Isla Fletcher |

Isla stands stunned for amount, not only in shock from the worg attack, but also impressed with how her companions dispatched it. However, a whimper from the dog brings her back to her senses. Running to the fallen creature, she swats Geliglee away from it. "I think I can save him. Just give me some space."
This is a little more that the scrapes and bruises I'm used to...but the theory should be the same, right?
She places her hand over the main bite wound and mutters a few incantations, closing up the wound that was bleeding out.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Brandt Oluffson |

Seeming a little shaken from the close call, "Everyone all right? I wish I'd seen that darn thing sooner than we did, could have made a difference. Geliglee, I hope your dog will make it..."
Brandt, then realizing that these things may hunt in packs, stands and scans the horizon for more potential threats.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla attempts heal the dog one more time, focusing her energy on mending the leg.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Looking exhausted from the effort, she turns to Geliglee and says, "I think that's all I can do for him, without resting." She lets out a sigh. "He should live, but it might not be a good idea to ride him at the moment. Sorry."
With that, she quietly gets up and looks for somewhere to clean the blood off her shaking hands.

Geliglee Geerwander |

While Geliglee hadn't previously shown great affection for his dog, he seems a bit overwhelmed at the ijnury. "Please help him... my magics cannot aid the wounded, but we can't let him suffer like this." He gently strokes the animal's fur, "Shh... dog. It will be ok."

Calum Armstrong |

Calum dismounts, his sword shaking a bit in his hands. He had never really had to use it in a life or death situation, usually preferring the flat of the blade in any trouble he got in in town. This was different.
He sheathes his blade before closing his eyes and takes a deep breath. Handing a water skin to Isla he whistles at the healing.
"Hmm, magical healing sure is a wonder to behold. Mending bones and cuts, leaving almost no scars either. Wash your hands with this while somebody helps me move the wounded creature to the cart."

Brandt Oluffson |

Brandt returns his attention to the group, slightly greenish having just dealt with the violence from the assault. "'Ere Calum, I'll give ya a hand."
Brandt moves to assist Calum in picking up the wounded animal, making soothing noises to keep it calm while it is put in the wagon. Once the animal is carefully placed in the wagon he will silently drink from his waterskin, offering it first to Calum and then any of the others who seem to be close by.

GM 8574 |

The rest of the day is, thankfully, uneventful. The hills continue to roll by for the next several hours, as you head deeper into the wilderness along the edge of the great forest. Looking into it as you pass, you see mostly newer growth here at the edges. Yet it is likely that trees that are much, much older yet grow deeper in this wilderness.
Do you try to press further on after 8 hours of travel? Or wait until the morning? Traveling further at this time would require Fortitude checks for all the mounts you are riding. Failure = HP Damage.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla, who had been humming all morning, remains uncharacteristically quiet for the rest of the day. However, aware of the whimpering of the dog, as well as her own weariness, she finally speaks up as she sees the sun setting.
"Perhaps it would be best to set up camp now? While we still have a little light..." Scanning the horizon, she turns to the more wilderness ready companions and asks, "Any guesses how much further the camp might be?"

Brandt Oluffson |

"I donno how far the camp is, but blundering around in the dark is a sure way for us to get noticed by them..." Brandt says, nodding to Isla's wisdom.
"Why don't we bunk down an' maybe we can scout a little ahead if there is some moonlight or something. If not, just keep our camp quiet tonight. Nalys, you want to help me set a spot for camp and disguise us a little?"
Brandt will quickly look for a decent spot to camp which would be shielded from casual observation.
The hidden part is less critical than a place to camp, and the priority is a good spot.

GM 8574 |

Brandt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (9) + 5 = 14
Calum: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Geliglee: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Isla: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Nalys: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
With a little teamwork, Brandt and Nalys are able to find a sheltered lee of a hill, where fire won't be visible from the south. The relatively new moon also sheds little light that night, so you are glad to have your camp established before the late afternoon sunset. Though the riding dog is in poor shape, it is stable, and good care will help it mend quickly. You eat dinner (Deduct one ration from your inventory, or let me know if you are taking one from the party inventory), and post watch. (For simplicity, I'll use the watch order you decided on for Oleg's.)
First watch: Nalys+Seara. 4 hours of watching and 1 hour to share with Brandt
Bridge watch: Brandt. 3 hours of watching (8 hours sleep for all, 3 for Nalys, 4 for Brandt) and 1 hour to share with Calum
Last watch: Calum. 4 hours of watching (13 hours sleep all, 9 for Nalys, 8 for Brandt) and wake up everyone.
Brandt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Calum: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Geliglee: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
Isla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (10) + 3 = 13
Nalys: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
1d100 ⇒ 55
The night passes uneventfully. There are wolf howls that come from no direction in particular, but are quite far off. The noises of night predator birds emerge from the woods, but nothing disturbs your tents or sleep.
When you break camp the next morning, it is cold - just above freezing. The horses are still appearing healthy, and the riding dog has improved enough to wanly accept a saddle, if you wish to do so. It is still showing pain from its injuries, but is able to get up and move on its own.
Brandt: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
Calum: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
Geliglee: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Isla: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Nalys: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (5) + 9 = 14
Working together, you are able to pick up the now few-days-old trail left by the bandits that were heading towards Oleg's. They were likely left by the horses that you now ride. Recalling the description that the bandit gave of the camp's location, you think it likely that you will find it by midday, if not before.
What preparations do you make?

Brandt Oluffson |

Brandt will mount and prepare to ride, after checking over his weapons. "Perhaps we should get close to where we think they'll be, then dismount and advance on foot?"
Considering everything he's learned about the bandits, "If they are confident, the probably won't have spotters, but if they are well-prepared they may see us coming? What are all of your thoughts?"
Also for my part, I'm content to storm in and make a big problem for them; I'd prefer to take them b surprise rather than give them a chance to get rid of us."

Isla Fletcher |

Subtracted trail rations. However, is Nayls entitled to a Survival role, since he was taking the role of hunter?
Isla nods to Brandt with regards to approaching on foot once we get close. "We should probably scout ahead, if at all possible too. Not sure about sneaking up on a guarded bandit camp, but I was able to sneak out of my house easily enough," she says with a nervous chuckle, ""So I could try to give it a go, if no one else is confident. I also do have a trick for keeping in contact with people over a distance that I can use to help us with scouting."
Taking a deep sigh, knowing she is bringing up a tough subject, she adds, "There is also the matter of figuring out what we will do with the bandits if we win. We can't keep bringing prisoners to Oleg's and I don't see Keston Garess volunteering to be our errand boy and taking them back to Brevoy, Personally, I think we should give them the option of surrendering arms during conflict. If they still continue to fight, they should hang." Isla lets out another sigh, knowing the next part will likely be even harder. "Also, I think there should be no quarter for Kressle."

Nalys Stern |

Will hunting affect our exploration speed? If not, than I vote for hunting. If it will be, that I think, we can hunt later, after we solve the bandit issue
"I can send Seara to check out. She is almost twice faster than we are and I doubt they will suspect something if they see a bird over their heads".
Nalys hesitates for a moments and then nods: "As we are here to bring an order to those lands, I suspect we offer them a chance to surrender, if we have an upper hand in the battle, but won't warning them with a horns and reading them our charter aloud. I also think, than unless Kressle starts killing her own soldiers, willing to pay for her sins, we won't keep ourselves to execute her."
If it is possible, than I'd like to find handful of berries, cast goodberries 2d4 ⇒ (2, 3) = 5 and distribute among the team in following order: Isla, Geliglee, Nalys, Brandt, Calum.

Calum Armstrong |

Trying to think out a plan of action, Calum appears to be rather quiet, lost in thought.
"Most of the higher ups, people who torture, and people who claim roles of leadership will more than likely meet the sharp end of a blade or should be given a fair trial according to the laws of Brevoy and then be sentenced. We have one of the members of a noble house staying at Oleg's correct? I know how a courthouse is supposed to be run, I helped my mother out a few times, but mostly I just stood around looking intimidating."

GM 8574 |

Yes, hunting will cut your overland speed in half while you travel together in a straight line. When you are hexploring, I'm ruling that it will not.
Nalys searches around and finds some reddish berries. They'd be unhealthy to eat on their own, but with your magic they definitely take on a new flavor and nourishment.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla contemplates the well-trained bird and cautiously asks, "No disrespect intended to Seara...but is she going to be able to understand and communicate what she sees at the camp?"
Replying to Calum, Isla says, "We could hold a trial...might not be a bad precedent. Although, I don't think we need Keston Garess. We have been granted the authority to pass judgment on bandits in the Stolen Lands and are within our rights to sentence them to execution."

Geliglee Geerwander |

"I think we handle things as we did before. If people seem to genuinely repent to the point that they give us aid, we can give them quarter. Otherwise, I see no need for formal trials - or involving other authority. We are the ones who are supposed to handle things, giving away our authority only lessons our ability to do what needs to be done."
Retcon: If we had any spare healing at the end of a day of travel, Geliglee would have pushed to get the dog healed.

Nalys Stern |

"Seara can seek for people and then return... Remember how she warned us at Oleg's? But I can keep her near me, if you think it might compromise our party... Don't mind trailing Brandt reading trail, he is good hunter", druid had chance to see Brandt skills and was ready to admin his talents.
As he split his magical berries, Nalys once again said: "Those are not for eating. It is a small blessing, that can save your life by stopping bleeding or giving you a final boost if you are wounded."
"Yes," Nalys supported his gnome friend, "while we are solving immediate issues, let's keep bureaucracy to minimum. We just record their name, execute them by rope, bury their body in grave or fire and start exploring those lands. After we done with exploration, we might be count as reliable enough to rule this land. Than we'll issue laws and determine formal processes."

Brandt Oluffson |

"I'm happy to track them, or have Seara do it for us. I doubt she'd be noticed by anyone as out of the ordinary. I'll keep half an eye out for tracks while we're moving, but I think we'll do just fine finding these bandits." Brandt says, bowing in thanks to Nalys as he accepts both the compliment and the berry.
"It strikes me that what Nalys says is for the best, Keep track o' who gets justice, and if they are exceptionally willing to aid us maybe let 'em off the hook." Brandt says while arraigning his remaining arrows in his quiver.

Isla Fletcher |

Bringing the subject back to infiltrating the camp, Isla says, "I'm not too worried about finding the camp. As you said, Seara could find it or Brandt seems to be getting along fine with the tracks. The reason I brought up scouting is because I don't want to go in blind. We don't really know what there defense are...or how many of them there will be. If we go in as a big group, we will surely be noticed. However, one or two of us might be able to get a closer look."
"From there we could regroup and form our plan. If they are poorly defended we can just charge in. However, if they are well defended we may have to use some kind of ruse." Isla pulls out the stag amulet and examines it for a moment. "We may be able to convince them that one of us is a bandit lieutenant with a message from the stag lord." Isla shrugs and says, "It would be risky, but it could get us straight to Kressle."
To summarize, Isla is suggesting recon before finalizing a plan. She is also throwing out bluffing our way in as a possible plan, if there defenses are good.

Brandt Oluffson |

"I daresay we shouldn't bluff our way into the center, then we may be surrounded, I think a raid into their camp leaves us a way out if the situation goes poorly." Brandt says, considering Isla's words.
"I also think scoutin' out their plans is important, an' knowing where they are would be helpful to us." Brandt adds, definitely seeming more confident in the second statement than the first.
agreed on recon, my plan is pick a weaker area and assault it, leaving us an avenue of escape if things go poorly. Definitely up for change if our scouting proves different. Assuming recon is agreed to we should pick the best stealth person (people?) to sneak up and gather information.

Isla Fletcher |

When Brandt mentions getting surrounded she looks a little sheepish and lets out a nervous laugh, "Oh...yeah...let's not do that...Perhaps your plan is better."
For stealth, Isla has a +6 (including armor check penalty).

Calum Armstrong |

Calum nods quietly that recon would be better suited to their needs at this time. Then he sticks out an arm and shakes it to rattle his armor.
"Reconnaissance is indeed the best course of action but I fear I will not be so useful in this situation. "
-Posted with Wayfinder

Nalys Stern |

"Don't be fooled by that worg hit. I am not a fighter at all. I am more about bringing balance to this land, building a community. I don't mind taking club or bow to solve some issues, but my preferred tactics would be ambush. So, I vote both hands for quiet recon and might be splitting them before fight"

Isla Fletcher |

"I suppose I will be the one to scout ahead then..." Isla says, trying her best to hide her nervousness, "You'll all stay nearby, though...right? I can cast a spell that will let me talk to you guys within about 100 feet or so...but if I get in trouble, I'm probably just going to run towards you all as fast as I can..." She says as she loads up her horse, ready for the road ahead.

Nalys Stern |

"Sorry to admit, but I am not the stealthiest person and Seara doesn't know how to defend people, only how to find them... But if we will be keeping hundred foot distance between us, then we'll be able to reach you in ten seconds or about that... Don't hesitate to call us, if you need help."
Just in case, Nalys put his club in one hand and prepared to ride behind Isla.

GM 8574 |

Isla Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Bandit Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 9
You are able to get quite close to the camp by staying in the underbrush...
Isla Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
...and get a very good eye on the camp layout. You can see a half-dozen or so men milling about, some chopping firewood, others moving and stacking items, and in the middle of it, a woman clad in studded leather armor, with a pair of handaxes at her belt, shouting a variety of orders at the men.
"Come on, you sorry louts, get moving! Those basterds got caught, like as or not, 'cause they got sloppy and lazy. Ain't gonna happen here - plenty of arrows at all posts, 'cause you know those fools gave up our position, and I ain't goin' out without a fight if whoever did this comes here next. We'll take them out, then be takin' out that trading post like we should have in the first place. NOW MOVE!!"
Isla Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Bandit Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 14
The men scurry to avoid her wrath, and you're able to remain hidden long enough to count the woman - obviously Kressle - and a total of eight other bandits. While most of them stay by the campfire, one makes his way out just west of the camp - across the stream - and climbs up to what you can now see is a camouflaged watch post. It'd be difficult to get at them at range, but if someone could get close, they'd be able to climb up and engage the bandit in melee.
There's another post like this in the middle of camp, overlooking a pair of fallen logs that could obviously be used to cover archers. It's a fairly defensible position, but not impregnable.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla returns to the group from her scouting effort, leaning forward on her knees to let out the deep breath she hadn't realized she was holding. After taking several moments to calm down, shaking the nervousness out of her arms, she finally speaks.
"So...the good news...I saw their camp... and I'm still alive..." she says in between deep breaths. "The bad news...they are pretty well defended...and they are expecting us...since the other men didn't return..."
Seeming to finally catch her breath, she sits down on a nearby log and continues, "I saw Kressle, as well as eight other men. Most of them are hanging around their campfire, but there are two manned watch posts. The first one is camouflaged near us, on this side of the stream. The second is on the other side of stream, in the middle of the camp. There are also some fallen logs, that I think have been positioned in such a way that archers could use them for cover. There is also a fair amount of tree cover that could be used for us or against us."
Double guessing her explanation, she says, "Perhaps I can draw a map..."

Calum Armstrong |

"Hmm, not very inviting I'd say. 8 men is quite a bit. Perhaps we should return when their guard drops a bit."
Calum sits on a nearby log to Issa and studies the map.
"What if we use bowfire from the woods. Somebody shoot a couple times and flee or run around to help us. And while they are distracted we pounce from another direction?"
-Posted with Wayfinder

Nalys Stern |

"I call upon animal ally to help us. Probably an eagle or a dog. But it won't last for long, just one good strike and then it will disappear." Nalys looked at the map again. "If I call for power of nature, I might be able to root them to the ground. But to call for this powers we need to stay somewhere away from their camp, since I need morning dew and sunrise light to meditate for that."
We can use summons and entanglement, but second one is not prepared.

Isla Fletcher |

"I'm not sure we will be able to wait them out. I overheard Kressle saying to expect an attack, so I doubt they will wander off for other jobs. In fact, I would fear that more might join them if we wait...Sven did say their number vary from about six to twelve...If they do leave, it will no doubt be to burn Oleg's to the ground. We can't let that happen..."
Nodding to Calum, she says, "I agree that we best use these woods for cover," she says gesturing to the north-west portion of the map. Turning to Brandt, she adds, "I think we may be able to take out the closer post, if we can get close enough unseen. It is surrounded by trees and the fact they think its hidden could lull them into a false sense of security..."
Then, turning to Nayls she say, "A summoned eagle or perhaps Seara could be very useful in that regard. They could easily reach the top of the post and might not raise suspicion until it was too late for the guard to respond."
Finally she adds, "Also, if we can stay hidden we may be able to misdirect them. I have a few tricks up my sleeve..." Isla's voice trails off into an incomprehensible murmur, as she move her hands around oddly. Suddenly, the sounds of about four people charging the group from behind can be heard, but anyone who turns sees nothing. The sounds disappear suddenly, as Isla smiles innocently at everyone.
She cast Ghost Sound

Brandt Oluffson |

"I think, if I work around to one side of the camp, that I can cause a right big distraction with me bow, and at least encourage them to come out and try me axe. Otherwise, I can try an' clear that platform first, and either Isla or Geliglee or Nalys could head up there to gain height. I imagine Calum will want to head right in and get close with em, an' I'll want to close with 'em as well." Brandt says, looking around the group.

Isla Fletcher |

"I'm hesitant to employ any tactics that require us to split up and attack separately. Sure, it would split their power...but it splits ours too..." Isla says, deep in contemplation.
"I think we should focus on taking out the watch post...preferably without drawing a lot of attention to ourselves. Alternatively, we could try picking people off...if we can figure out what would cause them to send just a few men to investigate. Smoke in the distance, maybe?"

Geliglee Geerwander |

"At best my magic is distracting or flashy, but may be useful here. I can summon phantom torches to appear and approach their camp, even make sounds like they are coming from another direction. I can create a simple mirage so that they think they see something. At the most direct, you have seen the prismatic colors I can call upon to blind, stun, or even knock someone out cold. Tactics are not my best thing, but distraction at a distance and direct power at close range are my strengths."
Dancing lights, ghost sound, silent image, and colour spray are what he is describing.

GM 8574 |

To help with planning, I have added icons to the map. You may feel free to position them as you see fit to visualize a strategy, if you like.

Calum Armstrong |

Calum smiles at the two spellcasters.
"Flashy and distracting is what we are going for here. Maybe not quite like the charging men Isla, but perhaps several snapping twigs, if we get that in a decent area we can draw their sight from us as we take the first post, preferably with bowfire quick and silent. Then comes the hard part. Geliglee you mentioned making a simple mirage, can it be dark like a silhouette? Place some bright dancing lights behind it, some more sound, and a dark figure holding a blade and we can get the bandits to attack that while we come up from behind and take them by surprise. Our small band must appear to be much more than what we are."

Nalys Stern |

"Ok, friends." said Nalys, "As I said, I am not proficient with a bow, despite I carry one, but it's more for a hunting. I can command Seara to attack second tower and call for another bird to help her, but when the fighting starts, I will be more effective just assisting one of you. And with berries."
"On the other hand, if we delay our assault till the sunrise, I will be able to bound them all with grass, reducing their speed and ability to fight. This blessing is enough to cover all their camp. As well, we can leave that in case we need to run away from them, so they could not pursue us."
I'm ok with plan "distract and kill", but if we are involved in a fight, I have basically two options: today summon ally + goodberry or tomorrow entanglement + goodberry (summon ally). I'm playing druid first time in my 12+ year practice, so I don't know much about him.
From RP perspective, I tried to use goodberry as possibly saving thing, so I'd prefer to keep it. But my character suck in tactics, so feel free to learn him his BAB increase :)

GM 8574 |

You return to your obscured campsite and try to make as little noise as possible during the day and your watches that next night. It appears to work well, as neither bandit nor beast chance upon your position on that cold day.
The next morning dawns, the 21st of Pharast, 4713 AR. It is cloudy, and seasonably chilly that morning. You prepare yourselves for the day, then head into the woods to get into position near the bandit camp.
Isla and Geliglee creep a bit closer, and begin casting a combination of spells to both catch the attention of and lure bandits away from the camp.
Isla Stealth: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (7) + 6 = 13
Geliglee Stealth: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 5 = 19
Bandit 1: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Bandit 2: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (12) - 1 = 11
Bandit 3: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (16) - 1 = 15
Bandit 4: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Bandit 5: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Bandit 6: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (11) - 1 = 10
Bandit 7: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (4) - 1 = 3
Bandit 8: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (6) - 1 = 5
Kressle: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
Bandit 1: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (4) - 6 = -2
Bandit 2: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (2) - 6 = -4
Bandit 3: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (1) - 6 = -5
Bandit 4: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (2) - 6 = -4
Bandit 5: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (5) - 6 = -1
Bandit 6: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (8) - 6 = 2
Bandit 7: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (8) - 6 = 2
Bandit 8: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (17) - 6 = 11
Kressle: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (11) + 0 = 11
The relatively quiet morning at the Bandit Camp suddenly bursts into activity when your noises and illusions are heard and seen. Kressle begins giving orders, "Someone's blundering about over there. You two on the posts, stay there, you two, watch the goods with me - this might be a distraction to draw us all away. You four, get out there and take them down!"
In no time, there are four bandits moving their way into the woods, closing on your position. You are able to move with them, guiding them by your magics directly into an ambush site laid by the rest of your party!
Brandt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
Calum: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
Geliglee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Isla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (17) + 3 = 20
Nalys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
Enemy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
Roll Off:
Geliglee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Enemy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
There are four bandits that have walked into your ambush zone. Would you have led them to an ambush site that: (A) "We'd lead them out of the woods so that Calvus can get his charge on, Brandt can shoot with his bow, and Nalys can use entangle," or, (B) "We'd lead them deeper into the woods so that we could all jump out from behind trees and surround them." Let me know your preference and Ill make a map to match it.
Surprise Round Initiative Order: Geliglee, Isla, Brandt, Nalys, Calum
Round 1 Initiative Order: Bandits, Geliglee, Isla, Brandt, Nalys, Calum

Nalys Stern |

Let's go with plan B.
No need to spend food - we had goodberry which one is ration worth. Only food for horses need to be tracked.
As always, before night down I cast goodberry for 2d4 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6 berries that go to Isla, Geliglee, Nalys, Brandt, Calum as last reserve for the battle.
Nalys waited behind tree with club in his hand. He didn't wanted to risk with bow and would like to save magic for fight with Kressle. As soon as enemy approached, he waited for others and then made a loud whistling sound to order Seara to attack. +10 handle animal, auto success He jumped from behind and put his club on bandits head.
Nalys Attack: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Nalys DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 4
Nalys confirm: 1d20 ⇒ 20 Extra DMG: 1d6 ⇒ 6
Seara Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15 Seara DMG: 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

Brandt Oluffson |

Cursing the bandits in Ulfen, Brandt steps out from behind a tree, his greataxe singing as it sweeps around at the unsuspecting bandit.
"You'll pay for what you've done to these innocents!"
Melee+Favored Enemy: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Damage: 1d12 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
If they aren't humans please -2 from the attack and damage rolls. Also, focusing on a different one than Nalys.
Edited to add ooc clarify