Brandt Oluffson |

Looking puzzled, then slightly confused, finally his demeanor darkening, Brandt hefts his axe, turning it so the carved runes on the haft catch the light. He tests the edge of the axe, perhaps as if he contemplates whom to use it on first.
Satisfied with the edge remaining on the axe, he casually approaches the leader, and attempts to bind the wounds so his captive doesn't expire before due time. That attempt being made, Brandt ostentatiously removes one of the prepared nooses he has and fits it tightly around the leader's neck.
Heal Check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15
Intimidate check: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15

Isla Fletcher |

Isla rolls her eyes visibly. The old "That's exactly what I wanted you to say!" argument...and he thinks I'm immature. As if creating discord between us helps this expedition in any way....
She seems ready to continue the argument, frustration still burning in her eyes. However, Brandt's movements alert her to the waking bandits, causing her to hesitate. She lets out a deep sigh. Probably for the best...As much as I would like to kick this arrogant gnome in the head, we are going to be stuck travelling together for while and it's not fair to make the others uncomfortable. Hopefully I can avoid working with him on any kind of paired missions, though...
Turning away from Gegilee, Isla pull the bow off her back and readies to fire at the bandits, should any of them get out of hand. However, she doesn't make any move to approach or talk to the bandits.

Brass Legionary |

Brandt binds the leader's wounds keeping him from passing away before you decide his fate. You all see his subordinates tremble in fear at seeing a noose around their leader neck just after coming back to reality. One of them stays silent while the other speak in rush: "Please have mercy sirs. I'm sorry for the robberies, but I never killed anyone... Was a farmer but lost it in a war, so please don't kill me." The man begins to cry, tears running trough his face snot coming out of his nose.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
"Never killed anyone? I don't buy it... you turned bandit regardless of whether you once were a decent sort. Sounds more like unrepentant banditry to me. I'd guess you'll be hanging. Unless... you could prove yourself truly repentant. Perhaps by leading us to your bandit lair, provide us with information on how to defeat them, and assist us in doing so. That sounds repentant to me."
Looking to his compatriots the gnome asks, "Does that sound like it might show repentance to you all?

Calum Armstrong |

Sense Motive: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (15) + 4 = 19 Add +1/2 cav level minimum +1 if opposed by a bluff check
Eyeing the man up and down Calum sighs.
"Owned a farm and lost it in a war, that is fairly sad I admit. I apologize for the harshness. While you appear to be sorry would you be willing to work off what you've done? Would you be willing to return to a farm life?"

Isla Fletcher |

Sense Motive: 1d20 - 1 ⇒ (17) - 1 = 16
Isla rolls her eyes. Even I know this guy is lying...
With the combination of her anger at the men for their treatment of Oleg and Svetlana and her remaining annoyance at Gegilee, Isla finds herself rather short on patience. "Lying to us isn't going to help your case. Our deal is simple and non-negotiable. We get everything you know about the location of your bandit camp, your defenses and your leader...and you avoid a well-earned appointment with a noose. That is the best deal any thief and murderer is going to get in the Stolen Lands. If it wasn't for the gentlemen beside me, you wouldn't even be getting that...so please don't test their patience..." she says in an exasperated tone.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (14) + 8 = 22

Brandt Oluffson |

Ohhh, well done!
"I know well enough the laws of our land, and in general frontier justice. I think we're being more than fair. The biggest thing is that we know we can trust you; because if we can't then..."
Aid Another (diplomacy): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
Brandt says, eyeing the speaking man.

Nalys Stern |

"I don't like, when people lie to me... None likes. People tend to remember it and never trust again." quietly said Nalys, "You have choice to make, what to be afraid of: be afraid of people looking at you and waiting you fail every time, perceiving you as a criminal you have been, criticising every action you take and blaming you for things you haven't done and looking over your shoulder, waiting for your old friend come to pay you visit and put a knife in your spine. Or you can choose not to be afraid and be executed tomorrow.. "
Oops, this wasn't thing I was going to tell... How it's always hard to speak with people...
He looked to the eyes of scum bag: "If you show us your friend's camp, you won't need to worry about knife in your spine. If you help people to rebuild things you've ruined at least some of them won't be blaming you for misery you brought here. What's your name?"
He started to walk away and then suddenly stopped: "What are the names I should write on gravestones?"
Druid nods, showing chieftain and other bandit.
Diplomacy aid: 1d20 ⇒ 19
And then he finalized his speech: "Should I write your name as well?"
It's actually more intimidate than diplomacy, but I'm trying to reason that guy, show him all options to help Isla's arguments and sway him to our side.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla calms a little bit at Nayls and Brandt's assistance. See...don't get so discouraged by one man...we can still work together as a group...
Maintaining a steely gaze on the bandits, she say, "Well? We've laid the options out for you. Anything you want to say for yourselves?"
Yeah, I had similar reasoning for diplomacy over intimidate. She isn't threatening to execute them just as a scare tactic. That genuinely is their only other option...so she is trying to logically convince them that this is a situation with only one exit.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Gelliglee simply smiles and watches as the group begins working well together... May have burned a bridge with Isla but it is good to see it may have focused us better. Hopefully she'll come around eventually.
The gnome positions himself so that he stands at eye level before the bound bandit, looks closely, turns to the group and says. "Well the others need to be hanged in any case. Shall we begin with that while this fellow and the others considers his repentence?"

Brandt Oluffson |

"I have rope enough for all of them if we need it. If we run out of rope, I stll have me axe. " considering thoughtfully the prisoners, course, we could consider them repentant if they agreed to terms of service and help. But, I don't know they'd be helpful to us.
Brandt finishes with a meaningful glance at the prisoners.

Calum Armstrong |

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (11) + 6 = 17
"Perhaps we might not need that much rope Brandt. I believe that these men might know some odds and ends about the area that could be useful. In addition to giving up banditry of course. Any places to avoid or places where we might find like minded individuals who would be willing to aid us. Even a river or place to catch some fresh fish. Do you all know of any such places? Anything to avoid or anything that can help us?"
Calum's voice never wavers, he's offering a way out for information, even if the bandits do not have any tidbits of information, if they give up banditry he would be willing to release them.

Isla Fletcher |

"I agree that we should hold off executing the others for now." She points to the man who had lied about killing people. "All we've gotten, from this one so far, is a bunch of nonsense. I think it may do him good to know we have three more people to talk to." Her eyes narrow at the bandit, "...and that if he doesn't want to cooperate, he can be a warning to the others...instead of the other way around."
"Besides, someone should let Oleg know before any executions commence. I have a feeling he'll want to be a witness."

GM 8574 |

You check through their assorted gear, and - combined with their horses - it looks like a tidy pile of goods.
Oleg looks over the haul with Brandt with grim satisfaction. "They had no chance against you, eh? Tell you what, in thanks, whatever you don't need, I buy from you - full price!" Svetlana smiles, and Oleg raises a finger to continue, "And more - when you are here, you stay free - no charge for my friends, you hear? Now, let us string up these criminals. Pah, barely worth the rope, but if they'll not help you further, I do not want them here on my lands. Be rid of them as you see fit."
6 Light Horses
3 Long Bows
80 Arrows
4 Riding Saddles
2 Pack Saddles
4 Leather Armor
1 Comp Longbow +2 STR
3 Shortsword
8 Trail Rations
2 Alchemist's Fire
1 Dagger
115 Gold Crowns (GP)
1 Silver amulet, embossed with a stag's head
What do you do with the prizes here?
What do you do with the bandits?

Calum Armstrong |

since they haven't wronged me it's a moral grey area if I have to be merciful. But I know Calum would. He wouldn't skirt his edict on a technicality.
Calum thought he was getting somewhere with Olaf. Well perhaps a grudge so deep couldn't be helped.
"Surely you can find something for them to do to repay you Olaf. Work them to the bone, but surely they can be of assistance with moving piles of rocks from one patch to the next."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Brandt Oluffson |

'I think Calum's right, but that's me own thoughts. We're in your home Master Oleg, and I'll defer to yourself and Mistress Svetlana's judgement.' Brandt says as he looks up from the pile of equipment taken from the bandits.
Brandt holds up the amulet toward the party and their hosts, "Anyone familiar with this? Is it some odd symbol of Erastil?" He will hand off the amulet to anyone who holds out their hands to examine the amulet.
Looking back to the pile of goods, "I'd dearly love this powerful longbow, it would help me greatly on the hunt. I would trade my shortbow into the pile to help offset the loss of such a powerful bow." Brandt looks up at this statement, considering his companions.

GM 8574 |

Oleg ponders the thought of keeping the men around. "Hard labor, eh? Hmm, I do not know. I am uncertain that I could keep them in line on my own - no manacles to keep them, you see, and I would worry for Svetlana."
The gruff trader looks at his young wife, and Svetlana, who was looking a bit green at the idea of bodies hanging from the walls, says, "Would you all stay until guards from Restov arrive? Then they could watch these men if you need to continue your travels." She is clearly more interested in mercy and less interested in bloodshed.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Having listened for a bit, the gnome speaks quietly with his companions. "I am not against mercy, especially if the goodwife would prefer it, but I think they need to confess fully and give us information to use against their comrades if we are to show such mercy. So far, they seem reluctant to do so, and I wouldn't want them causing further harm because we didn't fulfill our duties."

Isla Fletcher |

Oh god. Isla agrees with Geliglee. What is the world coming too ;). Also, welcome back
Isla grimaces a little at the words she is about to say. "He's right..." Shaking her head, she adds, "We have offered them a deal. Leniency for information. It sets a dangerous precedent to then show them leniency for...well...nothing...
Isla shrugs at Brandt request for the longbow, ”It’s too big and heavy for me…”. However, she eyes the pendant with curiosity. As Brandt holds it out, she moves closer to examine the stag symbol, flipping it to study both sides.
Knowledge: 1d20 ⇒ 12 Not sure which knowledge to roll to identify the symbol, but +7 to Local, Arcana and Nobility, +3 to anything else.

Nalys Stern |

Nalys looked at Isla. Hard words for her to say... But she learns quick...
"Great point, lady. If one of them talks, he might live longer than others, but unless one starts speaking, they all will be executed." Hopefully, not by me
"I am not deep into Old Deadeyes' faith tenets, but I've been following it since... I remember myself and haven't seen anything alike. I heard stories of White Stag with branches in his antlers, giant eagle, great boar. All of those are his companions, but I haven't heard anything about this..." Nalys checked the amulet and then looked over loot pile.
"I cannot use effectively most of those things, but I'd like to keep one horse for me, in case something happens to Jorh. Horses are pretty fragile, while they are not trained for battle and wearing armour. I think horses and bows are items of great value here."
Seeing as Isla checks longbow, he passes his short bow to her: "You might want to take this one. It's shorter and easier. I things it will fit your hand or can be tuned for that."
Just discovered that druids are non-proficient with any bows. So, I'm willing to share that, because I don't need it other way. I will take longbow from loot pile for same penalty.

Isla Fletcher |

"Thats a kind gesture..." she says apologetically to Nayls. "But I'll probably stick with my shortbow here..." she says indicating the a simply crafted bow on her back. "It's not much...but my brother made it...so y'know...its something from home."

Nalys Stern |

"Oh, you have one..." Nalys nodded, "that is great to have something from home."
Someday, I will build my own home and will take things from there...If I will be lucky for that...
He choose one of riding saddles and took one of horses: "Oleg, can I keep it in your barn for a while? I can leave some gold for looking after her, while we are away. Currently, we plan to rush into the woods and strike the rest of brigands, while they are not expecting anyone coming."
He turned to rest of his group: "I think we need to deal with immediate threat of banditry first and then start our exploring and mapping? It might not be safe doing cartography work, when you need to think of an arrow flying in your back all the time."

Brandt Oluffson |

"Aye Nalys, I agree. I think we'd best be about our business with the bandits, especially if this lot will share what they know..." Brandt trails off looking meaningfully at the prisoners.
"Mapping and travelling about once the brigands are dealt with should be easier, no?"

GM 8574 |

The first bandit you question seems to deflate, worn down by arguments and lack of options. "The camp is south of here, as if any tracker worth 'is salt could miss our trail. Head down along the forest, turn west when you get to th' river, and you'll see the camp just a mile or so upstream." He shakes his head, "Just don't make me fight Kressle - she's ruthless! If you knew what was good for you, you wouldn't fight her, either."
Brandt (Aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Calum (Aid): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Geliglee (Aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Nalys (Aid): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (3) + 0 = 3
Total: 28.
The second bandit, similarly attired and cowed by your words and persuasiveness, gives up similar information. "The camp to the south, yes. Please, mercy! I repent, yes, on Erastil I repent. Do not send me back to that woman, please - even if she kills you, she'll take our hands for leading you there!"
Brandt (Aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (15) + 1 = 16
Calum (Aid): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (5) + 6 = 11
Geliglee (Aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4
Nalys (Aid): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (1) + 0 = 1
Total: 32.
The leader, having lost much blood and nearly dead, is not only in no position to argue, but also swayed by your words. "When I joined the Restov city guard all those years ago, I never thought life'd come to this... But you've got us by the short hairs, and nothing we can do to stop the judgment. Of course, I repent - I, Happs Bydon, surrender to your mercy."
Sorry to move that so quickly, but let me know if you want to ask more specific questions of any of the three bandits who are still alive.
Once you have asked your questions, note that it is now late in the day. What do you do?

Brandt Oluffson |

"Almost there lads, what about this Kressle? Who is she, and why does she have stout lads like yerselves so scared?" Brandt asks the prisoners while exchanging his shortbow for their longbow.
I will also replenish my arrows up to 20 from their supply of things.

Isla Fletcher |

Did anything ever come from our knowledge checks about the stag symbol? Either way, she asks the leader (or whoever it belonged to) to either enlighten her or confirm what she already believes:
After they answer Brandt's questions, she asks him for the amulet and holds it out in front of the bandit."This symbol....what does it mean? ...and why do you carry it?"

GM 8574 |

Brandt (Lead): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Calum (Aid): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16
Geliglee (Aid): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Isla (Aid): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Nalys (Aid): 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
They look at each other, sullen faced, until Happs speaks up. "I tell you, and you don't kill us, right? I'll take hard labor over death any day." He sighs. "She works for the Boss, some bigshot down by Lake Tuskwater. Sixty miles, maybe more? Never met him mesself; Kressle just treated us like a brute squad, never connected us there, other than that shiny pin you took a shine to, lady," he gestures to the silver stag's head badge that Isla has in her hands. "Don't know that I'm really one or not, but she says lieutenants get 'em fer... service to the Boss." He shifts a bit uncomfortably when he says this.
Oleg spits. "Service - pah! He means knife-work."

Isla Fletcher |

Whenever everyone is finished asking questions:
Isla mutters that she thinks they should have a private group discussion.
"So they seem to be cooperative..." Isla seems thoughtful for a moment. "So I suppose I am okay with sparing them. However, that does mean we will have to wait here for the guards to arrive. It's not reasonable or safe to expect Oleg and Svetlana to manage them alone...and I don't see how we can drag multiple prisoner into the wilderness. Does anyone have any other ideas?"
"For punishment, I would suggest either that they be sent to prison in Restov or are forced to work for Oleg here...and ultimately I think Oleg and Svetlana should get the final say. I could certainly see why they wouldn't want them staying here for a prolonged amount of time, even if it means free labor."
"As for the larger threat, it seems we have both Kressle and this boss by Lake Tuskwater to worry about." Isla holds up the pendant. "I think we should hold on to this. Could be useful if we need to infiltrate...and it probably isn't a good to have this symbol circulating in the market."
Finally she adds, "I'm not sure if we want to bring any of the bandits to guide us. They may have 'repented'...but I still don't trust them...they are clearly very afraid of this Kressle woman. However, if we have to bring someone I think I trust the second guy we spoke to the most. The first guy seemed slippery. As for Happs...well as Oleg said, he didn't earn his position by buying Kressle flowers..."

Geliglee Geerwander |

Nodding along with what Ilsa had to say, Geliglee adds: "I agree, that Happs is a special case. If Oleg is correct that murder earned him that stag's head then he must hang. We offered clemency for banditry if they repented, but murder is murder and there can be no other result."

Brandt Oluffson |

Considering what both Isla and Geliglee have said,
"If we think they are truly repentant, we're going back on what we've said about sparing them. I'm not sure I'm comfortable with that. Implying my honor is at stake may be a bit much, but I feel like it may be."
Looking from Isla, to Calum, to Geliglee, to Nalys: "No, if you want to stretch their necks after they've aided us, You do it without me."
Taking a long moment to consider what he's said and exhaling his breath purposefully... "Given the rest of the matter, I've got confidence that I can track these stooges back to their lair and lead an assault to take care of this Kressle. I donno that I want one o'them with us to give us away, sneak off, or think they've got a chance to rejoin their former kin."
Having said his piece, Brandt stands abruptly and climbs up to the southern parapet to look out over the afternoon alone.

Isla Fletcher |

Isla looks caught off guard by the direction the conversation turned. "I only meant that I wouldn't trust Happs to lead us to the camp..." Arms crossed, she adds, "The guy didn't actually confess to murder...nor did we see him commit it. To back out on our deal just seems...I dunno...wrong? You can't just execute someone on a hunch, even if its a strong one..."

Calum Armstrong |

Calum looked around, his smike faded a bit. His faith in the goodwill of good people seemed to be fading with his smile.
Why can't life ever be simple? Qe got the information, they don't hang.
"I'm with Brandt. They don't hang. We don't have to be cruel about it. The information seems solid enough, they have no reason to lie to us, although I do believe that they did lie about the murders. But I believe in redemption, so we make them work, not hang."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Nalys Stern |

I hate to be that guy.. but Oleg already said, what he thinks about them staying here..
"To leave them here, we need to leave someone behind to watch, until guardsmen from Restov arrive. I think, we can lock them in barn or something, but Oleg said he doesn't want any of this scum near his home until he feels save." Nalys wasn't happy to say that: "We should either propose Oleg to work as executioner or we should spend some time to ensure, they won't run away until the guardsmen from Restov arrive. But as you said, I don't feel myself ready to spare their lifes after they tried shared information we needed. Let's see, can a prison for them be built before sun goes down?"

Geliglee Geerwander |

Geliglee nods at Nalys, "We also run the risk of time passing and they don't return to their mistress. We could risk facing these bandits en mass if take too much time figuring out what to do."

Isla Fletcher |

Isla shakes her head, "We had a chance to think about these things before we offered them clemency..."
"I don't know about the rest of you...but I am going to start working on a prison..."
With that, Isla walks away and begins inspecting the property for the best location.
I assume A3 in the stables, but could we get a little more description about A4 and A5? Is A5 something that could be turned into covered pits?

GM 8574 |

If you are looking to make a makeshift jail, that'd take a bit of doing. Per the Ultimate Campaign Rules, to create a Cell, the listing is as below. However, I'm going to say that you'd have to make a pretty convincing Diplomacy check with Oleg to convince him that putting a jail cell into his trading post is a good idea. Might open up some options for y'all re: bounty hunting.
Create 5 Goods, 4 Labor (180 gp); Time 16 days. Description: This uncomfortable room can imprison 1 to 4 captives. It is typically nothing more than a stone room with a straw-lined floor, though some might have the barest of comforts, like cots or chamber pots. One wall is typically constructed of sturdy bars and a door affixed with a simple lock. You can install manacles or masterwork manacles at the normal price of those items.
The challenge is that constructing something secure would take time. The benefit is that - in this campaign - time is something you have in plenty. If you would want to proceed with this kind of plan, Oleg has the supplies on hand to do so.

Brandt Oluffson |

Seeing Isla break off from the group and start wandering around, Brandt will come down off the wall, feeling mildly foolish for issuing his own ultimatum and seeks to assist her.
"Sorry I sorta snapped back there, can I assist you?" Looking into the middens and seeing they aren't really suitable for holding people he casts about, obviously frustrated.
"Do we just ask Oleg about sticking them in the storage shed until we can eliminate some of the larger groups and be back in a day?" Obvious frustration raising in his voice.

Isla Fletcher |

@GM: I wasn't thinking anything that elaborate, haha. Good to know, though. I was more looking along the lines of - If I locked them in here without tools or weapons do, I think they'll get out?
Isla shifts a little nervously, more familiar with the cheerful Brandt from the road. This whole thing seems to be making everyone tense...I suppose I didn't help by losing my temper earlier...
Attempting to cheer Brandt up, she gives him a weak smile and says, "Yeah, snapping at your fellow teammates. Who would do such an awful thing? " Putting her hand over her heart in feigned horror, she adds, "I know a lady such as myself would never act that way!". Her smile then fades a little bit, as she speaks more frankly. "Seriously, though...I wouldn't worry about it. I think today has been difficult for everyone."
Examining the shed with Brandt, she replies, "I think locking them in the shed is probably our best bet. Not so sure we'll just be able to take off, though...can we really find the camp and be back in a day?" Looking equally frustrated, she lets out a sigh. "Either way, shall we go get Oleg's permission to clear the contents of the shed...and maybe see if he has any chains or locks for the door?"

Brandt Oluffson |

Rubbing his head either in confusion or frustration, Brandt nods at Isla, "This is more complicated than I thought it would be when I left me home. I'll check out the shed, and see what the others are thinkin' If you want to ask Oleg. And aye, I think its likely their lair isn't that far, since I donno I'd let these three that far off the hook were I their boss." Brandt straightens up from where he was sitting and crosses the yard to Nalys, Calum, and Geliglee.
"Lads, sorry I lost it a little there. I'd figured we'd talked out of killin' this lot, then it went back on the table and I didn't know what else to do." Brandt looks to each of them sheepishly, "But I do stand by what I said, an' will do whatever we need to not go back on that. Me Da stressed about how when a man doesn't have coin or land or home, he can still have his own honor."
"Isla thought maybe we could lock these men in the storage shed, an' I thought we could probably head to their camp an' back in one day; If Oleg agrees. What are your thoughts on the matter?" Brandt looks earnestly from companion to companion, seeking an answer.

Geliglee Geerwander |

Geliglee shrugs, "I just don't want them threatening Oleg or his wife any further, especially if one is a hired killer. It is our first duty to keep them safe. If we can find a way to imprison them securely that is well. The real issue is that if we are to strike against their mistress, we likely need to do it immediately. She will be expecting them back soon."

Isla Fletcher |

Isla approaches Oleg and asks, "Would it be alright if if we used the shed to keep them locked up for now? We can do all the heavy lifting to move everything out and then back later. Also, do you have any chains or locks that we could use to secure them and/or the door?" She also inquires, "Do you have any estimates on when the guards from Restov will arrive?
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16 Not sure if Diplomacy is necessary, but I figured I would include it just in case.
After she deals with Oleg, she returns to the group and remarks. "I think we have a lot of concerns right now that are largely based on hypotheticals. I think another rounds of questioning may be in order."
Talking to each of the bandits once more, she asks them:
"How long a ride is your camp from here?"
"Exluding yourselves, how many bandits work under Kressle? How many usually are at the camp at a given time?"
"What is the protocol when a group doesn't return from a big job like this?"

GM 8574 |

Isla scouts out the storage shed. There are a variety of furs and skins stored inside, as well as general odds and ends for construction and repair of the other buildings. As a structure, it's well built against the harsh winters, but Oleg hasn't yet secured it with a lock. It could be made secure, but without a fire to warm them, anyone inside could potentially freeze before the night was out.
Oleg grunts in reply. "Maybe I have lock in the house somewhere. No chains, I think, but I do have nails. We just shut them in for the night and see if they survive the cold?"
The bandits look at each other, until the second one pipes up, "It's more than a normal day's ride, but if you left at dawn, you'd get there late in the evening. If you wanted to be worth anything in a fight when you get there - and you'll need to! - then you'd best take two days."
The first one says, "As for numbers, she kept everyone moving around. Hard to say if there'll be a half dozen or a dozen when you get there."
Happs chuckles. "What would you do if the paymaster didn't deliver and you had two hatchets and a mean streak? She'll give us a couple days to get back, but after that, she's going to start collectin' a posse to come up here and get what she wants."

Geliglee Geerwander |

Once we have the additional information, Geliglee seems a bit relieved. Speaking to his companions he says, "Well that gives us the day to secure these three as best we can and we can head out at first light tomorrow, try to take them by surprise in the evening."

Calum Armstrong |

Calum thinks for a moment before remembering why they were here.
"We were not sent to the Stolen Lands to kill every bandit in creation. It would take far too long. And assaulting a bandit stronghold or even basic camp seems foolish to me with what little we know about the surroundings. Perhaps we can explore a bit beforehand and get a lay of the land."
-Posted with Wayfinder

Isla Fletcher |

"Calum raises a good point about not being too hasty. We could rush to their camp to neutralize the threat, but then we are fighting all of them...on their turf...while Oleg and Svetlana are left alone with dangerous prisoners."
Isla shakes her head, "Oleg and Svetlana were targeted because they couldn't fight...but don't forget this place is built like a mini-fortress. I'd like to know what her two hatchets and a mean streak plan to do against closed doors and a volley of arrows."
"Assuming they aren't going to leave their own camp unguarded...they probably can't afford to bring much more than a half dozen men. If we can handle that at their camp, we can certainly handle it here...and that's assuming backup from Restov won't beat them here."
"Besides, bandits are bullies and cowards, who target the weak. Once they realize they aren't just up against a merchant and his frightened wife, they might not be so eager to pick a fight."

Geliglee Geerwander |

Geliglee nods with excitement at the new notion. "We could take the days to bring the defenses here up to snuff as well. Even enhance the fortifications. Plus, we get to eat well and not sleep under the stars... Of course, some of us could explore the immediate area in the mean time as well."