George the mouse |

While bracing his shield against the snake's body, knowing full well the futility of such act, George drives his sword at the snake, hard, using the tightening of its coils to amplify his thrusting power.
Fighter+Vivian+Thom: 4d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6, 1, 3, 1) + (1) + (4) = 16
Ouch, only 2 successes.

Fear the Mouse |

George realizes that the snake is closing its coils much faster than he'd guessed. Taking advantage of Vivian's and Thom's frantic distractions, he makes his escape. Vivian and Thom are too hurried to land any serious blows against the snake's hard scales, but at least George is in the clear.
Alright, let's get Vivian's Defend vs. the snake's Attack. This is a pretty simple matchup—if you get higher, you gain Disposition, if it gets higher, it takes away your Disposition, so let's see what you've got.

Vivian Gooseberry |

Heart pounding fast, Vivian latches herself onto the end of the snake's tail. Scrambling to keep it between her and the snake's fangs, she can only hope that it will bite itself, rather than her.
Defend (Nature), -1D (Sick): 3d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3) = 7George and Thom: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (3) + (6) = 9
One success sounds about right for this ill-conceived plan. Considering the snake's been rolling 6D on attacks, let's just spend the fate now - see what happens.
Explode 6's: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Worth it. Two successes.

Fear the Mouse |

6d6 ⇒ (1, 6, 3, 2, 4, 4) = 20
Vivian scrambles onto the snake's tail, held steady by George. The snake lunges for her, and she has a split-second to regret this reckless tactic—before she is struck in the face by a skillet. Panicked, Thom lunges, and his spear catches on one of the straps of the bag stuck in its mouth, dislodging it!
Vivian's bag comes tumbling out, knocking Vivian and George off of the snake's tail and onto the ground.
Snake wins with 3 Successes to your 2: Patrol loses 1 Disposition.
And now Thom is up to Feint. The snake chose to Defend, which means that you slip entirely past its guard and get to inflict as many points against its Disposition as you achieve Successes!

Vivian Gooseberry |

The dice are with us when it counts!
As Thom threatens, Vivian delivers. Slightly stunned from her skillet, she pulls a final blade from her belt and shakes her senses clear. She flings it at the snake while Thom has it distracted, and the knife buries itself into the corner of the predator's eye!
GM, let me know if I overstepped the narrative bounds here. Felt right to me for Thom's four successes, while still leaving room for George.
She takes no longer than to verify the hit before grabbing the skillet and scrambling away. Thom's not the target of the snake's rage now... she acutely understands.

George the mouse |

George, pressing the advantage takes out his two-handed sword ditching the shield and the one hander, deeming to do as much damage as possible, he gives a loud warcry and lunges at the snake, aiming a savage blow at the place that he hurt already in the previous attack.
Fighter(4d6)+Vivian(1d6)+Thom(1d6): 4d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 2, 3, 4) + (2) + (4) = 17
Darnit, only two successes.

Fear the Mouse |

6d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 5, 5, 5, 6) = 29
The snake lets out a shrill hiss as the mice bear down on it. George rushes it head-on, and it turns to face him, to meet his charge—
And with five successes, that is a victory for the snake. You did manage to severely reduce its Disposition, however, which means you net a Major Compromise.
In short, the snake achieves its goal (get a tasty snack!). However, because you brought its Dispo so low, you get to come very close to achieving your goal or thwarting it. What do you want out of this fight?
One possibility: You temporarily drive off the snake, but it will return later. Feel free to drop in your own suggestions, or how this works. Compromises are an important part of the game!

Fear the Mouse |

To George's eyes, a number of things happen almost simultaneously. The snake lunges towards him. Vivian swings her frying pan downwards. Thom attacks with both spear and sword, aiming for the snake's exposed belly. And George, giving a fierce warcry, rushes forward to meet the serpent, swinging his blade in a wide and deadly arc. His sword impacts something as hard as rock. There is a loud CRACK.
George finds himself on the ground. The right side of his face feels like it is being shoved into broken glass, and he can hear Vivian and Thom shouting indistinctly. His vision is strange. Blurry. Painful.
A few seconds ago, George's sword cracked one of the snake's fangs—just as the other grazed bloodily close to his right eye. Only Thom's spear stabbing halfway through the serpent stopped its jaws from clamping down on George and sealing his fate. Fortunately for George, the snake was slow, and the mice were swift. The snake flinched and hesitated as Thom's attack struck home, and a quick smack from Vivian's pan settled the matter: It was time to cut its losses.
Reeling back, the garter snake grabbed the remains of the little kestrel, jerking it clear of the briar and pulling it a short distance away from the path, with some difficulty. Thom and Vivian were in no shape to give chase, fixated on helping their comrade.
George's injury isn't fatal. The eye may even yet be saved. But the garter snake's ordinarily mild venom has already infused the bloody gash.
Conflict Lost: The garter snake is driven off, but only temporarily due to its wounds. Worse, George has been poisoned. He gains the Injured condition, and takes a -1D penalty to Nature, Will, Health and skill tests. Attempting to remove this condition will be explained once the Player's Turn starts, which will be soon—I'm just giving the mice a moment to react in-the-moment.

Fear the Mouse |

Perhaps, once you're in town. And oops, I just cheated the players. I'll pretend that was some clever compromise negotiation tactic.
The patrol at last reaches the wayward town of Pebblebrook. It isn't an especially large settlement—there are perhaps forty mice at most living here—but nonetheless the guards have the distinctly nervous sensation of being watched as they walk through. Nobody approaches them, or expresses concern over their condition. But the guardmice are definitely being noticed.
First priority is to find the one contact you mice have in this town.

Fear the Mouse |

Running out of options, Thom is forced to make quiet contact with a young mouse. He directs the patrol to Rosalee's house, though he warns them, "She's supposed to be crazy. Used to be a guardmouse, they say." It's then that he notices the cloaks the mice are wearing and gives them a suspicious look.
The patrol proceeds to the indicated house along the edge of town. It's more of a shack, really. The windows are shaded, but the door is unlocked.
A foul stench greets the mice as they enter. The interior is a mess. A shelf full of books has been slammed partially away from the wall, and several books litter the floor. A pot of something—possibly stew—lies upended nearby them, quietly rotting away. But this is not the source of the smell.
On the floor, next to a cot, lies the body of Rosalee. A broken teacup is still gripped in one of her paws. From the smell of things, the former guardmouse has been dead for several days now.
Welcome to the PLAYER'S TURN. This is your chance to wrap up personal goals, flesh out characters, go shopping, try to get rid of conditions, do miscellaneous tasks, and pursue loose ends (such as investigating this new development). Each of you gets a single free check, and since I don't believe anybody played any traits against themselves, that's all you have. This does rather limit your options. You can use this check to get a single test (or potentially even initiate a conflict).
Some actions won't require a test, though, so just tell me what you guys want to do.

Fear the Mouse |

You have two options for getting rid of the Sick condition. First, at the cost of a Check, you can make an Ob 4 Will test. If you get 4 successes, you fight it off. If not, it will persist until you find a healer. There are a number of herbs in this hut—you could potentially use them to help cure your sickness or George's injury (as a +1d6 tool), but not both of you.
Unfortunately George cannot get rid of his injury yet—he must first get rid of the Angry condition. That's an Ob 2 Will test. If he succeeds, the condition is alleviated. If he fails, it sticks with him. He must describe what he does to make the anger pass—taking a walk, reading poetry, etc.
Because he only has one check, George cannot roll to remove his Injury or find a healer. Alternatively, both of you have a second option: You can save your check and automatically remove the Injured or Sick conditions, but at the expense of permanently reducing one ability or skill (except Resources and Circles) of my choosing. For instance, Vivian's fortitude is unable to fully recover, or George loses the eye. George still must be un-angry first for this to be an option.

George the mouse |

George sits down on the bed. Looking at the rotting corpse of a mouse. He bet that she was killed simply because she was a member of the guard. He's seen this before. Hatred was terrible especially when taken too far. His fists involuntarily clench so much that it hurts. He closes the good eye and realizes that a quiet growl escapes his mouth. He begins to hum a nursery rhyme his mother used to sing to him when he was a pinkie. After some time, he begins to sing in a quiet voice. As he sings, he tries to let go of his anger. Slowly, he feels it leaving him, his breathing growing even, his fists unclenching.
Ob2 Will Test: 5d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 5, 1, 4) = 12
Phew, that was close

Vivian Gooseberry |

Ob4 Will? Yeeeesh. Also, I don't know how I missed that Rosalee was dead - busy weekend wrecked my reading comprehension, I guess.
Vivian silently watches George wrestle with his anger as she tries very hard to not think about the dead mouse in the room. When Thom breaks the silence, so does she. "Should.. should we...," she starts, faltering. Finally, Vivian points to Rosalee's body but looks away. "What about Rosalee?" Tears well up in the tenderpaw's eyes.
Yeah, so what exactly are my options?
- I can spend my check to roll against Ob4 Will to clear my sick condition. If I took the herbs in the hut as a tool, and spent my persona to tap Nature, that'd give me a total of 7D, right?
- I can save my check and auto-lose sick, but GM gets to reduce one ability or skill by 1.
- Can I save my check and stay sick until I think I have a shot at overcoming it?
- Can I spend my check to instead search around Rosalee's hut/ask around town in pursuit of my Goal?

Fear the Mouse |

Looking around Rosalee's hut doesn't have to use up a Check, unless you're specifically looking for evidence or something like that.
Otherwise, everything you listed is correct. Notably, you cannot offer aid on these rolls.
Yes, Thom could spend his own check and make a Healer test. The good news is, mice can aid on that if they have a pertinent skill (such as Healer or Scientist). The bad news is, if you fail, it automatically defers to the "permanent -1 to a stat" option. Injured is Ob 3, Sick Ob 4.
Looking around the shack as George takes a moment to calm down, Vivian is unable to find anything of substance—until she realizes that this is because she's avoiding one particular area. She finds a small book tucked beneath Rosalee's body, still held in the dead mouse's pale paws. It is labeled: Rosalee's Journal.

Vivian Gooseberry |

I'll be alright, Thom, but thanks. I'll spend my Persona to try to recover. Let's see how it goes...
Will + Persona (Nature) + Tool (herbs) vs Ob4: 2d6 + 4d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1, 4) + (5, 5, 5, 2) + (2) = 24
Just made it!
Vivian grabs some of the herbs around the shack and makes a pot of medicinal tea. She sits in the corner and reads through Rosalee's journal, sipping the mixture and slowly starts to feel better.

Fear the Mouse |

You could use a trait, or Act With Nature (though that only offers one extra die, really). The others can aid you, too. If you really want to stack the dice in your favor, you can Tap Nature. This is different from Acting With your Nature—essentially, you add your whole Nature skill to what you roll already.This will tax your Nature no matter what, though—by 1 if you succeed and by the margin of failure if you fail.

Thom Red |
Well I am desperate to succeed! I am invoking both Determined and I am tapping nature! And also using my bag of herbs (I assume this isn't just a one use item but if so, that's okay - I do NOT want to lose this check!)
Healing George's eye with Healer 3 + Nature 4 + Determined 1 + Bag of Herbs 1: 3d6 + 4d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (2, 4, 1) + (1, 3, 6, 5) + (5) + (1) = 28

Fear the Mouse |

While George calms himself down, Thom and Vivian prepare a healing poultice with George's herbs. Later, Thom places it over George's eye, carefully dabbing with a cloth at areas he believes to be infected and gingerly reopening the wound in places that need to be cleaned.
In the end, it still hurts and will remain a scar, but George feels much better. Thom believes that the eye will survive. The mice find a place to rest for the night, perhaps out of town. The bee buzzes impatiently within its prison. George knows that, come morning, some weighty decisions will have to be made.
Vivian reads the journal in quiet. She's not sure what to make of what she reads, but one thing rapidly becomes clear: Rosalee's life was not easy. And her death was most definitely no accident. The former guardmouse has been poisoned.
This session is complete, since you're out of Checks, but the mission is not. Now we move to the Rewards.
Belief: All jobs, even small ones, are worth doing right - the Guard's reputation suffers when we give less than our best.
Goal: Learn what motivates mice like Rosalee to retire from the Guard.
Instinct: Whenever I'm tasked to do something, I'll triple-check before considering my work finished.
Belief: It's not what you fight, it's what you fight for.
Goal: Earn the trust of my new Patrol Leader, George.
Instinct: To prove his worth.
Belief: The mouse guard should protect all mice regardless of status.
Goal: Keep Vivian from getting herself killed and instill some knowledge and experience into her.
Instinct: I will immediately go to the aid of someone in need.
Looking over these, which do you think the mice really had a chance to roleplay out? This should be a group exercise—look at other characters and really weigh their actions.
Fate Points: If we decide someone Worked Towards their Personal Goal (but failed to accomplish it), they gain one Fate point. If we decide they Acted on Their Belief, they gain one as well. If we decide they Played an Instinct (performing the action at the proper time during the game), they gain one as well.
Persona Points: You earn a Persona point if you Accomplished Your Goal. You earn a Persona point if you Played Against a Belief (in a "cool and dramatic fashion" where we could tell it was going against the mouse's values). A Persona point is allotted to the MVP (the mouse who made the most crucial contribution towards the mission), the Workhorse (the mouse who had all the right skills and made all the rolls to keep things moving), and the Embodiment (the mouse who best embodied his or her conditions during the game). You can't be both the Workhorse and the MVP, and there doesn't always have to be an Embodiment award given out.[/ooc]
Note that this isn't a super serious competition or anything. Just note bits of roleplaying you thought really worked for these.
I'll be on the train all day tomorrow, but I'll give my thoughts Tuesday!