Talin-Garde's Demise

Game Master Jing the Bandit

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After a bit of fun, the Villains decide it's time to make their way back to civilization. It would have been a shame to waste a good camp, so Draa'lick and his Wolf were set to clearing the camp and with a bit of Prestidigitation on Godfrey's part, the group had a reasonably comfortable night's sleep thanks to the hard work of the slain knights.

Upon morning, the group awoke to their horses rounded up, groomed, and fed and as much of the loot that wouldn't be conspicuous packed in a pack.

Draa'lick himself was snoring in a leftover tent with his wolf on a rather odd looking fresh mound. One could suspect that he had buried all the gear that the group couldn't take with them at the moment.

The guard's horses were fine steeds indeed, except for the branding depicting them to be of the militia's use. With everyone mounted back up, they head back to town on a fast clip making it back just as the sun starts to set.

With the horses given back to their owner, the group heads back to the tavern for some much needed pampering in varying forms.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

As they approach the town, Coloua stops the others for a quick chat. "OK, we have the secret entrance and the map of the tower. I don't think it's a good idea to head inside yet, unless we can be very quiet about it. As soon as they see any evidence of activity they are going to be more alert and it'll be harder to do anything. We gave a window to signal the hobgoblins that opens tomorrow and closes in two weeks, and I think the best way to do that is to take out as much as we can inside the tower then launch the signal from the roof."

Looking around at the tired, dirty group, she continues "I know you all probably want some rest, but we should figure out what our next step is sooner versus later. We need to either lay low and prepare for an assault in a a few days to a week, find something else we can do to weaken them in the interim, or just go in for the big finale."

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"Let us just get to the inn, bathe, eat, and sleep." Ileosa told the group. "Once we do that we can speak more upon how we will continue." She said as they made their way. "Not drawing too much attention is a good idea however if we do nothing it will be more suspicious."

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"We should spend some time seeing if there is anything else we can do before our big push."

suggesting the social members of our crew hunt down some more rumors to see if any low hanging fruit still exists.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

"Whatever it is that we do, I think we should take a day to gather our thoughts. We need to have a story as to where we have been the past few days in case anyone is suspicious. I propose that if we are asked that we say we were surveying a possible property that Ileosa and Godfrey might want to purchase."

"After a trip, it would not be suspicious at all for us to take a day of rest, so let us take care of personal business and meet tomorrow evening to make our next plans for the tower?"

Will follow up later with a personal RP post, as long as everyone agrees with this plan.

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"That is a well thought out idea Coloua." Ileosa said in agreement with a nod. "Let us returned and have a day to ourselves, however... Godfrey, because of our cover story it would be suspicious if we spend that day apart for too long."

I'll do my personal RP post after Godfrey's answer!

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella nods, not needing to add anything due to the abundance of the other's words.

Back at the town, her charges doing their own thing so Ella orders a bath, a scalding one, ordering the serving girls out with a glare and a simple Go. She'll bar the door, strip her armor, sodden quilting, and lastly her iron crown, making the half-orc Ella become her own true form for the first time in many days.
The Amazonian woman slides slowly into the steaming scented waters, brining her skin to bright pink moments before it disappears from view.

Her sigh is heaven, or hell, depending on your preference. Drifting into the gushing warmth of contentment.

But a meow makes her crack open an eye to look at her cat and the MONKEY in the room. Sitting up out of the water, soapy water slushing and dripping, she looks about but no drow, just her Monkey, what was its name??? Beebo? Todo? "Tell your master, I'll let her know all the details of our trip. But NOT until I am done." she'd chuck a bar of soap at the creature but that would get Ash wet and she'd never hear a second of peace again from the feline.

The monkey darts away on his own anyway, and Ella relaxes sliding back into the delightfully hellish warmth.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Upon returning to the inn, Coloua stops in to the common room to purchase a bottle of wine and their special of the day, and retires to her room. After taking stock of the room to check for any indication of intruders during their time in the woods, she takes off the circlet to resume her normal form spreads a piece of black velvet on the floor and settles comfortably next to it to dine.

Opening the wine, she takes her time with the first glass as she arranges the food on the cloth. First a bowl of the corn and barley soup, and then another small glass of the wine. Today's special was leg of lamb with saffron and vegetables, and again she was pleasantly surprised at the skill of the innkeeper's wife. This is consistently better fare than one would expect in a military border town. This woman has some skill, and we should find a way to utilize that. After finishing the meal, she removes a small package from her bag and opens it. Inside is a piece of rotten meat from a meal several days prior, which she quickly pops in her mouth while reciting a quiet prayer.

Cleaning up the meal, she carefully folds the velvet and places it back in her pack, and dons her circlet just long enough to leave the empty plates outside the door so that anyone performing housekeeping duties will not interrupt her solitude. Extinguishing the light, she retires to her nest of pillows and blankets in the corner and snuggles in with the remainder of the bottle to meditate and commune with her patron, her familiar, and her goddess.


In the morning, feeling very much refreshed and relaxed, she again dons her circlet and heads to the common room for some tea and to watch the world pass by. She decides that until their meeting in the evening, she will spend her time in contemplation and relaxation.

Noticing the innkeeper's wife exiting the kitchen, she stands and approaches her demurely. "Mistress, the entire time that we were surveying properties I was responsible for the meals for my mistress, her lord, and their guard. Although I did my best, I could not help but think of how much I missed your meals. Your skill is much higher than one would expect in a small town such as this. I wish that we could steal you away to be the personal chef for our modest group." Inclining her head respectfully, she pauses as if hesitant to continue. "I have this day to myself, and if it would not be unseemly, would I be able to assist you in the kitchen again? Any assistance that I could provide would be worth the effort as I could pick up tips that might help fine tune what little skill I possess."

Happy to see the little one again, and surprised at the request, the lady of the inn smiles and nods. "Aye, if you wish you can join me again this afternoon. Just be sure to follow my instructions carefully and do not get in my way, and know that there will be no discount on your stay or anything similar. This is purely about you helping and learning, not earning your room and board."

Coloua smiles and claps her hands gleefully "Thank you, mistress! I shall endeavor to be a useful, respectful, and obedient assistant, I swear it."

Turning from the woman, a small grin appears on her face. She exits the inn and heads to the market to look for trinkets or indulgences that may catch her eye, making sure to return at the mid-day meal so that she can take her post in the kitchen for the afternoon. Throughout the afternoon she assists the woman while keeping up the friendly patter of a common worker chatting and gossiping with one of their peers.

Profession Cook (to see how she performs in the kitchen): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Diplomacy to influence attitude of innkeeper's wife: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

At the edge of the town, Godfrey looks longingly towards the distant gate as Coloua motions them aside. It'd be rude to simply ride off and leave her to speak to the air. And the others are already stopping. It can't take all that long.. probably. Huffing a sigh, he turns his horses head away from the path towards civilization and reasonable creature comforts to listen to what his companion has to say. He nods in general agreement, adding, "Rest first, certainly, but work shortly after. The two might be able to be combined. People who drink can be chatty."

"For our alibi, it's well enough. I'd suggest we don't advertise it but instead only bring it out if asked. Better to not draw unwanted attention. The guards will not be missed for a time, so the less we make a memorable moment the better. I'll think on what else we can be doing. Certainly, we should be trying to sow as much dissension as possible. I seem to recall something about the other captains, but if they can be killed or otherwise rendered ineffective then all the better." He shrugs and nods agreement with Ileosa, "It would, and it would also rather ruin our personas. I'm afraid you'll have to tolerate my questionable company a while longer."

As the talking dies down -and his own desire to be rid of all surroundings green and brown rises- he turns with his companions back towards the town. Inside, he is a man of simple tastes. Fine wine, a short bath to soak (having stayed meticulously clean with a little magical know-how), more wine, good food (the special was surprisingly good for such a backwater town) and a glass of wine by the fire leave him in a far better mood.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella settles across the table from Triss. In their own rooms, they can pass on the illusions, so the pale changing with the violet and cherry eyes stares at the dusky-skinned drow with a perpetual smirk. They discussed the forest, they discussed the deaths, and now they discussed poisons.

"King's Sleep?" Ella suggests only to get a laugh

"The ingredients are expensive and the process is insanity, only a..." Ella frowned, making the other woman stop and add "A good idea though, poison them early and allow the mess to settle before the attack....hmmm Juvebloom?"

"The youth poison?" Ella grunted, shaking her head.

"Yes you are right, the fact the entire guard looked ten years younger might tip people off"

They went back and forth like that over an hour. Eating and drinking, mentioning and suggesting until they both hit on "Draughtcap fungus!"
Triss expanded "The mushrooms were more desert fauna, dry as a whore's sympathy, but there might be suitables nearby, combined with me own brews We could get similar reactions from the halfwits."

Ella nods, scratching her temple with a claw as she does when thinking at times "Random offset, hard to pin down, causes dehydration, so could poison a cask or two of the emergency barrels."

"Centipede poison in those, blends well with stale drink." Triss interrupts.

The two collude and plan. Deciding as long as they are left to their own devices they'll work on a foul poisoning for the local heroes.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

While spending the afternoon in the kitchen with her "teacher", Coloua chats away, meandering around topics much like a halfling girl might do. Although she seems to chatter aimlessly, she carefully steers the conversation towards specific topics of interest hidden among the gossip. During the afternoon she tries to determine the hostess's attitude towards religion, whether she is devout or ambivalent towards Mitra, her thoughts on marriage and love, any substantial feelings she has for the village or her neighbors, and similar topics. The hostess chats back without suspicion, as these are all topics that a young woman would commonly be interested in, especially the topics involving relationships and romance.

if you wish a specific roll here, please let me know. I already rolled Diplo to influence attitude, and neither sense motive nor bluff seems to be really needed here unless you want them to apply. It's just chatting :)

As the afternoon reaches the end, Coloua catches her breath, an alarmed look on her face. "Oh! I almost forgot! I agreed to prepare my room for a private dinner with my masters so that we could discuss the properties we viewed without distraction. If it is at all possible I would like to have a low table brought to my room, along with as many cushions and soft blankets as can be spared for an evening. We also need tonight's finest cuts of beef and enough sides for a full meal along with 5 bottles of wine to be brought up please!"

After haggling a bit (but not too much as "cost is no object, this is an important meal") she takes her leave of the kitchen and proceeds to her room to set up for the others to arrive.

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"I've kept the company of the King." Ileosa said. "I'm sure I can deal with your company for a day." She teased before they headed back.

Upon returning, Ileosa had a bath, drinks, and food brought up to the room she had with Godfrey. All for two, as to keep their cover. Seated at the table while Godfrey bathed, his baths being far shorter than her own as Ileosa enjoyed soaking in the waters, she sipped on the wine and took small bites of the meal. She didn't seem uncomfortable with his nakedness in the slightest. "That new servant of yours was very helpful in the end." She said. Had to come up with something to talk about while they passed the time, for sitting in silence doing nothing but drinking and eating was a path to inner madness.

"You chose well, I approve." Ileosa told him with a slight grin upon her lips.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Rolls for GM:
Initial Diplomacy was 17.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
diplomacy if needed again: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

"He was, wasn't he?" Godfrey muses as he mulls over the past days, little attention paid to his surroundings as he retires to the comfort of his mind. Conscious that his companion had said something else, he recalls the words with no little mental exertion. "Ah, as for that I may not be anyone's idea of a cook, but I'd like to think to I can order a reasonable glass of wine. For my own part, I've no doubt I could drink pothouse swill and it would taste like ambrosia after our little foray." A small self-deprecating smile and a shrug, "I'm not much of an outdoorsman, so a return to civilization seems to be like returning to life itself."

Taking a moment to ensure they have privacy, he turns to more businesslike matters, "I've been turning it over in my head. We dealt with that meddlesome dwarf. And the sickening of the garrison seems like it might be possible." He begins to tick his ideas of on his fingers as he speaks, "I overheard about that priest, Father Donnagin. He might warrant investigation if his banishing can give us useful leverage. Unlikely to be useful, true, but worth some time if we've nothing better. This Lord Havelyn is revered, but there's also some suspicions about him. If we can force him to leave, and a replacement to be sent too late to arrive, then that has merit. You've a knack for wheedling information, so that might be right up your ally. I can see what I can learn, of course, and perhaps more avenues will open to us."

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"Quiet true." Ileosa muttered before she took a bite of her food while Godfrey went on about how little of an outdoorsman, she softly chuckled to herself.

When he began to speak of more important matters she leaned foreword to listen more intently. "Possibly. The more this place is destabilized the better for us, however if we go after every point people will start asking questions. We don't want those questions." Ileosa point out. "Thus we should choose one or the other. A priest can be dangerous, but if Lord Havelyn is as revered as we believe then he can rally people much easier than this Father Donnagin."

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

After wrapping up in the kitchen and collecting up the supplies she is borrowing from the Matron, Coloua heads upstairs to set up dinner. Remembering Godfrey's almost obsessive desire for cleanliness, she checks to be sure that the young woman she'd tipped so well has properly scoured the room of all dirt. Taking all of her gear and stowing it out of the way in a corner, she sets the low table in the center of the room and covers it with her black velvet cloth. She surrounds the table with cushions and blankets, creating a soft nest where each member of the group can recline to dine and converse in comfort.

Carefully setting the stage, she places the tender cuts of beef and the sides of starches and vegetables in the center of the table surrounding a fine silvered candelabra. A bowl for soup sits at each place along with clean plates and cutlery.

She collects up her notes and the map of the tower and has them on hand for when the meeting officially commences, and she awaits the arrival of her companions.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Triss and Ella come in exuding exuberance. Ella, who is normally stoic to say the least, chatters endlessly with the drow about mushrooms and extracts as they enter and sit. It isn't until that point that Ella smells the air, stopping her conversation and looks to her little companion.
This smells... lovely.” smiling an Ella smile to Coloua. “Thank you.” but she waits to dig in until their waywards arrive.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Coloua looks languidly over at the first two to arrive, as she lounges beside the table. Reaching out, she snags a piece of meat. "Feel free to partake while we wait for the others. I'm not one to let simple courtesies keep me from enjoying myself, especially among peers. I would not expect you to do so either."

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

Having been invited to dinner, Ileosa bathed after Godfrey was finished and took extra care into her appearance. Of course she didn't have much to work with, as they just had the clothes they brought, though the magical sleeve made it easier.

Stepping in Ileosa head the last bit of Coloua's statement. "Among peers is when ones self should show restraint. However starting without us isn't so terrible." She said before she moved in and took an empty seat. "Such a lovely thought, what brought it on I wonder?" She asked with a small smile.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

"I follow a tenet of self-indulgence and satisfying pleasure when possible. Although of late I don't often have the opportunity to indulge it, I felt this would be a good time to pamper ourselves a bit before planning." Coloua chews thoughtfully as she ponders Ileosa's statement. "In my mind, subordinates do not matter when it comes to courtesy, and one must provide superiors their due while they are still superior. These are merely the effects of placement and do not count as true courtesies to me. It is my peers that I give the most respect to, as I would never ask them to delay their gratification for my sake, and assume the same from them. If that does not mesh with your philosophy I ask your pardon, but it is intended as a compliment not a lack of restraint."

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Feeling refreshed and like himself again, Godfrey hummed a tune to himself as he picked his way through the inn to the appointed room. His memories of the indignities of the forest and its tribulations begins to fade into the background of his mind as he grows used to the bustle of the city (even such a meager one as this) again.

Entering the appointed room at the appointed time (a gentleman is always punctual), he looks over the softly gleaming cutlery gleaming in candlelight amidst lush velvet. He nods approvingly, "You've done wonders here, my dear friend. As for pampering, I'm not one to shy away from it." Grinning, he is true to his words as he helps himself to the exquisite fare laid out. A small grunt of approval, and his eyes roll a little, "Yes, this is indeed worth lingering on. And I for one haven't the slightest problem with you beginning without me. I'm afraid my normal routines have been thrown out of sync these last months and I fear I may never recover." A sly smile grows as he continues, "But of course, that's why we're here, isn't it? To see what we can do about each our little... ah, trials."

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

After enjoying her meal and chatting amiably with her companions, Coloua makes some room on the table to place her copied map of the tower along with notes on what they have discovered so far. Taking the occasional bite from a plate that she has left to the side, she starts the planning discussion.

"Based on what the hobgoblins said, we are now in the window for signaling their attack. Although we've gathered a lot of information and taken at least one of their leaders off the game board, we have much more to do before they are weak enough to take down and only about a week maximum to do it."

"I meditated on the situation last night, and think that it is probably time to head into the tower itself. We have the tunnel leading into there from here, and based on the little scouting we did it seems that it is hidden on the far end as well. This means that there are few, if any, soldiers who are aware of its existence. This means we can use it to enter and exit as needed, and potentially even use it as a safe haven if we are wounded."

"Personally, I think that the three targets of highest priority are the signal tower, the chapel, and the captain. Without their birds they cannot send for help in a timely manner, without their priests they will be disheartened, and without their leader they will be disorganized. We should try to prioritize these targets and take them out as quickly as possible, and then proceed to hit whatever other targets of opportunity we find once inside."

Looking up from her notes, she looks around the table "This is just my proposal, however. If anyone has a different plan, or a modification or improvement to this one, please bring it up so we can identify the best course of action."

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella agrees but adds, "Posion." describing in more detail than necessary what the two alchemists have come up with to poison the most possible. The main point is to use a slow-acting one with a random offset that would weaken and confound them... "It would be better if the priests were gone before symptoms began."

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"I'm sure there is a poison that can mimic a natural death." Ileosa said with a small smile. "Enough foxglove for example will cause the heart to fail." She said in a more thoughtful tone as she was trying to think of what she could. Poison was never her area though she had picked up a few things here and there.

"But I agree that the priest needs to be taken care of first. Then the signal tower and captain in one go if we can." Ileosa mused as she picked up her drink. "The question is how to get it to the priest without them suspecting it... that said, if you can get me the poison Coloua I can get it to him." Slowly she took a drink, and when the cup came back down she expressed a playful smile. "I'm a very good at that kind of think."

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella looks to the drow, who returns a bored shrug, and then back to Ileosa. "Triss and I should have something for you whenever you are ready." she picks at her food a little, thinking "Once the head priest is done or at least started, setting the rookery on fire would be a good next step. If we can get in and out without being noticed, they'll have a hard to telling the reason why it started. Delaying them knowing they are under attack."

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Godfrey nods, listening with interest and surveying the map carefully. He listens a long moment as the other's explain their own thoughts, before he replies, "I think I agree, generally, in what you've outlined. I'll add that we may have limited ability to act during the day and it might be prudent to use some of it to see if there are any leads we've missed."

He eyes the drow, then asks Ella, "I see a great deal of merit in your suggestion to use poison. Even if we weren't to kill with it, sickening their soldiers would be a real boon. Have you considered how you'll deliver it? I seem to recall some woman fed the soldiers regularly, but perhaps you've a better idea in mind."

"For the priest -though I have no doubt of your skill, Ileosa- I think a more direct method might be better. Those insipid Mitrans can have an annoyingly puritanical streak that might stymy your efforts and raise suspicions. If they're ever isolated, a quiet disappearance might be in order. Their magic, uninventive and rudimentary as it is, might give them more warning then we'd care for, so caution will be warranted."

"Thanks to Ella's fortitude and skill at arms, we have removed the dwarves -and more importantly- their repairs from the equation. Have we considered some way to open the gates? Presumably on the night itself, we'll want to do so. Another idea, I seem to recall one of you broaching it in truth, is to draw out a search party for the dearly departed Captain by having his horse sans riders. If it draws off a search party, then that's fewer to man the walls. It might even draw another captain away."

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

"In terms of the priests, I observed the tower for several days and never once saw any of them entering or exiting, so I think any clergy in the tower remain in the tower. We shall have to find their chapel and take care of whatever they have there while inside."

"I have a special place in my heart for the use of poisons and diseases against the supposedly pure bigots, so I think that if we can use it to our advantage we should, but we need to move quickly now, there is little time before the bugbears become restless and start losing their order. We need to get inside the tower soon, at the very least to scout out targets but hopefully to start removing some as well. There's merely days, potentially a week, left and there is no way we will be able to do everything inside in just one sweep of our group."

"I propose that we start tonight. We could do an initial foray as a group, or if you feel that we need more intel before taking action then my friends and I could attempt to scout it out as much as possible while the main troops are abed."

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"We are better together." Ella says simply, placing her vote on the table as she finishes stabbing her food.

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

"I still have that holy symbol from before." Ileosa reminded them before she took a drink from her glass. "And you all are aware of the skills I have." She continued as she set the glass down.

"However I don't have the skill to make poisons or use them on blades so it would need to be something I could get into a drink." Ileosa pointed out before she turned her attention to her food. She took a few moments to eat. "If you could get me a bottle of wine already poisoned, and the antidote for myself, I'll gladly put my skills to use."

"It is just a thought, trying to put our skills to use." Ileosa pointed out. "I could even spin it as I am looking for work as myself and my husband," She glanced at Godfrey with a small smirk. "are settling down from the adventuring life. Why not here?"

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

"But why risk exposure by bluffing our way in past guards when we already have a completely unknown secret entrance tunnel from the cellar here?"

Coloua stands up and starts to pace.

"I think it's time to just use it during the night when the majority of the troops will be asleep and see what we can find inside"

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"We can go in at night to kill the priests. Start a fire as well to cover their deaths, if possible. Ileosa can then do the posioned wine but with the commander to offer condolences tomorrow." Ella offers as an alternative, giving both schemers their plan.

The group has had much to speak about and time is slowly growing shorter for their assault to begin. With a day of rest and reflection, the dinner they held in secrecy bought the troop of Villains back to bear the spear at the throat of Balentyne.

Their nights will be wroght with potential danger and their days may be tainted with schemes and rest. Triss speaks up once it seems the group has settled into heading into the Tower. "Sounds like you lot have got a plan in mind, apologies I haven't been offering up much voice in your scheming but I'm just a pretty face." she said with a wink. She checked her weapons and made sure her bolts were prepped.

"Alright then, iffin we gonna do this, best get started yah?" she said offering some encouragement and showing that she planned to back them up.

Night quickly fell upon the sleepy little town, but the group remained up waiting to hear the sounds of activity fade away. When the moon was high, they took their chance to check out the lower level and sure enough, the inn had been deserted and the familiar signs of the doors to the inn having been locked.

Coloua being the best choice to check it out, slipped into the kitchen to see that the Innkeeper and his wife had indeed headed to bed. She saw nothing, not even a cupboard mouse stirring. With a signal, the rest of the group followed into the cellar of the Lord's Dalliance and soon they crept into the passage of the old dwarven vault.

They opened up the door to the tower's side of the secret passage and soon carefully made their way into the Vault proper. A quick casing of the vault, partially to make sure no one else was hidden down here with them, reveals thousands of days worth of iron rations, barrels filled with potable water, and other provisions. A surprise is found though as they find a few boxes off to the side.

Opening it, it is clear that there are some fine spirits inside. A careful eyeing however surmises that only one box is carrying the contents it originally held, twelve bottle of sweet elven wine made from honey and raspberries. The other two cases contain surprisingly well made forgeries of more common sweet wine.

Looking around, they find no door out of the room save for the one in the ceiling, making this place a perfect spot to store things away from the rats and other vermin. A well used, but well maintained ladder connects to the trap door.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

"This is a perfect place to fall back to if we run into trouble in the tower. With all these provisions we could stay here if needed instead of heading back to our rooms in the inn. It's less visible and more defensible."

She heads over and places a foot on the ladder. "Shall we?"

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"And the perfect place to apply poison." Ella agrees quietly. Looking at Coloua's foot she suggests letting Ileosa listen first. Having noticed the small woman is always listening. I think she has the best perception

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

Ileosa moved over to the ladder, next to Coloua. "Yes, I do believe this place will do nicely. However do notice that the ladder is well used. So this place isn't forsaken. We'll have to keep our eyes open for people who come down here."

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Godfrey nods agreement, speaking softly so his voice doesn't carry, "And we mustn't leave any sign of our passage, if we can. The last thing we need is to be ambushed if we try and return. Misdirection, here, is our friend."

"I should trail. I'm afraid I've never had the knack for skulking about quietly."

Ileosa when the group is ready heads up the ladder and pauses to listen in on the trap door.


As far as you can hear, there is nothing about.

When the group moves forwards and opens the trap door:

(See Room 2 close to the top of the map.)

It appears that the group has stumbled upon the Armory. A fully functional forge sits here and vents its smoke through a crude chimney out over the River Tyburn. However, as Godfrey would be able to point out, the vents are smaller than they should be causing a fair amount of smoke to billow into the room through prolonged use.

On the racks along the wall are twenty halberds, twenty longswords, twenty breastplates on armor stands, and twenty heavy steel shields. All bear the marks of the Talirean military.

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

Ileosa nods to the group when she doesn't hear anything above them.

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23

Ileosa quietly opened the door and motioned for the rest to move in, then she followed them and silently closed the door.

"So this their armory." Ileosa said softly as she looked around. "Think anyone would buy that we are apart of the military if we put these on?" She asked, though it was a joke more than anything.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Upon entering the tower, Coloua takes a look around the initial room and then whispers to the group that she'll scout ahead while they investigate.

She quietly treads out of the armory into the hall, keeping to the shadows as much as possible and watching for guards.

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (2) + 18 = 20
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"I don't think any of this would fit me." Ella mutters with disdain. She'll stand next to the door, listening.

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Godfrey creeps into the room as quietly as he can. He shakes his head, replying sotto voce, "Doubtful, and we want to avoid anything out of the usual right up until we strike."

He let's the others take the lead. He glances at the forge, shaking his head. Probably just for repairs. Too small for meaningful work.

Triss follows along behind the others quietly. When they make it to the armory, she looks over the armor and the like and lets out a light scoff that one can only assume that she'd be caught dead wearing such armor.

Coloua makes her way out into the hallway and quickly discovers that it in an L shaped hallway. Thankfully it seems that no one is posted to guard the Armory or to be in this hallway. Looking around the corner, she can see clearly there is two doors on each side of the hallway and one at the end.

Two doors have hooks on them in which locks hang from, presumably for locking their quarters when their owners are not here.

Coloua can faintly hear the sound of snoring coming from one of the rooms closer to the end but can't quite make out which room without moving closer.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Signaling back to the others to wait and gathering her gear closer, Coloua turns the corner and creeps down the corridor to the doors.

Stealth: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (13) + 18 = 31
Perception to listen at doors: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21

Coloua is able to pinpoint the location of the offending sleeping noises. Once she has done so, she makes her way back noting that she did not see the locks she thought she saw earlier.

Perhaps they were an illusion, perhaps the GM was an idiot for a moment.

She gets back and shares the information.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

"North then?" the big woman suggests/asks. Assuming the others will know why she is suggesting leaving the snorer and quiet mouse alive at the moment.

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Not trusting himself with words in the quiet, Godfrey simply nods his agreement. A shame not to quietly eliminate a threat, but it might lead to our premature discovery.

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

Ileosa nodded in agreement with the idea. Then she motioned for Ella to lead the way.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella nods and then starts to quietly advance on the north door, listening before opening.

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Hopefully I'm doing this all right, should have everything up and dottable soon.

Male Dwarf, Warpriest | HP 70/70 | Fervor 6/6 | Blessings 6/6 | AC 22, T10, FF 22, CMD 19/18 | Fort +7, Ref +3, Will +8 | Init +1 | Perception +13*, Darkvision 60 ft

Alright guys so not a big one (This is Jing the Evil GM) but when you get the chance, (hopefully in like the next two weeks) can you format your crunch like this?

I didn't put this into the recruitment, which was a bit of a mistake as it would've saved me some scratching of my head, but it can really make things easier long-term for me as we add new things and such to our characters.

Crunch for character:

Wulfrum Boulderhead
Male mountain dwarf warpriest of Torag 6 (Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 60)
NG Large humanoid (dwarf)
Init +0; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +12 (+14 to notice unusual stonework)
AC 21, touch 9, flat-footed 21 (+9 armor, +3 shield, -1 size)
hp 60 (6d8+12)
Fort +7, Ref +2 (+2 trait bonus vs. breath weapons), Will +8; +1 morale vs. fear, +2 vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities
Defensive Abilities defensive training
Speed 20 ft.
Melee agrimmosh +9 (2d6+10/×3) or
heavy shield bash +7 (3d6+8) or
mwk dwarven boulder helmet +7 (1d6+8)
Space 10 ft.; Reach 10 ft.
Special Attacks blessings 6/day (Earth: acid strike, Good: holy strike), channel positive energy 3/day (DC 16, 2d6), fervor 6/day (2d6), sacred weapon (1d8, +1, 6 rounds/day)
Warpriest Spells Prepared (CL 6th; concentration +9)
2nd—bull's strength, effortless armor[UC], holy ice weapon[ACG]
1st—bane (DC 14), bless, divine favor, ironbeard[ARG], magic weapon
0 (at will)—create water, detect magic, detect poison, purify food and drink (DC 13), spark[APG] (DC 13)
Str 18, Dex 10, Con 14, Int 10, Wis 16, Cha 10
Base Atk +4; CMB +8; CMD 19
Feats Improved Shield Bash, Power Attack, Saving Shield[APG], Shield Focus, Weapon Focus (shield, heavy), Weapon Focus (warhammer)
Traits dragonfoe, - custom trait -
Skills Acrobatics -7 (-11 to jump), Appraise +0 (+2 to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones), Climb +1, Craft (armor) +11, Intimidate +9, Knowledge (religion) +4, Linguistics +2, Perception +12 (+14 to notice unusual stonework), Profession (cook) +7, Profession (tanner) +7, Profession (trapper) +7, Sense Motive +7, Survival +9 (+11 to track vs. humanoids of the Giant subtype), Swim +1; Racial Modifiers +2 Appraise to assess nonmagical metals or gemstones, +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework
Languages Common, Dwarven, Giant, Orc
SQ giant hunter[ARG], mountaineer[ARG]
Combat Gear wand of cure light wounds; Other Gear uskroth's armor, mwk shield spikes heavy steel shield, agrimmosh, mwk dwarven boulder helmet[ARG], bedroll, blanket[APG], flask, flint and steel, grappling hook, masterwork armorsmithing tools, masterwork backpack[APG], mug/tankard, pavilion tent[APG], snuffbox, precious metal[ACG], waterskin, weapon cord[APG]
Special Abilities
Blessings (6/day) (Su) Pool of power used to activate Blessing abilities.
Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white only).
Defensive Training +4 Gain a dodge bonus to AC vs. monsters of the Giant subtype.
Fervor (2d6, 6/day) (Su) Standard action, touch channels positive/negative energy to heal or harm. Swift to cast spell on self.
Giant Hunter +1 to attack/+2 to tracking Gain a bonus to attack and tracking vs. Giants.
Greed +2 to Appraise to determine price of nonmagic goods with precious metals or gemstones.
Improved Shield Bash You still get your shield bonus while using Shield Bash.
Mountaineer Retain Dex bonus on narrow/slippery surfaces, immune to altitude sickness.
Power Attack -2/+4 You can subtract from your attack roll to add to your damage.
Sacred Weapon +1 (6 rounds/day) (Su) As a swift action, grant weapon enhancement bonus or certain powers.
Saving Shield As an immediate action, add a 2 shield bonus to an adjacent ally&apos;s AC.
Stonecunning +2 +2 bonus to Perception vs. unusual stonework. Free check within 10 feet.
Warpriest Channel Positive Energy 2d6 (3/day, DC 16) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.

I'll post this here just to keep you lot informed and to not have it possibly lost in the text storm on the OOC.

So, you will likely have read that our Bard, Vriskella has sadly figured out that they are in over their heads a little with how many games they are playing/running and had to bow out.

I kinda don't want to introduce an overlooked prisoner at this time, however I am willing to DM bot the character for the time being to still give you the benefits that player would've made possible if you all wish it.

So if you could post your request on that here I would appreciate it.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

I'd prefer to drop her, so one less thing for you to keep track of. But I guess that depends on the encounters coming up and if they'd be too difficult with one less person, which you know over us. If you think we are risking being broken and crushed much more now than before, Bot. Otherwise drop. Chocked quietly on moldy bread.

Coffee isn't kicking in yet, so brain is mush.

The Exchange

Male Nagaji Fighter (opportunist venomblade) 1

1d20 + 10 ⇒ (17) + 10 = 27
Too tired to write an entire new post with more stuff
Just putting roll here because f*$$ it

Female Human Blood Summoner/Devil Binder 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 17 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 14 | CMB +1 CMD 14 | Saves: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +7 | Perception: +0 | Init: +3 | Status: -1 CON | Spell Effects:

I trust your judgement. If you think we're going to need the extra character or the abilities she brought to the table to escape the prison intact, then I'm happy you're willing to DMPC her. But if her loss won't make things too much more challenging, then I'd say we're probably fine with just the five of us.

The Exchange

Male Nagaji Fighter (opportunist venomblade) 1

May I please be allowed back in to be able to watch?

The Exchange

Male Nagaji Fighter (opportunist venomblade) 1

I guess I could take kicking me from this to mean no....
Oh well.

I will miss some of the best RP I’ve been able to have in years.

Thanks for letting me play for at least this long

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Dipping dots...

Male Human Slayer 2 [Sczarni Executioner | Cleaner | Stygian Slayer] | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | HP 20/20 | F +5 R +5 W +4 | Init +2 | Perception +6 [+8 vs Humans]


Female Human Blood Summoner/Devil Binder 2 | HP 22/22 | AC 17 Touch 13 Flat-Footed 14 | CMB +1 CMD 14 | Saves: Fort +3 Ref +3 Will +7 | Perception: +0 | Init: +3 | Status: -1 CON | Spell Effects:

Senara Level Up!:
Unchained Summoner 2
HP 22 ((2d8)+6)
BAB +1
FCB +1 HP to eidolon
Base Saves +0 Fort, +0 Reflex, +3 Will
Skills +1 to Diplomacy, Heal, Knowledge (Planes), Knowledge (Religion), Spellcraft, Use Magic Device
Background Skills +1 to Handle Animal, Knowledge (Geography)
Class Features bond senses

New Spells

    1stenlarge person

Kaellan Level Up!:
Unchained Eidolon 2
HP 24 ((2d10)+2+2)
BAB +2
Base Saves +3 Fort, +0 Reflex, +3 Will
Skills +1 to Bluff, Disguise, Perception, Stealth
Evolutions Improved Natural Armor
Class Features armor bonus (+2 natural armor), evasion, Str/Dex bonus (+1)

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

4d6 ⇒ (5, 2, 5, 6) = 18
4d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 4, 4) = 14
4d6 ⇒ (5, 5, 2, 4) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (5, 6, 4, 1) = 16
4d6 ⇒ (3, 1, 4, 3) = 11
4d6 ⇒ (6, 5, 2, 2) = 15
4d6 ⇒ (6, 6, 2, 1) = 15

posting in here to clear cache

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

+1 Witch level
- +7 HP (4 + 2 CON + 1 FCB)
- +1 BAB (and CMB/CMD)
- +1 Will save
- 4th level Ability Score Bonus +1 to INT (now 20 INT)
- +2 to all hex and ability DCs (1 from level, 1 from INT)
- +1 to all spell DCs (from INT)
- Putrified Innards - lvl4 Putrefactor ability
- Skill ranks in Fly x2, Intimidate, Know(arc), Know(local) x2, Know(nature), Perception x2, Spellcraft, Stealth, UMD, Craft(alchemy), Sleight of Hand
- Spells learned - Blindness/Deafness, Feast of Ashes, Lipstitch
- Spells per day up to 5 L1 and 3 L2

- +4 HP
- +1 BAB (and CMB/CMD)
- Skills updated (all derived from Coloua's skills)

I already leveled her last night was just waiting to update profile and in-game stats lol

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Ella Magrid level 4, delving more into the secrets of alchemy, distracting her further from her rage and driving her deeper into her mind, the large woman learns how the mercreature's coloration helped hide them in the waters. Experimentatio,n while left alone in the boring seas lead her to her newest discovery. By infusing pigmentation into her own skin, a process gained after drinking many foul tests, she would also blend into her environment with ease.

alchemist (internal alchemist, vivisectionist) level 2
+1 dexterity
+11 hit points (8+3con)
+1 fort, +1 reflex (+1 more from increased dex)
alchemist discovery: chameleon (+4 stealth)
formula learned: blend
other abilities gained: poison resistance +2, poison use, poisoning (standard action)
skills (7): disabled device, intimidate, know(nature), perception, spellcraft, stealth, survival
background skills (2): craft alchemy, linguistics (goblin)

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Godfrey continues to master the blending of Arcane and Martial in ways that should terrify the hearts of Talingardian sheep. With his new allies, he has found fellow practitioners of esoteric and powerful magic. By sharing knowledge, he's begun to tap into new and devastating magical abilities that he previously felt were out of reach. Bolstered by the study and trapped on a ship with little else to do, he has sought out knowledge far and wide in an attempt to prepare himself for the tasks ahead.

  • +1 Magus Level
  • +11 HP (8 + 2 CON + 1 Toughness)
  • +1 BAB (and CMD/CMB)
  • +1 FORT and +1 WILL
  • +1 INT
  • +10 adventure skill points (3 L4/Jing special point + 4 INT L4 + 3 INT L1-3) [2 Bluff, 1 Diplomacy, 2 Fly, 1 K(Arcana), 1 K(Dungeon), 1 K(Planes), 1 Perception, 1 Spellcraft]
  • +2 background skill points
  • +2 Arcane Pool Points (1 for Favored class 4/4 AP; 1 for INT increase)
  • +1 Hex (Flight)
  • +3 Spells in spellbook [L2: Bladed Dash and Glitterdust; L1: Burning Hands]
  • +1 language (Goblin)
  • +2 concentration checks (INT/leveling); +1 Spell DC (INT)

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

+1 Inquisitor Level
+10HP (HD 8+ Con 2)
+1 BAB
+1 Fort
+1 Will
Judgment 2/day
2nd level magic - Hold Person, Indivisibility
+9 adventure skills
+2 Background
+1 to Wisdom

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Just a heads up...I'm about to head out for a vacation. I'm leaving on Wednesday and coming back on the 22nd. Both of those days I'll be offline, but most of the days between I should be able to get onto the forums about once a day. I'll still be posting just wanted to let you know in case I miss a day or two.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Ok the vacation is taking up more time than expected. I've been reading along but hard to get time to post. Will try and get one up tonight.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Just had some not good things go down, so although I am still here I might be too distracted/busy to post regularly for the next week to 10 days.

I'll try to keep on top of it but please bot me if I am holding up the game.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Very sorry to hear that sir. I hope things get better as soon as they possibly can. We'll be here when you get back.

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Things settling down. Just enough time to copy/paste in all my games that I should be back to posting tomorrow. See you tomorrow!

Non yah: 12d6 ⇒ (1, 1, 3, 3, 3, 4, 2, 2, 2, 3, 6, 3) = 33

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

knowledge nature: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (8) + 11 = 19
spellcraft: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

engineering: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Stopping in to say hi!
Quarantine is getting really boring...

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

Very much so! Time to go on a rampage?

Female Human, Inquisitor | HP 22/40| Judgment 1/1 | Domain (Trickery->Deception) | 1st Lvl Spells DC 15| AC 13, Touch 17, FlatFoot 13, CMD 17 | Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +6 | Init +10 | Perception +11

Psh, you're bored and I'm working my ass of! XD
Though that isn't totally true I'm actually bored and work right now... And maybe playing Fire Emblem Three Houses on my new switch... Which I used the nice money I got from the government to get ..

NE Female Wayang Witch (Gravewalker/Putrefactor) 4 | Domain: Death HP 36/36 | AC 14 (T14/FF11) | Init +3 | Perc +6 (+8) | Speed 20' | CMD 14 (FF 11) | F+3 R+4 W+4 (+ mods) | Active Conditions: None

Well I'm working my ass off too, during working hours.

The boring is coming from the fact that living alone and teleworking and no RL evening social activities means I only see a human every couple days. Getting a bit stir crazy even with online games and streaming movies.

Male Human Magus 4 (AC 16/12 Tch/14 FF, HP 13/44, Fort +6, Ref +3, Will +5, Init +4, Per +8/10)
Appraise + 5, Bluff +9, Climb +6, C(Weapons) +8, Dip +8, Fly +5, Intimidate +7, K(Arcana) +11, K(Dun) +9, K(Geo) +6, K(Hist) +6, K(Nobles) +5, K(Religion) +10, Linguistics +5, Per +10, S. Motive +9, Spellcraft +11, Swim +10

Been a bit but I was going through old games and had fond memories of this game. Thought I'd say hi and say I hope y'all are doing well.

Annis-born changeling hag-riven bloodrager 2/ internal alchemist vivisectionist alchemist 2 | HP 50/50 | Rage 9/9 | Evil Eye 6/6 | Mutagen 1/1 AC 20 Touch 12 Flat-Footed 18 | CMB +7 CMD 19 | Fort +10(+2 vs poisons) Ref +6 Will +1 | Init: +2| Perception: +6, Darkvision 60ft | Status: Normal | Spell Effects:

This game had ended in the archived list so I didn't notice. Hi Godfrey. The game was wonderful, a lot of fun, great writing, many memories.

I am doing good, hope you are doing so as well :)

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