Kobold Catgirl |
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Hail all those who are able, any mouse can, any mouse will, but the Guard prevail.
Hello and welcome. I'm Kobold Cleaver (the hint is in the username), and I am here recruiting for a Mouse Guard PbP on these forums. This is something I've been wanting to try for a long, long time.
The world is a dark and dangerous place, and bleak weather and dangerous predators are ever at the forefront of every mouse's mind. Will there be enough food for the town to make it through the winter? Will some canny beast tear the buildings apart to get at the mice inside? Will a storm wash the town away entirely? In this place of uncertainty, the one thing that stands between the Mouse Territories and their dooom is an underpaid and critically understaffed order of cloaked mice called the Mouse Guard.
Thanks to the Guard, the scattered settlements are allowed to survive and even thrive. But the fate of the mice forever rests upon those few willing to leave their homes, journey to Lockhaven, and take the oath to protect and serve the Mouse Territories until their dying day.
The Mouse Guard RPG is a roleplaying-heavy game focused on story, problem-solving, and accepting failure. Major challenges are resolved in a simplistic and abstracted system that can be used for combat, arguments, difficult journeys, and pretty much everything in between.
Game: We will be playing the Mouse Guard RPG. You do not need experience with this game, or even to own the book—it's a simple system, and I'll be happy to walk new players in it.
Venue: Paizo forums.
Players Wanted: 3 to infinite*.
Selection Process: First-come, first-serve, but see the footnote.
About Me: I am a fairly regular poster, though as I'm in college, there will be certain weeks I struggle more than others. I'll try to keep people informed about those times before they come up. I currently run one other play-by-post, which has been running successfully for 322 pages and two years now.
Character Creation Process: The character creation process for Mouse Guard is a very fun "survey" activity where you are given questions about your character to answer. By answering these questions, you develop their abilities and statistics. That said, the first mission will likely be done using pregens, just to let everyone get a feel for the system beforehand.
*Mouse Guard features an episodic mission-based format—each "session" represents a new mission or mission goal. Because of this, if there is large demand, I will be considering a "revolving door cast". The game can handle about three or four mice at a time, but if we get more, they have the option of being put on a sort of waiting list and coming in for the next session. Occasional sessions might crop up that can accommodate up to six.
Mouse Guard is considerably darker than Redwall, as the world is not "scaled down" as it is in that series. Predators and weather are major dangers. Towns are hidden under rocks and in tree hollows, and they're perpetually one really bad day away from being torn apart by a flood, forest fire, or animal.
Journeying from town to town is a dangerous prospect, so escorting merchants and carrying mail are two of the more subtle but important duties of the Mouse Guard. The Mouse Guard are also often key in diplomacy, being relatively neutral figures between settlements. Settlements each govern themselves separately and uniquely, though, and the Guard's authority within a given settlement is often quite small. Some towns even force the Guards to disarm themselves when they enter!
There is no known magic in Mouse Guard, though there is chemistry, smithing, and plenty of scientific study. Mouse technology is just a bit behind crossbows at present. No strong religion exists, but mouse folklore is common.
More will be explained in the Discussion thread. That said, the comics are really the best way to familiarize yourself further with the world of Mouse Guard. Failing that, here are a few images to give you a small idea:
Mouse Guards battling a fierce predator. Some creatures can only be driven off, rather than killed, without major constructions or entire armies. Foxes are among them.
Lockhaven, the stronghold of the Mouse Guard.
An excerpt from "The Black Axe" showing a small mouse town. Note the ramshackle construction.
The Mouse Guard struggles to patrol all the territories, but there are never quite enough of them to go around.
Weather can be a surprisingly dangerous adversary.
No context needed.
Let me know if you have any questions!

Kobold Catgirl |

By the way, while proper character creation will come later on the Discussion thread, there's a neat naming resource here if you want an idea of the naming style in Mouse Guard. It's mostly Old World names.

Kobold Catgirl |

Well, if you want me to be really picky, mice don't generally seem to have surnames. But either Nixie or Mckenzie Skye are fine! ;D
And on that note, the discussion thread is up!

Kobold Catgirl |

• Hama
• Ffordesoon
• Sach
• White Unggoy
• DM Immortal
• Smith66
• William Nightmoon
• StrayChowChow
• Corsario
• Johnnycat
• Mooshybooshy
• Nixie
• Atlas2112
Just running an update of the list. DM Immortal, Smith66, Nightmoon and StrayChowChow will be up next, should they wish to play. We're approaching the end of the current mission now.
Warning: I'm not wholly sure I'm sold on the cycle style yet—I'll give it one more runthrough. If it still doesn't seem to be meshing with me, I may end up abandoning the waitlist and moving towards a more conventional campaign.