Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

To Nilelane, Callanniel only sighed. "I wish this was the truth... unfortunately, even if we'd not like to acknowledge it, we have weakness much like the other races... that painter was a perfect example, since she had her own desires, stronger than her loyalty and love for our kin."
To Harpina, Callanniel continued. His eyes would be heavy with sorrow if he had opened them. "Unfortunately there is, miss Harpina... we need to know about Saphron's father... all of it. He seems to be a powerful, influential, and important player in this cursed game we are playing with the Cursed Tree... I know it will most likely be painful to remember, but it is uttermost important for us to know our enemy, and how to defeat it."

GM Fez |

Harpina slows her walk in response to Callanniel's question. "I...haven't thought of that for some time now. Nearly a decade now... This demon seems to have had ideas for offspring for some time, though did not reproduce as members of his species normally do. You see, Saphron's father is a Hezrou, one of the toad demons of the Abyss.
"Normally they reproduce as the frogs and toads of Golarion do, eggs, fertilization, tadpoles, etc." Harpina continues on this path for some time, the clinical aspects of natural reproduction cycles easing the tenseness in her posture. "But I'm rambling now, aren't I?" Her voice drops in great self-deprecation, the grin she gives lacks all mirth, and the sparkles in her eyes don't seem to be from her fey nature.
Breathing deeply she tries again, "Saphron's father is well-known. He is the largest demon in all of Kyonin, the Rancorous Wrath. His common name is Vamollaroth. He is what helps spread the Blight across Kyonin, though he slumbers for much of the year. He typically appears around the Solstices when his lord commands him to lay waste. His pollution is so FOUL that...that..!" Tears slip from her eyes finally releasing some of the pent up emotion of the day. "I'm sorry, I'll try to talk more later, but now I cannot dwell on this."

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

Callanniel puts his and on Harpina's shoulder, trying to calm her down. "There is no shame in this, milady... I can hardly imagine what terror you must have faced back then. As I've told you, we'll eventually need to know the whole story, but there is no sense or gain in rushing you. Take your time, recover, and then we'll talk if you are ready."
"Now, lets move back to Omesta, where both of you will be safer." Callanniel then notices he had lingered too much with his hand on Harpina's shoulder. Her perfume was intoxicating this close. He removed his hand, hoping that the nymph had not noticed his lapse of behavior.

Corrin Whisperwind |

He was quiet as they traveled back to the city his head flicking back and forth much like a hyperactive squirrel might move so intent was he on making sure nothing tried to stop their path of travel. Arriving at the outskirts of the city didnt change his vigil, if anything it seemed to increase it, though he closed with the group, after all, the guards had led them straight to a cultist's house after all.
He did glance more with curiosity to Harpina and Sapphron, just in time to catch part of her spaeking of Hezrou demons and their reproductive cycles...this he could understand, though it hurt him a little to think an evil like that could even remotely be simular to nature.
He couldnt think of anything he wanted as a reward from the Nymph, saving such a nature blessed creature was enouh so instead he focused on trying to Study Sapphron without you know being completely obvious.
"Ar...a..a.re you go..goo...going to b.b.b.be okay you thi...think now?"
He asked after a few moments.

GM Fez |

Saphron's face scrunches, as though pained by thought, her response muddled by those same emotions, "It'll be...hard. Even now my blood sings of ripped throats and decayed vegetation." She tramps her hoof in agitation, "But I know I'm better than my nature, I even felt sick after injuring you back in the cave. Come to think of it...I don't even know your names."
Harpina lets out a light peal of laughter, "Of course, I forgot you haven't met yet." She points to each of you in turn, "These are Anyborthelos, Callanniel, Corrin, Dewdrop, and Nilelane."
Omesta draws closer. Outlined in the distance you see several ranks of guards, led by a small figure.

Corrin Whisperwind |

P...pu...purpose. I u...us...used to get so...an..angr...angry. The dru...druids who trai...trained me taught me fo..focus. I cha..chanel that anger now in...i..in...into things.
He told Saphron trying to help. He paused looking in the distance at all the guards and the small figure trying to discern whom the small figure was.
perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27

GM Fez |

The figure reveals himself to be Olivo, geared up in hide armor, sickle at his side, and hair a deep green to camouflage with his surroundings, despite his heavy scarlet and azure war-paint. He waves happily when he realizes that everyone, including Harpina and Saphron are back, safe and sound, "Guys! Over here!"

Corrin Whisperwind |

He laughed and waved rapidly to his approaching friend with a grin.
"Tha..tha..thats my fri..friend Olivo. Y..y..you'll like hi..him Saph... saphron."
He began taking her hand and rushing forward laughing. Dewdrop after a moment galloped after.
"W...w...we did it!"
He called out of his gnomish friend as they closed and he beamed proudly nodding at the guards with Olivo.
"Thi...thi..this is Sa..sa...saphron. Th...they ha...had her ca...captured and we....were going to do b..b..bad things but we s...saved her and s...stopped the cu...cu..cultist."
He told both the guards and Olivo

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

Not a person to run without purpose, at least not since he was blinded, Callanniel moved along with Harpina. "So, at least one chapter of this madness is closet... there is still too much for we to do, and I feel we just scrapped the surface of all the blight, but, even so, it lightens my heart that something good was done. You and Saphron will finally have a nice place to live, I imagine."

GM Fez |

Saphron drags a bit on Corrin's pulling, but she does go up to meet everyone. Olivo doesn't really notice her discomfort and bows so low his wild green hair brushes the ground (and picks up extra detritus as well). "Pleased to meet you Miss Saphron! Would you care for a bit of pull'n'chew?" He reveals a small package, pulled seemingly from nowhere with a small rectangle sticking out of it. Saphron, nods shyly, smiling only a little, so none of her sharp teeth show.
Harpina meanwhile is observing the gnomes and elves making up the guard and lets out a bitter sigh. "It seems prejudice might still be in the area based on their faces and gestures..."

Callanniel Breezeseer Dars'Mer |

Callanniel notices Olivio's cheering tone and, even if he is curious, he decides that there are more important matters for him to worry right now. Turning to Harpina, he gives his opinion. "You can't change their thoughts from day to night... they are still suspicious because they don't know Saphron yet. I might chance with time, but both you and Saphron need to be patient... in my humble opinion, the gnomes might be a pretty fitting influence for her."
"We elves are long lived and we have a tendency of not forgetting what has harmed us, and even if Saphron is innocent, many of us would still look at her as if it was her fault... but the gnomes are different, they are better than us in this particular aspect. Their carefree mind could, perhaps, help Saphron."
Sense Motive DC 12: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20
Perception DC 25: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17

Corrin Whisperwind |

sense motive dc 7: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
perception dc 25: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19
Oh yay! Pull and chews! Do you remember that time when you tricked Alivania and she chewed on the died stick? Her mouth was purple for a week.
He began with a giggle reaching for the package to offer one to Miss Saphron. He was going to try really hard to make her some friends. She needed it for sure. He was completely oblivious to the looks from the guards, after all the good guys had won this round right?
sense motive Dewdrop: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
perception: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22
The Elk completely aware that the green haired gnome was not to be trusted took several steps away from Corrin and the troublemaker lowering his head completely

GM Fez |

Corrin pulls the snack free as Saphron watches, face intent on the small package. As the entire stick of pull and chew springs forth the top of Olivo's pack opens and a bud from a Dashing Puff shoots into the air above his head. It comes down amidst the guard and Olivo, who curses eloquently about the trajectory being off.
By the end of the glittering mess many of the guards are blinded and hobbling around looking for Olivo to wring his neck while Olivo himself is standing proud, covered in glitter and saying, "It'll work next time."
Saphron snorts, then chuckles, and it isn't long before the sight of stumbling guards and a posing gnome releases gales of laughter from the girl. Harpina cracks a smile as well, "I've never seen her laugh like this. It will be good to stay here."
You travel back to Omesta proper and are able to meet up with all of the Councilors. Krolumnite is the first to speak, "I take it everything went well, but what exactly happened?"

Corrin Whisperwind |

He leapt back as if by surprise... well mostly because he was surprised. For some reason no matter how many times Olivo pulled a prank on him he was always surprised. He grinned too despite the glittery effects everywhere. He grinned and shot a wink at Saphron.
"Wa...watch yourself about th.th.this one Miss Sa..sa..sa..saphron. Olivo is a...is a g.g.g.ggood person but likes his tricks!
He warned her with a chuckle. Once back in Omesta proper and in the meeting with all the councilors Calin was once more serious of demeanor while fussing with the bandages he had put on Dewdrop along the way. Well aware he had trouble with words he was quiet hoping someone else explained the demonic fellow and the abysall note and them trying to use magic to coerce Saphron to harm her mother.

Corrin Whisperwind |

I ho...ho...hope he...he fou...found that re...re..research he was loo...looking for.
He said in regards to to Maeglin. Not that it had been needed they found the bad thing and took him out. Maybe he could have explained what the bad man thing was had he been there, but it was no matter he was finished now.
"Do...do you thi ..think we ha...have time for a d...days rest before we move on?
He asked the others his eyes kinda pleading

Maeglin Starcaller |

Maeglin, his body complaining with every step he took, shuffled over. He was looking forward to reuniting with his companions. His research, and subsequent gain in power and knowledge, had been most satisfactory.