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The longer you take to start the better chance I have of getting a side game in.

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Any suggestions for first level wands that might be nice to have?
Prot:Evil, Bane?, Doom?, Shield of Faith, Remove Sickness?... I've been saving prestige but not sure if I need to do so.
Broot is leaning towards support over damage at this point. Might be putting additional points into STR as the levels come though.

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I was real confused for a second there. That is in fact a CLW potion on my sheet. Just one though; the 50 is cost.

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I didnt spend my first 2pp so I can swing that also.

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Here is my Aasimar Sorcerer. Still have a few minor tweaks to make but all the stats and nuts and bolts are done. Working on the background now.

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Background and all other info is done on Zedril.
I took Toughness as a feat. Still thinking of switching this, but not sure.

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I thought I was going to be able to but it didn't work out like I had planned.

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None here. But I did just sign up to play We Be Goblins Too on Free RPG day. Can't wait for that.

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I'm entering Noa into HeroForge, but it keeps complaining of not enough resources. Still, you'll have something by Sunday. Pretty much, adding a level of Dervish Dancer Bard. Not going for optimized.

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Say, Zed... get you some Alchemists Fire and Acid, for the +1 to damage on the cantrips. If you're tapped out, I'll have Noa buy some.
Who's on the crew this time?
Good call.
I have a few odd and ends to add to my inventory. I've got plenty of gold, thanks.
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Who's on the crew this time?
Same crew with Zed and potentially one more?

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Cool. Looking to leverage the Moment of Glory bard spell (I always feel spontaneous abilities should be called more like 'powers'...) against Kass' Bardic Performance. Or any other morale bonus. Noa has performance, but it only affects her. MoG has a 50' radius, so the whole party gets to double a morale bonus, once.

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OK, the stuff at the top of this profile is correct.
Those of you who've come this far with Noa will still recognize her. She's kept the big tent and the cold weather gear, and the mule. I'm guessing she got Dasiji to make that trip again. In other news, Greataxe!, and a bow like Dasiji's, probably from those centaurs.
She's a touch less charming, more introspective, perhaps, as she begins to find the magics her mother said were hidden in the Dance.

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Whoa. HeroForge showed 430. OK, I guess it's prestige. Definitely the Centaurs, then.
Sigh, okay, the profile still isn't done. But I can afford it all, so I can at least say nothing will change.

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This my first sorcerer. How do magic users raise their AC? Is it worth it to take light armor proficiency?

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Just opinion, here, but I would not take a feat to get Light Armor. You'd still have a spell failure chance. A wand of Mage Armor, might serve you well, freeing the spell slot for more on-the-fly unplanned needs. Shield has a shorter duration, so maybe put Shield in that slot, and then stack it with Mage Armor. That would get you a better AC than most.
There's some kind of not-really-armor worth 1 AC I've seen other spellcasters using, but I don't recall the name. It wouldn't stack with Mage Armor, but it might look cool. :)

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Grab a Scroll of 1000 Mage Hands and carry me in front of you... This would subsequently improve my move speed.

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Grab a Scroll of 1000 Mage Hands and carry me in front of you... This would subsequently improve my move speed.
We could put you in one, and rename the MasterWork Backpack the 'Master Blaster Backpack'. :)

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@Noa: I had a moment to look at your spells, and I think that you would find moment of greatness disappointing, since you're not in control of whether anyone else can benefit. Have you considered solid note? It looks to me like the kind of spell that really rewards imagination and creativity.

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Thanks, I'll take a look. I had chosen MoG when I thought Kass was still with us. I really wish Windy Escape was PFS-legal, because I can SOoo see Noa dancing away from a strike.
Solid Note is a good spell, but I don't see Noa as so much a magician as that, conjuring things from nothing. Now that we've lost Kass, do we have a real Diplomat? Noa could take Tap Inner Beauty, for +2 to CHA (Dip and Perform, but also Intimidate and UMD) checks, 1 minute/casting. Helps make up for where I shifted CHA boost into STR.
Heck, she could take Adoration and TIB, for +4 Dip. Adoration could also boost others in the party.
So many choices. :)
Please feedback, any and all.

GM Brute Squad |

I'm a little confused as to why you are going for a Strength build while also taking Dirvish Dancer? It seems like you are splitting your self in two directions, three really. If you really want to do Dirvish Dancer, go all the way: become a Dex fighter.
Take a look at this for some ideas: Zantir

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Noa's taking the Bard archetype from Ultimate Combat, not the similarly-named feat from the Inner Sea World Guide. ;) I thought of the feat, but it takes two feats (three incl. Agile Maneuvers) just to shift a few points from Str to Dex, while grossly limiting your melee weapon choices. (Your options are a scimitar -- wielded one-handed, no second weapon or shield -- and... that's all.) Hardly seems worth it.
Now let's see... Mortimer has +7 Diplomacy and three of us have +5, so if he takes 10 and the rest of us Aid Another, that's good enough to reliably hit DC 21 (unfriendly with average Cha).
However, the Taldor faction trait Performance Artist hasn't given +4 for money since at least v4.1 (1-30-2012). A good substitute would be the religion (Shelyn) trait Inner Beauty, which is in the same book (Faiths of Purity) as the spell tap inner beauty.

GM Brute Squad |

I know, Dasiji, I think I was the one who gave her the idea.
But, I am mixing my archetypes a little I see. There is a Dawnflower Dirvish from Inner Sea Magic that gives the Dirvish Dance Feat for free at level 1. I thought this was the same, but it seems I am incorrect.
In that case, I will look again.

GM Brute Squad |

As people have said, change that one Trait. I like Elven Reflexes for +2 Initiative.
As for spells, given your Cha, don't take anything that has a save to it. You are not an offensive spell caster.
Level 0: Drop Lullaby. I like Resistance, Mage Hand, Light. The other three you have are good too.
Level 1: Drop them both. I like Expeditious Retreat, Feather Step, Grease, Vanish.
As far as gear goes, get a weapon worth swinging over your head. I think I mentioned this earlier.

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Since you seem to be going Bardbarian I hope you remain of the mindset that you're a front line combatant. I'm reconsidering my build altogether and going for a sword and board bullrush defender but I'll be stretched for feats. Especially at my current xp earning pace (no local games).

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Noa started as a dancer, daughter of another of my characters. So a lot of badly-optimised design choices made perfect sense to me. But I do see the group has a need for punch.
16 STR, Greataxe, couple of spells for getting to the enemy and over rough ground (good call, Brute Squad, She'll have Ex. Retreat and Feather Step, which I can shoehorn into the 'dancer' flavor.).
That trait is illegal? Sorry, I trusted the tool, I really don't know the system well enough not to. I set HeroForge for 'PFS', and let it guide me. Looking just in the Taldor traits, There's a Duelist for +1 AC when fighting just one guy. Urban Barb has +1 when fighting two or more, so that's simple.
Kind of losing the dancer. I may as well swap the skill focus for proficiency in Elven Curve Blade, and crit on 18-20.
It's a mirror-universe Noamuth!
If that works, I'll get it in the profile tomorrow.

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Does anyone else have the Emerald Elixir? (It's the Pathfinder Online Kickstarter Backer boon.) I'd like to assign mine to Dasiji, and if multiple people use one at the same time, you can choose a mutation instead of rolling for a random one.