GM Chyro |
Grint's swing swings again close, but the dwarf ducks in time.
"Pah, is that the best you humans got?"
His boasting is followed by Sivar swinging his fauchard, very nearly scraping Grint's thighs.
Father Burdock swings his hammer at the mad bomber in front of him.
Dwarven hammer!!: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
This dwarf too is a tricky one.
Thorn's turn
Thorn Dulani |
Thorn considers his options and thinks knowing the enemy on his side was relatively weakened it would likely be the case for his allies side, surely. His wounds healed up he martials in the direction he last heard the precocious spellcaster, right past the unknown Dwarves.
Full Retreat, going past purple and after Elsa. Fast heal 3 switch to Judgement of Protection for 21 AC 22 when Provoking
GM Chyro |
AoO Purple, angry dwarf, 2 adjacent enemies: 1d20 + 8 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 8 + 1 = 26Dmg: 2d6 + 7 ⇒ (6, 6) + 7 = 191d100 ⇒ 4
Had it not been for the fog, Thorn would feel the wrath of an angry dwarf. Emerging from the fog, Thorn sees no sign of the dwarf who kidnapped Elsa.
Elsa is bound and her mouth covered.
Ambush, round 3
Blue's Hammer: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23Whump: 1d8 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 81d100 ⇒ 16 Father Burdock evades the swing of the hammer. Blue then disappears into the fog, as he 5ft steps away.
Father Burdock, Sivar & Thorn
Green (-11) & Purple
Thorn Dulani |
So just to make sure... there was basically no chance of this being stopped/sought after kinda like before? I want to make sure So I dont go about doing things that wont have any sway
GM Chyro |
As is, no.
Though i should add, when he took 2 rounds to tie her up, he was vulnerable to your attacks. Which is why the bomber was at the scene.
Thorn Dulani |
Ahh so this was Scripted, gotcha. I assume this was for story reasons then as he made of with here much faster, she cant make noise/struggle and he moves something like 120ft as a move action or whatever. Thorn's Eyes, skills at tracking or anything else is similarly useless?
GM Chyro |
This is the coterie, these guys know their tricks. :)
As for skills, we'll get to that later. Running off alone can be bad for one's health.
Thorn Dulani |
.... I moved outside the fog... where reasonably they should be or there should be some path to follow... especially since someone TOLD someone to catch them. And its my turn so i need to know what I can do. unless whatever it is is going to happen before his turn. Running off would normally be bad... if you DIDNT FAIL AT EVERYTHING EVER by not doing it. leaving an ally to whatever is far worse.
GM Chyro |
The caps'ing is useful for....?
This isn't PFS, where everything is bound to strict ruling.
Atm, they could have gone anywhere, it's a large city with many Streets and alleys.
If you wish to go alone and leave the others, you're in liberty to do so.
I'll roll for what comes your way if you do."
Thorn Dulani |
The caps was to emphasize the point, which was valid. It seemed as though you were ignoring it, if not I apologize. Since Thorn has been here he has systematically failed at everything because of xyz, Which is fine. Whatever, but when it effects another player or something that is different. I'm asking questions BECAUSE I don't know how or why something might be ruled on a whim at times. Its especially confusing because actions done are assumed on certain rules being there and then others on the character. ATM, Thorn has come out of the Fog and in 6 seconds (because the enemy didnt go before he did (To my knowledge) they disappeared and there is no hint of where they may have gone in any sense, but there is to be assumed a dwarf somewhere carrying a woman larger than him hogtied. any slightly heroic character is going to want to then locate them fast. For example you say there is many streets and alleys or whatnot.. but how many are there when Thorn comes out? What is in the immediate vicinity? I need to know things like that. He likely will "Run off on his own" Because the last time he left some? They somehow decided to suicide. We know they dont mean well here for her, so he is even more alarmed. This has nothing to do with PFS. I need to know so you can just say " and Thorn follows.. something" or " He should have just stayed fighting "
GM Chyro |
Ruled on a whim, no.
Things off-screen via 3rd parties, such as criminal orginizations, happens.
A player suddenly disappearing, PC becomes an NPC, useable for story purposes.
Concern for other people is noted, but i don't pull something like this out of the blue.
Thorn sees a crowd of confused dwarves ahead and to his immediate right is a dark alley. Special vision to see clearly.
There is also a cellar door, slightly ajar.
North, North East or East.
Thorn Dulani |
Thorn looks around and speaks up, the battle Fervor steeling his voice " Did anyone see a Dwarf carrying a blonde human? Which way did he take her? Please, for she is being kidnapped " he awaits their responses before making his decision.
GM Chyro |
The dwarves answer in confusion:
Dwarf #1: "He went into the alley."
Dwarf #2: "What? I saw him enter the cellar."
Dwarf #3: "No no, i clearly saw him run past the wagon on the left side of the street."
Got any Kn. Arcana?
GM Chyro |
You recall of magics able to produce images of people or animals.
Any bard or wizard can produce simple images, but the most potent require the caster to be very powerful.
With three different sightings, it would not be impossible such magics were used.
With Thorn headed off into the fog in pursuit, Grint, Father Burdock & Sivar are left with the three dwarves.
Your turn guys.
Thorn Dulani |
GM pretty much said the above are not possible ( Tracking or eyes at least)
Remembering such things with magic, especially being that it would need to be powerful caster to make such effects Thorn cast Light to illuminate his Axe and stretch both into the alley and slightly into the cellar.
He's basically seeing if he can see further into the Cellar or Alley for possible obvious recent scuffing from a person running with heavy weight
GM Chyro |
While the cellar is opened and faint hints of footprints, your guess is there's too much dust to be from the dwarf.
The dark alley stretches further than your light spell reveals.
As light illuminates a 20ft radius, like a torch.
Though bound properly, you still see most of the scenery you're being carried through.
A few corners in alleys are cut and your captor is stopping under a shady looking cover above a door. Something is spoken in dwarven between the two, and the door opens.
You're carried down a stairs and a small tunnel, for what feels like half an hour.
As you're being carried, the one carrying you switches to common.
"No need to wait fer long lass, he'll be there soon, as will we."
Eventually, you come up a stairs into another house.
This one looks with a bit more wear, and the furniture is designed more for dwarfs. The room is spacious but modest, and you see a large table in the center, illuminated by an oil lamp.
Placed upon a seat, you notice upon a chair hangs a fur cape with a hood.
Moreover, a solid hatchet lies there too, the like of which is a match to the Ulfen hatchet found at one of the skirmish sites.
Grint Mavric |
Swing at purple again: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 212d6 + 4 ⇒ (3, 6) + 4 = 13
Miss Chance 1-20: 1d100 ⇒ 97
How long does the smoke last? I'd also agree with Thorn on this, things seem to be very scripted as it leaves very little room/time for us to interact/intervene. Also what can Elsa do at all in this situation? Is this to introduce a new character of the player? This feels like mind-controlling a player, which I've heard from my own playgroup, people really hate as they are stripped of any interaction for the remainder of the spell/encounter.
Thorn Dulani |
Though to be fair at least that is something you sorta expect and could build around if it becomes an issue.
Thorn goes further down the alleyway. " I think she went this way. "
Light also gives 20 feet of dim lighting beyond the 20ft
GM Chyro |
The fog cloud lasts for quite a while, actually.
10 minutes per level. This one will be active for half an hour.
As for the 'mind controlling': this has already been discussed in private between Elsa and myself, i would not have done this otherwise.
Grint, if you recall, i was in the same situation, with being lured away, for you guys to come free me, which didn't take too long either.
Grint hits the dwarf this time.
Father Burdock & Sivar
Green (-11) & Purple (-13)
Sivar Soulscar |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Sivar has another go at purple
Fauchard+PA+A bit of Sele chop as need all help atm: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 181d10 + 10 ⇒ (5) + 10 = 15
GM Chyro |
1d100 ⇒ 23
Were it not for the fog, Sivar's strike would have cut the fighting from the dwarf.
Father Burdock makes another swing at blue, as he steps up through the fog.
Hammer: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23Dmg: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 51d100 ⇒ 28
Blue gets a strike over the head.
Who then yells out in dwarven.
"He's taken off, break off the attack!"
Father Burdock: "They're talking about running."
Grint & Father Burdock see their respective targets break away, to disappear into the fog.
At this point, the dwarves are in full withdraw mode.
Purple runs a little faster than the others.
3d3 ⇒ (3, 3, 2) = 8
Dark alleys x2, 1 into the masses.
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Hecktor had a great time with the Annis Hag!!! Seriously though, it was a random encounter that I had some fun with. And soon Falcons Hollow will have a bunch of little changeling babies
Elsa ignores the speaker, instead focusing on her bindings and perhaps getting out of them.
GM Chyro |
Erm....i don't recall it getting that far. ^^
The bonds are pretty tight.
A door is shut to the east and a muscular ulfen with a braided beard, dressed in leather and fur comes into view.
He sits down on a chair opposite from you.
Skald: "Nå nu, har jeg endelig fundet dig, dame Elsa.
Den diviner din kære mor og søster anbefalede var vrøvl at komme i kontakt med, men her vi begge er. Jeg er Sven Lörgen.
Se, din familie kaldt i min families tracking tjenester mange gange gennem årene.
Denne gang for at finde dig og bringe dig hjem. Ikke noget personligt, unge dame.
Vi vil forlade så snart transport arrangement er blevet foretaget."
"Enhver kommentar før vi hovedet tilbage?"
Translation in other spoiler.
He loosens the restraints on your mouth.
[spoiler=Translation from spoiler]
"Well now, i have finally found you, lady Elsa.
The diviner your dear mother and sister recommended was a fuss to get in contact with, but here we both are. I am Sven Lörgen.
See, your family has called in my family's tracking services many times over the years.
This time to find you and bring you home. Nothing personal, young lady.
We'll leave as soon as transport arrangement have been made."
"Any comment before we head back?"
GM Chyro |
Will the other lads, aside from Thorn, also pursue the retreating dwarfs, or will you guys try to follow Thorn?
GM Chyro |
Perception Grint: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (17) + 12 = 29
Grint has a general idea where one of the escaping dwarves headed off to, which turns out to be a dark alley.
With Father Burdock's dark vision, he has no troubles leading Grint & Sivar down the alley one of the dwarves ran into.
If only they had some light though.... silent hint.
Thorn & team 2, can i get a perception roll please.
Jadwiga Elsa Harcatha |
Elsa only says Befri mig nu eller står sikker og visse død .
Free me now or face sure and certain death.
GM Chyro |
The funny thing is, danish is a mixture of dutch, english and german, in my experience. It makes sense even when not reading the translation. ^^
The muscular ulfen shakes his head.
"Store ord, dame.
Nu, jeg har ingen illusion dine evner er ikke vokset.
Som sådan, din søster gav mig nogle forsikring.
Plus, disse dværge var alle til glade for at låne en vis støtte til gengæld for mønt.
Nu, hvis kun at gener af en Mohawk ikke var her, ville min opgave have været meget mere glat."
"Big words, lady.
Now, i have no illusion your abilities haven't grown.
As such, your sister gave me some insurance.
Plus, these dwarfs were all to happy to lend some aid in return for coin.
Now if only that nuisance of a mohawk wasn't here, my task would have been a lot more smooth."
GM Chyro |
Aided by Sivar's light spell, team 2 quickly pursues the retreating dwarf.
The attempts to cover tracks are properly seen through, but more peculiarly, they notice the grey hawk circling ahead, likely a few streets ahead.
Thorn's path has equally attempts of hiding tracks, it takes him a little more time to figure where the proper signs are.
Encounter?: 1d2 ⇒ 2
If so.: 1d3 ⇒ 3
Nothing, a good thing.
The ulfen is sharpening his hatchet and by the looks of it, he's carrying more than one and they seem to shimmer with a blueish light.
The dwarf who carried you comes in and softly talks to the ulfen.
He nods. "Good." Turning back to you, he smirks.
"Our boat is ready, time for us to head back to Irissen."
Perception 15:
Through a small window above in the opposite wall, you see a grey eagle circling and landing on a roof across. The kind of grey eagle common in some parts of the northern lands.
I'll post a map of the rescue tomorrow.
GM Chyro |
Map's being bit of a hassle, please bear with me.
1d6 ⇒ 1
Team 2 manages to catch up to the dwarf previously injured by Thorn.
Green Looking slightly worse for wear, he's still failed to lose them.
He's all yours for whatever you want.
Thorn has reached an intersection that is slightly more lighted.
Entering dim light.
To his left, the far end seems to end up in a harbor with wooden board walks. Either a canal or near the harbor district.
To his right, he sees a few short roofs, the kind usually above doors against the rain. A dwarf is smoking a pipe outside one of the doors, another is pushing a small cart.
Sivar Soulscar |
Sivar moves forward as if to engage the dwarf, attempting to corral him with his Fauchard and then attempts to intimidate him into surrendering
"Surrender or die"
Intimidate: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (18) + 14 = 32
GM Chyro |
With a blade coming near his throat from out of nowhere, the dwarf holds his pace. He looks back, his expression turning from surprise to being baffled.
"Of all, it had to be the elf....bah."
He's not making a motion for his weapon and remains standing at your discretion.
Thorn Dulani |
Thorn looks from side to side before looking to the right and thinking to address the dwarves. However he thinks on it and assuming a dwarf with a person would not want to go by many people, the left might be more likely than the right. Asking wouldnt hurt though.
" Sir Dwarf, have you seen another carrying a blond human around? "
Sivar Soulscar |
Sivar not hearing the obvious words he wants to hear voluntarily
"Where are they taking her? unless this is counted as combat and i'm speaking tongues
His cold stare remains the same, with a flick of his head he unravels some of the cloth covering his face, letting the rotting flesh below come into view
GM Chyro |
I'm assuming you're asking the one pushing the cart, he's closest.
The dwarf looks up at Thorn, as he parks his cart.
"I might have, 't was too brief to be sure."
He points at the dwarf smoking the pipe. "I saw a dwarf holding a human at that one's doorstep, before i started a chore. One of those 'look up and see' moments, you know?
I couldn't hear what they were saying though."
If you proceed to investigate the dwarf smoking a pipe
The dwarf looks a muscular type and seems to keep to himself.
1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
A perception DC 20 please, if you don't pass, a Sense motive DC 19.
Nah, not in combat, he understands you perfectly.
Sivar revealing a part of the sate of his face, makes the dwarf show a look of Eww, yet a hint of sadness too. "He, is taking her to another human, a foreigner like her. There is a safe house's entrance down the street to our left. What he needs her for, beats me, we're just the hired help."
Bluff: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (3) - 1 = 2
He seems indifferent, telling about the safe house.
Yes, this dwarf seems aware of a reason.
Grint Mavric |
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
"You know more than you tell us. You know something about why he kidnapped her. Speak now or be skewered by arrows."
Grint raises his bow at the dwarf's face, nocking one arrow on it and then glances at him.
"Any last words that might spare your fate?"
GM Chyro |
With the arrow aimed between the eyes, the dwarf seems a tad more nervous, yet well aware of his situation.
"If you shoot me now, you'd delay your search and potentially getting the lady back too, now don't you."
He *attempts* to slightly push the arrow away from his face.
"Look, we are hired to take and deliver your lady friend to a safe house, get paid and leave the conclusion between them.
A blonde man wanted to take her back to his own lands, says she's a wanted fugitive. More than that, we didn't hear, didn't ask."
Sivar Soulscar |
Sivar pulls his weapon away and re-covers his face.
"Damn it.. I want to kill you but that would be stupid aggression taken out on the wrong target.. Grint I think we should let him go and make our way to the safe house"
GM Chyro | 2 had seen the grey eagle earlier, a little ahead.
As per mentioned. ;)
Thorn Dulani |
Thorn studied the cart-owner, giving a gracious nod, before his attention was being drawn to the the other. He speaks sternly, " This dwarf says you are more perceptive than he... and that this person was in front of your door? "
Perception: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25
GM Chyro |
The muscular dwarf exhales a puff.
Scratching the inner side of his wrist, you notice a small emblem sewn within his leather glove, that of the coterie.
"What person? I see many people pass by, be specific."
You get the impression the dwarf is suspecting you are here for someone he's seen shortly before. There is the slightest hint of voices and laughter coming from behind the door he's watching.