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Located in the Taldan Capitol city of Oppara, Venture-Captain Muesello's lodge hides behind the facade of a simple bait and tackle shop, which Muesello dutifully maintains to provide Pathfinders a local base of operations that doesn’t invite much scrutiny. His pockmarked face breaks into a smile as bell on the door jingles, and he motions for everyone to gather in the building’s back room before locking up the shop and propping a sign in the window that reads "Gone fishing."
In the back room, a tall, thin, Taldan female, dressed in a formal, high-collared gown, sits primly at a table by a small fireplace. Musello bows formally, and says:
"Agents of the Society, it is my humble honour to introduce to you Lady Gloriana Morilla, a long time ally of the Pathfinders. It is thanks to her that we have our current opportunity before us." Venture-Captain Muesello quietly closes the door behind him before continuing to speak. "The Pathfinder Society does not have a sterling reputation in Taldor, despite my and others’ efforts to impress the local moves and shakers. As a result, the most prestigious universities and colleges often deny our agents access to the best libraries in Oppara, thinking we are meddling good-for-nothings. As one of the oldest intact civilizations near the Inner Sea, these libraries no doubt house some very precious volumes. Recently we received a most wonderful opportunity—an invitation, really, from a very powerful patron," he adds as he withdraws a scroll tube with a broken wax seal from his apron.
"This patron will secure us a couple hours in the rare books collection at the Kitharodian Academy, during which we may peruse for whatever we wish so long as we also retrieve several documents of interest for our friend. That,” he punctuates by tapping the scroll tube on the table “is where things get interesting. Apparently there is an even more precious archive hidden beneath the academy’s library, and our patron believes it to contain numerous original records and undoctored historical accounts otherwise unknown to the world! Our contact knows how to get into the archive and has shared the secret with us."
"Two hours is little time, so you must make the most of your time. I know it will be tempting to research other interests, but it would be selfish for the Society to think of itself when the Worldwound’s borders threaten to envelop Mendev and beyond. I am sending you in with the express purpose of uncovering more information about the Shining Crusade, the sustained war against the Whispering Tyrant a millennium ago."
Lady Morilla snaps open a fan to fend off the room’s growing warmth, adding, "Historically, Taldor is the authority on massive military campaigns, but most texts have undergone extensive revision to serve some political agenda or another. Entering this hidden archive is an excellent opportunity to learn from the real mistakes of the past and apply those lessons to the Mendevian Crusade."
"Remember that you have permission to be in the academy’s library, but not in this secret archive, so do everything you can to avoid being noticed while exploring. In fact, the fewer clues you leave of your passage, the better. Specifically do not steal or destroy any of the library’s contents. A few slip-ups might alert the authorities that someone has been poking around, and too many with give them enough evidence to trace this act to us."
Muesello opens a drawer in the table and begins pulling out a couple small parcels wrapped in cloth. "Any questions?"

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Bevek looks up from the notebook where he has been furiousy scibbling notes about the upcoming mission.
Hello again everyone. Good to see you. I hope everyone spent some time contemplating some of the "issues" from our last time together, and working on solutions. I know I have. He points a thumb towards the new bow strapped to his back.
To Lady Morilla: You can count on us to be discreet. The group you have assembled has a reputation for handling delicate matters, such as the one you present here.
To VC Muesello: Are there specific details regarding the Silver Crusade you want us to research? Battle tactics? Armaments? Arcane rituals? Or is anything useful at this point? Also, what document are we looking for to deliver to our gracious patron? And, what exactly is the secret to getting into the archive?

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Vanya stays silent for the duration of the mission's debriefing, listening but not making a noise. Her usually brash attitude seems much diminished in Muesello and Lady Morilla's presence.
When they have finished explaining what they want Vanya talks in a succint tone:"Very well. What kind of opposition are we up against? Because I immagine there will be some kind of oppositin... and how are we supposed to deal with it?"

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Muesello shrugs, "I feel it is better left to your discretion, I do not know what you might find and do not wish to limit your search. And again your patron does not have a specific document in mind, but seeks well I shall let you read the letter."
He withdraws a scroll tube and starts to open it. "Your benefactor left us with two letters. The first is a letter of invitation to examine the rare books collection. The second...well, I'll let you read it", Muesello says.
Dear Pathfinders,
It was my pleasure to secure for you an invitation to examine the rare books at the Kitharodian Academy. I have asked you to research the history of the glorious lineage of the Taldan noble house, so that we may better understand the history of this great nation. It is my hope that you will be strident in your research, remembering the key tenets that have made Taldor the great nation that she is today: Honor! Courage! Glory! Together, they will lead you down the path of greatness.
"As to threats, as the Library is supposed to be secret it is unlikely you will encounter many people. I imaine there might be traps so be careful and resourceful."

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"What's in the packages, I suppose they're for us?" Saera sits cross-legged in her chair, running her fingers playfully over the heart-shaped end of her tail. "Writing supplies would be welcome, if we're not supposed to take anything with us."
The most obvious change about Saera would be her clothes. She now wears black leather boots that reach till her knees, with purple laces. Her purple pants have been exchanged for black skirt that reaches just over half her upper legs, and has a slightly different belt. Saera's shirt is still purple, albeit sleeveless this time. There's no coat to be seen, but Saera wears a black leather jacket and wears fingerless black leather gloves.
Saera looks at Bevek's bow and smiles. She draws a pistol from a holster on her hip, and holds it up for him to see. "I upgraded this one, and I've bought ammunition of various types. This time demons won't bother us as much as last time." She makes sure the pistol's loaded with a normal bullet and blackpowder, then places it back in the holster.

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Boderus, still in his old clothes and gear, shrugs at the question.
"Not much else to ask is there? Move in, read and move out."
With his tail he grabs a small stick from under his belt and waves it in front of the others.
"I think this will serve us quite well, looking back at what happened last time."
He stands and walks over to Muesello, whilst walking his tail moves under his cloak and places the wand back in its spot. Once he is in front of the desk he grabs a package and examines it.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13

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Vanya reads the letter three times before handing it over to Mausello's, then she comments:"I wonder... does this mention of Taldor's ancient motto mean something more than what the letter seem to imply? Some sort of code maybe? Who exactly is this patron of ours, pray tell?"

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Lady Morilla raises a hand, "The patron wishes to remain anonymous, their identity is not relevant to your mission."
Glancing at the Lady Muesello coughs and slides several cloth wrapped packages across to you, "Yes these items are for you, writing supplies, a modified deck Deck of Illusions with a card that will replicate each of you. Attach the card to the bottom of a chair and it will produce an illusion of you that will last for two hours, it will not interact, but will pretend to read. Remember to retrieve the cards once you are done. The other package contains a potion of invisibility and a potion of pass without trace."
Lady Morilla speaks again, "Tomorrow the Kitharodian Academy will host an extravagant orchestral performance in celebration of the Grand Prince's birthday. Such an event should last several hours, and if rumors are to be believed, the Kitharodian's finest intend to play a complex medley of Taldor's greatest songs. Several of these are rather dramatic t times, and the sound should drown out any noise you make. With any luck the performance should also draw away most of the guards."
Muesello nods, "Now you have about a day to prepare yourselves, meet at the Academy just before the performance."
Lady Morilla adds, "Vanya, Boderus, if I might have a word in private before you leave?"
After everyone else has left, including Muesello Lady Morilla, head of your faction addresses you,
"Most of Taldor's shortsighted nobles have not deigned to aid the Mendevian Crusade in any significant way, and as you may know I am raising an independent army to march to the Worldwound and reignite the glory that Taldor once commanded. All goes well, but the demons act more quickly than we can recruit. We need something - somekind of holy relic or the like - that the noble and brave can rally behind. This nation has lead countless crusades, but the public record contains little reliable information. If you find clues about such an object, record everything that you can about it so that we might use if for the good of Avistan."

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Starlene looks thrilled when she sees which other pathfinders have been called to attend the briefing, and can't quite seem to wipe the grin off her face, much to the annoyance of the Venture-Captain.
So we don't explicitly know what we're looking for? Why does this sound so familiar!? Well not to worry, this team is well experienced in finding things that are hidden away, we're only too happy to be of assistance!
After reading the letter she adds
Vanya I think you may be right, perhaps a pass-phrase or somesuch that might grant entrance? We'll have to wait and see!
Wandering over to Boderus, she waits patiently for him to determine what's in it.

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Well, I hope some of this becomes more clear once we are in the library. Unless there is anything else you can tell us, I suggest we all reconvene at the Academy.
Bevek scribbles a couple more notes before returning the journal to his coat pocket.

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Once she and Boderus finish their little chat with the noblewoman they rejoin the others:"Seems like all is settled, although we have far less information about this mission than I would like. Seems strange to me they'll send a whole cadre of pathfinders just to research some obscure detail about the Shining Crusade and the inbred lineage of some noble. No... something is amiss here. I don't fancy jumping into a well if I can't see the bottom. And that's what we have been asked of doing I'm afraid. Jumping in the dark and hope we can land safely"
Vanya's expression stays sour as the group walks down the dtreets of Oppara but she speaks no more, until, after a long while she talks again, although not adressing anyone in particular:"Word of advice: Oppara is a deceptive b~$~*. At first it seems golden and glorious, but scratch enough and you'll find the rust directly under the gilded cover... and far worse than rust, at times!"

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"I also have one of those, Boderus," Saera points at a wand that's attached to her belt, "Figured we could use some healing this time."
Saera follows the others through Oppara's streets. "I don't like how the person who invited us to the library wants to stay anonymous," she says after Vanya's spoken her bitter words, "I can't help but feel like there's a catch."

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"We will keep a look out for such information."
He follows the others, his hood down and a bit slumped.
"Not much sense fussing about it, a job's a job. Let's go and see what happens."

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Yep, plenty of time to buy anything always available.
The group meet up at the "kith" as the Academy is commonly called as the sun begins to sink. Crowds of nobles and commoners alike, jostle outside and there is clearly much demand for tonight's performance.
It will clearly be next to impossible to gain entry past the waiting patrons, but a number of well dressed young ushers - likely Academy students themselves - can be seen politely barring entry. It seems if you wish to gain admission to the library one of them will be your best bet.

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Vanya approaches one of the ushers, the confused and annoyed expression on her face seemingly being replaced by hope as she notices the youngster:"Oh thank Adabar! You seem like someone who can help a girl in need! Me and my incompetent colleagues here were sent to the Kitharodian Academy to research its library. We should have been here this morning but somehow..." -Vanya shoots a dirty look at Boderus-"... we got lost and I fear we are terribly late. By this time we should have been following the performace from a nice, confortable lodge... but unfortunately it seems we won't be able to do that. Could you please be gallant, ease our burden and give us the directions for the academy's library? That would make this fiasco a little more bearable..."
Bluff check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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You can also use Knowledge Local to try to find the Library on your own, on reflection I believe its a campus so the issue is actually finding the library rather than getting past the crowd, so an usher either needs to be convinced or one of you need to know the way.
"Sorry M'am, but we've got to stay here I am afraid, perhaps I can help you in tne minutes or so once the performance is underway."

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Well, let's see. I believe the library would be over there. Correct?
Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Bevek points off in a vauge way to where he thinks the library is located.

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aid another (Boderus) knowledge (local): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
I think you might be right, I recall seeing a campus map at some point when I was researching my last project
She looks vaguely sure of herself.

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Recalling the library's shape Bevek spies a domed building across a large grass green surrounded by dozens of marble structures. Moving over the night quietens quickly away from the crowds, and entering up the grand staircase into the huge building it seems almost deserted, save for a lone figure sitting behind a circular desk of polished red wood reading a book.
The young man looks up as you approach and carefully marks his page with a tassel before rising and moving towards you,
"Greeting, I am Tobias the duty Librarian, how may I assist you?"

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Good evening Tobias my good man!
Starlene greets him with as posh an accent as she can muster, trying to look like she belongs in the library.
We've been granted permission to study in the rare books collection for a few hours, if you would care to show us there that would be wonderful
She offers the permission document as appropriate if asked.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23

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Tobias smiles and takes the scroll examining it before nodding, "Follow me please." He leads the group down into a long passageway and you move back across towards the concert hall passing dozens of book filled rooms, eventually leading you into a large room,
"The rare books collection," Tobias announces opening the door.
A large table stands at the center of this large room, whose walls are lined with rows and rows of inset shelves. A set of double doors is the only way into the room, and two stone statues depicting bearded scholars with open books are the only decorations.
After giving you a chance to look around Tobias says, "If you have no questions I shall leave you to your research."

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Once Tobias has left.
"Now, where is the secrety bit."
Boderus scans the room to see if anything is out of the usual.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 4 = 15
Once he is finished with the room he takes a closer look at the statues.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
"Is there a button, maybe a switch hidden behind a book or is there something hidden in plain sight?"
He questions out loud to no one in particular.

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Both statues have metal styluses pointing at their books, but only the western statue's has words, "Innovation, respect, knowledge, courage, integrity, honour, excellence, glory."
Perception Starlene: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Perception Saera: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Perception Bevek: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Perception Vanya: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Perception Saera: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24

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Vanya glances at the inscribed words, humming to herself, then she grins:"How did the letter go? Honor, courage, glory? I think the fact they are inscribed there might not be just a coincidence..."
As she speaks she approaches the statue bearing the bas relief and examines it.
perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

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"Hmm... a section of the west wall is hinged to swing outward. There's probably a mechanism to activate it nearby..."
Glancing around again Saera notices something else, which she also shares: "It seems like the stylus of the western statue can be rotated, changing which word it is pointed at in the stone book."
"Let's see... what did you say the order was, Vanya?" Taking hold of the stylus while she listens to Vanya, Saera moves it from one word to another, "Honor... Courage... Glory."
Saera takes some distance from the statue while keeping her eyes on it, waiting for something to happen.

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I have no doubt you are correct in your deduction, my canny friend
Starlene draws her bow and nocks an arrow.
I am however going to be prepared to defend us should more guardians manifest from the shadows!
I doubt there will be more guards here given the requirement to know the right way to open the door, but it pays to be prepared. We don't want to be caught unawares again!
Assuming the bookcase hinges open
Good work! Let's not forget about our illusion cards. she proceeds to attach her card to a chair, and watches as the image of her reading pops in to existence.
Hmm, they'll never believe that, I've never looked so studious in my life!

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Also assuming the bookcase hinges open:
"Oh! Despite coming up with the plan concerning the statue, I nearly forgot about my card!" Saera follows Starlene, and attaches her card to the chair next to the one chosen by Starlene. She then moves back to the statue and the others.
"Good thing they don't know us here, because the same goes for me!"

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The bookcase swings open, and after placing your cards, to create illusions of each of you sitting and reading you descend a narrow spiral staircase into a carved stone underground corridor. It is neat and well lit by solid wall scones that seem to have be magical in nature.
This long stone hallway stretches from north to south with several sets of doors along its east and west walls. The south wall bears a 10-ft square field of carved divots that create no particular pattern. An inscription above the carving reads "The keenest eyes cannot see everything. Always remember to see the big picture."

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Saera tries to see the 'big picture' while observing the hallway the party ended up in, expecting there may actually be something the words refer to.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
"Hmm... First door first?" Saera moves over to the first set of doors, and checks to see if they're locked. If they're not, Saera carefully opens one of the doors to snatch a peek of the room or hallway behind it.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21

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Saera cannot make out anything it the divots. When she opens the door it reveals a great space beyond.
Thousands of books line the shelves in this high ceilinged library. Several table and chairs near the center of the room provide a place to read quietly, and five rows of pew-like benches nearby face an immense lion's head carved from the eastern wall.

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I suppose we do close the door behind us right? It won't do to have someone else join us while we sneak around
Once the way is opened and the rest of her companions climb down the staircase Vanya makes sure the bookcase slides back to its original position. Then follows the others. Once there she checks on the inscription for clues:"Another code? As usual nothing is like wwhat it appears at first glance..."
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Once finished checking the inscription Vanya moves silently towards the door on her left and tries to eavesdrop to ascertain if someone's inside. If no one seems to be, she cautiously opens the door and takes a peek inside.
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

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Vanya cannot make out anything in the odd divots, and opens the door to see a classroom.
This well-lit room holds many chairs aligned towards two giant chalkboards that hang on the northern wall. On the opposite wall several shelves hold books on sundry topics. Simple but colorful tapestries hang along the northern wall, giving the room a bright appearance despite the lack of sunlight and the dour portraits of Grand Prince Stravian III affixed to the south wall.
An hourglass sits upon one of the desks, with 15 minutes marked upon it. Upon the painting is a brass plaque that reads, "To serve Taldor, I must first learn the history of Taldor."

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"Yeah... right. More passcodes or just a weird fixation with mottoes?
Vanya stealths inside and waits for the others to join her.
How do we proceed? Split up? All togheter? What kind of rolls should we make to search a room? Perception?

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Bevek follows the rest of the group down the stairs. He pauses a monment to contemplate the wall of divots.
Perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (6) + 6 = 12
Looks like someone couldn't find what they were looking for, and ended up banging their head against the wall. Of course, they would have to a have a VERY hard head.
Since there does not seem to be any immediate threat, Bevek will move to the remaining door, and take a peek inside.
I figure that way we will have a full picture of the situation, and can decide how to proceed from there.

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Note that there are two doors on the southern side of the library as well, the map was too low resolution when I used all of it so its in two halves.
Bevek to is puzzled by the array of divots, he open the far door and sees a room with a well worn floor that sets it apart from the other rooms. The western wall is lined with shelves that support books, a variety of instruments, and dozens of rectangular baskets that contain loose sheeves of paper. Several chairs are pushed against the wall, and a portrait of the grand Prince hangs to the east, surveying everything in the room with magisterial authority.
The brass plaque on the frame of the portrait reads, "Persevere, persevere, persevere!"
Eveeryone can now hear faint music from above as the performance must be getting under way.
I would recommend getting an overview of the library before deciding to go about searching. Mostly because its too late for me to want to write up the mechanic for you :p

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We seem to have a music room over here. And an admonition from the Grand Prince to "Persevere, persevere, persevere."
Bevek moves back up the hall to the rest of the group.
I say we take a quick pass through this large archive room to get the lay of the land. Then we can develop a search plan. There is too much here to just dive in and hope we find what we need by sheer luck.

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Boderus follows the others and also inspects the 10-ft square field of carved divots.
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
He moves in the library and looks around to find any order in the books.
"That's a lot of books... How are we going about this indeed."
perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
The rolls! Why?!

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Starlene watches as the others dash off to check the other areas, things being well covered she decides to concentrate on the divots, and the thought about what must be a clue to look at the bigger picture. She tries unfocusing her eyes, changing her depth of view, cocking her head from side to side and looking at it upsidedown. Looking for all the world like a clown show of some kind she looks away, then back suddenly again to see if her eyes catch anything they had not before.
If it's possible to take 20 then she'll spend the full two minutes for a check result of 26, otherwise...
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Oh dear, Starlene appears to be a fully paid up member of the same 'perception rolls suck club' that her party mates are! Fingers crossed for the take 20 >.<

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Taking 20 is fine, its takes 1 minute because a perception check is a move action so you can do two per round.
Starlene studies the divots intently and finally unfocuses her eyes and sees a slightly blurry three dimensional image of the words, "Our Monarch's Virtues are our Own".
Boderus Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14

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Vanya gets out of the room and rejoins the others:"Nothing of note here... unless the hourglass is some sort of hint. And there's another inscription too :To serve Taldor, I must first learn the history of Taldor. Honestly we've got 3 rooms full of books already, and luckyly enough empty. I suggest we start from here and tehn move around. Unless one of us wants to get an idea of the library's layout and then report his or her findings. We should not assume we are alone here. And getting discovered could very well become quite the problem"
I'd like to hear about the search mechanics if possible, what I wrote is what Vanya would do based on her personality and current mood, it might vry well not be the best course of action

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Thanks Broken GM :)
Starlene will quickly move to find the others.
Hmm, to you folk who are from Taldor, does the phrase "Our Monarch's Virtues are our Own" mean anything?

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You make a Linguistics, Knowledge History, or a different skill which you must be able to justify, but which will take a penalty based upon the quality of your justification. Multiple characters can search and they aid the highest check. You can also divide the time it takes to search a room between the characters. Its 2 hours to search a large room, 1 hour to search a medium room, and half an hour to search a small room. If 4 PCs search a large room it would take a half hour instead of 2 and the three lower checks would aid the highest. You have only encountered medium and large rooms thus far.

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Saera moves up to the others and whispers, "The lion in the library looked at me... Vanya's correct, we're not alone..."
"I'd like to first check out what's behind the doors in the library, before we decide where to start our search," Saera says as she nervously glances back at the library's doors, "but I'm not going back alone."

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"Let us go together then. I will follow your lead."
Boderus motions with his tail for Saera to take the lead.

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Vanya answers Starlene:"Yes... an insult, considering where our monarch qualities lie... But I suppose the one who wrote that meant it as high praise... that said there are a few inscriptions in these halls. I think we have better take note of them, one never knows when this stuff comes in handy...".
Then Vanya turns towards Saera and motions for her to follow as the taldan quietly enters the room:"By all means then, let's explore this infested room... I sincerely hope they don't have ghost guardians here... the imps were bad enough last time..." then she moves inside the huge library keeping an eye open for trouble
Perception check: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

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Starlene is a little our of her depth, having focused on her martial training instead of paying attention during bard college history class, and shamefacedly follows Vanya's lead in the searching.
She does try to envisage the people that use this library, what patterns of visitation they may have, which volumes are most disturbed and which parts of the floors are the most scuffed. She'll feed back anything of use or interest if appropriate.
Attempting to shoehorn knowledge(local) in, but it's the same bonus as perception so likely won't make a difference!
Aid another
perception/knowledge: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Yay! Someone else has +2 to their check :D

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Vanya almost gulps as she notices the lion's head animated features. She stops at midstep and wishpers back to the tiefling:"Yeah Saera... I saw the statue's eyes move too... someone's watching us... but I wonder if it's just a toothless old lion or a fearsome wild beast..."

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So what we have so far is one large room and two medium rooms. If we have everyone search each room, we can do the large one in 24 min, and each of the medium rooms in 12 minutes each, for a total of 48 minutes. Combined with the time to get into the archive, that's about half our available time. (Please correct my math, Broken GM, if I've messed it up.) Bevek has Linguistics at +6. Aside from that, it looks like we have a lot of Know(local) and Perception in the group. Although, I would argue that Starlene's Perform(sing) would be useful in the music room.
Bevek moves into the main library room, scanning the shelves as he walks, looking for anything that might be promising. He makes his way to the far side of the room to get a look at the carving.
That's an impressive lion.
Talking to Vanya and Boderus: Is the lion a symbol of the Taldan royal house? Or maybe of the Academy? Very impressive either way.