GM Loup Blanc |
Greetings, one and all. This has been one of the toughest Recruitment processes I've gone through, with the number of fine submissions coming in, and I'm proud to say that you six have made the final cut. I've played with most of you already, and I look forward to getting to know some of you better in this game. I've got fun plans for it, and I hope you'll all have a good time as well.
If people post quickly enough we can get this started tomorrow afternoon, but it's more likely we'll kick things off on Thursday--Wednesday is a very busy day for me, so it's not likely, but it's potential. In the meanwhile, though, go over your sheets one more time to make sure everything's in order, and I have some final comments for some of you--as well as your bonus feats! I've chosen these based on my understanding of your backgrounds and bits of your concepts that I find interesting; I believe all of these feats are helpful to you in some way or another, if not ones that you found necessary to your builds. If you really don't like the choice I make, you can ask for a change, but I think these fit. (In no particular order for your names.)
Bonus Feat: Joran is an infiltrator first and foremost, and he's gotten by through a combination of skill and focus. His sense of self has held through despite years of subterfuge and deceit, and that force of personality lends him mental strength. Recently, it's been pushed in a new direction: distrust and dislike of Force-users like the Jedi. His anger is controlled and directed, as fits his discipline, and this gives him strength. You gain Unstoppable Force (Clone Wars 31) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: Callum is, as his master so recognizes, a Corellian through and through. He may have the gift of the Force, and he's been trained by the Jedi to refine his talents, but there's no doubting that he's a crack pilot. If you need a Jedi who can face down foes in combat and then fly you out of the hot zone, look no further; the Force is with Callum, and nowhere more so than the cockpit. You gain Vehicular Combat (Core 89) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: Trevan has led a dangerous life, from beatings to the danger of being a Sith Apprentice, all the way to a renewed life in the Jedi. He's skilled with both a lightsaber and the Force, but perhaps his most powerful tool is his mind: between the brainwashing of the Sith and the mind-tapping of the Jedi, he has a unique perspective on the way the Force can tap into a psyche... and the ability to shake off such mental attacks. You gain Imperial Military Training (Rebellion 29) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: Vintressa is a skilled reconnaissance officer, capable of infiltration and survival, but she particularly shines as a sniper. Her patience and resilience have given her the ability to lay in wait for the perfect opportunity, and that in turn has shown her that if you wait for the right shot, you can end a fight before it even starts. You gain Advantageous Attack (Force Unleashed 31) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: As a Jedi Shadow, Alaric knows more than most the danger the Dark Side can pose. It presents an ever-lurking threat, destructive power and cunning temptation combining to form an evil that will corrupt and ruin the entire Galaxy if given the chance. But equally, as a Shadow, Alaric is prepared to combat that threat, and its failures only grant him further resolve. You gain Unswerving Resolve (Jedi Academy 24) as a bonus feat.
Bonus Feat: Jal was a Jedi for a time, but that was years ago. Since then he's been a gangster, a slicer, and most recently, a full-fledged crime lord. In a profession like that, especially working with the Black Sun syndicate, there's a very well-known and important lesson: it isn't what you know, it's who you know. For Jal, it's natural to mix the two. You gain Friends in Low Places (Scum and Villainy 21) as a bonus feat, ignoring the prerequisite, and you may use your Trace talent with this feat's benefit.
I think that covers all of you, so once I've heard back and you've introduced yourselves, we'll get things moving... although I probably will post again tomorrow, with some info on my GMing style and how I hope to run this game.
Jal Raxis |
Checking in and wow, that's a useful bonus. Does it retroactively apply to my current gear? Because that would give me a nice cash bump to get some more gear.
Trevan Darksome |
Checking in! Will update with the bonus feat tomorrow looking forward to getting started. Thanks for selecting me Loup!
Jal Raxis |
Jeez. Unless I did some math very wrong, I saved a huge amount of cash with my underworld connections. Which makes sense in a way...
Now I need advice for more gear I should buy, because I'm running out of idea.
Trevan Darksome |
I too have significant cedits left but I am holding onto them as we may need the funds moving forward.
Joran Gres |
Checking in.
I have 24150 credits leftover, as well. I don't know if we'll use them to outfit a ship or if we'll use them for other things, but it never hurts to have some on hand if you need a well-placed bribe or two.
GM Loup Blanc |
Yep, I would strongly suggest holding onto a healthy amount of credits at the moment. After the first mission we'll go through setting up the team's ship--I'll give you a base one for free, and then you'll use credits to outfit it with equipment. That includes both modifications to the ship itself as well as things to be stored inside, so don't doubt the usefulness of keeping some credits around. It can pay well to have gear stockpiled at the ready for when you need it.
Even after that point, though, having some credits in reserve is good. If it helps with rationalizing, you don't have to consider them all your character's credits (although you certainly can); rather, it's a combination of your own gear and wealth with the funds made available to you by the SOE heads for requisitions, expenses, and so on. Of course, you could dip further than that base allowance with favors and potential skill checks, but the compiled group credits represents a base cache that's easily accessed without any red tape or concern.
Joran Gres |
I agree. It never hurts to have a cache of credits available to draw upon (one reason I have so much leftover).
Once in-game, would we get funds for either completing missions or as an advance on missions, or possibly be able to...acquire them during the mission in completely authorized and legal ways?
GM Loup Blanc |
Just checking in to say that I'm here, and getting ready to start! I expect to have Gameplay open tonight. It looks like most of you have updated sheets and finalized stuff; don't worry if things aren't perfectly adjusted, as I'm fine with some touches and small changes in the first stages of playing the game.
I will take the moment to mention some things I plan to do in running the game on the technical side of things. I usually avoid maps if I can--it adds an extra step of things to be done, things that can go wrong, and overall seems like more of a complication than a useful tool. I'm also hoping for a fairly cinematic experience here, so we'll be mainly working in the theater of the mind. I tend to be pretty forgiving in terms of placement and such with that, though--as long as there could logically be cover, there's cover, if you could probably get close enough to shoot in a given range you can, things like that. Sometimes things will be manipulated for dramatic effect, but in the end I want you guys to win (with a healthy challenge) so there's that.
Additionally, there are some things I do with rolling. Typically I roll initiative for you, and I'll roll some other skill tests as needed--Perception and Stealth come to mind as ones I may roll for you to keep things moving, rather than posting, waiting for responses, and posting again. Let me know if that's a problem and I'll let you roll your own, but I do find this tends to keep paces better.
Finally, I usually like to roll in a spoiler at the bottom of my post. You don't have to do this, but it allows my (typically larger) GM posts to have a better look to them and be more easily readable. I'm also moving to rolling straight d20s for enemies and adding bonuses from their stats; this isn't so much a matter of keeping you from metagaming as maintaining some suspense. (And you'll still get a sense of how good they are from the base roll and its success or failure.) Have faith that I'm a fair GM and I won't be tweaking or fudging rolls on you--at least not against you.
If you have any questions or comments let me know, and I'm looking forward to the game!
GM Loup Blanc |
Want to say that I'm really digging the RP going on so far in Gameplay--I can already tell I've got a solid group here, just as expected. I will ask that people not move things too much further forward--feel free to keep talking, but don't move things in terms of action too much just yet! I'm only posting this because I'm going to update tomorrow, but probably not until the later afternoon.
That said, as a quick note on your character's objectives as discussed in the recruitment stage, don't worry about rolls or any such stuff: you automatically succeed at those because we've set them up ahead of time for your character. Thus nobody needed to roll Stealth or Deception, Vintressa didn't need attack rolls to snipe the guards, Jal didn't have to roll to disable the door. Trevan's Illusion is going to work on everyone it matters to for its duration (as though you'd rolled a natural 20) and don't you worry--the holocron won't take any extra time to acquire.
Joran Gres |
Seriously. I have a freaking +18 Stealth, and rolled a 2. So, I use my reroll - and get a 1. Which I have to accept the result of. I better roll some good numbers once combat starts to compensate.
F. Castor |
A question: Provided you already have the Armor Proficiency (Light) feat, do you actually need the Armored Defense talent to wear a thinsuit and still use your level for Reflex?
As the armor has no Reflex armor bonus and it can be worn under other armor or even just clothing, I am leaning towards no. Still I would prefer a GM ruling before buying and upgrading one first chance I get.
Joran Gres |
So, now that everyone's gotten a nat 1 out of their system, maybe we'll all roll at least average now.
Seriously, I don't think I have ever seen a game start with this many nat 1's.
Storyteller Shadow |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Uhm. Yeah, at this point, I'm going to say that for this combat, please reroll natural 1s on your d20 rolls. Normally I let the dice fall as they will, but this is absurd.
I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.
I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.
GM Loup Blanc |
Yeah, go ahead and reroll your attack for this round. We'll leave Vintressa's surprise roll as is, since it didn't affect things much and she's still hidden.
I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.
I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.
I am one with the Force the Force is not with me.
Apparently, yeah. Makes you wonder how that character would have gone if Rogue One were a mini-campaign.
Trevan Darksome |
Yeah, I didn't defect I er ah, I was just turning all of these Jedi to the Sith! Yeah, that's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Joran Gres |
I'm still waiting for the second round to finish - and also if I successfully created a diversion to hide.
Joran wouldn't defect to the Sith - his general dislike of Force users prevents it.
Trevan Darksome |
Trevan, just a heads up, but Rapid Strike adds an extra die of damage (neither a point of damage nor an extra attack) at the cost of a -2 penalty on the attack roll.
Indeed rereading it I see I had that all wrong. "You can make two quick strikes with a melee weapon as a single attack!"
"but you deal +1 die of damage with a successful attack."
Not the best phrased Feat but I can see if I slowed down and re-read it I would have not made that mistake. :-(
GM Loup Blanc |
Yeah, Saga's descriptive flavor text doesn't always match the actual mechanical benefits of whatever the given feat/talent/ability does. Same with the names in some cases. They're very up front about the names not mattering too much, but the flavor text can be confusing; best to just stick with the mechanics and not worry too much about flavor (part of why I'm fine with reflavoring to some extent).