The Brute Squad Heresy (Inactive)

Game Master ThorGN

PFS PBP, The Godsmouth Heresy, Tier 1-2

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Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Is what trait legal, Elven Reflexes? Yes, of course it is. Most of what is in the APG is legal.

I like the Elven Curve Blade idea.

Remember that HeroForge is not a legal source. You need to know what books the things you use are from and make sure to own a copy. I'm not sure where that Taldor Trait is from, but I would suspect it is from a splatbook. I'm not sure it is worth spending money on the PDF to use it. Programs also make mistakes sometimes, so you should know the system well enough to identify them.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

Well, I don't. I own the core book, APG, and Ultimate Combat because that one damn dwarf had to have a gun.

I'm not sure I'm going to get anything built quickly, it takes an evening, not a minute during the day, and the iterations are becoming chafe.

The trait I was asking about is the Taldor Expert Duelist trait. I'll try to find where it's from, because it fits.

If Noa's taking too long, I'll accept being left behind.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

Don't worry about the time, I'm literally rebuilding Broot as I type this thinking about going Fighter 1 for first level, multiclassing into cleric at 2nd which would occur provided he survives this scenario and then fighter again at lv3 and cleric from 4 on.


Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

FYI-I looked for the Taldor Expert Duelist and I could not find it. Let me know where its from when you find it.

I changed my lvl 1 Mage Armor Spell to Shocking Grasp and picked up the wand of mage armor as well as a Haramaki.

what is the correct procedure to obtain the wand. I was going to use my 2PP to get it, Don't I need approval of some kind?

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

Pathfinder Field Guide to Organized Play. Archives of Nethys has this as 'Guide to Society Organized Play'. Which is the same book as the Performance Artist trait that is supposedly out. Ah... I see, the latest book has the Performance Artist trait, but it's been nerfed.

The Expert Duelist trait is the same.

You don't need approval to spend PP, but you do need a GM to sign the paperwork.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Broot, what kind of Fighter?

After the long holiday weekend, I got really sick. I am still trying to find the time to prepare this module while getting caught up on life.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

I was thinking about shield bash type. I didn't even look at archetypes yet. Was thinking of dipping 2 levels of fighter but now I'm considering Cleric as my dip class... I'm also considering forgetting the whole idea to avoid doing math.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2
Noamuth PFS wrote:

Rushing through my morningenow, but I guess I do.

Want to use it? It's okay if not, since I'm having trouble deciding what I want, and might be better off just rolling.

Male Human Merchant 15
GM Brute Squad wrote:

Broot, what kind of Fighter?

After further review of the fighter archetypes I think Two-Weapon Warrior would fit perfect for what I have in mind. Although, It seems like it would take forever if I dipped Cleric.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Well Broot, if you want to tank, Clerics are some of the best tanks. You could also look at aiming for Stalwart Defender eventually.

This Fighter dip Cleric thing sounds a little odd. The biggest question is what do you want to do with the character? Ignore party makeup. What to you want this character to be?

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1
Dasiji Lekaya wrote:
Noamuth PFS wrote:

Rushing through my morningenow, but I guess I do.

Want to use it? It's okay if not, since I'm having trouble deciding what I want, and might be better off just rolling.

I understand. I've found the chronicle sheet, I do in fact have one to use. I'd have to look at the list to choose or to advise, but it's a big list, something has to fit. I saw elemental stuff, Noa speaks Ignan, maybe that. Will read it more carefully and get back.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2
GM Brute Squad wrote:
This Fighter dip Cleric thing sounds a little odd. The biggest question is what do you want to do with the character? Ignore party makeup. What to you want this character to be?

Well I'm on a "sword & board" kick right now. The builds I've been toying with are feat heavy though. I feel like this character is more caster support at the moment and not much in the way of front line support like I might want him to be.

I'd probably drop Steel Soul and add TWF, move some ability points around, get a light spiked shield, Improved Shield Bash, Shield Slam, Improved Bull Rush etc etc

It's more doable with a fighter's feat availability and full BAB progression.

Reading over Stalwart Defender now. Never messed with Prestige Classes before.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I like the Unbreakable Fighter as a lead in to Stalwart Defender.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

OK, I've read the list on the chronicle sheet, and the most useful one seems to be the +2 effective STR for carrying capacity. You can plan around that. The others are really minor or unreliable, or let you get ahead of the party, usually a bad thing. You KNOW you're gonna carry stuff. :)

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

I agree, I don't think we have to choose the same one, but that one and the low-light vision looked like the best to me. Now I just have to decide...

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

Which would retain its usefulness more at later levels? I'm leaning toward the low-light vision; it's only a matter of time until I can afford other ways of carrying more, and Dasiji is likely to be on point a lot.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

Senses powers are good, and hard to otherwise replace. Bue have to light things up for the least gifted guy, anyway. But I do see your point about you being on point.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Carrying capacity won't be much of an issue after you buy a Handy Haversack or Bag of Holding.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Low-light vision is good if you don't have it.

I also like the bleed damage one.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

Okay, I'll take number 15, Reflective Retinas.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

Ready to go whenever. I decided to play this character out as I had intended originally; 100% cleric.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

That's good, since I like him as a cleric. I was just wondering what your thoughts were on his domains? I get Protection/Defense, but to me, Earth/Caves looks like a better fit than Law/Archon. Broot isn't even the same alignment as archons.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Oh yeah, Caves is great if only for the fact that you can cast Create Pit!

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

I thought I only had to be within 1 step of an alignment in order to choose a domain. I went Archon for the 8th level Aura of Menace. I thought that would be useful. I do suppose Earth/Caves gives me more immediate benefits and a ranged attack. It has been so long since I made this character I forget why I opted not to take Earth.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

Oh sure, it's legal, just didn't seem as fitting. (And the Touch of Law power frankly doesn't seem so great.)

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

It's situational and probably better suited to RP situations involving reasonably high checks ...

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

re: gameplay - Lest it be obvious, I have no idea what I just said.

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

"there be little room 'neath a dwarf" - very funny.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I'm waiting on you folks...

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

I didn't want to monopolize the conversation. I can post pretty often, so expect several posts a day from me, if it gets to much just shout and I'll pull back.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

Sorry, I'm normally much better about regular posting (as those who've played with me before know). By a sheer coincidence of timing, I got caught up in the start of a new character. Shouldn't be any more distractions.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

I swapped a skill point to take KN: Religion. I hope that's OK. I figured it wouldn't be an issue since we are still just starting and I'm still level 1. I can switch it back if it's an issue.

Also, you might notice I went with Dasiji's suggestion and swapped out the Law,Archon for Earth, Caves domain.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Inquisitor/2 - | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 |SR 7| CMD 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +3 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +9 // Wand CLW - 44

I cannot wait to light someone on fire.
I'm excited about this Sorcerer, I've never played one before. I'm usually a Fighter/Barbarian type.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2

"Build a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day; set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life." -- ironic t-shirt

Can I add the low-light vision to his character sheet? You only get to choose if someone else is using an emerald elixir at the same time; otherwise you have to roll.

Grand Lodge

Male Dwarf Inquisitor/2 - | HP 18/18 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 |SR 7| CMD 14 | Fort +4 | Ref +3 | Will +7 | Init +6 | Perc +9 | Sense Motive +9 // Wand CLW - 44

Nice Dasiji. I'll steal that and use it.

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1
Dasiji Lekaya wrote:

"Build a man a fire, and you keep him warm for a day; set a man on fire, and you keep him warm for the rest of his life." -- ironic t-shirt

Can I add the low-light vision to his character sheet? You only get to choose if someone else is using an emerald elixir at the same time; otherwise you have to roll.

Bottoms up! Noa will drink hers, too.

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

I forgot to include my bonus spell.
What do you guys think, Ear Piercing Scream or Magic Missile.
I'm leaning towards the scream and flavoring it as soot being blown in the eyes for the daze effect.

What bonus spell? "(Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a sorcerer knows is not affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on Table 3-15 are fixed.)" -- CRB, pg. 71

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells
Fredrik wrote:
What bonus spell? "(Unlike spells per day, the number of spells a sorcerer knows is not affected by her Charisma score; the numbers on Table 3-15 are fixed.)" -- CRB, pg. 71

Yup, your right. That's what I get for trying to check over my character while working. I had that backwards. Oh well, guess I'll take that next level.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Noa loves to stomp on the plot. The plot says gently, "go here", and Noa says, "No!!! I will not go unless you drag me kicking and screaming!"

Sovereign Court

Fem (HP 19/19 | AC 16 | T 12 | FF 14 | CMD 15 | F +3 | R +4 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +7) 1/2E Bar(Urban) 1, Brd(Dervish Dancer) 1

The plot said, "I have a dozen people working nearby, but I'm going to lock this door and ignore you".

I think cashing out her dancing shows I'm willing to work with the plot.

I should have built a moron, then it would all make sense. "Carriage-man gives me hood for head. Me take nap, OK?"

I understand there are rails. Sometimes, there's also a siding. Sometimes, there's a "If the players ask X...". Well, how can I ask X if I don't risk stepping on the plot?

Roll on. I'm here. I got my mind right, boss.

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

If anyone's interested, my other PFS character, a Dwarf Inquisitor is running in the second part of a campaign, found here, level 3/4: ting

We need one more to begin.

Grand Lodge

Char Sheet HP 12/12, Init +1, AC: 20, T: 12, FF: 17, F: +5, R: +1, W: +5 Perception +4 <Darkvision 60ft.>, CMD: 13 , Male Dwarf Cleric 1 XP: 2

My highest is a Lvl2 rogue... All my PFS characters are pbp only so leveling is a slow process.

Grand Lodge

(HP 22/22 | AC 18 | T 12 | FF 16 | CMD 17 | F +5 | R +5 | W +2 | Init +2 | Per +6) Male Human (Ijo) Ranger 2


Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I posted for it. :)

And you can be level 2 if you want to play up on that one.

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells
GM Brute Squad wrote:

I posted for it. :)

And you can be level 2 if you want to play up on that one.

Yeah we have a lvl 3 barbarian who does massive damage.

All my characters are PbP as well.

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

What do you think is good armor to get for my Inquisitor? I have around 600 GP to spend.

I have 5PP to spend as well.

I bought my Longbow for 2 PP after my first scenario.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

Do you want light or medium armor in the end?

Liberty's Edge

Emberkin Sorcerer Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8
Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells

It doesn't matter. the most AC would be best. I only have a +2 Dex mod, so I have a ton of options.

Stats: GMed 8 PFS PBPs; Played 18 PFS PBPs

I will move this discussion to the thread Gryne is apart of.

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