Current condition: two negative levels Rogue 2/Inquisitor 2; HP 17/17 27; AC 18 (T 14 , FF 14); Init +8 ; Fort +5, Ref +6 , Will +6; Per +10
played by
Jon A
Boderus Flower
M Tiefling Unchained rogue/4 (HP 35/39 | AC:24[+1 when adjacent to a single foe] | T:16 | FF:19 | CMB:2 | CMD:17 | Fort: +4 | Ref: +9 | Will:+2 | Init: +5 | Perc:+8 | Speed 20) PFS#: 131682-3
played by
The Broken GM
Updates tonight apologies for delay World Cup party and ended up in France without my Passport :0
played by
Broken Prince
Vanya Kaleth
Female Human Rogue 05/Wizard 02 HP 48/48 AC 24 T 24 FF 19 Cmb +4 Cmd 18 F +2 R +9 W +7 Perc +11 In +10
played by
Rogar Valertis