Where do you come from?
Lios hails from a planet known to its inhabitants as Celdimeravi. It's truly far beyond anything Earth's primitives could ever hope to achieve - a shining world, inhabited by primordial beings so much as her own species, living and working together to create marvels beyond what the peoples of other planets could hope to achieve. The whole place is a harmonious marriage of resplendent nature and highest technology.
Why did you come to Earth?
Back home, she didn't feel like anything...special. Everybody saw each other the same - so they didn't see what made her uniquely her. She had gifts to call her own - and limiting constraints on what could be done with them. Living there, all she could hope is that she would get empty praise for talents that would never flourish, or to be seen by many people but never gain real acknowledgement from any of them. It was something she loathed, above all else.
Earth meant a chance at reaching her potential, and an identity of her very own. With that on the table, she didn't care HOW primitive it was.
Why do you want to stay here (for now at least)?
Because for all of Earth's problems, her life is still better here than it ever was at home. And she's not giving that up.
Why do your people want you to come home?
Lios ran away from home to come to Earth without telling anyone, and to the average Celdian, wanting to leave is literally inconceivable. So when Lios is reported missing and can't be found, he only thing that sounds plausible to them is that she's been kidnapped or is lost in space. It's all they can think to explain why she never came home.
Either way, that's a terrible circumstance to be stuck in, and it's one her people would never leave any of their own to.
Why do you care about the team?
Whether they realise it or not, she sees the team as a way to the things she dreamed of when she came here. Living on Celdimeravi has been very stifling for her - she's got a rather dubious understanding of what it means to have your own identity, and her constraints have caused her drive to wither away. Her teammates know what these things really are - and she's determined to learn from them, as much as she'd never admit it. It's the one thing she's managed to truly commit to.
Why do you spend time at the Taylor institute?
When Lios first arrived, she had nothing but her clothes on her, and was only barely holding onto consciousness, having underestimated the toll the long trip would take. By the time she got through the atmosphere, she was out cold. She woke a few days later in Wellspring's care, having been taken to the Institute for immediate medical attention after being caught.
It took a while longer to recover enough to talk to anyone. And when the hero that brought her in visited her for questioning, she spilled everything.
It took a lot of begging not to send her back, but she lives at the Institute now with financial aid, officially listed as having enrolled via an interplanetary scheme. Due to ongoing bouts of severe dizziness and fainting, she's still under close monitoring by the medical wing, with regular check-ups on the impact of her trip through space.
Who, besides the team and staff, is nice to you?
The only one she could name is Terawing, the hero that brought her to the Institute. He's a notorious softy, and she gets the impression he's still worried about her.
Otherwise...not many people. Between playing up her alien heritage and acting like she was actually someone important at home in an attempted to be seen as distinct, and actually believing she knows better than most of her peers due to coming from a vastly more advanced planet, she can be pretty insufferable. Her insecurities, her background, and even her old name are locked down to anyone not already aware behind a storm of condescension, arrogance and misdirection that just serves to make her seem inhuman and push people away.