Brass Legionary |

"Yes hang them! They're true scum no need for mercy on them!" Oleg says, while Svetlana nods in approval, when her husband finishes she adds some words herself: "The woman, she came with the rest the first time playing with two hatchets throwing them around, then threatening us, she said if we didn't comply they were going to burn the place down, and take me for amusement." She shudders at the last words, Oleg moves closer to his wife and embraces her, while looking grumpily at you as if saying: "See? Hang'em!"

Isla Fletcher |

Isla shudders, now fearful of the coming fight for a whole new set of reasons.
She sighs a little and remarks,"I am still unclear what we would do with them if they surrender. There is no one to hand them over to...and if these bandits are as bad as it sounds, we can't just let them go..." looking distressed she adds, "I'm not particularly happy with it, but that's the situation we are in."
Trying to find a way to make this work, Isla turns to Oleg and Svetlana. "Do guards ever visit...or is it possible to request they come? If so, do you have anywhere that could work as a makeshift prison?" she inquires, feeling guilty for even asking them the question.

Brass Legionary |

Oleg looks at Isla, as if she was an idiot then answer: "There a no guards around here! I've asked and asked the Swordlords for help, they said they're going to send some men but they haven't arrived." Hekeeps looking at Isla as if doubting her capacity, both to deal with the bandits as well as exploring the Stolen Lands.
"If you want to hold' em you can use the guesthouse there's enough room for you in the main house." says Svetlana still looking a bit shaken up.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Shaking his head, Geliglee looks to Isla and states, "The Charter does not allow us to pass off difficult decisions, there is no higher authority. We are the ones who will administer justice. We are the law." After stating that so clearly, he seems to have surprised himself.
However, he simply nods. "If they come to attack, it confirms the story of Oleg and Ilsa to any rational trier of fact... and they hang."

Isla Fletcher |

Isla looks from Oleg to Geliglee, confused, "Hold on a second...when did sparing them become my idea? On the contrary, I think offering surrender is folly if we catch them in the act. However, some of us seem to be advocating the option, so I am just trying to establish if its even possibility."

Calum Armstrong |

His gauntlet resting on the table, Calum thought hard. He didn't like ambush's but if the bandits would use them all was fair. At Svetlana's words Calum's mind was made up.
No mercy for the cowardly, if they give up we can put them in cages until they feel they can do some good.
"Hmm, a woman who throws hatchets, and bandits that have no honor. Normally it would be beneath me to use ambush's and the like, but I believe this is a special case. These bandits need to be taught a lesson and we are the ones to give it to them. Perhaps we can get the jump on them and I can charge one down with my lance. William is combat trained and can hold his own in a fight."

Brandt Oluffson |

"I thought it was worth discussing, do it can be my idea. Doesn't matter, but if they ask for mercy, we'll give it?" Brandt says, looking from one to another gathered around the table.
"That being said, I don't pull my shots. I suppose we'll sort out what happens when we're done with this." Brandt fidgets with a dagger, and stops when he seems about to start spinning it point first on the table; putting it away and folding his hands on the table instead.

Nalys Stern |

"Friends, I'm more proficient dealing with animals than fighting large group of people," said Nalys, "but I think we have several crucial things to solve.
First, we need to lure them in, so that bandits do not raise alert early.
Than, we need to cut them from fleeing away, so they could not inform others and bring reinforcements.
And finally, if we manage to win this fight we need to decide what to do with survivors."
He stopped for a moment, take sip of water and continued:
"We can hide behind gates to stay undetected and bandits will enter the fort. Than we close gates,.. Probably, Oleg or Svetlana will give us some code word for that.. We rush in, fighting those who are inside. I will not hold my blow for a moment, but if someone will be asking for mercy, I'd like to give him a chance. Of course, I don't want to let any leader to live, but our charter says we should execute only those that are unrepentant. I think, Oleg could use couple of hands working here for food and shelter?"
Sorry for delay, life happens and it's wonderful. I'm back in office, so probably will be participating more actively

Isla Fletcher |

Responding to Nayls, Isla remarks, "They are here to load up on supplies, so I don't think luring them into the fort will be a problem...as long as we stay hidden. I agree with Oleg that the stables make an excellent hiding spot, especially for those who aren't the most stealthy."
She considers the layout of the fort for a momement. "You are right that we should be able to cut them off, but we may be spotted quickly by the gate. However..." she points upwards to the walls near the gate. "I could probably hide up there with my bow. Besides, even if they spot me...they probably wouldn't view me as a threat..." she says sadly, clearly discouraged by Oleg's implication that she is unfit for this mission.
Isla gets lost in her own thoughts for a moment, but snaps out of it, adding, "Anyone else who is stealthy and inclined to fight at range could probably hide on the other side. They'll have a hard time escaping archers with that kind of vantage point."

Brass Legionary |

"That could work, but no way in hell I want any of the scum working here, at least not without guards!" As Oleg speaks his voice rises in volume until at the end he was nearly shouting. He then recomposes himself and adds: "One or two of you could hide behind the gates and close it after they enter, while the rest hides in the stables."
Unless any of you have a clearly better idea, or a good suggestion to make the plan better,I will advance to the next day on the story.

Nalys Stern |

"Can we use those big things on towers or at least put our archers there?" asked Nalys, talking with Oleg, "I got your point about captives and I understand it. Let's say the code word for you is hospitality... If you say that, we understand, we need to start acting in matter of seconds. Wait for last bandit to enter yard, but do not wait for very last moment."
Nalys will hide behind gate. I'm ready to accept anyone helping, if two people are required to close gate fast.
Isla and Brandt probably will take towers. Calum probably will be in stables to charge out. Geliglee probably will be in stables to reach battlefield pretty fast.
Ready for next day.

Geliglee Geerwander |

The gnome takes some time to see if anything can be done to improve the defenses or fortifications.
Know Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
"I need to get close for my most effective spells to work, so I will wait in the garage and rush in with the others."

Brandt Oluffson |

"I would prefer to be on the ground. I can do a fair amount with me axe, and would prefer to come to grips rather than let them all congregate on Geliglee and Calum. I'll find myself a spot behind the house, and when things break loose I'll come on in." Brandt says, looking to the others.

Calum Armstrong |

Thinking about the location Calum has a question concerning what was available.
"Does anybody at this table have any caltrops? They could provide what we need to limit the movement of the bandits while we encircle them and attack whilethey are stepping on the sharp objects. While I am perfectly capable with my blade, having a good plan will do more good than just playing this by ear."

Brass Legionary |

Unfortunately no one had caltrops, you continued to plan even after Svetlana took the remains of dinner back inside. In the end the plan you decided on was to have Nalys and Isla hide behind the doors, so they could be closed rapidly. And trough a suggestion of Oleg it was decided that after they could get cover by standing behind the big wagon near the stables. Where Calum and Geliglee would wait to "charge" out when given the signal shouted by Oleg. At the same time Brandt would hide between the main house and the supply room. And Svetlana would hide in the main house during the ambush.
Afterwards you went to sleep in the guest house, except for Nalys who went searching for Berries and waited till midnight to sleep, doing some strange druidic magic during this time.
The beds inside were hard but great compared to sleep in the ground. Thus you most likely slept peacefully, finally in a bed again. Yet perhaps you didn't, perhaps your sleep was fretful, wondering about the ambush next day, or the many dangers to come. Or perhaps you barely had any sleep at all, lying awake filled with excitement about this adventure you have embarked upon.
Regardless of your feelings morning came, and not soon after you were awoken by Svetlana telling you to come eat breakfast which is a simple affair of some bread and sausages.
The day proves to be a hard one as there is a need to keep constant watch over the horizon to see the bandits arriving, thus during the day your tension rises and fall many times until finally one of you during his time on watch see the Bandits riding towards the fort. Four men, accompanied by 3 more horses. You all rush to your positions tension rising and then finally the bandits arrive.
They ride inside arrogantly upon seeing Oleg they begin to snicker and ask: "Where is that delicious looking wife of yours?"
"Did she leave you for a manlier man?"
As they continued with their mockery three of them dismounted and made a line the first inside taking supplies passing to the second outside, this one passing to the third storing the many supplies, food, rope, etc. In bags tied to the horses saddles.
"My wife is cleaning the house inside." Oleg said to their leader the man on the horse, his face half hidden by the cowl of his cape a green and brown thing. The man nodded distracted thus Oleg turned and ran while shouting: "NOW!!!"
15th day of Calistril in the year 4713 A.R. - Second Starday of the month.
You guys have a surprise round. I will update the map with tokens soon.

Brandt Oluffson |

Brandt springs from his concealment, taking aim at the leader of the brigand troop (the one on the horse is his guess). Firing an arrow at the mounted figure.
Shortbow attack (favored enemy): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6

Isla Fletcher |

Isla nervously hides behind the gate as the bandits arrive. However, when they start talking, all nervousness is replaced by rage. Oleg may not have been the most polite host, but Svetlana had been nothing but kind and hospitable. They don't deserve this kind of abuse. No one does... Isla thinks, fighting the urge to let an arrow fly early.
Finally when she hears the signal, she decides to bolster her allies. She begins singing an old folk song about bandits and their fate being at the end of a noose. There is their warning, she think as she grips one hand tightly around the shortbow and places the other on the gate.
Inspire Courage: +1 attack and damage for everyone.

Nalys Stern |

Nalys went for evening walk and brought a handful of berries back. He chanted some forest-like melody over them and then selected several of those aside.
Goodberry: 2d4 ⇒ (2, 1) = 3
Seara was send scouting and as soon she returned, he put her out of harms way, making her stay behind stables. Then, he come to Oleg, Svetlana and Isla giving them one berry each.
"This berry is infused with natures magic. Keep it in your mouth and swallow as soon as you are hit or shot. This might save your life."
If someone doesn't want my goodberry, i'll take it for myself.
Morning meditation: 0th level: Stabilize, Guidance, Flare
1st level: Entangle, Shillelagh
Nalys was almost ready for the fight. It felt almost like a hunt, except that he expected his pray will be fighting back ferociously as a wild bear. As soon as he heard someone approaching to gates, he started to prepare himself for the fight, readying his club.
As he heard Oleg's scream, Nalys started pushing his part of gates to close it behind enemy backs.

Calum Armstrong |

Astride his mount Calum steadied his lance.
No better time than the present to begin.
I'm posting from my phone atm so it's a little choppy. Charge 10 ft and attack with my lance.
charging lance: 1d20 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 222d8 + 10 ⇒ (1, 8) + 10 = 19

Brass Legionary |

d20: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (2) - 3 = -1
d20: 1d20 - 6 ⇒ (20) - 6 = 14
Initiative roll:
Calum: 1d20 ⇒ 15
Geliglee: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18
Nalys: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (8) + 2 = 10
Isla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
Brandt: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (17) + 2 = 19
d20: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Initiative Order: Block 1 (Calum, Isla, Brandt, Geliglee.) => Block 2 (Bandits) => Block 3 (Nalys) => Block 4 (B. Leader)
Brandt as you rushed to shoot you took aim and drew your fingers back tensing the bow, but just as you were going to shoot Oleg passed in front of you and when you released the arrow a moment after it was in the wrong direction.
At the same time everyone except the bandits moved, clearly the newly arrived guest weren't expecting an ambush. Hearing the signal Calum charged with his lance atop his steed. Piercing the bandit in his path. Then Calum drew back his lance and the criminal fell on the ground unconscious.
Block 1 go ahead.

Isla Fletcher |

Continuing her song, Isla pushes the other gate closed and stands between the bandits and the barred exit. Although her presence is far from intimidating, her face filled with anger and resolve.
They cannot be allowed to leave...I cannot allow them to leave...
Still a +1 to attack and damage (also against charm and fear saves, but somehow I doubt that will be relevant)

Brandt Oluffson |

Exhaling his indrawn breath, Brandt tries to steady himself and shoot again.
Breathe in, aim, release. Just like you've done a thousand thousand times...
Brandt pulls in his breath as he withdraws another arrow, nocks, and releases it. Keeping his eyes firmly on the mounted one.
Bow Attack + Favored Enemy: 1d20 + 5 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 5 + 1 = 19
Bow damage + favored enemy: 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

Calum Armstrong |

Calum keeps William in check and strikes at the bandit in the green and brown hood.
"Good riddance to foul bandits. I will make sure that you do not get to see another day without paying for your crimes."
Lance: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 241d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

Brass Legionary |

Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
Save: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (10) - 1 = 9
Save: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (7) - 1 = 6
Geliglee steps out of cover and throws a bit of powder and sand in the air while speaking strange words and moving his other hand, and suddenly a burst of color spread out engulfing the bandits and three horses. Making them fall unconscious at the same time Brandt's arrow hit the leader, and Calum pierced him with his spear.
Combat is over, the leader is also dying, the last one is going to wake up soon.

Brandt Oluffson |

Brandt, baffled and somewhat awed by the burst of color, drops his shortbow. Shaking his head he quickly realizes that the enemies will awaken soon and quickly approaches an unconscious one, drawing his handaxe and pulling out a length of rope to secure the bandit.
What now? Capture them all? Brandt asks. Shaking his head for the fifth time in several seconds, "Wait, do we think they have information that may be useful?"

Isla Fletcher |

Isla sighs a breath of relief as the bandits fall to the ground. She walks over to assist Brandt in restraining them.
"They certainly have useful information...the location of their camp...where their leader is...what else this group does in the Greenbelt..." Isla scowls at the unconcious bandits. "I doubt they'll tell us, though. Not unless they think there is something in it for them..."

Geliglee Geerwander |

"We should tie them quickly, they may awaken soon!" The gnome seems quite proud of the effectiveness of his spell, but does not seem inclined to be the one to do the actual tying up of the unconscious brigands.
Instead, he seems inclined to wax academically about the moral and logistical impact of capturing some of the brigands alive. "If we're not inclined to hang them immediately, we could imprison them and give them the opportunity to confess fully and give us intelligence in return for clemency. We will likely need menial laborers to do repairs, clear roads and such if we are successful in our Chartered duties. If they choose not to try for clemency, then they are asking to be hanged and no one should object to such action then. Hmm?"

Calum Armstrong |

Dismounting from his horse, Calum holds the bandits up for someone to tie them up.
"I would show some mercy to these men, we shall see if they can be put to work for the damages they have caused. If not then we can hang them for their crimes against Brevoy."

Nalys Stern |

"This was my initial intention", said Nalys putting his club away, "but Oleg doesn't want any one of this scums nearby and I believe we should listen to him."
He tied bandit Calum was holding and then started looking through his possessions for concealed weapons or other stuff he might use. After he finished with bandit search, he leaned over bandits leader and checked his vitals.
Heal: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (4) + 7 = 11

Brass Legionary |

Nalys you realize that tough the leader is still alive it won't be so for much longer, while you talk and tie the bandits, the other one hurt dies. It takes some time until Oleg comes out to check the result but when he does you all notice his expression of grim contentment. He kicks one of the sleeping criminals and asks: "Will you hang'em? I think that's what you should do! Right they pay for their crimes, and while we might be able to house these two we won't have places for all their companions." His words still carried a bitter tone, but they weren't disrespectful now. Also notable was the fact Oleg took the hanging of the leader as a foregone conclusion.

Brandt Oluffson |

Oleg is right, but shouldn't we try to get information from them? Is this an absolute situation? Da would have chopped their heads off already, but do we need to get more out of them?
Looking from member of the group to member of the group, Brandt realizes something and slides over to Isla, whispering to her: "Would you talk to Oleg about staying his hand for a bit while we figure out what to do and if these bandits know anything?"
"We may not be able to persuade him long-term, and this is his house, but it would be good to get information from them and maybe have them show us where their camps are?" His face reflecting obvious conflict about what to do now that the momentary battle is over.

Isla Fletcher |

"If you want to offer them clemency, I won't object..." Isla trails off as she thinks about earlier. Their implications about Svetlana...their taunts of Oleg...as if being threatened and robbed in front of his wife isn't humilating enough...I doubt such men turned to banditry because it was their only option. "Just keep in mind when we deal with them, accepting clemency for information doesn't make them repentant. It just makes them the kind of men who would betray their friends to save themselves," Isla adds with a shrug, as she leans against the cart.
Hearing Brandt, she whispers back, "I don't know...I don't think he likes me very much...but I suppose I can try to calm him down."
Approaching Oleg, she says, "I understand why you want them dead. The things they said about..." Isla pauses for a moment and shakes her head "These men are scum. However, this is just a fraction of their camp. The others are still out there. That awful woman you told us about...she's still out there. We need to find their camp before they retaliate..." Isla looks genuinely frustrated for a moment, "...as much as I hate to admit it, these men may be our best shot at finding them."
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27

Calum Armstrong |

Rubbing his thumb together against his index and middle fingers Calum smiles.
"Of course they will pay for the damages they have done. But with coin. Time is money and just as good. Now then, let us see if any of these bandits will cooperate."

Nalys Stern |

Nalys wasn't good at hiding his emotion and as soon as Oleg backs on his position to hang prisoners, he exhaled a bit louder than it would be expected. He moved his hand passing over body and chanted a word in Sylvan, stopping internal bleeding in leader.
"If we want them to be executed, they need to be at least conscious to understand and admit their wrongdoings."

Brandt Oluffson |

Looking at the unconscious men, Brandt grins somewhat ruefully, "I may not be the best person to ask them questions, although I am really good at being big and scary when needed; but if you want anyone convinced, I should probably keep me mouth shut."
Glancing at the accumulated pile of stuff (weapons, armor, coin), Brandt's eyes perk up, "Why don't I inventory these things, and look all mean in the background. I can watch you guys work, and I'll glower when appropriate and carry my big axe around with me."
Maybe I can even learn how they talk to people to convince them of things, so I don't get convinced of things so easily...

Isla Fletcher |

Isla returns to leaning against the cart and waits for them to wake up. Am I really going along with this? These are bad men. Surely they take the first opportunity to escape...and we can't watch them all the time....
Turning her attention to the horses, Isla asks Geliglee, with a concerned look on her face, "That spell didn't hurt them, right?"
Walking over to one of the unconcious horses, she him on the head and turns to the group. "Also...do you think it would be wrong to...um...commandeer one of them?" She looks down at the ground, a little embarrassed. "So I don't have to slow you guys down anymore..."

Brandt Oluffson |

Looking up from sorting the pile of stuff, "I don't see why not Isla. I could use a horse, and it looks like this is good riding terrain for them."
Brandt will distractedly go over to one of the horses, and inspect the horse's hooves, and look it over for signs of mistreatment and malnourishment.
If these horses are in good shape, or we can help them recover, we could probably use them. I don't see these bandits needing horses anytime soon. Calum, can we get these horses into the stable you think?" Brandt looks from the horses to the stables, to the rest of the party; finally concentrating his gaze on the ground with the tied bandits and their former possessions.
So many things I never considered, now we need to deal with horses, spoils, prisoners, information. This is a lot to do...

Calum Armstrong |

Calum looks over the horses. Most certainly just bred for labor but the bandits had been using them for riding.
"I believe we can, I have some training with animals. Let me see what I can do. William please return to the stables."
He whistles and points to the stables hoping his horse would listen. William could be quite stubborn. He takes his time to lead the other horses to the stables.

Nalys Stern |

"I am more a bird person, but I have basic understanding on how to handle a horse." said Nalys. "But as we need only two of them, I'd say others should go to Oleg and Svetlana. This will be a compensation for what those bandits done to them"

Geliglee Geerwander |

Geliglee raises an eyebrow at Ilsa, and pulls her aside speaking quietly. "My dear, you really are going to have to get a bit bolder if you are going to live up to this charter... The horses are spoils of conquest, they are ours. Simpering about such things just makes us look weak in front of the citizenry. Speaking of the Charter, we have broad rights, including the right to spoils, but one thing is clear. Unrepentant Banditry results in death by rope or sword. It is quite simple, if we are to keep to the Charters, they prove fully repentant or die immediately. While I have never been a stickler for the rules, I am a stickler for not getting my Charter revoked. Your consistent soft-heartedness in front of the citizenry is undermining our authority and I don't intend to let your idealism or inexperience result in my charter being revoked."
Turning back to the group so all can here, the diminutive wizard continues in the same vein, "The Charters that brought us here are clear on banditry. 'The punishment for unrepentant banditry remains, as always, execution by sword or rope.' We have an unquestioned case of banditry, with overtones of rape. As I just said to the lovely Ilsa, I've never been a real stickler for rules... but I also don't intent to have my Charter revoked on such a clear point.
The term unrepentant gives us only slight leeway. If they were to fully confess and give details that will allow the rest of the band to be dealt with appropriately, there may be some hope for them. I propose this. We let them give all the information they have, and set out to deal with the rest of the bandits. If their information proves untrue, or if we do not return within a prescribed period of time, our dear Homesteader here will assist us in hanging the bandits by the neck until dead. The bandits will be left well bound and gagged in his care. Agreed?"

Isla Fletcher |

Isla stares at Gegilee in disbelief for a moment. Frustration clear in her voice, she replies.
"What exactly do you want from me? I have stated several time now I have no problem with them being executed. However, a suggesion was made that we take prisoners. I try to establish if this is possible...and somehow this makes me incompetent. Next we discussed getting information from them. Brandt asks me explain the situation to Oleg. Despite my hesitancy about dealing with this human trash, I did my best...you know be a team player and all. But better not ask about seizing property...now I am apparantly simpering, weak, softhearted, idealistic and inexperienced...any other ways you would like to insult me or are you content with those. As long as no one undermines your authority, right?"
Leaning back against the wagon, she throws her arms up and says, "Do what you want. I'll stand here and try not to embarrass anyone".

Brass Legionary |

d20: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (12) + 1 = 13
d20: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9
Oh discord... =D
These observing the horses note they are in good condition, though they are horses bred to work rather than riding ones or battle horses, still they would be of great help exploring the land.
As you discuss among yourselves the two remaining bandits begin to awaken dazed and confused at first, while their leader's life continues to fade.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Isla stares at Gegilee in disbelief for a moment. Frustration clear in her voice, she replies.
"What exactly do you want from me? I have stated several time now I have no problem with them being executed. However, a suggesion was made that we take prisoners. I try to establish if this is possible...and somehow this makes me incompetent. Next we discussed getting information from them. Brandt asks me explain the situation to Oleg. Despite my hesitancy about dealing with this human trash, I did my best...you know be a team player and all. But better not ask about seizing property...now I am apparantly simpering, weak, softhearted, idealistic and inexperienced...any other ways you would like to insult me or are you content with those. As long as no one undermines your authority, right?"
Leaning back against the wagon, she throws her arms up and says, "Do what you want. I'll stand here and try not to embarrass anyone".
Gelliglee smiles widely at the outburst. "Excellent, is exactly what I was hoping for... Now you sound like someone who may be able to tame this land."