GM Rednal |
Midfoviing looked like she was fighting to keep from speaking up and saying something she shouldn't, ultimately settling on flicking her tail as you passed through the checkpoint and into town. The museum where you'd gotten your assignment was a little ways inside town, and you didn't see any guards there - not obviously, anyway. If you didn't want to head straight there, there were also options like shopping and so forth.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

She's been agitated for a while now, Burkhardt noted, and decided to engage before meeting Zefiro. He made sure to lead them out of a crowd before asking discreetly. "Midfoviing, know that I trust you. Do you trust me? You've been on edge, and if you're willing, I'd love to hear what troubles you." He gave an easy smile.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran nods in approval if the dragon girl wished to share.
"I assume we have no other business? As I said I wish to not spend any more time here."
Hadran leads the way back to the museum if the others two say nothing.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt blinked for a moment."Ah. Yes, well, I know their type. I can't say they make me nervous per se, but there's no denying an edge to the air everywhere we go. Yes, we should hurry along and then we can be done with this place."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I wouldn't worry about the guards themselves being devils. As long as we make minimal waves we should be in and out of here with little bother from them. It is natural for this place to make you feel so as you have a genuine good nature. I am very pleased to have found and freed you and for your camaraderie."
Hadran continues to lead on.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Knowing Zefiro to be easily startled, Burkhardt began humming a cheery tune and walking... loudly... though it wasn't an aggressive stomp. He peeked around to see if their contact was hidden behind a display case or in some storage room. Failing that, he at least searched for some clue as to his whereabouts.
Perception: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (3) + 16 = 19
I'm none too satisfied with that. Walk me through it again.
Perception (QUIXIOTIC reroll): 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Well that was worth setting off the divinity alarms for...

Hadran, The Fallen |

"He didn't seem the type to up and leave. Lets look for signs, do you think your dog can pick up his scent?"
Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (15) + 18 = 33

GM Rednal |
If it helps, you only set off alarms if another deity actually observes you using your power. So, Hadran notices (it's preeeeeetty obvious to him), but nobody else. Unless they're watching. Are they? 8D Well, you can be paranoid about that one.
It didn't take too long for Hadran to note that one of the back rooms, leading to the archives, was unlocked. Opening it, he found Zefiro peeking around a corner down at the far end of an inner hall, a metal bucket on his head and what looked like a table with its legs taken off strapped to his arm as an impromptu shield.
"Y-y-you're back. H-how did it go?" he asked, voice trembling.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran shakes his head at the peculiar sight of the man. He looks to Burkhardt.
"Why don't you explain things and Midfoviing and I will check around to make sure we are alone."
Hadran will pace and keep an eye out while Burkhardt begins talking to the man, he give a nod to Midfoviing to keep her senses alert especially her scent. He wanted to make sure they were alone.
Perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (7) + 18 = 25

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt nodded. "It went fairly; I don't know that we found what we went out for, but I took some notes and brought back souvenirs. I'll offer them up once Hadran confirms our privacy." He stared at Zefiro for a bit, trying to beckon forth a reason for the man's latest panic using a facial expression, then finally asked, "So, why are we outfitted in ramshackle armor today? Did something happen, or are you simply being careful?"

GM Rednal |
It seemed you were indeed alone, aside from the trembling proprietor of the place - the 'closed' sign on the door might've had something to do with that. "O-o-one can never be too c-careful. Did anybody f-follow you? Question you?" he stammered out, apparently not yet brave enough to leave his hidey-hole.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran returns.
"There is no one here besides us. Midfoviing is on patrol with her keen sense of smell. We will know if anything comes."
He sits to listen to what the old man and Burkhardt are discussing

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

"Indeed he can't. Well that's good to hear, Hadran. so here is what we've recovered." Burkhardt offers the gourd, explaining it had been guarded by leshies, and then freed his area sketches and rubbings of the stone text from his hat for Zefiro to examine.

GM Rednal |
Midfoviing puffed up slightly at Hadran's comments, clearly happy to hear them. Eventually, Zefiro's interest in matters began to outweigh his fear - at least a bit - and he moved forward to examine the gourd.
"Curious, very curious... plants associated with the fey don't usually like human ruins very much. They prefer wild lands, untouched and pristine. I need a preservation chamber for this - plants are delicate, so delicate. What is on those rubbings? Text? Symbols? Anything that provides even a little bit of knowledge about what happened?"

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

"I'm unsure of the significance of the fey or the unusual structures depicted, but I know the rubbing. It is in a myriad of languages, repeating one phrase again and again: I have endless names. Only the worthy may call me before them - only the worthy may pass through these doors." Before Zefiro can ask, Burkhardt grew conspiratorial. "My duty is fulfilled: I investigated on your behalf, but divulging further pulls from my own experiences beyond the scope of this job. Zefiro, I can tell you the significance of the phrase, but this knowledge is a dangerous secret. For your own safety and mine, if you wish to know, I need your solemn vow that this information not pass from your lips so long as I tell you no different." He spit in his hand, and extended it for a handshake.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran stands steadfast watching over the two. Ever cautious not wanting to risk the old mans life.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt eyed Zefiro, always surprised when his boldness rears his head. "No matter the knowledge, Zefiro? Were I to bring you the Whispering Tyrant in a plain black sarcophagus, would you crack the seal and exhibit him for the sake of education?
"My hypothetical is not so dire a thing... but it should not be underestimated either. It is my true hope to someday speak of what I know without reproach, but in my time I've made powerful and mysterious enemies. Their motivation in hounding me is not something I've been made privy to, but I've thought on the matter over some time... and my strongest theory remains that their hostility has something to do with the knowledge I hold."
Burkhardt relaxed into a casual smile. "These are my terms, Zefiro. Whether you wish to enter into this agreement matters not to me, but I will not waver in this, and it is not an oath you should think to break without consequence."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26

GM Rednal |
"If you're not willing to have it shared, you shouldn't bring it to a Museum. There are vaults for that kind of thing. The Grand Lodge in Absalom, for example." Zefiro explained. "Besides, it is not my place to decide what is and isn't suitable for others. That authority lies solely with Her Majesty and the Government serving her." That last sentence was said a little louder and with some definite looking around.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt nodded amicably. "Which is why I prefer my oaths sworn by people over organizations. But very well. The etching I've given you is nonetheless fine enough to point you down the path of what I know, and I earnestly hope that you do find these answers someday when I am far from here." He straightened himself out and adjusted his cuffs. "If we've no further business..." he begins, offering Hadran the opening to speak.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran holds up his hand.
"I have nothing. I grow tired of this place and what it stands for."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"Staying longer here only endangers him and any others we meet. Let's take the gold and leave this region. The question is where to from here. Zefiro as a curator of this place, have you heard of any recent items of power being discovered or strange occurrences not around here? Not sure how fast news travels through this area."

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt looked down and smiled at Erstehund, giving him a few scratches behind the ear as Zefiro thought.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

"Out of Cheliax entirely, you say?" Burkhardt responded, with knowing glances to Midfoviing and Hadran. "We appreciate the opportunity and coin, Zefiro. Until we meet again."
Once they had stepped away, Burkhardt asked, "So, where to? Travel inland towards the capital as we originally intended? I know Midfoviing finds this land distasteful, but if memory serves, many of the adjacent nations are merely different flavors of wicked, and one is hardly more palatable than the next."

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I can't rule the capital out, for I know not how many artifacts my or your power may be spread across this land. This is a dangerous land for one such as you dealing in pacts and promises. If the capital is what you wish then let us go. Midfoviing has no fear. Her worry is for those that cross her." He smiles at the girl.
"Should we try and arrange transport of see if we can get a few horses. I do long to have my wings again."

GM Rednal |
"Umu." Midfoviing agreed, pumping her fists a bit. "...Unless it's a high-ranking devil. I am not afraid of weak ones, but a great devil can make even a dragon hesitate..."
Worries of infernal creatures aside, there did appear to be a few more eyes on you than before, though nobody was rushing out to arrest you. Heading towards the capital was certainly possible - if on the dangerous side - and this city was large enough to have most forms of travel available. For that matter, it probably had carriages and caravans if you wanted to ride along instead of guiding your own mounts.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"I'm thinking a carriage ride with a caravan is the safest. This seems like the type of land that would stop us if we were seen just out by ourselves on horses. We don't need or want to draw attention if we can help it. What do you think Burkhardt?"

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

"I agree. Much as I like a good horse, we've experienced enough scrutiny even here. The more precautions we take going forward, the better."

Hadran, The Fallen |

Gather Info: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (13) + 17 = 30
Looking for a caravan and carriage transport to the capital.

GM Rednal |
Finding a group to travel with wasn't hard, as several were heading towards the capital. Slightly more problematic was the general reluctance of locals to associate with potentially dangerous outsiders, especially if you might draw additional attention. There were ways around that, of course - persuading them to help, scaring them, disguising yourselves, or getting creative in other ways.

Hadran, The Fallen |

"My friends we are not dangerous. We have been here for a few days now and even done some work for a local. If we were dangerous or enemies of the state why would we go to the capital. We will pay gold to ease your minds and for our ride, and should we encounter anything or be attack we can provide protection as well at no cost. I'm sure this agreement is mutually beneficial enough for both. My friend Burkhardt here handles contracts and agreement so if this seems fair, he will handle the details."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (18) + 17 = 35

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt added, "We need not bring paper into it either, if that suits you better. Hadran, Midfoviing and I are amicable to both approaches."

GM Rednal |
That's quite high enough. Ah, outstandingly high Diplomacy. XD Solves so many problems, yeah?
The note that an enemy of the state would have to be insane to go to the capital of Cheliax was well taken - it didn't look like anybody was going to dispute that, though several people were quick to affirm that the capital was most definitely secure because of the wise and capable leadership of the Queen. Up-front payment of five gold a head would be quite sufficient, though a young horse groom did ask if you had any papers or documents giving a reason to be in the capital. It wasn't impossible to get in without them, but having an obvious reason to be there would definitely help.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran hands them 15gold.
"Don't worry about papers or a reason. We will separate before going through the gates to not hold up your caravan. IF we are held up we will deal with it. Agreed?"
Ready to go when they are. If we are to stay the night and leave the next day that's fine. Hadran is going to Upgrade valiant fang.
Using 3000gp to go from +1 to +2 If we leave now and the capital is far enough he will do it along the way.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt beamed at Erstehund as they prepare to hit the road.
Erm, speaking of doing things along the way, I'd should stop neglecting opportunities to research a spirit. Doesn't help that the vestigal 'week-to-week' wording in the rules stayed with me either, when that's apparently not the right time scale to use. Please let me know how many free hours we get between now and when we arrive at our destination. :-)

GM Rednal |
You can reasonably assume you have 8 hours/day for research/crafting as you travel along, and it's fine to use the author's updated suggestion of getting the bonus each time you fail as long as you keep researching the same thing. Call it two weeks to the capital. Alas, at Pactmaker 4, you can't get one of the best research spirits... but if you're not sure what to go for, I've been working on a guide for understanding the spirits and could copy/paste the first and second level ones for you. Off-hand, though, Ubro and Prince Oszen are pretty solid choices (although Ubro's best as a secondary spirit, since he's mainly a healer), while Humble Ohbal is a bit 'eh' right now, but can give the party a Plane Shift effect at higher levels. Once you can get third-level spirits, I suggest going for Xalen d'Marek right away, as he can provide a great boost to your success rate when researching other spirits.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Used 3000gp and Valiant Fang is now Keen, watch out demons/devils :)
Hadran will spend the rest of the time entertaining and sharing stories of courage and valor, spreading his doctrine without being preachy or implicating himself too much.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (14) + 17 = 31

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Hey, thanks for the tips, that's very helpful; if you wanna copy paste here or link me to a google doc, either way is good. Alright, 14 days * 8 hours/day = 112 hours total, and I think we're going to start with Humble Ohbai.
Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
96 hours remain
Humble Ohbai Constellation (1st Attempt, 16 hours)
Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (10) + 20 = 30
80 hours remain
Humble Ohbai Personality (1st Attempt, 16 hours)
Knowledge (History) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (4) + 20 = 24
64 hours remain
Humble Ohbai Personality (2nd Attempt, 16 hours)
Knowledge (History) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 20 + 5 = 38
48 hours remain
Humble Ohbai Seal (1st Attempt, 16 hours)
Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (17) + 20 = 37
32 hours remain
Now we will start on Prince Oszen
Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (13) + 20 = 33
16 hours remain
Prince Oszen Ceremony (1st Attempt, 16 hours)
Knowledge (Arcana) vs DC 27: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (15) + 20 = 35
0 hours remain
Burkhardt, rather unusually, generally kept to himself on their way to the capital. He assured Hadran and Midfoviing that all was well, and he simply needed to continue rediscovering himself.

GM Rednal |
Don't forget that you can Take 10 on research! Also, it's fairly long, so I PM'd it. XD ...Not addressed in the guide is the alignment of spirits, though. As a deity of good, you probably want to avoid any evil pact spirit, regardless of the benefits they offer. Or rather, knowing how to resist temptation is part of being good in the first place...
You felt Egorian, capital of Cheliax, long before you saw it. The city was like a taint in the world, its evil palpable and very real to your divine senses. While there were innocents within, much of the city was devoted to Asmodeus, and even from here you could feel the malevolence of the Grand Temple to Asmodeus, the center of the lord of Hell's faith on Golarion. Of all places on Golarion, this city was one of the least friendly - and there was no telling what infernal forces would be watching for anything, however minor, that they could use against outsiders.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Right, I'd thought about that. I could definitely see Burkhardt RESEARCHING evil spirits simply to know them... and hmm... that gives me ideas...
Burkhardt shuddered as the details of Egorian's gates came into view. "This land but pointedly this city stands in defiance of all I stand for. Were I as I once was..." he started, careful not to state anything that he could not later follow through with.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Hadran leans in and whispers to Burkhardt.
"It is almost poetic that one instrumental in my fall would see artifacts of power brought to his center of power. We may find something here even if it is not what we seek. Be on guard."
Hadran shakes off the feel as well as they approach, not liking anymore than Burkhardt that they travel to this place.

GM Rednal |
Midfoviing bristled as the city finally came into view. Here, you could see many banners of noble families waving proudly - but even more distinct was the color scheme of the city. It was said that Egorian had once been a beautiful city of white and red, so colored after Aroden had passed by and turned half the roses in the city pure white. On the day of his fall, though, every white rose had turned black - and much of the city had followed, mourning eternally for Aroden even as Asmodeus' faith grew by leaps and bounds thanks to Cheliax's new leaders.
As you approached the gates, a group of Hellknights moved forward to examine the caravan (to irritated looks from guards by the gates), and one of them glanced at Midfoviing. "Do you have papers for this... pet?" they asked.

Burkhardt of the Versed Vows |

Burkhardt looked to Erstehund and to the guard. The sinister bite of the air had taken a toll on his usual polite restraint, for his words carried a subtle edge. "Excuse our ignorance, sir, but what sort of papers do you need? Neither the girl nor this bestial companion are noted in any documentation of that sort, and nary a spirit's breathed a word about that until now. We of course would be happy to fill out such registration and see to its notarization... but it is troublesome, now understanding how soft Chelaxian statesmen have grown outside Egorian's borders." He crossed his arms and tapped a thoughtful finger against pursed lips.

Hadran, The Fallen |

Sorry out yesterday for wife's surgery.
Hadran nodded approving and thanking Burkhardt for taking the lead on this. He awaited to see the guards response. He looked at Midfoviing and gave a reassuring look for her not to show concern.

GM Rednal |
Midfoviing's tail flicked slightly as Hadran looked over to her - she looked like she was trying hard to keep her mouth shut.
"Ah, so she is a pet." the Hellknight answered, apparently unperturbed as they focused on what they really wanted to know. (Apparently, even suggesting someone might have such paperwork apply to them was enough to settle their opinion.) "Not to worry, we have the form right here. You are, of course, welcome to read the disclaimer through in its entirety, but the short version is that you are personally responsible for the behavior of pets. Should there be any... trouble... we will know exactly who is liable for it." he held out a piece of paper and something to write with, as well as a simple board to put the paper on.
(Incidentally, the disclaimer - despite dense legal lingo - appeared to basically confirm what he'd said. The Hellknights were famously lawful, but despite the name, not predisposed to evil - they were merely sticklers for the rules.)