Fear the Mouse |

Carved deep into solid gray stone, only the ivy-covered face of Lockhaven is visible from the outside. This sanctuary from the wind and cold and violence of the outside is a place of peace and respite for the Mouse Guard. For those brave and noble mice who fall for the cause, Lockhaven often provides the last peaceful night's rest they'll ever get.
For now, in the dead of winter, your duties are minimal, and you are free to relax and prepare. This calm will not last. But for now. For now, you are unneeded.
Just putting up the thread for people to dot. We aren't starting just yet.

Robin of Barkstone |

Robin gazes out at the gray skies overhead, thankful that it wasn't snowing today. Despite the cold weather, Robin's heart beat warmly in her chest, for the day was fast approaching that she would be able to prove her worth on a Mouse Guard patrol. It had been her dream ever since she was old enough to have dreams, to serve proudly on the Mouse Guard. No mouse would stand in her way!
She crosses her arms resolutely with a smile.

Baron von Hammersmark |

Baron sits in his cell, staring at a single candle flame. I must build a good name for the Mouse Guard. And I cannot do that if I keep letting my temper get the best of me! Taking a deep breath, Baron begins the relaxation technique, just like the old Mouse-sage showed him. But within a few moments his thoughts are racing...I wonder what chef has made for dinner? I wonder when my next mission will be? I wonder if my new boots will be stout enough in the snow this winter? Ack! he shrieks realizing he's lost concentration...This is impossible, he says standing up in frustration. Stupid sage-mouse. This was suppose to help me keep CALM. He blows out the candle and grabs his gear. Mabe a little sparing practice with Dain would do the trick instead.
Haha, I'm having a terrible time deciding whether to allocate a whole alias to Baron of Elmoss. YOU HAVE MADE SIX POSTS AS "BARON OF ELMOSS". YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR AVATAR NAME UNTIL YOU HAVE POSTED 10 MESSAGES... I can't take the pressure....

Macario the Mouse |

Ingrid spends her days sweeping snow from stone on the outer walkways of Lockhaven. She found the chill of winter pleasant, although it bit far less thanks to her thick cloak.
During her free time between drills, she attempts to draw the crystal structures of various snowflakes she finds. An endlessly tedious task no doubt, but a good one to pass time.

Fear the Mouse |

Winter has broken.
Mice can sense these things. There's a smell in the soil. A dampness in the air. New green things are beginning to sprout. Old predators are beginning to awaken.
For the mice, spring is a time of work. The snow is melting and the roads are safe—relatively speaking.
Winter has broken, and so it is time once more for all mice of the Guard who are able to venture forth. This is why Dain and Ingrid were called into the room of Lockhaven's Matriarch.
Since the very first assault on Lockhaven's nigh-impenetrable walls, it has been traditional for the ruler of the fortress—and the Mouse Guard that man it—to be a female mouse. Gwendolyn is the current head, and she has served well under great adversity.
"Dain," she says, "thank you for coming. And you, Ingrid—I did not send for you, but I suppose I should not have expected Dain to come alone. Nevertheless, I have your new mission, and it will be up to you, Dain, to choose your remaining two mice." She pauses. "Well, one, I suppose, since Ingrid should be taking her tenderpaw out this time. It is high time Robin was tested in the field."
She stands, lifting a bag of mail from beside her desk. "The frost is off the road, and mice of the Territories rely upon us to maintain connections. I know mail delivery isn't the most exciting of duties, but I trust you will treat it with the utmost care." Along with the bag, she hands Ingrid a basic map of the territories, guessing the skilled cartographer will be able to improve upon it during the journey.
After the debriefing, Ingrid goes to get Robin, and Dain goes to get the fourth member of the patrol. He's already made up his mind on an ideal candidate: Baron is a skilled and alert hunter, and Dain has learned much in their odd sparring matches. He goes to seek the mouse out.
Ingrid finds Robin atop the walls of Lockhaven. Up here, the cold is bitter—a prelude of what's to come on the road, perhaps. Her tenderpaw appears to be examining snowflakes.
Dain and Baron run into each other in one of the many dimly-lit halls of Lockhaven. Baron has just completed a rather fruitless meditative session and is looking for a sparring partner.
The Mission: The patrol must take the bag and deliver portions of mail to Elmoss, Sprucetuck, Dorigift and, finally, Gilpledge.

Macario the Mouse |

Robin straightens up, and wraps her cloak more tightly around herself against the cold. Seeing Ingrid, she snaps a salute, clicking her heels together as best as she can. "Good morning, Ingrid, ma'am! Bit nippy today, innit?"
Ingrid joins Robin on the wall, blowing small clouds with her breath before finally speaking "You'll warm up soon enough, tenderpaw. We have a mission to attend to and we'll be departing Lockhaven shortly."

Robin of Barkstone |

"Yes, ma'am," the young tenderpaw replies dutifully. "In fact, I saw him enter the main halls of Lockhaven, below," she points downward, through the floor they both stand on. "He should still be in there, it was only moments ago that he entered. Let's go find him!" And with that, the young mouse bounds off toward the stairs leading downward.

Dain Fine |

Dain arrives carrying the mail bag. Every year the cold reach a little deeper in his bones, the rest helps a little less.
He sits, and cleans his spectacles.
"Greetings, Guards. Conrad, my mentor, always told me that mail delivery was the life blood of the territories, something all of us take for granted, except when it doesn't happen. And this, the first delivery of the year, is important. A way to open a new season. I expect from all of you to take it seriously, and strive to do your best. Any questions? Ingrid, do you have a route ready for us?"

Macario the Mouse |

"I do" replies Ingrid with a nod "Safe paths have been cataloged by the Guard already and there lies a route directly from Lockhaven to Gilpledge passing through each other of our destinations. The only question lies in the final leg whose path takes us on a large north-eastern detour. We could accomplish the same in a third of the time if we struck out directly from Dorigift but we run the risk of wandering outside of guard patrolled areas."

Fear the Mouse |

Post 1/3
Out the patrol journeys. Ingrid follows her plotted course, stopping first by Elmoss. Long known as being the elegant home of mouse science, Elmoss is built inside the trunk of a tall, old spruce tree. The hollow trunk provides stories of living quarters, apothecaries, breweries, and libraries. The governor, a red-furred mouse named Laurel, greets the patrol at the entrance and gratefully accepts the mail due her town. Baron's father, Pa Twistwood, is there to greet him—his mother is hard at work within and can't be disturbed.
The mice of Elmoss invite the Guard in to rest and recuperate, but there is no time. Clouds have begun to gather. Spring is a dangerous and unpredictable time, and the patrol must continue its journey.

Fear the Mouse |

Post 2/3
Next, the patrol heads to Sprucetuck, placed along the Territories' southwestern border. Harvesting sap from the spruce trees in the area, the sciencemice of Sprucetuck, Dain's hometown, brew famous beers and elixirs. It is part of a hollow spruce tree, where within the mice are shuttled along the great multileveled multileveled dwelling using a series of counterweighted lifts.
Damon and Dara are there to greet Dain, and they take the mail for their town—including a missive from Gwendolyn. The scent border will soon need to be reinforced once more, and the chemists of Sprucetuck will be needed then.
They bid the patrol farewell as it sets out once more towards Dorigift.

Fear the Mouse |

The stop by Dorigift is a comparatively short one. Nestled within a rotting log, the small hamlet of Dorigift is home to not more than two (fairly mingled) families. This is but a stop along the way to the final destination. However, the mice of Dorigift do furnish the patrol with a warning: A raven has been seen flying around the region and may have made its nest somewhere nearby. An encounter could prove problematic. Ravens are notorious nuisances, but they can kill unwary mice.
And it is on the way to Gilpledge that the patrol runs into trouble. The path has been obscured by patches of snow, pools of melt water and stretches of mud. It's very hard to tell which way to go.
Obstacle: It's going to be, fittingly enough for these forums, a Pathfinder 6 test to find your way to Gilpledge without trouble.
A good description can go a long way towards earning rewards at the end of the session. Always keep in mind your Beliefs, Goals and Instincts when roleplaying a description.
Now, here's how the roll works. If you have Pathfinder, roll as many d6s as your skill's rating. Every result of 4 or better is a Success. Any result of 3 or lower is a Snake—it doesn't count. In this case, if you get at least six successes, you succeed. If you get fewer, you fail, and must deal with a twist or a condition. Coward dice!
If You Don't Have Pathfinder:
You can act with your Nature skill instead, but since this task probably isn't related to the four aspects of Mouse Nature (foraging, escaping, hiding, climbing), you run the chance of taxing your Nature skill, which isn't good. That said, your Nature skill is likely quite high, so it might be worth the risk!
Alternatively, there's Beginner's Luck (which is what lets you actually learn new skills). This means you use your Will (for mental tests) or Health (for physical ones). In this case, you can choose either depending on how you roleplay it.
When using Beginner's Luck, the total dice you get to roll (counting teamwork, wises, gear, etc) is halved.
Ways to Boost Your Roll:
Keep an eye on your Wises when making tests. If you think a Wise applies to the roll, you can use it to aid a friend making the roll, adding +1d6 to the roll (you can't use a Wise in this way to help yourself). I can nix this if I think the connection is weak.
If you have a piece of gear or equipment that you want to use, it might also grant a +1d6 advantage. Again, it's the GM's call whether or not it helps.
Finally, you can use Teamwork. To do this, you must describe how you are helping the main mouse (and they must not decline your aid). This allows you to donate +1d6 to the roll. This is called a helping die. However, you must use a skill or wise that is relevant to the activity. It need not be the same skill, but it must be related (for instance, you can help a friend use Armorer to make armor out of a beetle carapace, but you must use a skill like Insectrist or Scientist).
You can't aid with both a Wise and Teamwork. Also, if you provide a helping die, you are bound by the results just as the mouse you're helping is. You Reap What You Sow.
A Tie: Is something special. We'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
There are other ways to boost rolls and stuff (different ways to use Wises, Persona Points, Fate Points, etc), but we won't get into that here.

Baron von Hammersmark |

I'd like to be with her, Dain. I'll let her do the pathfinding, just want to make sure she doesn't get hurt. What do you think Robin, shall we take a look? Following my goal to keep the members of my patrol safe. I have 3 Pathfinder dice, so if I understand your explanations, I can offer +1d6 to Robin...but if she fails and gets stuck in the mud to her neck, then I'm stuck with her!

Macario the Mouse |

"It's alright Robin, lead on." says Ingrid, placing a reassuring paw on the young mouse's shoulder "Baron and I will be right behind you. Look here, see how the rain has washed away the path? Pay attention to the topography of the area and you may be able to pick it up again." I'm helping Robin too. I have 2 pathfinder dice, but I'd rather use my Instructor 4 or rain-wise abilities

Robin of Barkstone |

Sorry! I'm almost always away on weekends because I have split custody over my baby and it's the only time during the week that I see him. I will post rigorously on weekdays though.
So I get that I get +1d6 to my Pathfinder roll, and I have a skill of 2 in Pathfinding, but I looked all over the recruitment and discussion threads and couldn't find what size die to use. Is it 2d6?

Fear the Mouse |

Yeah, it's all d6s. "Now, here's how the roll works. If you have Pathfinder, roll as many d6s as your skill's rating."
Alright, apologies, another crash course.
There are ways to boost or improve your chances. First, you can act with your Nature (using your Nature skill in place of Pathfinder), as mentioned above. Failing the test in this case taxes your Nature by the margin of failure. This would make success possible, though narrowly.
The other ways involve spending Fate points and Persona points.
Fate Points are spent after a roll in which some of your dice came up 6s. If you choose to spend a Fate Point, you get to roll bonus dice equal to the 6s you rolled. So if you rolled two sixes, you get to roll 2d6 more and potentially increase your total successes. Those new d6s are also exploding, so if you keep rolling 6s, you get to keep rolling more.
Persona Points can be used to add +1D to your roll per point spent. You can also spend one point to Tap Your Nature.
Tapping Nature means you get to add your Nature ability rating to any skill or test. So, you'd get to treat your Pathfinder as 2+4=6, and roll 6d6 even without the aid. However, because this test is probably not fitting within mouse Nature, your Nature would be temporarily reduced by 1 afterwards (and if the test is failed, the reduction is bigger).
If you succeed, explain what your mouse does to succeed. If you fail, the GM takes temporary control to show how things go wrong.

Robin of Barkstone |

I'll just trust in my own abilities, with Dain's help.
Smiling gratefully over her shoulder at Dain, and nodding at Ingrid's advice, the young mouse furrows her brow in concentration. She studies the path, imagining each footstep and trying to extrapolate where the walker might have gone.
Pathfinding: 3d6 ⇒ (2, 3, 6) = 11

Fear the Mouse |

Baron and Ingrid assisted you as well.
Robin leads faithfully, with her fellow guardmice's guidance, and the journey passes in safety in spite of the obscured path. But it is getting close to nightfall, and so Robin leads the patrol to a hollow stump where they can rest for the night.
Inside, they find a rather surprised raven.
The bird, caught rummaging about for insects, squawks and flutters. It zooms out past the patrol. "CAW! CAW!"
The great bird turns. It seems to be looking closely at Dain.
Its gaze zeroes in on the mailbag. The raven enters a dive. "CAW!"
Alright, this is a Conflict—a more complex and high-stakes Obstacle, essentially. First off, you need a Team Leader. I'll assign one for you this time—Dain makes as much sense as any.
The Team Leader, Dain, must choose a conflict goal (though I encourage anyone to pitch in suggestions). This is what you hope to accomplish in this scene. Depending on how well or poorly you do, you may be able to accomplish part, all or none of it.
The Raven's Goal: Steal the mailbag and fly off!

Robin of Barkstone |

Awesome, so I'm Fearless with a Fighter skill of 2, so can I use 2 dice for a Maneuver roll? I'd like to show off to my patrolmates against our first opponent and prove my worth! To do this, I'd like to jump at the Raven and grapple it around the throat, wrestling it to the ground!
Maneuver if this is how I do it: 2d6 ⇒ (5, 6) = 11

Fear the Mouse |

Alright, this is a Fight Animal Conflict. What I'm going to need from you, Dain, are two things.
First, roll Disposition. This will determine how long you can stay in the fight. Test your Hunter or Fighter (your choice) and add it to your Health score. Assume the other three are all helping you for this. For instance, if you have a 4 Fighter and a 5 Health, you'd roll 7d6 (4+3 helping dice) and add the total number of successes to the base score of 5.
Second, choose three actions (from Attack/Maneuver/Defend/Feint) and assign one to each of your teammates in the order you want them to be carried out (in a spoiler, so I can't see it). These three actions will constitute the first round, and will oppose three actions I choose privately for the raven. You can choose one action multiple times (so, "Robin Attack/Ingrid Attack/Baron Attack" is a valid, if risky, strategy). Because this is a Fight Animal conflict, Fighter or Hunter are used for Feint and Attack actions, while Nature or Loremouse are used for Defend and Maneuver actions.
Conflicts comprise the main crux of the game, so let me know if you have questions. But don't sweat it too much—failure is always an opportunity in Mouse Guard. When in doubt, just pick and assign three at random and hope for the best.
One trick is you can't assign an action to yourself (mainly because you already have the job of designation). You can roleplay helping in the fight, but this round of the conflict will focus on the other three's actions.

Fear the Mouse |

Alright! You can read the spoiler now, if you like.
The raven dives straight for the mice, talons outstretched, seeking to snatch the pretty mailbag!
ROUND ONE. Ingrid goes first, Defending against the raven's Attack. Roleplay the way you defend, and up to two teammates who offer helping dice should roleplay their assistance.
This is a versus test, pitting your Loremouse or Nature against the raven's Nature test.
Raven Attack: 8d6 ⇒ (2, 6, 4, 5, 1, 6, 2, 2) = 28 The raven has 4 successes, so you need at least a 4 to negate any damage to your Disposition. Your Disposition raises or lowers by the margin of success or failure—if you get 5, your Disposition increases by one, if you get 2, your Disposition decreases by two, and if you get 4, you completely negate the attack.

Macario the Mouse |

I don't have Loremouse so I'll be using my Nature (Mouse) 6
Ingrid quickly draws her bow and fires off an arrow at the diving Raven, Imposing herself between her companions and the bird.
Nature (Mouse): 6d6 ⇒ (4, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5) = 17
Can my Brave trait help me here? I only scored two successes

Fear the Mouse |

Yes, in this case, absolutely, that matches perfectly. You can only do this once per session, and it will grant you a +1d6 bonus on your test.
You can also tap your Nature here to add your Nature ability rating (6d6) to your roll. This will cost a Persona point. In this case, your action is definitely not within Mouse Nature, so your Nature would be taxed by 1 if you succeeded.
Note that no matter what, you'll be reducing the raven's attack. It's not a Versus test—the margin of victory is how much the raven gets to hurt your Disposition.
Robin, Dain and Baron should feel free to volunteer how up to two of them are helping Ingrid.