
Vivian Gooseberry's page

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Full Name

Vivan Gooseberry


Female Tenderpaw

About Vivian Gooseberry

Rank: Tenderpaw
Nature: 4
Abilities: Will 2, Health 6
Skills: Brewer 2, Cook 3, Harvester 2, Laborer 2, Orator 2, Pathfinder 2, Scout 4
Wises: Legends of the Guard
Traits: Bold, Curious, Foolish, Nimble, Open-Minded

Belief: All jobs, even small ones, are worth doing right - the Guard's reputation suffers when we give less than our best.
Goal: Learn what motivates mice like Rosalee to retire from the Guard.
Instinct: Whenever I'm tasked to do something, I'll triple-check before considering my work finished.
Fate: 2
Persona: 1
Future Intentions: Upset by Rosalee's undignified death, Vivian wants to learn more about toxins and follow up on the malicious apothecaries who make poison meant to kill mice.

Starting age: 15 (Birth year: 1136)
Hometown: Shaleburrow
Gear: Vivian carries a chef's knife, along with a few that are balanced for throwing - she sticks these in her belt. As well, her belt holds a compass hanging from a small chain. She also carries a sharpener, some spices, a cutting board, and a leafy netting (designed for camouflage) in a rucksack over her shoulder.

Vivian Gooseberry was born to Gale & Lawrence Gooseberry in the fall of 1136. She grew up playing around the tables of Gooseberry Tavern in Shaleburrow, where her father and mother worked the kitchen and tables, respectively. She's a fairly good cook as a result - a trade she honed further during her apprenticeship - and she respects even the most menial tasks.

Fascinated with the tales of the Guard from a young age, it was easy to see what path her life would take. During her apprenticeship, she made a good friend in Astor, a baker from Mapleharbor, over late evenings spent musing on Guard legends. Her senior artisan, Red-furred Ingrid, required attentive listening from Vivian as she honed her cookery. Despite this, Vivian's become a bit starstruck since becoming a Tenderpaw, and her mentor George does what he can to keep her present in the moment.