The Darkest Hour- A Dark Heresy (WH40k) Ascension Campaign

Game Master BayouSnowman

A DH 1.0 Ascension level game beginning in the latest timeline of WH40k, a Cadre of powerful individuals is called for to discover something unimaginable and uncover a plot that threatens every living soul.

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Eisenhorn's guncutter was about the size of a Thunderhawk gunship, he needed to hitch a ride with larger ships for warp travel. Not completely sure but I think ships tend to be of at least a certain size to have a Geller field and Navigator array.

If Yuugasa and Bayou are ok with it, i was thinking of Gaius being a kind of inherited acolyte. In that they were acolytes together, back when Yuugasa was an interrogater. Idea admittedly stolen from Thorn and Talon and some of the acolytes relationships to Ravenor. As an adept I will also be more research, but might try for a bit of a face type too.

Sounds good to me, after I've cleared a few things with the GM we can work more on our communal histories and relationships. =)

I would say that were there to be a Magos Biologis in the company that he would get along swimmingly with the Biomancer/Telepath.
Had been thinking of asking about grafts for STR/Toughness boosts anyway.
Because then I don't need actual weapons and can just rip tanks in half with my warp taintedhands.

As to a ship I feel like it just needs to get us from place to place. Nice as having firepower is as inquisition if we need that much firepower I feel there is something wrong.

But then I've also yet to discover a style of ship to ship combat for a game that works well with a group of PbP characters.

As to blending in I can try but unfortunately Primaris glow like warp beacons regardless of what I do.

I'm afraid I don't have any of the Rogue Trader books beyond the core, which was given to me as a present. More an Inquisition kinda guy. I did intend to use the ships in my game, however. But it doesn't sound like quite what I'm looking for - I want to play heavily a upgraded Mechanicus member. To be honest, heavy metal was kinda the way I was planning to go, albeit using the Factor's ability to hide most of it.

I am thinking about how much metalwork I can actually get away with, if we're going to be needing to sneak into places where the Mechanicus aren't obvious. There have been some pretty heavily modified people in various series that weren't directly related to the Mechanicus. Colonel Stracken comes to mind, although that was just an arm. I recall at least the world where the Bequin novel takes place had some heavily augmented soliders wandering around. Killing people at random.

I dunno. What do folks think?

Various kinds of Tech Adapts are a normal part of Imperial society and the Mechanicus has at least some presence pretty much everywhere that isn't a completely feral world.

You can be a pretty odd duck and still blend in 40k. Also blending in will likely have more to do with cover stories and identities than strictly looking human.

With you and a Primaris Pysker we might not be able to pretend we are everyday civilians but we could present ourselves as nobles from a noble house, representatives of a trade consortium, Agents of the Administratium, even high level Chaos cult members depending on what is called for.

@Jon you could buy the talent to detach stuff, up to you. Mechanicus is everywhere and can't easily tell difference in types and ranks unless you're showing it off and in the red robes claiming to be a priest of mars. You can keep your stuff hidden and retracted, if you want to be less noticeable we can work that but needs justification... Why hide and not openly commit yourself to Omnissian Creed.

@Gaius, sounds like a good beginning to me, interrogator it is.

@Yuugasa I'll get to you when I get home by PM.

Ship will be small, fast, durable, and worthy. You will be able to create an alias and back story for missions if you like, hopefully someone has the skillz for that. Everyone later will have people below them to command and use possibly, just gonna wait on that til we get our main guys set up and we're into the campaign. With Yuugasas Inquisitor shaping the way it is, you're gonna have great mission autonomy and will need your wits more than rank. Your at low influence, which is the new currency and power indicator of Ascension. Building it up will lead to much more than xp and toys. You all will be shaping a new future and it all depends on your choices.

Ok, cool, No rush BayouSnowman. =)

BayouSnowman, how small are we talking with the ship? Will we be able to have customized personal quarters, a Medicae, armory, training areas, etc?

In short, a home and home base?

Well, I imagine that a Tech Priest would hide because it's logical. You can't find much from Hereteks if you kill them all, and you don't have much choice if they know you're from a sect that's gonna kill them.

Get the information and then murderise and make servitors from what's left. Kinda like a Preacher or a Battle Sister, only they don't know how to recycle there dead people.

Is there a talent to withdraw Mechandrites? If not, can we cost something up? It feels more logical that I'd rather hide them on my person than detach them during stealthier scenarios, if that's possible. And I'm trying to think logically - Rite of Pure Thought and all that.

The craftsmanship of the mechandrites and bionics determines their visibility to a great extent. There is the talent for "Factor of Lathes" that allows detachment, otherwise, they'll be there, just small and hidden, most likely weaker. Depends on what you want, how many, usually limited by your TB. What kinds etc. They are pretty standard things, there are lots of tech-priests and the further from centralized command/control structures means looser rules and heresy. You could stand our or blend in depending on how you present yourself and what you do, who you roll with and what influence you wield and choices you make. Backgrounds and aliases for your people and actions. Its a big place and its not like they are security checking and looking you up on the net. You'll have the power of the Inquisition and Ordos behind you, so you can do things and be anyone.

Anyways, need to hit the sack, work tom and just finished watching Mr. Robot. Cool show.

The nobility of the empire can be quite eccentric, I forget the name, but in the RT book into the storm, there is an alternative character class focused on replacing a lot of the body with mechanics, and it is used by a fair few Nobel people in lieu of/combination with rejuvernation treatment to ensure a long life.
Short of having outright mutations in our midst, we should be able to blend in with the upper class, and by extension with the lower class.
Of course, the scum "class" don't care, as long as they don't think you are the authorities.

Sorry i meant that i was an acolyte with Yuugasa when he was an interrogater, and i have stayed with him as he has ascended rather than our former master. I am aiming for sage for gaius.

To Dice!
1: 2d10 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11
2: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 4) = 11
3: 2d10 ⇒ (9, 4) = 13
4: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 10) = 20
5: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 8) = 12
6: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
7: 2d10 ⇒ (10, 6) = 16
8: 2d10 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
9: 2d10 ⇒ (5, 5) = 10

reroll6: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 6) = 13

Nice gonna be intelligent then or strong of will hmmmm

That's good, since I was hoping for the role if interrogator myself.

Gaius Haxtes wrote:

Sorry i meant that i was an acolyte with Yuugasa when he was an interrogater, and i have stayed with him as he has ascended rather than our former master. I am aiming for sage for gaius.

To Dice!

[dice= reroll6]2d10

Nice gonna be intelligent then or strong of will hmmmm

You get 2 re-rolls don't forget. Can be used on any rolls you must make.

@Boggbear, ok, that's cleared up on roles.

I should make some rolls as well.

1 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (10, 10) + 20 = 40
2 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (3, 5) + 20 = 28
3 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (6, 2) + 20 = 28
4 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (10, 10) + 20 = 40
5 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 3) + 20 = 30
6 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (1, 7) + 20 = 28
7 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (10, 4) + 20 = 34
8 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (7, 3) + 20 = 30
9 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (1, 5) + 20 = 26

2 rerolled 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (9, 7) + 20 = 36
9 rerolled 2d10 + 20 ⇒ (4, 3) + 20 = 27

Wounds 1d5 ⇒ 4
Fate 1d10 ⇒ 6

1: 2d10 ⇒ (5, 3) = 8
2: 2d10 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
3: 2d10 ⇒ (2, 8) = 10

4: 2d10 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5
5: 2d10 ⇒ (9, 2) = 11
6: 2d10 ⇒ (2, 2) = 4

7: 2d10 ⇒ (7, 7) = 14
8: 2d10 ⇒ (1, 5) = 6
9: 2d10 ⇒ (8, 10) = 18

Wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 5 Woo!
Fate Points: 1d10 ⇒ 9 Woo!

Re-roll 6: 2d10 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5
Re-roll 4: 2d10 ⇒ (3, 1) = 4

Best. Rerolls. Ever.

Saying that Characteristics rolls could be better would be an understatement of grand proportions. Still, them's the dice, and whoever I'm playing is one lucky, lucky bastard. Or a very, very unlucky bastard.

In general, I was considering playing a more well-rounded character for once. I'm currently torn between a Sororita, Arbitrator and Scum. Dark Heresy just has too many options!

@ Boggbear, yeah i thought i saw you had expressed an interest.

@Bayou. Does that include corruption and insanity rolls then?

Wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 1
Fate: 1d10 ⇒ 6

Edit:- Scratch that Bayou, I think I may need it now!

Reroll wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 1

Edit:- Gilbert it appears I can beat 1 of your rerolls for best reroll ever!


Gilbert is my alias.

Hah. Rolling for Divination, 1d100 ⇒ 39 “A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.” Gain 1 Fate Point.

Soo... That gives me 4 Fate points...

At least luck is a thing.


I saw the suggested people, and realized the lack of combatants. Therefore, I have decided to pick on playing an Adepta Sororita. I noticed an issue with one of the Alternate Career Paths, the Seraphim, in that it's impossible to take, since the Ambidextrous Talent is only unlockable at level 5, which the Seraphim replaces.

GM, is there a way to get Ambidextrous before that? I was planning for the sister to be from Scintilla, if that helps.

For the purpose of how many toys I can grab, what level of rarity should I treat the Tech-Priest only gear?

JonGarrett wrote:
For the purpose of how many toys I can grab, what level of rarity should I treat the Tech-Priest only gear?

Depends on what you get and craftsmanship, as that stuff usually confers specific bonuses and/or penalities at certain qualities and rank. I think you're stuff might be a little special, so post what you want, priorititze, and we'll try to get everything you want in. Just depends though...

@Jon: Also, there is right of dupplessence (don't know spelling), which lets a Priest integrate another mind into his own. Could make for very interesting roleplay if you wanted. You basically roll another PC into your head.(not totally, just some stats and skills, but you can switch between and access info/memories of the other) Just something to think about and something I'd allow at Level 9 PC, could say it happened earlier.


Do you have "Heresy Begets Retribution"?

It is a companion guide to "Blood of Martyrs" and "Ascension"
It has a a class for your girls called Palatine, along with some good transition packages, tree, and equipment just for you.

You have it? Its only 10 pages and might be easy to find or get free online. I'm not so familiar with the Adepta Sororita, so looking forward to that kind of PC. I'll have to read up but I hope you are more versed in their ways and "pure faith."

@Gaius, you may reroll your wounds, they are both 1, thats terrible for this level play, so redo if you like.

***I'll make the exception the same for anyone, if you roll and get lowest possible score, (1 on 1d?, or 2 with 2d?)then you use your reroll and get the EXACT same, you may re-roll that again.

Gilbert Sternwood the Third wrote:





[dice=Wounds]1d5 Woo!
[dice=Fate Points]1d10 Woo!

[dice=Re-roll 6]2d10
[dice=Re-roll 4]2d10

Best. Rerolls. Ever.

Saying that Characteristics rolls could be better would be an understatement of grand proportions. Still, them's the dice, and whoever I'm playing is one lucky, lucky bastard. Or a very, very unlucky bastard.

In general, I was considering playing a more well-rounded character for once. I'm currently torn between a Sororita, Arbitrator and Scum. Dark Heresy just has too many options!

Since you got only 80 points and that is well below average, I'll allow you a re-roll on ALL your main stats, but you need to reroll fate and wounds too. Meaning you don't get re-rolls for yourself (in the second set)and this would be final. Up to you, but those were just terrible rolls and I like you were willing to stick it out anyways.


If Ambidextrous is not in your tree until Level 5 (What is your starting class??) then you may purchase it for double xp price from Level 5.

Also there are some backgrounds that might could give that skill, up to you.

@Everyone: Same goes for any missed rank purchases I believe, its just double price. Sound fair?

One other issue on XP: For the sake of us all beginning on the same page, I will rule that ALL xp spent counts towards Levels and advances, so taking backgrounds or advances that don't normally add to your level total now will. Shouldn't affect too much change, just means you don't have to worry about being less than level 9.

EDIT: I was gonna add the above ruling to the Campaign Tab, but I already had beforehand when I created it. Please read that guys, it has stuff I've posted here and rulings for PC creation that you'll want to know, many things you might think to ask are covered there, so double check that everyone to make sure your PC is on the right path.

Ok thanks Bayou
rereroll wounds: 1d5 ⇒ 3

Also i forgot:
Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 34
Only in death does duty end:- Gain 1 wound. Bit of a turn around!

Going point buy myself.

Wounds: 1d10 ⇒ 3

Fate Points: 1d10 ⇒ 8

Imperial Divination: 1d100 ⇒ 76

"The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done." Gain 2 Wounds.

BayouSnowman should I just work on my character as he was pre-crippling? It would mean he has a lot of currently useless skills and abilities and will be less effective overall but it would be more realistic.

OK, here we go:

2d10 ⇒ (8, 5) = 13
2d10 ⇒ (8, 4) = 12
2d10 ⇒ (3, 4) = 7
2d10 ⇒ (8, 4) = 12
2d10 ⇒ (1, 4) = 5
2d10 ⇒ (10, 6) = 16
2d10 ⇒ (3, 8) = 11
2d10 ⇒ (9, 8) = 17
2d10 ⇒ (6, 5) = 11

1d5 ⇒ 3

Fate Points:
1d10 ⇒ 8

1d100 ⇒ 15
12–15 “The pain of the bullet is ecstasy compared to damnation.” Increase Toughness by +1.

Reroll 7:
2d10 ⇒ (1, 10) = 11

Reroll 5:
2d10 ⇒ (9, 3) = 12

Yuugasa wrote:

Going point buy myself.

[dice=Wounds] 1d10

[dice=Fate Points] 1d10

[dice=Imperial Divination] 1d100

"The only true fear is of dying with your duty not done." Gain 2 Wounds.

BayouSnowman should I just work on my character as he was pre-crippling? It would mean he has a lot of currently useless skills and abilities and will be less effective overall but it would be more realistic.

Sorry I haven't gotten to you yet, its important but my weekends are busiest. I promise I'll get to you this evening, I have been thinking much about it, just need to get it out in a PM.

Go ahead and start that process, then we'll readjust skills/talents if need be for post crippliing. Most things should still apply and be usable in some way. Do you plan on being crippled during your service or before? Or is it a recent thing?

Just between stuff right now, still haven't gotten to posting in your game yet, but will tonight.

No problem, it just takes me a while to make characters, especially with my cooked brain, just trying to get a jump on doing what I can in the meantime, but no rush.

Being a Ravenor analogue my Inquisitor was crippled in service to the Golden Throne. I was thinking maybe he (or she, haven't decided yet) was a well established Inquisitor before his Nemesis crippled him, only now having recovered enough to get back in the game(explaining our low influence of 40 despite storyline wise having been around a while, the Inquisitor has been out of the game a long time)

Don't worry about a slower post rate, we have all the time in the world=)

Yuugasa wrote:

No problem, it just takes me a while to make characters, especially with my cooked brain, just trying to get a jump on doing what I can in the meantime, but no rush.

Being a Ravenor analogue my Inquisitor was crippled in service to the Golden Throne. I was thinking maybe he (or she, haven't decided yet) was a well established Inquisitor before his Nemesis crippled him, only now having recovered enough to get back in the game(explaining our low influence of 40 despite storyline wise having been around a while, the Inquisitor has been out of the game a long time)

Don't worry about a slower post rate, we have all the time in the world=)

Nice thinking, hows everyone feel about that back story?

If you have not considered it already yourself will want to fluff up a reason that a Biomancer' channeling regenerate won't bring you back to functioning.

Profile will slowing grow as I level up and add the story. Trying to break things in the profile into easily understood and referenced bits, I know you said at one point you'd add a Character Sheet template so we'd all be the same, might have missed where that is, I'll change mine around to fit that when I know what it is.

Movin wrote:

If you have not considered it already yourself will want to fluff up a reason that a Biomancer' channeling regenerate won't bring you back to functioning.

I'm thinking the nemesis I pursued is a plotting and powerful Thousand Sons Sorcerer or some such and burnt and crippled me with some deadly warp fire spell something that is beyond the abilities of the Imperium to heal. Will work more with GM to figure it out.

Sounds good to me. As long as we don't too closely model ourselves on Eisenhorn or Ravenor, I think we're golden. Or at least shiny. Maybe chrome? (Get all the references, folks, and you win a prize!)

A Bolt of Change would work. Then it would just make you naturally be paralyzed and even with regenerative power it won't do anything because your body thinks its supposed to be like that

Hrmm... damn. I'd been dancing on the idea of a noble psyker as well.
Might end up taking the void born instead.

Could do the dark mirror aspect though.
I'm thinking my psyker could take a more bestial route to your (assumed) refinement.

I have a skeletal idea of him gaining the attention of a rather paranoid inquisitor and eventually being betrayed. Telepaths are not to be trusted after all, too much knowledge to be permitted to live past their use.
So he gets pushed out an airlock onto a planet in the middle of an Orc invasion.

I'm thinking his survival on that planet serves as his Ascension. Between the telepathy and biomancy ascendant psyker powers I'm hoping to emulate the Ork Waaagh eventually.
Because that amuses me.

Scarab Sages

If there's still room in the game I'd be interested. I'd be happy to fill in whatever role might be needed as well. Sounds like an interesting idea for a game. (And I'm well familiar with DH and 40k games in general).

Cool, we could work out custom transition package, something similarly stated but relevant to your background Movin.

Ill post the pc sheet tonight when I'm home.

@Movin Sorry did i read that you were going for a biomancer? Or just considering how that would affect our crippled inquisitor? Just cos I am considering which split to take for my adept and chirurgeon is tempting, which might work for a back story as inquisitor's personal doctor. (That and a skinny robed librarian type wielding a chainsword!) But i can also go lexographer if we already have medicae well covered.

I intend to take Biomancer but I won't have medicae, and with the route I;m considering my Int stat isn't going to be terribly stellar either.
I chose Biomancy because it was the only other Psyker school that I liked and filled my required list of Not a telekinetic cheese ball power.
My intention was to take the combat boosting powers (Hammerhands and Unnatural STR x2 seems like actual fun rather than the trap that it normally is)
But I intend to have Seal wounds and Regenerate at least, most of my Biomancy selections will go to personal boosting spells though.

Going to need to boost the ever loving hell out of my willpower to be able to keep the number of sustained powers I'm going to want active on me rolling.

Please though Medicae is never a bad thing to have. At the very least it means if I get turned into meat chunks you can use the slower method of unchunking me.

Between a high natural INT and unnatural INT as a rank 9 ability for the sage I get the feeling even just having a basic proficency ought to be enough.
Also, Unfazable is a really cool trick that I forgot sages could select.
Makes the radical dip for sorcerer powers interesting as you can research it without issue.
I mean actually summoning a demon is bad. But theoretical knowledge?

Think I'll take Darkholder as my background.
A young one born to the stars who held back a cruel fate hoping to become a warrior. Only to discover his psyker potential, his family being fervent witch burners.

Which means more corruption for me! Whee.
Cold soul: 1d5 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
And the Living nightmare background Wish I could choose both it and shadow over thy soul because they are equally awesome. But having a steel box for a brain is one heck of a plot hook.
Forgotten dice: 1d100 ⇒ 90
Psyker sanctioning:
Witch Prickling: Gain +3 toughness, You have an ingrained dislike of needles
Forgotten dice: 1d100 ⇒ 11
Dark Dreams lie upon the heart. +2 corruption.
Ascension starter character insanity and corruption.
May remove a number of dice = to WP bonus. (total number pre ascension undetermined as of yet. Will remove when obtained.)
Insan: 8d10 ⇒ (6, 3, 7, 5, 6, 7, 3, 1) = 38
Corrupt: 8d5 ⇒ (2, 1, 1, 5, 4, 2, 4, 4) = 23
RR#2 fate: 1d10 ⇒ 10


I have completed my Sororita, Federica Del Vecchio, Order of the Bloody Rose.

I haven't done items yet, I was wondering if as my Unique and Near Unique slots to get a pair of Exitus Pistols, each shaped as either a half of the Aquila, or just a wing.

I am also thinking whether it would make more sense for her to continue in Ascension as an Interrogator or a Palatine. Considering the lean towards Radicalism, probably the first one.

Research time!

I'm gonna go Verispex adept (book of judgement) for 1st rank so that will get me basic medicae, albeit more as a forensic scientist! I will have another look at chirurgeon/lexographer though. And yes Unfazeable and jaded will both feature too! Tempted to buy all the Int upgrades and have an Int of 75/80, but will see.

That Seen it before ability is ultra ridiculous. *Thumbs up* awesome trick.
I've decided to just max out my willpower at the direct cost of being socially inept until I bust out my Telepath powers and make you into my special friend.
Because telling an enemy to pistol whip themselves into unconsciousness is just so much fun. and unlike some psykers in this group I won't be able to manage unnatural willpower until Rank 14.

Still considering backstory and how it has shaped the person I will play now. Think I might have to invest enough points into fellowship in order for me to not imitate Severus Snape in appearance and demeanor.

But Severus would blend in so well in 40k!


Insanity: 4d10 ⇒ (6, 2, 6, 9) = 23 Hoping that the Jaded talent reduces some.
Corruption: 4d5 - 4 ⇒ (3, 5, 1, 2) - 4 = 7 8 Total for Armour of Contempt.

Whoosh. Guys, as a person with 5 Fate points, high Willpower and Faith Talents, I'd recommend you try to keep your Corruption score low, since Faith Talents are quite, quite good. Versus pretty much everything.

Meh. just realized you already did that.

Look I'm not saying I pine after my former childhood bully's wife but I'm not saying I don't

Space Severus, I bet his hair would look like a sea anemone.

@Gun- Nun.
Man that's going to be a sword of Damocles, the backstory I had in mind was him having dabbled in the heresy of witchcraft.
He's gonna know some Extra=heretical stuff so it ought to be fun to try and avoid that in future.


Space Severus! I wouldn't mind seeing such a character alongside us, to be fair.

As for having more corrupted people, I could definitely switch the powers around a bit. Wouldn't want to TPK everything with a Soul Storm, and I could definitely use more survivability. You can still borrow my Fate points though, I got the Talents for that.

Some pictures of the Adepta Sororita.
A Nunslinger in action.
Another Nunslinger, looking pretty close to Federica.
Seraphim in action, again, Martyred lady. Damn poster girls.

I still can't decide between Interrogator and Palatine...

I don't believe I have the chops to give Space Severus a proper monologue worthy of Space Severus. Being a moron and all
So says Space Severus who is definetly not mind controlling this wretch who chose to invoke the name of Space Severus.

All I can picture right now is cultist-chan dropping out of the sky and running off with your Battle-Nun.

As it stands I'm not going to be exceptionally corrupted. But if you expect squeaky clean minds and souls in a Radical inquisitor's Cadre you are going to be more than a mite disappointed.

The path I'm considering will focus on avoiding corruption as much as possible, but not necessarily insanity hehe.
And being a psyker, insanity is to be expected.


Yuugasa, do you think that it's possible for Federica to be one of the people to be recruited in your cadre from a really young age? As in, orchestrated the entire endeavour, from picking her up off the streets in Gunmetal City later than usual, to making sure that one of the most physically inept people (Damn you, Random Number Generator) manages to pass the non-shooting classes in the Schola Progenitum?

Federica would be taking the reins afterwards, with her Ogryn-like initial devotion to the Emperor being hammered into more proper shape in the order, and climbing through the ranks by martial prowess and almost (too) fanatical devotion to the Imperium.

I like the concept of Warptech and Hereteks, so it only makes sense to some of them to be involved in the backstory, which is beginning to take shape. Will involve gun-kata.

Yeah, that sounds good to me.

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