The League of Adventurers (Inactive)

Game Master Vrog Skyreaver

First adventure: Stuck in a hole, waitin on the man.

51 to 79 of 79 << first < prev | 1 | 2 | next > last >>

Inmate 1547 (DC 10 Investigation)::
This is one of a group of people called Similé, an espionage organization that almost operates as a shadow government.
Inmate 1547 (DC 25 Investigation)::
The supposed organization Similé is actually a single person, a shapeshifter who can mimic any person living or dead, real or imagined.
DC 35 Perception:
: Similé isn't actually human. While the appearance is definitely human, the body language is subtly off, and would be missed by a person with lesser powers of observation.

Its not necessarily even good vs evil. By staying we have no guarantee of freedom, realistically the most likely outcome is that we are all rounded up and put in higher security prison to ensure this doesn't happen again.

As I mentioned, Simile would be of two minds as to whether to go or not, she doesn't sympathise with Rat and his methods, but being at the mercy of power suppressing implants and implications of what happens if you try and remove them is scarcely any better in her mind.

Not that she has solutions for anything better.

Well, I certainly wouldn't mind not being alone in a gameplay thread, but I'm not going to tell you what to do. :)

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.

I don't mean "good vs evil" as in "bad vs good"; just, like, the two options being offered seem to be more appealing to characters based on good/bad in their alignment

I await with baited breath. :)

So, did we have a list of the people who are splitting to follow the Rat, and those staying behind? I'm just waiting on where people stand to get things going.

As far as I know I'm the only one who is following the Rat. I telepathically told Igor to stay behind as a contact within the new group.
(I could even play him in the other group if you wanted, but that's up to you)
Everyone else is staying and helping the wounded. The only one who has expressed being on the fence is similie, but she initially RP'd toward staying.

WS 40, BS 35, S 64, T 57, Ag 20, Int 18, Per 25, WP 32, Fel 28, Awareness 25, Wounds 29/29, FP 2/3 |Warhammer [throwing arm] | Currently: Just fine

Igor is actually a past character of mine and it would be no trouble to stat him up, theoretically. Though I'd have to do some research in order to replicate his original psionic creation powers.

Inmate 1547 (DC 10 Investigation)::
This is one of a group of people called Similé, an espionage organization that almost operates as a shadow government.
Inmate 1547 (DC 25 Investigation)::
The supposed organization Similé is actually a single person, a shapeshifter who can mimic any person living or dead, real or imagined.
DC 35 Perception:
: Similé isn't actually human. While the appearance is definitely human, the body language is subtly off, and would be missed by a person with lesser powers of observation.

Inclined to stay with the wounded. But if it makes things easier to run will go with the other group.

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.
626 wrote:
I await with baited breath. :)

Technically, it's bated breath (Shakespeare shortening from "abated"). Baited breath is when you eat a few worms, then sit underwater with your mouth open until a tasty fish swims into it. #pedantry #themoreyouknow

Oh! Cool. Thanks for the education.

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.

I... read a lot of Shakespeare...

Inmate 333442334243 (DC 15 Arcana):
This guy is known as the Venumancer. He mutters to himself alot and talks to people who aren't there. He's pretty nutso. He can also make wierd things happen.
Inmate 333442334243 (DC 20 Arcana):
The Venumancer is a well-known wizard (with all that title entails) in the circles of people who can actually use magic. Those who idolize magic using adventurers have set up a fan club for him, n
Inmate 333442334243 (DC 35 Arcana):
After Cohercing a demon to answer your questions: "Very well. Shadrach is well-respected for a mortal both in the lower and higher dimensions. He is easily distracted, however, which

Seth is definitely staying. He does not value his life very much, so is not very affected by Rat's threat. And much as he does not care very much for League, subconsciously, he actually wants the chip. :)

"Console Cowboy" wrote:
I... read a lot of Shakespeare...

No shame, man. No shame.

Inmate 222614 (DC 25 Investigation)::
Box and Hypatia are the same, an adventurer named Jane Jackson whose father was a state senator. Her adventurer persona supported her father publicly, while directing police towards her enemies
Inmate 222614 (DC 15 History)::
This is the adventurer by the name of Hypatia. She is known for being able to have some talent with magic, and her powers of observation.
Inmate 222614 (DC 15 Investigation):
This is the criminal gang leader Box. She was the leader of a small adventurer criminal band who did not have a specific M.O., making them difficult for the authorities to capture.

Hypatia was initially tempted by the Rat's offer but also considers him to be dangerously reckless and unstable. She therefore considers staying to be the safer option. If things appeared to become more dangerous she could change her mind. It's a pragmatic rather than a moral decision to her.

Not that she would recognise the difference.

Don't worry about the logistics of the game. As you can see, I like making things difficult for myself.

So since it sounds like the majority of the players are going to be staying, I'll keep everyone who is staying in this thread and get another one made for 626. I'll send you a pm shortly 626, and then you can start your actually interesting mission.

You should all assume that about half of the prisoners here are going to take the Rat up on his offer (since most of them are criminals or villains in the comic book sense, and would love to tear down the system that they see as oppressing them).

for everyone staying here, feel free to introduce yourselves to each other in character.

Before you leave 626, everyone can go ahead and make checks on each other. Just use the prisoner number and skill in your dice rolls to indicate who you're rolling on and what skills you're using. I know I said that I would get the spoilers fixed, but it's been crazy at work this week. I will do my best to get them fixed tomorrow night. If you are rolling on a skill and a person has multiple rolls for that skill, just roll once and then take that result as the result against all checks with that skill, instead of rolling multiple times for each skill trying to get the higher DCs.

626, this is for you.

Just so everyone knows, I'll totally be stalking this thread, and I don't care if you drop into "my" discussion to peanut gallery "my" adventure. :)

oops, guess it's my fault there's a third faction. Just think that with Outrun's history he would try get away and thus not side with the authorities or the Rat but still do the right thing with his own brand of heroism.
I've made my action so he's waiting for replies and see who's with him and who's staying before his next move.

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.

Eh, you could always meet up with 626 later or something

new post is up.

Guys. Re the DC35 skill check. A natural 20 could get that regardless yes? So there's always a 5% chance.

Anyway aside from that. I'll post my response to the Protector in about an hour or so. Different time zone and deadlines have kept me busy.

Inmate 14259 (Arcana DC 15):
This guy is known as the Console Cowboy, a glory-seeking adventurer who can point his fingers at people and make them explode.
Arcana DC 25:
He can make magic happen by speaking in tongues, and uses digital technology to combine magic into interesting effects.
Arcana DC 35:
The Console Cowboy's real name is Jason Majors, a white hat hacktivist and digital infiltration specialist.

I thought 5e left the "natural 20 isn't an automatic success on skill checks" intact? The original idea was that, no matter what you roll, a guy with Jump +20 can't get across the Grand Canyon.

Dunno about that. Nat 20's still work in my home game so haven't checked the rules.

Okay, before we go on, I'll like to get a headcount of the people who are still here and want to keep playing. I know that the game is a bit different from other pbp games, but I am still pushing forward (I was working til almost 10 pm yesterday and then worked a full day today, or I would have posted yesterday.)

Given the rate that things are going, it might be worth your group have a discussion about appointing a leader, or someone who can make decisions for the group (obviously, if your character wants to go a different way, they can). It might help keep things on track.

Hey Vrog. I think I'm going to bow out at this point.
Nothing against the game, the set up and everything was very cool. But I'm struggling to get into it and the character. So don't feel as invested as I should be. Hope that's alright.

Hope the rest of you have a blast and see you on the boards. Don't hate me. :)

You can remove Outrun from the game. Thanks guys, was cool :)

Inmate 1547 (DC 10 Investigation)::
This is one of a group of people called Similé, an espionage organization that almost operates as a shadow government.
Inmate 1547 (DC 25 Investigation)::
The supposed organization Similé is actually a single person, a shapeshifter who can mimic any person living or dead, real or imagined.
DC 35 Perception:
: Similé isn't actually human. While the appearance is definitely human, the body language is subtly off, and would be missed by a person with lesser powers of observation.

I'm still here.

Inmate 222614 (DC 25 Investigation)::
Box and Hypatia are the same, an adventurer named Jane Jackson whose father was a state senator. Her adventurer persona supported her father publicly, while directing police towards her enemies
Inmate 222614 (DC 15 History)::
This is the adventurer by the name of Hypatia. She is known for being able to have some talent with magic, and her powers of observation.
Inmate 222614 (DC 15 Investigation):
This is the criminal gang leader Box. She was the leader of a small adventurer criminal band who did not have a specific M.O., making them difficult for the authorities to capture.

I'm still here and very interested, just had a very hectic week.

Okay, I've got 2 that have dropped out, and two that are still here. Still waiting to hear from Console Cowboy and Kailynn.

Okay, so I know we still have Hypatia and Simile' interested, and I've heard nothing from Console Cowboy or Kailynn. I'm thinking about combining my games, since 626 is by himself and he is currently undermining the other side. I want to get through this situation before doing so, but I would like to get feedback from the group about the direction of the game and what have you.

I am pretty sure that I mentioned during the recruitment that this would be a player driven sandbox game (maybe not in those exact words, but still...), so in order for us to get on the same page, what I tend to do as a GM is put out plot threads and then see which ones the group will follow. In pbp, as you have seen, I tend to do large swathes of text and roleplaying interspersed with combat (cause I know that we're all here for it).

I'd like to get some feedback on the remaining players to see what specifically they would like to see/do so that I can plan accordingly.

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