CaptainCortez-Human Ranger (Sword & Shield/Infiltrator)
Vigilance Hall- Bathmat Djinn-Tiefling Investigator
Jethnash Aessuashy-Void Dragon-Samsarian Bard (Dirge Bard)
Oh yeah.... I couldn't just pick 5...
I was afraid of this... I have one more...
Professor Zadrol Taladia-Alex Mack-Elven Alchemist (Vivisectionist/Internal Alchemist)
::sigh::I got to play briefly, with Dr. Alderly & Rhia, they were a lot of fun & you guys should all have a blast! Good luck & good gaming everyone!

Prof. Dr. Zadrol Taladia |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

Dear Miss Through the Snow,
First let me congratulate your good judgment in realizing it would be folly not to have such a hard working professional as myself on board. Overall it appears you have good taste and competence when it comes to selecting sophisticated ladies and gentleman for the task at hand.
I am being told by my superiors that while they were having second thoughts about my qualifications, they have full competence in my abilities. While the Tiefling Race appears mechanically superior I have made quite clear that I will not be available for such drastic alterations to my personality.
One minor modification that will be made is replacing the trait "Pragmatic Activator" to "Fast Drinker" to better quench my first. Also we find the current party make up will not necessitate that we spend much time with magical wands or other such oddities.
My first level feat is also currently under review and while I have argued vehemently for the necessity to control the battlefield particularly after enjoying Enlarge Person it seems the board of directors is considering alternative avenues of development for me.
It has also been noted that I did not include my full list of language competencies in my initial application. This will be rectified a.s.a.p.
Furthermore I would propose that my starting equipment include a few potions and admixtures of my own design. While not only are these far more delicate and efficient than those produced by petty Alchemists it will enable me to better stretch my currently rather sparse resources.
In any case my CV will be updated within the next 24 hours and you will be notified once these modifications have been incorporated.
Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Zadrol Taladia
Professor of Anatomy at the University of Leipstadt