
Zedril "The Vengeful"'s page

229 posts. Organized Play character for jtfoto.

Full Name

Zedril "The Fallen"


Elemental-Fire- HP-19/19|AC-13|Touch-13|FF-11|CMD+12|Fort+2|Reflex+2|Will+3|Resistances - Elec/Cold/Acid-5|Knowledge Arcana - +5 Knowledge Planes - +5 Perception - +2 Spellcraft - +7| UMD - +8


Wand of Mage Armor|Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power)|Pyro Technics|Acid Splash|DM|Daze|Light|Burning Hands|Whisper|Shocking Grasp|BONUSES Havoc of the Society - +1 dam. to spells Pyromancer - +1 dam. to fire spells


Emberkin Sorcerer





Special Abilities

Elemental Bloodline (Fire) Spells/Day - 1st-5, Spells Known - 0th-5, 1st-2


Chaotic Good




Common, Celestial, Infernal

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 14
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 10
Charisma 18

About Zedril "The Vengeful"

Zedril is an angel. That is the common misconception of Celestial beings. Not all Aasimar’s are angels, angelic or even good. We must remember that Aasimar’s are only half celestial, we cannot discount the “other half”. Zedril’s birth was void of trumpets blaring and heavenly light shining upon his face. In fact it is his birth that set him on his current course of vengeance. Zedril’s mother was left crippled after his birth. His warm skin became blazing hot as the stress of childbirth caused this adverse reaction and burnt his mother from the inside out. The damage was severe and left her restricted and Zedril riddled with guilt. She referred to him as her Fallen Angel. He spent his formative years doing everything for his mother. He did not want her to strain herself ever again.

As a young teen, Zedril’s mother became ill and the work she found as a seamstress became scarce. They were unable to afford the upkeep of their home and Zedril’s father was nowhere to be found, for one of the downsides to being half celestial is that you spend most of your life without one of your parents. The only option available was to be forced into slavery in exchange for keeping their home. Zedril did his mother’s share of the work so she could rehab. It was this way for several years and young Zedril spent years being abused by the slavers for being a “fallen angel”.

It wasn’t until his mother started to take the abuse in his place that he began to exhibit hints of arcane talents. The day he found a slaver beating his mother he gave in to his rage for the first time. His skin darkened and began to crackle with the heat bursting from his pores Zedril let loose with a blast of fire fit for a god. The slaver was charred to his bones and crumbled upon the weight of Zedril’s vengeance.

The damage was already done to his mother as her wounds were too severe. She spent her last moments sharing bits of her heritage. She told Zedril her fear was that he may have taken on some of the gifts of her great grandfather, an Ifrit Sorcerer. The heritage made sense to him, his flaming birth, his quick temper and his fire burst.

His mother died in his arms, proud of her Emberkin son who gave his life to make an easier one for his mother. Zedril swore to spend his life freeing those under the tyranny of slavery. On this day” The Fallen Angel” died and Zedril “The Vengeful” was born.

Height – 6’0”
Weight – 198
Skin – White
Hair – Bald with brown beard
Clothing – Cloaked and hooded

Zedril exhibits an image shift as he uses his spells. The more he uses his magic, the darker his skin gets and the more heat his body exudes. His skin can go from pale white to charred and crackled in the midst of a battle.


HP - 19
AC - 15
Touch - 13
Flat Footed - 11

CMD - +13

Fortitude - 2
Reflex - 2
Will - 3

Acid - 5
Cold - 5
Elec - 5

Melee - +1
Ranged - +3
CMB - +1


Wand of Mage Armor - 50/50

Elemental Ray (Bloodline Power) 7/day - 1d6+1-1/2 lvl - fire
Pyro-Technics - (Racial Ability) 1/day - Fireworks or Smoke Cloud in open flame
Lvl 0:
Acid Splash (fire) - 1d3 dam - 25 ft+ 5 ft/2lvl
Detect Magic - 60ft
Daze - 4hd
Whisper - 10min./lvl
Lvl 1:
Burning Hands - 1d4/lvl fire - 15ft cone
Shocking Grasp - 1d6/lvl fire - melee touch - +3atk if armored target
Havoc of the Society - +1 damage to spells
Pyromancer - +1 damage to fire spells

+ 3 skills per level

Knowledge Arcana - +5
Knowledge Planes - +5
Perception - +2
Spellcraft - +7
Use Magic Device - +8

Darkvision - 60 ft

Havoc of the Society - +1 damage to spells
Pyromancer - +1 damage to fire spells

Toughness - +3hp, +1 hp/lvl beyond 3


Carved Quarterstaff - 1d6/1d6, x2, double bashing
Dagger - 1d4, 19-20, piercing or slashing
Light Crossbow - 1d8, piercing range-80ft

Bracers of Armor - +1 AC
Amulet of Natural Armor - +1 AC
Haramaki - +1 AC
Explorer's Outfit
Fire Resistant Boots - resistance fire-2 at feet

Dungeoneering kit (PFSFG) 15 gp: 2 candles, chalk, a hammer and 4 pitons, 50 ft. of hemp rope, a hooded lantern with 5 flasks of oil, 2 sacks, 2 torches, and 4 tindertwigs.
Pathfinder's kit (PFSFG) 12 gp: a backpack, a bedroll, a belt pouch, a clay mug, a dagger, 2 fishhooks, flint and steel, a sewing needle, a signal whistle, 50 ft. of string, 50 ft. of thread, a waterskin, a week's worth of trail rations, and a whetstone.
Subtotal: 27 gp

Miscellaneous additional equipment
Travelling Spellbook
Ink, Ink Pen, Vial
Scroll Case x2
Sealing Wax (Key mold)
Caltrops - 3
Alchemist's Fire - 12
Holy Symbol of Saranae - Ebony

Gold - 1234
Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds
Vial of Anti Plgue
Vial of Anti Toxin
Caltrops - 3 5lb bags
Alchemist's Fire - 10
Acid - 3
Trail Rations - 20 days
Oil - 5 flasks
Bolts - 20
Cold Iron Bolts -10

Campaign Notes: