Faulkner Barenlands is a mystery to himself. What his fractured mind remembers is that of a great struggle in combat and a long enslavement to orcs.
A few days before the battle his CO came to him and his unit after a long philosophical argument in the unit. He said that there were many beliefs behind divining ones fate in battle and the only true one was a falling star. There were some other beliefs on falling stars. One was that it meant luck for every man, but luck is nothing more the preparedness meeting opportunity. Some say that a falling star made men brave, but bravery comes through training and force of discipline. No the only true meaning behind a falling star on the eve of a battle is a sure victory. These words Faulkner carry's on his memory to this day.
On the eve of his first battle his commanding officer Lieutenant Faulkner said he was worried because there were no portents of victory. He staid up all night looking for a falling star and the entire morning searching for an eagle or other great bird but nothing. Even though he was worried about his CO's state of mind he saddled up beside his friend and rode into battle.
Lieutenant Faulkners exhaustion clouded his mind and he overextended his unit which became surrounded. Even though the fought valiantly they couldn't break through the orc forces and many were killed. Dragged into captivity and soon after slavery the man who is now know as Fulkner Barenlands emerged.
His conditions were hideous at the hands of the orcs. Bearing burdens that no man could carry and receiving daily beatings and deep wounds Faulkner Barenlands mind was shattered more than once. All that was left was the code that was drilled into him during his training as a cavalier and the name of the man who's superstitions now keep up his desire to survive bright.
Deep in these lands far from man the night sky is clearer then one could imagine. Every so often he would see a falling star and he would laugh despite the beating it would bring. He knew that the star meant that somewhere an orc army was defeated in battle.
During a long march with only the crack of an orc's whip to keep time to Faulkner heard battle horns. Before long the trampling of hooves and the screams of his captives made him smile before he passed out from exhaustion. Soon after he wakes up to prayers and the tending of apothecary's.
His name long forgotten and only remembering Faulkner his rescuers used that as his first name. His surname is Barenlands was given due to the terrain that he was rescued in. He was brought to the island of Ovis for further treatment just prior to the cultural suppression and Faulkner has vowed to not let there history disappear under the Lodisian Empire.