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He looks at each of you, confused. He smiles, as if you might be joking. "I am so sorry, I do not know what you are talking about." He looks toward the vesk. "I don't know anyone particularly skilled with computers. Well... Except maybe mt grandmother... But she retired a long time ago."
He looks at Serrarra and Yuta. "Surely, you have the wrong house. it isn't me, and couldn't be my grandmother." he seems a little alarmed at your line of questioning, but like he is being completely sincere. He shows know signs of aggression or attempted flight.

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"Grandmother? Are her fingers broken? Have her eyes been plucked out? Can she not still make a device work? Take me to this Grand Mother. I wish to see her for myself." Julakesh announces, demanding an audience.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
If he still refuses, Julakesh resorts to intimidation.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (10) + 7 = 17

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Hmph! Vesk and their arrogant bullying tactics!
Diplomacy, Aid Another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12
Rolling a nat 3 followed by a nat 4 on what's supposed to be my best skill. Good thing I'm aiding rather than leading on this one!

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Jubair takes a step back, almost dropping his watering can. "What do you want?" he asks loudly, frightened.
A wizened old woman appears in the doorway of the flat. "What's going on, Jubair?" She approaches the group. "What seems to be the trouble? Is there something I can help you with? Why don't we all go inside for a spot of tea, and sort things out." she gestures back to the flat before walking back in.

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This is the Grand Mother? Hmmm... Not much Grand looking about her... What hidden skills does she have?
Julakesh eyes the old woman incredibly warily, then follows her into the flat, expecting a trap of some sort.
Perception: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
Sense Motive: 1d20 ⇒ 8
Julakesh's distrust of this old woman means she's taking in her surroundings before speaking. Anyone else want to lead the conversation before Julakesh bullies the heck out of her?

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Serrarra is pleased to move away from the clearly frightened Jubair.
Tea sounds lovely, thank you.
Serrarra does her best to appear nonthreatening as she introduces herself and the party.
As you may already know, some enterprising hacker recently breached the nontrivial defenses of the Bluerise Tower and made off with a substantial amount of valuable data.
She sips her tea calmly.
This data could prove to be very useful to our employer. The data trail was skillfully concealed, but not so much that it didn't lead us here. To you.
She smiles warmly over her teacup.
I think we can help each other. What do you say?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Serrarra's background is in video manipulation, which involves a fair amount of programming. She tries to use this knowledge to assure the woman that the party are not just street thugs.
Computers, Envoy Expertise: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (7) + 5 + (3) = 15

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Julakesh refuses to accept the tea, and neither drinks nor eats anything in this old woman's home. Instead she stands in the room near the entrance, arms crossed and face stern.

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Jubair follows the party timidly into the flat. Boxes of nutrient broth, gardening tools, and various cultural knickknacks clutter the floor of the flat, leaving barely any room for visitors to sit down.
The lady hands anyone who will take it a cup of tea. "I am Ceren," she tells you after your introductions.
"I admit I hadn't heard anything... But let's just see..." she pauses a moment. "Oh dear," she seems concerned, a worried look on her face. "Though I have no memory of it, it seems that I have stolen the files."
Jubair looks shocked. "Grandmother! How could you?"
"Now, now, Jubair, allow me to explain." She takes a sip of her tea before turning back to the gathered Starfinders. She looks Serrarra, and seems to calm down at her words. "I was a hacker in my younger years, one of the best. Sadly, though, a while back I was diagnosed with a degenerative brain disease, and was forced into early retirement." she sighs. "Augmentations implanted in my brain halted the damage, and keep me functional, but I occassionaly have large memory lapses and am no longer as capable as I once was. I can only conclude that I must have lapsed into a younger mindset, performed the hack, and forgotten about it. I can't remember the circumstances, but I will gladly give you the files... If you help me." She looks into Sarrarra's eyes, a hopeful look on her face.

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That depends. What do you need of us?

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Going to assume no one has anything to add..
Ceren looks over each of you carefully, before continuing. "I am guilty of stealing from Bluerise Tower. It is only a matter of time before corporate security hunts me down. I have no realistic hope of evading these agents in my current state. I propose you help me fake my death, to get me out of hot water. Then, I want you to place Jubair under the protection of your employer, who I can only assume to be the Starfinder Society." she looks at Serrarra, chuckling. "Ah, but this does remind me of my younger days!"

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Degen... Degen-er- what? Lost already, Julakesh tries to keep up with the conversation. ...Aha! Guilty! We have found the thief!
Proud to have caught back up in the conversation, Julakesh smiles proudly.
"FAKE your death? How can one fake death?" Julakesh interrupts. She seems to be thinking.... "I only know how to deal real death."

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Serrarra chuckles at the impetuous Vesk.
It's actually not that hard, if you know what to do. Better to be thought a corpse than to be one.
She turns back to Ceren with a smile.
I wasn't going to mention it, but yes. Corporate security has been delayed, but not for long. I think we can find a place for Jubair in the Starfinder Society in compensation for the data.
She scans her associates for any disagreement with this sentiment.
Now, what did you have in mind for yourself?
Edited to respond to Julakesh, who just barely beat me to the Submit Post button. :-)

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Yuta accepts a cup of the tea gratefully, and sits quietly listening to the conversation that Serrarra is handling so skillfully. He smiles at the old woman's proposal, and nods when the lashunta looks around for approval. This sounds like an interesting project to try. I never had to fake a person's death before.
He also notices that the woman seems to have a positive impression of the Starfinder Society, so he activates the Starfinder implant on his left hand and shows it to both her and Jubair, as proof that they are who they say they are.

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Faking death? That isn't something I have covered in the curriculum yet. But maybe... Medrick begins to ponder if there is anything he can do to help sell the death of this woman using his medical knowledge.
medicine: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
if life science is a better option, I am also +7 for that.
When she mentions the society, Medrick activates his implant as well. He tries to keep a friendly face on but doesn't say anything.

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Ceren nods sagely, smiling as you activate your implants.
"FAKE your death? How can one fake death?" Julakesh interrupts. She seems to be thinking.... "I only know how to deal real death."
Ceren can't help but laugh. "Well, I would prefer that you don't actually kill me, of course!" she says, taking another sip. She turns to respond to Serrarra. "Well, as you said, it shouldn't be too difficult. First we will need a body, and a death certificate. You will likely need to acquire a cadaver, and either forge a certificate or bribe someone. Whatever you prefer. I will also need a new identity. "
"Jubair, be a dear and start packing up our most precious belongings. I want to be ready to leave as soon as possible."

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Mostly holding to the back of the group and keeping little attention to himself he wouldn't partake the invitation to the tea. As he was scanning the room for a computer or setup of some kind to pry through, the admittance to stealing the information caught him off guard.
He listened keenly on the talk about faking the lady's death and, depending on the plan, was thinking about offering a thorough wipe of any digital devices to lessen any past incriminating actions she might have accrued from other past 'relapses'.

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Medrick smiles. I have some training in the medical field. I believe I could "doctor" up a body to look like you. Let's get to work!
Ohh God, what has gotten into me! So quickly I abandon my ethics? Just to use your medical knowledge to impress your friends... this society will be a dangerous place.

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Julakesh tries to think of somewhere she might be able to find a dead body...
Intelligence: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (20) - 1 = 19
Wisdom: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Not trained in culture, so I'm not sure which of the above you'd want.

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"I know a where we can get a corpse," Julakesh says with a grin. "There's an underground battle dome I frequent. Deaths are common. It will cost us, though, to acquire a corpse. In credits, combat or favours. There's also the morgue. But they don't like to part with bodies. Or I could visit the slums a kill someone."
Julakesh seems to consider all of these valid ideas.

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I believe I have a friend who's adept at creating false identities for celebrities who wish to occasionally go anonymous. Let me see if I can contact them.
Computers, Envoy Expertise: 1d20 + 5 + 1d6 ⇒ (19) + 5 + (2) = 26

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After the excitement of having an opportunity to impress his new allies with his medical skills settles, he thinks about where he might get a body from. Wait if a body is what we need, the station gives the college all the unclaimed dead for research purposes. If you want, I could try to pull some influence there. I don't have the credits to be able to afford a bribe. the struggles of being a student, something I know all to well haha So the morgue would not be one I could help with. I don't know if any of you folk are wealthy or not. I prefer to not kill a random person. The battle dome maybe an option though.
my vote so far is either fighting in the battle dome, or using influence at the college.

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"It cannot be just any corpse. It should be an older one, sleight of frame, and female. Are there not facilities that deal in aging humans? Could we not arrive as the officials to transport the body of some such aged unfortunate? We could plant physical evidence as to identity, and let the usual authorities associate that body with our soon to be dead programmer?"
Medicine (C)(1): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 = 21

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"As officials? You mean to use disguises and lies?" Julakesh looks at her glowing skin, and the glowing ball of light orbiting her head. "Some of you could, but I am too memorable for such tactics."
I'm not naysaying that idea, cause it's a good one. But Julakesh herself shouldn't be the one to pose as anything. She's absurdly easy to identify. Haha.

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While listening to the others casually tossing in ideas of murder, and kidnapping with intent to murder, he jokingly says aloud, 'we may as well go and change her official description; then we could grab poor old Timothy off the street and no one would be the wiser. Well aside from poor Timothy but he'd be dead so, no loose ends!' He gestured and veiled it with a thin layer of sarcasm, better known as the Devil's humor.

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"We are quite certain that our method will work. We need to procure a deceased body, and establish a death certificate, and the business of erasing the woman's current instance will be handled."

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Right. Here we go.
Serrarra calls Ceren over to view her datapad.
Your new name is Suu Donim, and you arrived here approximately six months ago to retire from your job preparing food for Diasporan miners. Your probationary period is complete and since you've stayed out of trouble...wink, wink...you are free to do as you please.
I've arranged for a small apartment in one of the better areas of the Spike. I suggest you move out soon, as CorpSec won't be long in tracking you here.

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I made a bit of a mistake here. Serrarra, the computers check actually would only be enough to create "papers" for Ceren.
In the interest of moving things along, I am going to tell you guys what kinds of checks you can make. If there is something else you want to do, let me know and we can figure out a check for it.
For the death certificate: you can fake a body by obtaining a cadaver and using Disguise or Medicine. A couple of people have already determined they would be capable of doing that. This will likely take some bribing. Medrick, gimme a diplomacy check to see if you can acquire one from the college. Or Diplomacy or Intimidate, as appropriate for what you want to do.
It will take a Computers check to make a fake death certificate by hacking into the medical system. You could also try to bribe a mortician into just faking a death report. You would need to guarantee silence, however.
Anyone with Profession ranks in a funerary, medical, or security field can also file a false report with a Profession check.
For the new Identity. You have already succeeded in making the appropriate "papers". You still need to make the alias stick. This requires Bluff, Culture, or Disguise. You can also use Diplomacy to create allies and contacts for her. You could also use Profession to get her a new job.
I hate just telling you this stuff, but it seems like they don't give you a lot to go off of to figure it out.

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If diplomacy fails I could use intimidate on the medical crew at the college, but otherwise, Julakesh just stands around and glares at people to keep them away from us. She's not going to be any help on the checks.

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@GM, I think this would work at lot better in person where there's immediate feedback. I feel like we have the basics down, but translating to the specific skill checks listed is a little wonky. Not your fault, and I think you've handled it well so far.
Serrarra sets to work on finishing the identity.
Here, let's give you the look of a longtime Diasporan. Let's get rid of that Absalom-market dress, and find you some tighter-fitting robes like the miners wear. Now, walk with your weight on your toes a little, as if you're still getting used to higher gravity. That's it!
Disguise: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (17) + 8 = 25
She thumbs her comm unit.
Captain? Yes, good to hear from you, too. Remember that favor you owe me...? No, not that one (giggle). The other one...
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (20) + 8 = 28
Okay, Cere...uh...Suu. If you get into trouble with your backstory, my friend will back you up. He's got a small freighter and transports people all the time. He'll vouch for you. I'm transferring his id to your pad.
I have no profession I care to talk about. :-) But other than needing a body I think we're looking good.

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the adventure lists profession medic? That is lame that is a profession that is separate than medicine. Needless to say, after this adventure, I will be using the first level rebuild rule to move some skills around. Being a professional medic is what this whole character was about. But the rules even state that you can't make a profession that over laps with a different skill (the example the book gives profession scientist doesn't exist because there are science skills). So frustrating!
Medrick approaches his adviser. Hey Dr. D. So you know how we get the bodies from the government? Could I maybe have one? It would help me with my field expericance that I am required to do. Could you help me out?
diplomacy dc?: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (18) - 1 = 17
wow i rolled a lot better than I expected! I was worried about a diplomacy check haha. Let's hope a 17 is enough to get a dead body!

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Would we be able to hack into the Medical system remotely or does it have to be directly?
I can handle the death certificate; i'll just need the details and the time to get it done.

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I think if my diplomacy was good enough, we will have all the checks we need. Not sure if we need to make another medicine check or not for making the body look like the woman since we both made a check to see if that was something we can do but besides that, I think we have created us a new identity.

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Now to see if it worked...

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I was just going to use your previous medicine checks, since they weren't needed at the time you rolled them. As for hacking the medical system, it seems like it could be done remotely. I am going to skimp a bit on roleplay here just to get us back on track... Sorry again for my absence.
Medrick is able to acquire a recently deceased female cadaver from the school. It takes a bit for it to arrive, and while it does, you make the rest of the preparations. Serrarra works on getting Ceren/Suu some new clothing for her new identity, as well as setting her up with some contacts. Morgan works on the death certificate. Ceren and Jubair leave to take care of some final preparations. "When you are done, meet me at Jatembe Park. I will send you the specific coordinates."
Morgan Computers: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (11) + 12 = 23
After a few hours, the cadaver arrives, and Triskid and Medrick set to work making it look like Ceren died peacefully in her bed.
When all is said and done, you are all quite happy with the results. With that, you head to the park.
Let me finish prepping this bit...

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Okay, sorry for the wait. Trying to get this ready between projects at work. Had a hell of time getting the map to fit! Anyway, go ahead and log in to our Roll20 campaign HERE!
Open to all citizens, Jatembe Park occupies a wide portion of the Eye of Absalom Station. Filled with lush treees and open grass fields, the park offers some natural terrain to the otherwise metal-clad station. Ceren's meeting point is one such forested portion of the park, specifically a spot ofen ignored by citizens due to the winding path required to reach it.
From where you are approaching the bridge, you can see Ceren aka Suu on the other side of the bridge, looking over at the water. You also notice three figures in the trees, slowly making their way over to the bridge and, presumably, your ward.
One of the thugs turns and looks at your party. "Don't get involved anymore than you already are, and no one will get hurt." he says quietly. They don't seem to have weapons drawn, but they do have pistols at their sides.
Julakesh: 1d20 ⇒ 17
Medrick: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (9) + 3 = 12
Morgan: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Serrarra: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
Triskid: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Yuta-133: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (19) + 2 = 21
Thug1: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 4 = 13
Thug2: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5
Thug3: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (20) + 4 = 24
if combat....

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Once again, Medrick knows words and motivrs aren't his strong suit. He looks to his group, hoping someone will be able to make sense of this. I really hope,Julakesh isn't the first to react
Medrick knows that something like this can go south in the matter of seconds so is ready to draw his arc pistol in case they try anything.

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And unfortunately for you, Mendrick, the website starting wokring just NOW for the first time today... Not wasting this opportunity! lol
Julakesh continues to move forward, as if she hadn't heard the thugs, then stops and turns to look at them as she reaches the bridge. Single move action.
"YOU have one chance to leave before YOU get hurt," Julakesh counters.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11
In addition to sounding scary she is using a standard action to attempt to demoralize the nearest thug.

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honestly, I didn't even know if that posted because it crashed again when I hit post. Also, I hope you didn't take it as an insult. You do a great job role playing your character. Medrick was just hoping someone who is more tactful would be the first to speak up. But you do play your character well!

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Hahaha. Of course I'm not offended. A hammer's not good for everything!

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Triskid muses, "the paths of space are many, but if you three persist in this course of action, you many never see more than the ones you have already experienced."
Intimidate (C): 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3

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Morgan stays to the back and rouses his drone to life. It slowly whirls awake and begins to fly over the edge of the bridge and sticks to the surface of the water; it starts to look around before settling on the three in front of them; keeping its fair distance.
My hover drone; i don't believe it has anything to add for combat at the moment(guns are expensive)

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Move along, gentlemen. You're out of your league here.
Intimidate, Aid Another: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

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Unfortunately, your attempts to intimidate them fall on deaf ears. The thugs turn their attention toward you, and draw their pistols.
This is why I rolled Initiative above, so I could post faster lol
Thug3 moves to get a clear shot at Julakesh, drawing a baton as he does so. He takes aim and fires with his pulsecaster pistol.
Thug3 Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
Thug3 Damage, nonlethal: 1d4 ⇒ 3
Julakesh takes 3 nonlethal damage
Julakesh is struck in the chest by the pulse of electricity, and can feel it course through her body.
Yuta-133, Serrarra, Julakesh, and Morgan: go ahead and take your actions whenever you are on. I will resolve them in turn order. I usually give 24 hours before botting someone.

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What's this? Is someone trying to interfere with our plan?" The three seem tough, or at least unimpressed by a group of fresh Starfinder graduates. In an attempt to improve their odds, Yuta reaches out with one hand and tugs on the fabric of reality, trying to stun the mind of one of the attackers.
Cast Daze: DC 14 Will save or become dazed for one round
I'm not sure which number thug is which on the map, but I'm aiming for the closest one.