About Geliglee GeerwanderDescription:
A shock of bright orange hair that blends perfectly into an equally bristled beard matches the flaming orange eyes of the diminutive figure. Standing just over three feet with a slight frame, the gnome obviously cares about his appearance, with well-tailored, brightly colored clothing clashing in a disarmingly complementary manner. The lines on his youthful face seem given to wide grins, and his flame-colored eyebrows are set a little high on his forehead giving him a look of innocent wonder. Background:
"...while your penchant for parlor tricks is quite impressive, it hardly the sort of study that merits the investment of time and resources that the Academy must devote to a student. Worse, on several occasions you apparently manipulated the testing on basic skills through the use of phantasm and glamour. The lack of integrity is nearly as disturbing as the possibility that you have failed to master basic skills and masked your shortcomings through magical trickery. Several professors spoke strongly for your original admittal due to your supposed potential, however you have simply affirmed my original view that gnomes simply lack the temperament for serious study. It is for these reasons that this writing serves to formally and retroactively revoke your initial admission to the Academy. Your tuition is refunded under the agreement are prohibited from using the name of this institution as a reference regarding what magical skill you may have gleaned here...” Gelliglee smirked wryly as he read the Letter of Dismissal again, folding it and returning to its place as his favorite bookmark in his spellbook. Reading it always cheered him up. If the dottering old fool couldn’t appreciate the value of a few olfactory illusions during an examination graded on a curve, well he deserves to be stuck at the Most Boringest Place In Golarian. The cart bumped comfortably beneath him, pearched languidly on top of the bales of wool. I got the training I needed and my money back to boot! Admittedly, they are excellent at fundamental theory, but not one student had the imagination to think what could be DONE with what they were learning. Casting the same incantation over and over and over and over and over.... An involuntary shiver ran down his spine. The old dottering stiff-necks don’t realize that perception is reality. The whole foundation of knowledge comes from what a being gleans through their senses and store in its memories... If one can manipulate that perception, they manipulate the only reality that mind can perceive... If ‘knowledge is power’ as they so liked to say, why could they not see that perception is what creates knowledge. Of course, he had left with more than just knowledge and the market for rare reagents had turned out as promising as he thought it might, setting him up well to seek further fortune. ”Well, they should’ve kept better track of what they left in the care of an obviously ‘unqualified and disreputable Riverland gnome’ such as myself.... Well, I guess I have to admit he was right about that one.” The gnome’s grin widened. Between the tuition refund and the extra gold from the sold reagents, he could outfit himself quite well for the adventures ahead... and hopefully the Swordlords themselves would add their patronage. Hoy the cart! the call came from over the bale he was resting on. The gnome looked up, squinting into the sun as he saw they were approaching the gates to the Free City. He crawled over the bale and plopped down on the bench next to the sheep farmer who had brought him along for five copper. ”So this is the place they’re gathering to tame the southern wilds eh?” Gilliglee asked the farmer. [b]”Ye’re the one who told me 'bout that when ye asked for a lift? Wot do I know ‘bout it?” the wide faced woman responded with a grin. They’d be together a week and she’d gotten used to the gnomes antics. The guard poked around the bales with a stick before waiving them through. “Well, ye’re here now, I reckon... and ye made the trip a little less boring for that. Good luck with yer charter, though I don’t see how ye’ll be driving out any bandits!” ”Well, we’ll have to see how that works out then, good luck at the market!” the gnome replied as he handed over the five coppers. The farmer bit one, nodded and waved as the gnome jumped to the ground. It is all a matter appearances., the gnome thought as he walked towards a group of guards. People believe what they perceive and make conclusions based upon assumptions... She saw a young gnome off an a foolhardy adventure likely to get him spit on an arrow or hung from a tree. I foresee ample opportunity for a skilled young wizard to learn though application. Repeating a spell a hundred times won’t teach you any more about the spell than you already know... but use it in the field under creative applications and you are truly developing your craft. As soon as he left the Academy, the gnome heard of the Charters and knew where he could develop his skills the way he craved, by direct application in a stressful environment. That is how one truly learned. ”And if I end up doing something worthwhile at the same time, while showing those foolish puritans at the Academy what I am capable of... all the better. There is so much to see, after all... So many places to go and so much to learn.” And so Gelliglee Gearwander slung his pack over his shoulder and walked into Restov proper, looking to see what the world held in store. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ It was almost a week before he was able to arrange to apply for a charter, but eventually he found himself standing before a rather tall distinguished looking human who was supposedly the Lord Mayer. Of course, most humans looked tall and many looked distinguished to Gelliglee, but with all the guards, pomp, and circumstance there was little reason to doubt that this was Ioseph Sellemus. The man was scowling a bit looking from the parchment to Gelliglee as if finding something difficult to put together. ”So you application says you are an Academy-trained wizard and it appears you are recommended by the Magister of the Academy himself? I suppose that a wizard could add much to an expedition... but are you certain that you are up for a responsibility of this... hmm.. stature?” Quite ripples of polite laughter erupted from the Lord Mayor’s lackeys, and Gelliglee himself chuckled. Maintaining the smile the gnome bowed deeply saying, “M’lord, my stature would surely be a problem if it were a sword arm that I would be lending to the venture. However, it is a sharpness of mind that I bring bear, and the Art of magic which doesn’t account for the size of a person. However, if you wish a mage of taller stature, I would surely oblige.” Reaching into his pouch, the gnome nimbly withdrew a pinch of iron and threw it into the air above himself with a flourish, executing several gestures with practice ease while uttering the words of power in a forceful tone. In an instant, the gnome stood well over six foot in stature able to look eye to eye with the Lord Mayor. The over-sized gnome continued in a voice deepened by magic, ”Let me assure you Lord Mayor. If the Magister of the Academy himself were here to make a recommendation to you, there would be no student of the academy that he would rather see venture forth into the Greenbelt than I.” The gnome smiled to himself, And that is the absolute truth.... Continuing, Gelliglee added, ”For your own thoughts, M’lord, I would consider that the Greenbelt is known to be populated by fey... who better to deal with them than an Academy-trained gnome, possessing equal powers of glamour and magic?“ The gnome then concentrated for a moment before suddenly returning to his normal diminutive form. ”And I assure you M’ord, I will be but little burden to my companions.” As he saw the dismissive shrug and slight nod from the Lord Mayor, Gelliglee knew that he would receive his Charter. Of course, he underestimates me... but that is a common thing among Humans. Dismiss the little-folk and forget that physical stature has little to do with capability, especially in a mage. Either way, the adventure begins...
Gelliglee Geerwander XP: 25/1000 Male Gnome Wizard 1 CG Small humanoid (gnome) Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +0 --------------------------------------------------- Defense AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+1 Dex, +1 size) hp 9 (1d6+3) Fort +2, Ref +1, Will +1; +2 vs. illusions, +2 bonus vs. fear and despair --------------------------------------------------- Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee dagger +0 (1d3-1/19-20) Special Attacks binding darkness Gnome Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +2) 1/day—dancing lights, ghost sound (DC 12), prestidigitation, speak with animals Wizard Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +5): 1st—color sprayS (DC 16), color spray (DC 16), silent image (DC 16) 0 (at will)— daze, message, light, acid splash --------------------------------------------------- Statistics Str 8, Dex 12, Con 14, Int 18, Wis 8, Cha 13 Base Atk +0; CMB -2; CMD 9 Feats Improved Initiative, Scribe Scroll Traits brigand, trickster Skills Knowledge (arcana) +10, Knowledge (engineering) +8, Knowledge (geography) +8, Knowledge (history) +8, Perception +0, Spellcraft +8; Racial Modifiers brigand Languages Common, Draconic, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Sylvan SQ arcane bonds (arcane bond [object]), eternal hope, extended illusions, opposition schools (divination, necromancy), specialized schools (shadow) Other Gear dagger, ioun torch ioun stone, backpack, bedroll, blanket, winter, canteen, flint and steel, ink, black, scrivener's kit, spell component pouch, spellbook, trail rations (10), riding dog, (on dog) saddlebags, saddle, 10 days rations, 10 days animal feed (canine), 1 gp, 9 sp --------------------------------------------------- Special Abilities Arcane Bond Use object to cast any spell in your spellbook 1/day. Without it, Concentration required to cast spells (DC20 + spell level). Binding Darkness (1 rds, 7/day) (Sp) Ranged Touch attack entangles target and grants them concealment. Brigand +1 Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Sense Motive when dealing with brigands, theives, bandits, etc. Darkvision (60 feet) You can see in the dark (black and white vision only). Divination You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Divination school. Eternal Hope (1/day) +2 save vs. fear and despair. 1/day, reroll a 1 rolled on 1d20. Extended Illusions (+1 rds) (Su) Increase duration of illusion spells by 1/2 level (permanent at 20). Ioun torch (continual flame) Necromancy You must spend 2 slots to cast spells from the Necromancy school. Shadow Associated School: Illusion Trickster +1 trait bon to CL for duration, range, and area of illusion spells. |