Spontaneous Kingmaker Campaign

Game Master Tiaburn

Current combat map
Oleg's Trading Post Map | Charter | Ledger | Map of Greenbelt

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NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

"If so, then probably Calum and Brandt should go for scouting around Oleg's... There is another problem we have: fortification here are wooden and wood tend to burn even in the end of Calistril."
He looked around, waving his hand to confirm that point.
"If there will be dozen of archers with flaming arrows, we might lock ourselves in a trap here. But anyway, I'd like better to take a risk of staying here and fighting an angry mob, than sieging someone's camp deep in woods. I wasn't trained for that."

He shaked Geliglee's shoulder: "If you know special magic to repair that thing" he points up at ballista on top of corner tower, "than we have nothing to worry about. Would be nice, if we can made it shoot at separate specific points in field at least. Then if we trick bandits in there, we could use that."

"I see plenty of work that could be done in the Trading Post: working on shed, to keep prisoners for a while, preparing fortifications to shoot bandits, exploring area around fort, keeping bandits alive. I am willing to help, but I don't know much of most of those stuff, except my be handling wounded and moving heavy stuff around."

As you continue to converse and decide, you see the sun beginning to set, as it does this time of winter. Svetlana goes back to tending her stewpot to be able to serve dinner before long.

Oleg thinks over your proposals for a time, as though ideas are forming in his head. "Perhaps a cell is not so bad an idea. There may be a market in Restov for wild animals, like bears, or for bounties on escaped criminals perhaps. I could see this being worthwhile. Unlike this trash," he spits at the bandits. "Hmm, the ground will be quite cold for digging a grave. There may be stones enough to cover the dead one, or you can just leave him out for the wolves."

He then looks around the yard and begins collecting the items that you would like to sell him, laying them out on the tables next to the cookfire for evaluation.

The prisoners start shifting uncomfortably on the ground. "Look," the first one says, "I know we're not friends or anything, but is there a chance you could put us a little closer to that fire? We're gettin' cold just sitting here."

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

I have no survival skills in game or out of game...so..

As the bandits begin to complain about the cold, Oleg's words about letting them freeze starts to sink in to Isla.

"Uh...If we are going to leave them in the shed we are going to have to give them a lot of blankets or something...because we can't really let them have fire. Do you think that will be enough? she asks uncertainly.

Taking a moment to assess the the post, Isla remarks, "I'm not sure that the catapults should be top priority. We aren't fighting an army and I'm guessing none of us are particularly well trained to use such a weapon. I think our priorities should be securing the prisoners, making sure the gates are well fortified and creating something for archers to shoot behind. I have no idea how to keep people warm without fire, but I can probably help try and figure out some of the other stuff..."

"Also, if our plan is to hold out here, we will need to arrange some kind of guard rotation and signal. I have signal whistle we can use, but how do we want to split up the shifts? One person at a time, taking roughly 5 hour shifts...or do we want to try and juggle it so we can have two people on watch at a time?"

Male Human Cavalier 1; Init +0; Per +0; AC 17/10 T/17 FF; HP 13/13; F +4, R +0, W +2

Calum stands up from his seat and beckons the prisoners to come closer to the fire. If they refused he would go and help them to get closer.

Mercy to those who have wronged me, they may be bandits but if we can befriend them perhaps we can help them change their ways.

"Come over here, take a seat. We may have you as prisoners but that does not mean we will be cruel. Warm up a bit, this cold will work it's way down to your bones if you aren't careful. While you are seated please tell us something about yourselves. We have all the time in the world. If you feel uncomfortable I think I can start with the stories, although I believe Isla is a better storyteller."

Calum tells a simple tale of his swordsmanship training, and how his teacher was once careless enough to almost slice himself because he missed the sheath with his blade.

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

Nalys nods to Isla's words: "5 hours is enough... Not too long, not too short. I think, I can make first watch and Seara will be there with me. Four eyes are better, if pair of them belongs to hungry animal. You can hear her cry, if I need to warn you about something. But, I'd like to know, who is ready to be next and take the coldest part of the night? Who I should wake after my share is over?"

While talking, he starts to sort out some firewood, just to spread it in 3 similar piles, which should be enough for 5 hours each. Thin branches with thick pieces. Sometimes, he found a wet piece of wood, which he put closer to fireplace to dry it a bit.

"I will try to call spirits of nature to test their hearts at sunrise. If there is a place for light and atonement in their souls, those won't feel much cold and be protected from weather."

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

"You lads won't freeze,[b]" Brandt says while placing some small stones in the edge of the fire, "[b]Just lay down on these warmed stones, an keep a blanket over yourselves, you'll be fine"

Straightening up from his task, he considers the night sky, "Aye Nalys, I think you've the right of it. I can either bridge the watches, or take the one just afore dawn. Although if we're doing this for a while, we'll adjust to it."

"I think the big thing tomorrow morning would be for Calum an I to go get a sense of the immediate lay of the land, ride around Oleg's post here and see what there is to see."

I can make survival rolls I suppose if needed to help keep the three ex-bandits alive through the cold conditions.

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

Ok, so we have 2 watches out of 3 covered.
We need another volunteer.
If my survival roll will help, I also try to do my best to keep prisoners healthy.

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

I would assume that 5 hour shifts mean that every single one of us has to take a shift, with either someone getting a slightly shorter shift or one hour of overlap. If we only want 3 watch shifts a day, they would have to be 8 hours long. If that's the case it should probably be you, me and Geliglee...since Calum and Brandt want to go exploring.

Male Human Cavalier 1; Init +0; Per +0; AC 17/10 T/17 FF; HP 13/13; F +4, R +0, W +2

[ooc]I can take a watch though. Its not like I cast spells or anything.[b]"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Cavalier 1; Init +0; Per +0; AC 17/10 T/17 FF; HP 13/13; F +4, R +0, W +2

last post was supposed to be ooc. Stupid app.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Calum Diplomacy: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

The bandits are mostly reticent to share their stories, but the leader finally shares a bit.

Happs' Story:
"Back on the Guard, one thief tried runnin' rooftops to get away from us - in the middle of winter! Little devil did okay for a while, but all 'e needed was one slip - BAM! He hit the slate roof, tumbled, tried to grab the gutter, 'n 'is gloves wouldn't hold. Down he comes, landing on 'is face in the midst of a group of Abadarians heading home from the temple bank. Took them all of a moment to see us runnin' towards 'em and the face o' this one to put it together, an' they put the stomp on 'im good. Heh, guess that's the life - ya can't always get away." He smiles to himself at the memory, then settles back into quiet.


During watch that night...


Brandt: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18
Calum: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (5) + 0 = 5
Geliglee: 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7
Isla: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
Nalys: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18

Brandt's Watch:
...Brandt is stamping his feet to stay warm, and keeping an ear out to the darkness while occasionally resetting the warming stones for the prisoners. The new moon had set a few hours earlier, and while the stars twinkle brightly overhead they shed little light on the plains below. First in the distance, but over time more closely, you hear the howls of wolves roaming the plains for their nightly hunt. At one point, you think you may even hear one snuffing about Oleg's gate. Clearly, the newly arrived batch of horses, animals, and spilled man-blood has attracted the attention of the local hunters. Unable to dig under the gate, however, the animal soon relents and wanders off.

The rest of the night passes uneventfully, and the chilly morning arrives. The bandits, though profoundly uncomfortable from their miserable night's sleep, are still alive. Exhausted, but alive. They slump greedily next to the morning fire, coaxing additional warmth back into their arms and legs before their morning porridge.

Oleg looks at them in unveiled disgust, but is glad that you are all here to help him corral these miscreants. "So," he turns to you over breakfast, "What will you do today? I have more repairs to attend to, and will likely have a hunter stop by today or tomorrow, but what is it you will do to my trading post now?"

It is now the 16th day of Calistril in the year 4713 A.R. - the Third Starday of the month, and it looks like it will be a mostly clear day with little precipitation. This date is a slight correction from Brass Legionnaire's timeline.

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

"Master Oleg, I believe it is the intent of Calum an' meself to scout out the surrounding landscape." Considering the former bandits, Brandt looks thoughtful.

Turning to Nalys, Geliglee, and Isla, "If you were planning to help here, maybe these three can assist you all? I'm sure Calum and I will stay outta trouble out there riding around."

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

"I promised to help tomorrow and I am not willing to take my words back", said Nalys. "As well, I promised for prisoners to take care about their health. So, I will check out their condition, before we start doing some repairs. As well, I will take couple hours to take care about horses, they need to be groomed and cleaned."

Scripted Actions & Dice Rolls:

Breakfast, check prisoners (Heal: 1d20 ⇒ 5),
call them to pray to Erastil and ask for salvation, cast Endure Elements of one with worth condition,
4+ hours work at construction (which roll needed?) of fortifications,
lunch, checking prisoners, probably feeding them,
4+ hours to do horse grooming, cleaning and train Jorh for battle,
join others for dinner & discuss day events

Male Human Cavalier 1; Init +0; Per +0; AC 17/10 T/17 FF; HP 13/13; F +4, R +0, W +2

Calum pats William on the neck after saddling the horse.

"I don't like the idea of getting into trouble, I'm bringing my lance and blade with me just in case we do though. You can never be too prepared. Say Brandt, about how far out do you think we are going today?"

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Isla slept restlessly, the events of the day weighing heavily on her mind.

Seeing Calum and Brandt preparing to leave, she starts to feel a little nervous for them. Is it really safe for them out there alone? I suppose what choice to we have with all these prisoners?" Approaching the stables, she makes some simple small talk, asking how their watch shifts went. However, after a few minutes, she looks awkwardly to the ground and kicks some dirt around. Looking back to Brandt and Calum, she mutters, "Um...so you'll both be careful, right? I mean...if you run into a bunch of bandits...don't try to be heroes, ok?"

Isla decides to leave the bandits to Nayls, having no little to no medical knowledge and feeling rather uncomfortable around them, in light of the threats they had made towards Oleg and Svetlana. Instead she decides spend her time focusing on designing and building fortifications. Approaching Oleg, she says, "With your permission, I think we should work on something for archers to shoot behind up on the walls. As long as we are here, as well as once your new guards arrive, I think the bandits will think twice about targeting you...

Not sure what rolls/resources are required. I'll post more details in the discussion thread.

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

"Calum, say we go 'bout 5-6 miles out, and ride 'round Oleg's here. I certainly have no intention of scrapping with anythin, But I'll have this new bow, and me axes with me.[b]"

Mounting on the new horse, he adjusts the Great axe on his back, "[b]Isla, Don' worry, we'll save the heroics for some other day." Brandt nods to Geliglee and Nalys as he rides out with Calum.

Figure we can ride out and see what's out there, but won't want to go too far?

Brandt and Calum ride out onto the plains around Oleg's fort, beginning your expedition into the Greenbelt.

GM Screen:

Oh, you are so fired for looking.
1d100 ⇒ 91
1d100 ⇒ 74

You are able to cover a lot of ground that day, thanks to your horses, and you are able to survey the entire area surrounding Oleg's trading post by the end of the day. It's mostly flat plains with a few stands of trees and trickling streams here and there, and small rocks - deposited long ago - dot the landscape.

You can see that the areas nearby are primarily plains, and a large forest looms to the southwest.

You have successfully explored one hex, netting the party 25 XP each. I'll work on getting a map up for y'all soon, but it might be a day or so.

Over lunch, I'll address Nalys' and Isla's posts.

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

Gelliglee puts his mind to trying to improve the fort. While he isn't much of a carpenter, he understands how things go together. He looks toward new defenses to be added as well as improving the current defenses. He encourages others to explore as well, but has no desire to do so himself unless the whole group is going.

Know Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (3) + 8 = 11

As to the prisoners, the gnome seems to have generally lost interest. The are new and more exciting things to consider, and he is more concerned about a strong base of operations.

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Just adding what is probably the most appropriate roll for my earlier post.

Knowledge (Engineering): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17 To aquire goods

-Posted with Wayfinder

Oleg grunts at Isla over breakfast. "Guess we've stirred up the bees nest with you taking out this lot. Let's make a plan - I'll even pay you for your time and your work."

When you see them in the morning, you think that the prisoners look fine. You lead them in prayer (or attempt to, they don't really participate), and set about to constructing fortifications. While you don't really have any experience with construction, you are able to help be useful by having the horses help with the hauling of construction materials. Handle Animal: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12.

You work with Oleg and Isla to make a plan for the fortifications, and he puts the prisoners to work in short order, double checking to make sure that their work is sound. It's a tough day, your magic definitely helps things line up more easily.

You work with Oleg and Gelliglee to come up with a plan for the fortifications. After getting the prisoners to work, you help Oleg double-check their work and make sure that it is secure, and you've made good progress at the end of the day.

When you finish work for the day, Oleg sits down with you over dinner and makes a series of notes in a ledger. "It isn't much, but you've earned keep in my book. It'll be credit for now, of course. You cleaned out my coin selling the lot from the bandits. More of this tomorrow, I suppose?"

Heading to the discussion thread now to post more.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Over dinner, Svetlana brings out a few pieces of parchment. "We show these to all the hunters that come through - there are some wanted posters that the traders drop off on occasion. Take a look - you've nearly completed one of them already."

Wanted: Bandits:
"The bandits of the Greenbelt need to be shown that their actions will not be tolerated. Capture or defeat at least eight of them, so we can send them a message - 500 Crown reward."

Notice: Kobolds in the Hills:
"The Sootscale Kobolds dwell in a cave somewhere in the Kamelands. Normally not a problem, they've been riled up by something lately. Find their lair and ensure that the kobolds aren't going to continue being a threat. Forge an alliance of peace with them, or slay the threat to Restov. The Swordlords offer a reward of 800 crowns for either outcome."

Wanted: Tatzlwyrm:
"Looking for one Tatzlwyrm head for preservation and decoration. Reward: 600 crowns - Oleg."

Wanted: Tuskgutter:
"Every Greenbelt hunter has a story about Tuskgutter, each wilder than the last. Whoever manages to kill the ill-tempered beast will get a nice reward from old, retired Vekkel Benzen, who lost his leg to the monster boar over a year ago. Reward: Benzen's finest longbow an six enchanted arrows. Plus, head cheese from the defeated boar."

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

Looking over the posters, the gnome nods smiling. "The Bandits are a threat and it is good that we will gain additional reward for dealing with them. After that, perhaps we can try to settle these Kobolds. Hopefully it won't be as difficult as the Bandits, they may make decent trading partners as allies. In the mean time, I think we do well to split our efforts between exploration and increasing the value of Master Oleg's trading post through improvements. Ilsa and I have begun plans to potentially increase security by means of a Guantlet..."

The gnome continues speaking about some engineering ideas, happy with the progress.

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

Nalys checked his posters as well:
"Tuskgutter might be a threat... I know about wild animals. They tend to become more and more aggressive as times goes to spring, because less food for them and it is harder to find. Probably, we should prepare some boar spears, when we going to hunt him."
Druid took another sip from his cup.
"I think, horses are OK and can stay without me tomorrow, as I was planning to go for some hunt. Probably, I will check nearby grooves, sometimes hares come close to eat birch bark. As well, we need to find some good timber for gauntlet... I saw, what you did today. It's impressive, but we cannot always use Oleg's resources, how much more lumber would you need, to finish that fortification?" he asked, before checking another piece of parchment:
"Hm, kobolds... Those are dragon disciples, they tend to be very territorial, when it comes to questions about land. Probably, we will need all your talent in diplomacy, Isla... Do you speak Draconic?"
After he looked over last poster, he asked:
"Geliglee, what is your knowledge about tatzlwyrms? I heard they are dragon kin as well, but haven't heard much more. I know about birds and other animals, so I would really appreciate if you share something about them."

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

Knowledge (untrained): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

Tatzlwyrms are dragons, so it's knowledge (arcane), which I think might be good for you

Male Human Cavalier 1; Init +0; Per +0; AC 17/10 T/17 FF; HP 13/13; F +4, R +0, W +2

Returning to camp, Calum dismounts from his steed. His armor clanked as his feet touched the ground.

"Looks like you all have been busy today. Next few miles south of here is pretty cleat. Tomorrow we should head West if only to have the sun at our backs when we return."

Leading William to the stables he looks around at how busy the rest of the group had been.

"Perhaps you all could join us tomorrow. More eyes will help us to get a better look at what's around us. Oh, what's all this? A few jobs for us?"

-Posted with Wayfinder

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

knowledge arcana: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (14) + 10 = 24

"Tatzylwurms... Ah yes, let me tell you about Tatzylwurms"

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Responding to Nayls, Isla shakes her head. "I've never studied Draconic, my apologies. Only Elven and some Dwarven. I think my mother was rather hoping I would spend my time talking to noblemen...not kobolds." She chuckles a little and adds, "Her mistake. Perhaps I can try to study it in my free time. I've heard it has some similarities to Elven... "

When Calum brings up exploration, she replies, "It would be nice to get out and see the stolen lands...but we also have this project and the prisoners to worry about. I am not sure we can all justify leaving until Oleg's guards have arrived."

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

Stretching his legs from a day in the saddle, "Aye, would be grand to have all of you with us again."

Looking over the work which has been done in a day Brandt's eyes widen "What can we do to help with this! This is incredible, but it sounds like we have a lot to deal with. I think Nalys is right, although if the lot of you want to come out for a ride and to survey tomorrow we could do that as well. Although I don't know how to reconcile the concern Isla has."

"Do we know guards from Restov are coming? How long do we think they'll be in getting here? it would be good not to have to watch this lot. I suppose we should also think about beginning to pay this lot in a few days for their time, ere were no better than the bandits ourselves..."

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

"I speak draconic fluently and would be glad to assist with any communications with the kobolds. In fact, they might have a lead on where to find the Tatzylwurm." The gnome goes on a bit about the theoretical draconic ancestry of both races before coming back to the conversation.

"as for paying the bandits for their labors, we should learn what Oleg had lost to them and make certain they work off that debt first. That would be a true showing of repentance that even guards who might arrive in the future should respect. Once they pay off their debt, we could take them into employ for wages and make them a part of the region's future."

Geliglee Geerwander wrote:

[dice=knowledge arcana]1d20+10

"Tatzylwurms... Ah yes, let me tell you about Tatzylwurms"

Geliglee Geerwander:
You know that Tatzlwyrms are a degenerate form of dragon. They can be about the size of a man, but lack wings or even hind legs. They are more like large serpents with dragon heads and grasping arms. While there are different types in different climates, most forest tatzlwyrms are capable of breathing a noxious cloud of gas into a constricted prey's face, weakening the victim.

Svetlana turns to Brandt over stew and says, "It is difficult to say. Restov promised us guards some time ago. It is possible that they would arrive soon, but I worry that if they just sent the five of you, they may not be as interested in keeping up with the promise." She sighs, ladling another bowl of stew for the prisoners. The men worked hard today, and after a poor nights sleep it is clear that they are exhausted from their labors.

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

After droning on about some technical gobbliegook about classification of creatures."...so essentially tatzlwyrms are technically a degenerate form of dragon, barely worth the mention in the same conversation. They rarely outgrow a man and lack wings or hind legs, slithering instead on their bellies. Picture a snake with arms and a dragon's head. I would expect a specimen in this region to attack with a constriction of its tail as well, and if it captured someone in its coils, to use a poison breath on them which has a partial paralytic effect, weakening the prey."

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

"Pfff," sounded Nalys, after trying to imagine such picture. Dragon head he could imagine, but it turned to be some chimera, when he pulled everything Geliglee said. "At least, we should expect no magic or cones of fire from them. This makes me glad."
He put away his bowl after cleaning it with a piece of bread and poured some hot water in his herbs in a tin cup.
"Erastil bless your cooking, Svetlana, that was what we needed."
He turned to Calum:
"I'd like to travel, but if we expect the bandits to come another day, we need to ensure our position here is safe. Let's finish with a gauntlet first and then we can travel. Basically, we arrived from east, there is planes and road, but you and someone else can go there to put it on map and document carefully."

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

"I agree that the prisoners must work off their debts to Oleg, before we consider paying them. Considering that's a much better deal than swinging from a noose, I don't think we should make ourselves feel too guilty about it, either." Turning to Oleg, she remarks, "Perhaps we should put in another request for guard from Restov, explaining the new circumstances. I mean, we can't exactly fulfill our charter while trying to guard this post...but they can't expect us to leave you defenseless either. They need to send someone, if they want the Greenbelt explored."

Isla nods in agreement with Nayls's sentiments, both about Svetlana's cooking and the bandits. Rising from the table, she offers to help Svetlana with some of the cleanup. While in the kitchen, she attempts to have a small conversation with the woman, asking "So Svetlana...how did you and Oleg end up in this trading post..."

When the conversation ends, she returns to the group and remarks, "I can take the night watch, if you want. I spent most of the day just diagramming and telling other people where to move things...so I'm not overly tired." Turning to Calum and Brandt she says, "You must be exhausted from exploring."

She adds, "Nayls, if you collect the timber you were talking about tomorrow and Geliglee can handle the rest of the designs, I can focus more on the assembly tomorrow. Calum and Brandt, do you think you will go out again tomorrow?"

Game term translation of what Isla is suggesting:
-Nayls uses survival or kn:Nature to aquire goods
-Geliglee continues with Kn:Engineering for the rest of the goods
-Isla: Start working on Labor (probably will take 10 on craft)

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

Geliglee agrees to spend the next day on design again, "It is really coming along nicely. I think we should be able to have it all in place soon."

With that he turns in, and gets back to the drawing boards after breakfast.

Know Engineering: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13

I think that we should consider the "request for guards" a preparation for our next "purchase" of a team of guards?

Nalys Stern wrote:

He put away his bowl after cleaning it with a piece of bread and poured some hot water in his herbs in a tin cup.

"Erastil bless your cooking, Svetlana, that was what we needed."

Svetlana nods her thanks, and moves to clear the bowls to take back into their home for cleaning.

Isla Fletcher wrote:
Isla nods in agreement with Nayls's sentiments, both about Svetlana's cooking and the bandits. Rising from the table, she offers to help Svetlana with some of the cleanup. While in the kitchen, she attempts to have a small conversation with the woman, asking "So Svetlana...how did you and Oleg end up in this trading post..."

Svetlana smiles and turns back to Isla when they are in the kitchen. "Oleg's family and mine have long been friends, and when the two of us grew up, we became good friends. His father died when he was just more than a boy, and with a mother and sisters to support he had to learn the trade quickly. After some time, we married, as did his sisters, and he became less and less enamored of life in the city. It was always too crowded, or someone gave him a bad deal, or somesuch. When his mother passed two years ago, he vowed to set out from the city. A friend knew that this old post was abandoned, and knew who to talk to in the Restov government to obtain rights to it. So, we saved up the money we needed, gathered supplies into a wagon behind his old family horse, and we set off for our new home. That was... over a year ago now?"

She shakes her head. "The past few months have been so rough, I had forgotten that it had already been that long. The trappers found us before long, and were grateful that they didn't need to take their hauls all the way to Restov anymore. That friend that told us about this place is the trader that comes back and forth to take furs, skins, and other supplies from here to Restov, and brings us whatever we think we will need in stock."

She thinks for a moment. "Given all the trading that we've been doing over that time, it's hard to believe that the bandits left us alone for as long as they did. Maybe they were focused elsewhere."

At that, she actually cheers up a bit. "But now, you and your friends are here to help us, and that puts me at ease. Oleg, too, but you'd never hear him say it." She smiles again. "Actually, knowing that you'll be going out and exploring eventually, there's something I'd like you to keep your eye out for, in addition to my wedding ring: moon radishes. They are, ah, a favorite of Oleg's - he likes them in soup. But they only grow in a few places around here, and I don't get out enough to find them, and the trappers never seem to find any for me. They should already be growing, even in the winter season, but you'll have to keep an eye out to find them. If you can get them back here somewhat quickly, I can even help them get to seed, and plant our own garden of them here so that I don't have to go out for them again. What do you say?"

Isla Fletcher wrote:
Turning to Oleg, she remarks, "Perhaps we should put in another request for guard from Restov, explaining the new circumstances. I mean, we can't exactly fulfill our charter while trying to guard this post...but they can't expect us to leave you defenseless either. They need to send someone, if they want the Greenbelt explored."

Oleg looks at Isla, "Perhaps, but will one of you ride the message there to Restov? If no, then it will be a few days before the trader gets here, he stays for a night while we make a deal, and then he heads back the next morning. Today is... Starday? He will be here on Toilday, then leave again on Wealday. Takes him four days to get to Restov, some time to get a set of guards together and conduct other business, then four days back to here. So that, plus three days before he is here, perhaps two weeks before your guard force has arrived. And he'll want payment up front, most likely. I have the supply in stock if you want to enlist these guards straight out of your credit." He looks at the exhausted captives, already falling asleep where they sit. "I will not take these men lightly, but if you help me work them this hard each day, then they will be less of a concern."

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2


Isla quietly listens to the story, as she passed Svetlana plates. No wonder Oleg is grumpy all the time. Between the bandits and us coming in here and making a ruckus...

Upon mention of the moon radishes, she think for a moment if she has heard of such a thing.

Knowledge (Nature): 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (3) + 3 = 6

She scratches her head a little and asks, "Moon radishes? Hmm...I am not sure I am familiar with them. But, if you can describe what they look like, and maybe the kind of soil in which they grow, I certainly tell the boys to keep an eye out." She tries to smile reassuringly and add, "We'll try to get that wedding ring back too. The bandits, I'm guessing?"

Regarding the guards, Isla asks the group, "What do you think? Personally, I think this trading post needs some kind of guards...and it can't be us forever."

Gnome Wizard {Shadow} HP 9 | AC 12 FF 10 T 12 | F+2, R+1, W+1 (+2 Ill, fear,desp) | Init +5, Perc +0 | Dark 60'

Nodding as Oleg speaks and then to Isla, Geliglee chimes in, "I agree Ilsa. Getting guards here as quickly as possible must be a priority. I for one will commit my credit with Oleg to the task, and hope you others will join in equal share. I would volunteer myself to ride immediately and return with the guards if not for the continued work to be done on the gauntlet, and my admittedly wanting riding skills. Could one of you make the trek swiftly?"

"It is your choice," Oleg says, "But yes, we have requested guards twice already. Perhaps they are on their way now?" He shrugs.

NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

"That's possible, but we haven't seen any squads on a road from Restov. I think, we should put our hands into completing this gauntlet. Due to threat of possible fight with bandits from their camp, we shouldn't split. After we finish construction, if guards will arrive - they appreciate our work on defences. If they are not here after we finish fortification - we discuss again."
Nalys cleaned his hands and moved closer to the fire.
"I am not very religious, but I heard an Erastil priest once told, that one should always invest into building balance between nature and community. I am ready to share some of my reward", he nodded to Geliglee, "to improving Oleg's. This is great place to return and I want for it to stay it like that. I mean, even if the guards will arrive, probably we can build an aviary for faster communication with Restov or stables. Currently, I don't need that money: they weight a lot, but you cannot heal wounds or feed with them..."

Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

"Mmm agreed Nalys, do you think it would be helpful for I to remain here on the morrow to help? Building up Oleg's so he and Svetlana are safe would be a worthwhile use of all of our time!"

Brandt looks around the group, "As an alternative, once these lads have worked off some debt to Oleg, what if we recruit them to be farmers or guards, or whatever?"

Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

Isla replies, "I hate to say it, but we may need your help with construction, if we are to get this done quickly."

"As for the bandits...until they prove capable of becoming honest men, I would be hesitant to employ them."

Isla Fletcher wrote:

** spoiler omitted **

Regarding the guards, Isla asks the group, "What do you think? Personally, I think this trading post needs some kind of guards...and it can't be us forever."

Svetlana to Isla:
"Yes, well, they are only slightly larger than the normal red radish, but a pale white, with blue-tinged leaves coming out of the ground." She stops herself when you ask about the ring. "Did we not...? Perhaps I am forgetting myself. Too many difficulties of late. Yes, the woman they fear, Kressle, took it on the first attack - fancied it for herself, she said." Svetlana gets a hard look in her eyes and keeps scrubbing. "I told Oleg to let it go, but it galls him that they made off with it." She thanks you for your help, then shoos you out so that she can finish up. "Get rest - I've a feeling you will all work hard tomorrow."

Montage time!

The next two days are a flurry of activity for the ten inhabitants of Oleg’s Trading Post. After a solid plan is drawn up and the necessary materials brought to bear, the five of you coordinate a quick effort to bring more stable defenses to Oleg’s walls.

  • Brandt is able to utilize his skills at wilderness survival to teach each of you a few tricks to stay warm while working in the cold weather. (Survival: Take 10 + 5 = 15 = 1 Labor / Day x2)
  • Calum is easily able to get William to help pull materials from one location in the trading post to another.(Handle Animal: Take 10 + 6 = 16 = 1 Good / Day + 1 Labor / Day)
  • Geliglee’s knowledge of engineering principles makes the design process much smoother, and even shares some of his knowledge to a grateful Oleg (for a small fee to cover the cost of goods and labor. (Knowledge(Engineering): Take 10 + 8 = 18 = 1 Good; Knowledge(Engineering): Take 10 + 8 = 18 / 10 = 1.8 GP; )
  • Isla picks up a hammer and nail, and beings applying herself directly to the construction of the gauntlet, reminding the captives of the foundational principles of construction. (Craft: Take 10 + 1 = 11 = 1 Labor / Day x2)
  • Nalys applies his skill with animals to all the remaining horses, getting them to help lift the heavy wooden pieces from ground to top of wall with the help of a block and tackle that Oleg has in storage.(Handle Animal: Take 10 + 6 = 16 = 1 Good / Day + 1 Labor / Day)
  • The bandits are surprisingly hard workers - obviously not eager to have their necks stretched. Happs, the leader, is a bit more resentful of his new lot in life, but the other two (Sven and Mielo), are clearly ready to be rid of banditry.

    In the afternoon on the 18th, Brandt is working atop the wall when he spies a small cloud of dust on the horizon to the east, coming down the South Rostland Road, the road you brought to Oleg’s. After alerting the others, you keep an eye on the cloud as it approaches, and before long it coalesces into the shape of a rider and four footsoldiers. The late afternoon sunlight glints off speartips and metal armor as they approach to within shouting distance.

    What do you do?

    NG Male Human (taldan) Druid1 Init +2; AC15, Touch12, FF15, CMD12; hp 9/9; Fort +3, Ref +2, Will +5; Perception: +4
    at will - light, purify food and drink, stabilize; 1st goodberry [x], entangle [x]

    Construction is still in progress and doesn't give us much benefit, yes?
    I planned to roll and use Survival since I have +9 or even +10 with guidance, if it is applicable, but this doesn't matter much

    "Looks like we have unwanted guests!" said Nalys, putting on his armor. He took out of pouch a handful of fresh berries and said several magical words, imbuing berries with divine power. 2d4 ⇒ (4, 1) = 5

    He selected several of them and distributed among his team.
    "Let's get ready! Keep it till last moment".

    Ok, this time better: So berry goes to Svetlana, Isla, Oleg, Geliglee, me, Brandt, Calum. Last one will get a normal cranberry if they miss a magic one :)
    If someone will offer to give prisoners weapons - Nalys votes against. More, I will support and help putting them back in a barn, if time allowes.

    Male Human (Ulfen) Ranger 1, Hp 13/13; Fort: +5, Reflex +4 Will +1; AC 17,

    "Oleg, we've got some visitors coming" Brandt shouts as he comes down quickly off the wall. He begins to armor himself as well, ensuring that his new longbow, arrows and axes are nearby.

    "Sven, Mielo, Happs - why don't you lads go into the shed if this gets unpleasant, but I suspect it may be the guards we're waiting for coming from Restov." Looking around the compound Brandt selects a spot to stand in the middle and glances over at the others,

    "Nalys or Isla or Oleg, who's doing the talking?? It certainly isn't me." Brandt grins at the lot of them, then assuming his silent large Ulfen face.

    Assuming there is sufficient time to don the armor, select the place to stand, and say all of that before the riders arrive. Donning the armor and conveying the information are the two most important things for Brandt, and if he can't find a spot to make a stand, he'll do it whereever he winds up

    Female Human Bard 1 | HP 8/8 | Init +3 | AC 16/13T/13F | Fort +0, Ref +5, Will +1 | Perception +3; SM -1 | Perform 7/7 | Spells: 1st 2/2

    "You may be right." Isla says as she climbs up the ladder to the walls. "They certainly don't sound like bandits..."

    Standing atop the wall, she holds her bow, but doesn't raise it or hold it in a threatening manner. She waits for anyone else who wishes to join them on the wall, before shouting out, "Greetings travelers. Would you be so kind as to identify yourselves and your purpose in these parts?"

    The figure on the horse lifts a mailed fist and the group comes to a halt. He looks up at you, grunts, and says, "You must be Svetlana. Get Oleg, and tell him the guard he sent for from Restov have arrived. Food and comfort would be appreciated, too. We've been on the road for days, and have a message for some others that are supposed to be operating out of here on an exploratory mission."

    The brusque man points towards the gate with his hand and he and his men head for it, clearly intending to enter.

    Brandt's perception gives you all plenty of time to armor up and get weapons ready. What do you do?

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