Souls of Lost Aridia Group A (Inactive)

Game Master Shanosuke

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NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

"Pack animals? Was there a camel?" Raine asks eagerly, but she's already moving before the answer. Either Simoom will be there, or-- or she will not, but Raine will run that way quick as she can, bare feet hitting the burning sand.

Both Martian Level 20 invader


You are first surprised to find that though coarse, it is not hot, The weather seems to be very moderate. You see the draft animals and Simoom is among them. She is free and you can call the camel to you.

You also see the battle and it is as Tolus describes.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Not wanting to leave Raine alone, Tolus follows her, albeit more stealthily. He tries to assess if he and the others can get to their gear without being seen.

sealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (20) + 10 = 30
perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26

Both Martian Level 20 invader
Tolus the Serpent Servant wrote:

Not wanting to leave Raine alone, Tolus follows her, albeit more stealthily. He tries to assess if he and the others can get to their gear without being seen.


You see Raine's spoiler +

Raine and Tolus:

The Anubites are completely involved with the melee to worry about the gear and animals. They are barely losing after all. With a double move you both can reach your gear and on the next two, with a move you can draw your preferred weapons.

Raine, you can mount Simoom if you desire, just use the appropriate actions.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus quickly signals the party (those who are following at least) forward to the gear and dashes to the stash. He quickly locates his short bow and quiver, kneels behind the piles of gear, and knocks an arrow. He holds off on attacking, however, until the others are ready to engage.

Readied action to fire as soon as the party engages

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Hearing the news of their stuff having been found, Mia's face has a faint hint of a smile on it.
Revenge shall soon be.

She runs towards her belongings.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Upon seeing the animals, Draahzin's gaze searches to locate his mount. If he could take his lance and mount Rossinante before being noticed … else he will take his glaive.

He dashes to the pile of their stuff. Where is it? Where is it?

How bright is the light there?

16/16 HP 18 AC 13T 15FF 14 CMD | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init+3 | Perception +7

I work one night, and this is what happens? :P

"Our things? This should make our endeavors a little more... Fair."

Lilith spoke coldly, she was less than amused at their situation. Again, though, she was oddly not phased by her embarrassing state. Instead, perhaps it would cause the people she's going to clearly be traveling with for a while to somehow trust each other more. It's not something she every really understood, but one she's observed.

Quickly, Lilith ran to get her things and don it all. She also took too much of a beating from being denied her extracts and armor, so she also quickly located her curative extract and drank it.


Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (1) + 2 = 3
Now only have 6 nonlethal (Thanks a lot, d8)

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Okay, at this point you all have raced out and retrieved a weapon or some manner of gear that you can draw as a move action.

Combat part two has begun.

The Anubites have not noticed you yet, they likely won't even bother with you at all until their attackers are defeated.

The attackers will likely win the battle but just barely.

You can either join the fray or sit and wait for it to end. The choice is yours.

Round One

The closest Anubite is 25 feet away from all of you.

You can start this combat armed with a weapon from your gear.

Those of you who have mounts may mount them this round.

If you do not wish to participate, Simply post your characters idle actions.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus, seeing that the party is ready, opens up a second front on the Anubites by firing on the one at 25ft.

attack: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
damage: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (6) + (6) = 12

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Mia holds her doll firmly, feeling less helpless once again. Though she could fire her light crossbow, she decides not to cause odd situations. (What normal child knows how to wield a crossbow?)

Mia will stay away from the fight for now. She will observe from a safe distance, close combat will not do, as the bruise on her head teaches her.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

"Simoom!" Raine cries in relief. She snatches up her guisarme from the pile of gear, and uses it to slash any tether that might be holding her camel as she more-or-less climbs the beast's shaggy flank. Simoom snorts and whuffs in happiness-- momma's back-- as the camel lurches from her knobby knees to her splay-toed feet.

All will be well. She has her companion again. Raine twirls her spear in midair, teeth bared white and savage as she looks down at the Anubites from her new height.

"Well shot, Tolus!" she calls, and then "Hai!" to Simoom, preparing to slay as many of these filthy dog-men as she can.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Draahzin mounts on Rossinante and takes a brief glance at the situation. Then he shouts: 'Hit them behind the knee or at the junction between torso and arm! It's there weak spot!'

Use of tactician ability, all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear me have Precise Strike (+1d6 precision damage). I consider our group and the attakers allies.

16/16 HP 18 AC 13T 15FF 14 CMD | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init+3 | Perception +7

I'm guessing, then, that we still aren't wearing armor.

Lilith throws open her pack containing her things and grabs her mutagen. She needed to act fast and not acting at all meant a greater chance of failing. Drinking the mutagen, she dons her buckler as well and prepares to charge into the fray. Slowly, her skin grows tougher and visibly darker. Her eyes turn a dark shade of red. She steps out toward the battle signifying her intent to get involved.


Standard: Mutagen (+4 dex, -2 wis, +2 natural armor)

Move: Don buckler

Free: 5-foot step toward the combat.

18 AC now (+5 dex, +1 shield, +2 natural)

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Round One Results

The Battle is raging.

Tolus scores a solid hit against a flat-footed Anubites

During the battle one of the human warriors attacks the Anubite Tolus did. The Anubite goes down and the warrior gives Tolus a gesture of thanks.

None of the Anubites yet notice your group.

It is your turns.

Round Two Begin

There are still Anubites left. Closest is 35 feet and the next is 40 feet.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

Raine's bare heels dig into Simoom's sides. She leads with the shining blade of her weapon, her anger spurring her-- they took her beast, they took her weapon-- a family weapon, passed down generations..! Filthy brutes.

Ride check: Fight w/Combat-Trained Mount, DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 5 = 23
Attttaack!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
Damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10
Precise strike, additional damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Combat Expertise is up, so with the Studded Leather Raine's AC is 15 unless there are penalties for the Anubite's armor not fitting her/donned hastily/whatever. Simoom's AC is 14. Raine's guisarme is a reach weapon, so she is ten feet away from the nearest Anubite.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Launching his mount into a full gallop, Draahzin charges the farest Anubite, yelling his rage: 'Die, die! You jackal! You'll pay for all!'

But his fury drops his accuracy and the Anubite steps aside, avoiding the blow.

Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 101d6 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
Ride, DC 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus knocks, takes a step forward to better aim for the weak points, draws, and fires.

5' step to get to 30' of that closest Anubite
attack: 1d20 + 4 - 4 ⇒ (17) + 4 - 4 = 17
damage+sneak attack: 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (1) + (4) = 5
I'm assuming I'm still getting sneak attack because they haven't noticed me yet.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Mia watches as her companions are in the fray. She looks quickly if many anubites are in close proximity to them.
I assume the closest anubite is about to die from their attacks though..

Move forward, staying behind the others.
Checking enemy numbers.: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 = 16

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Just waiting on Lilith.

16/16 HP 18 AC 13T 15FF 14 CMD | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init+3 | Perception +7

Sorry, work and class all day.

Lilith moves to close in the gap between herself and the Anubites, setting herself in an advantageous position.


Double move to get into flanking position with someone if possible.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Round Two Results

With the aid of a human warrior Raine is able to subdue one of the Anubites.

Tolus is also able to assist another warrior in taking down an Anubite.

Ten Anubites remain. There are 14 human warriors.

Lilith and Draahzin are flanking with human warriors

Raine has an easy flank 15 feet from her.

All Anubites are in melee, so ranged attackers should take that into consideration.

All Anubites are aware of your presence but they chose to focus on the more threatening humans. You go the round without being attacked.

Round Three Begins

Your turns

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

Once more Raine spurs the camel, who huffs in answer and glomps forward over the sand. (It's a technical term. Glomps.) She is happy to take that flank.

Ride check: Fight w/Combat-Trained Mount, DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
Attttaack!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 5 + 2 = 11 Alas, her swing might veer wide...
Damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 1) + 4 = 8
Precise strike, additional damage: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

This time I must not miss. Once again he tries to pierce an Anubite with his lance.

Ride, DC 10: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19
Attack, while flanking, second d6 is precision damage: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 242d6 + 1 ⇒ (4, 1) + 1 = 6

Both Martian Level 20 invader

@Cavaliers: Your mounts can attack also, do not forget that.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

I actually had a question regarding that, since, as mentioned in recruitment, this is my first time playing a cavalier, heh. With the guisarme, Raine has reach, but Simoom does not-- on this turn I had to move to attack, so no five-foot adjustment to fix that would be allowed. So in my understanding, Raine gets her attack, but Simoom does not.

On the other hand, Simoom is a large beast. Is it then feasible by the rules to say that while Raine is ten feet away, Simoom is actually closer, since Simoom takes up four squares? If so, then there's no conflict, I suppose. If that's the case....

CAMELS BITE HARD, JACKALFACE!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 5 + 2 = 21
HNRF! OOM! POW!: 1d4 + 6 ⇒ (2) + 6 = 8
If you are ruling camels get the benefit of Precise Strike...: 1d6 ⇒ 6

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Rossinante's hooves: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 181d3 ⇒ 11d20 - 2 ⇒ (8) - 2 = 61d3 ⇒ 1
If Precise Strike …: 1d6 ⇒ 41d6 ⇒ 5
Critical first attack?: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 141d3 ⇒ 3

16/16 HP 18 AC 13T 15FF 14 CMD | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init+3 | Perception +7

Lilith stabs at the anubite she is flanking with precision using her rapier, even more graceful with her mutagen in effect.


Standard: Attack on flanked Anubite Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 6 + 2 = 26
Crit Confirm: 1d20 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 6 + 2 = 12
Damage + Precise Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (6, 2) = 8

Move: None

Free: None

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Mia sees the anubites taking some good hits. But the numbers are still great. She decides to act, the time seems right.

I've got to stay out of sight, yet still i will do something, and a scheme came to mind. She pointed her finger at the anubite most close to death that was next to a partymember.

Move: forward, still behind the others.
Standard: Aim at the most injured anubite next to one of the party...and ignite....

Couldn't find if i had to roll for this lvl 0 spell to make it succeed, since it isn't a damage based spell. It just said a flammable object catches fire.
Burn mutt, burn!: 1d20 ⇒ 12
Shanosuke, save dc

That would make it a fort 16 save........and im hoping the thing fails.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus decides that firing his bow more stands a good chance of injuring or at least distracting an ally. He decides to drop it and get his sword. It takes him a moment, but he finds his short, slightly curved blade and draws it free, leaving the scabbard in the pile.

I'm assuming full-round action to draw a weapon from the pile.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

The reason there is no roll listed for this spell is because it's not an attack spell. It's designed to do things like 'light a pile of tinder on fire'... it does the amount of damage a spark from a fire would do. AKA, absolutely none to an enemy in combat.

That said, you're still calculating save way too high. 10 + Spell level (0) + your ability modifier (+3) = 13.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Ok then...still, point is to ignite his fabric in his outfit. Clothes on fire should deal dmg no?.

If it indeed does nothing


Replace the spark with guidance on tolus. Giving him a +1 of choice to either a single attack, save or skillcheck. Effect lasts 1 min or upon dispel. Which would make...

Move: get behind Tolus.
Standard: Cast guidance on Tolus. Touch spell.

Mia looks if it is safe to move. She dashes towards Tolus and silently touches his clothes, sending an unknown guiding force into his being for a minute.

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Did some research, it does seem that the Reach weapon does extend 10 feet from the mount. Though the mount is a large creature, you can still only reach ten feet out and this would in fact take away the mounts ability to strike. Sad day.

@Tolus: Move to draw a weapon from the pile and you can still take another move action or a standard. I assume you move to closer.

Round Three Results

Four more Anubites go down this round.

One Human warrior goes down.

Again, none of the Anubites turn to face you.

None of you are currently in melee combat but a simple move action will put you into flanking with one of the Humans allies.

@Mia: The Anubite beats out the spark. He made his save.

6 Anubites remain and 13 allies.

Round Four Begins

Your Turns.

16/16 HP 18 AC 13T 15FF 14 CMD | F+3 R+6 W+2 | Init+3 | Perception +7

Lilith charges into her next positions to attack, the loss of defense seems as though it would not affect her much. As the anubites' numbers started to dwindle, she began to grow wary of the humans. When this fight was over, she knew they wouldn't instantly be friends.


Full-Round Action: Charge into flanking Attack: 1d20 + 6 + 2 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 6 + 2 + 2 = 22
Damage + Precise Strike: 2d6 ⇒ (4, 2) = 6

Free/Swift: None

16 AC this round

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Cool, so it can be used that way.

Mia will use the guidance on Tolus, as per previous spoiler.

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus feels the magic on him and turns his halead to Mia. Helpless little girl, indeed. He then gives her a grin and a wink before charging an Anubite.

charge!+Guidance+flank: 1d20 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 = 14
damage+sneak+precise: 1d6 + 1d6 + 1d6 ⇒ (5) + (5) + (4) = 14
AC is 15 for this round

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

No worries re: the reach weapon thing. I figured that might be the case.

Raine wheels the camel around with a sharp heel to her flanks (Simoom shoots her a reproachful glance as if to say, a simple command would have worked just as well) and rides for the next Anubite, lost in the world of combat and of vengeance for their treatment at the hands of these creatures. She is sweating-- a loss of precious water, in the sun's heat-- but doesn't care. "Hai!"

She will also take advantage of the flank.

Fight w/Combat-Trained Mount, DC 10: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
Attttaack!: 1d20 + 5 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 5 + 2 = 22
Damage: 2d4 + 4 ⇒ (3, 3) + 4 = 10
Precise strike, additional damage: 1d6 ⇒ 5

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Draahzin urges Rossinante to a new target. Wondering: Are those men, denizens of Aridina? Nevermind, the Anubites are a more pressing matter!

Ride: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Charge+flank: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (9) + 8 = 172d6 + 1 ⇒ (6, 5) + 1 = 12

Both Martian Level 20 invader

Between you and the human warriors you all manage to defeat the remaining Anubites. Once they are finished, you are now facing off with these desert warriors. They form around you defensively.

One of the warriors climbs off his camel and removes his face covering and approaches you. "I am Hadule. You are strange people. Not with Anubites I guess but not like any thing I ever seen. [b]" He gazes at Draahzin [b]"Definitely not like anything I have seen. Who are you? What are you? Where did you come from?" The man seems genuinely curious.

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

The kobold points the tip of his lance to the ground.
'I am Draahzin the Blue, a kobold, scion of the dragons, and this are my fellow travellers: the noble Raine, Mia the child, Lilith the silent, Tolus the Serpent Servant.'

Both Martian Level 20 invader

The man raises his eyebrows. "Kobold? Dragons? What are either of those?"

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Draahzin seems like struck by a lightning bolt.

'Kobolds are my people, they're like me, small, scaled. Dragons? You've never heard of them? How is that possible! They're magnificent flying beasts of huge stature, breathing fire or electricity. They're also very smart and powerful.'

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus steps forward, green patterned scaled shining in the sunlight. Your fight with these was most beneficial. Now, if you don't mind and before this goes any further, I would prefer to retrieve my clothes. They are just back there. It will take but a moment.

diplomacy: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

Raine remains atop Simoom, catching her breath. The eye of the sun is brutal and soon she knows she will need water, but for now... she savors victory. They fought, and won-- with help, yes, but still.

From above she calls down, "We were part of a caravan. Taken hostage by these pieces of offal. We broke free only minutes ago. Hence our sorry dress for the desert."

Because it rankles her pride that these humans might get the wrong impression and think she does not know how to dress for the heat.

Spell reserves:
Lvl 1 (4/4) Lvl 2(3/3), Heal Hex: Bianca V, Luci X, Max V, Talli V, Verim X, Wen V.
Halfling Witch lvl 4 Hp 30/30 AC 14, T13, FF 12. CMB+0, CMD12, Fort +4 Ref +4 Will +5, Init+2, Perc. +2, speed 20ft

Mia getting to her stuff and refraining from battle early on could explain the spoiler, if it would be allowed.

Mia stands amidst her comrades, slightly behind Tolus. Looking up at the man asking them questions.


And......she's the only one dressed. (Ooc)

Both Martian Level 20 invader

@Draahzin. Hadule shakes his head. "Largest flying beasts be Giant Vultures, Rocs, and Shpinx, no dragon. Never seen likes of yours before either."

@Tolus: Hadule looks to you and good grunts. "You need not be rude. You may have your things. We always intend to release and help prisoners from the Anubites. We warriors, not thieves. Though we will be taking much of the Anubite's gear for ourselves. Our village needs these."

@Raine: Hadule looks at Raine puzzled. "You dress is fine for Aradina. Sun here is not harmful nor as hot as Sarengave beyond. You may want something other than Anubite clothes. "

These humans are all wearing black loose trousers, bandoliers, and wavy headwraps. Not like turbens but more Egyptian style.

@Mia easy enough for you to don some clothes

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

Tolus is slightly confused as to how he's been rude, but bows and returns to the gear pile. He dons his linen and cotton robes, then straps on the rest of his gear. It felt nice to be decent again. Then he returns to the group of humans.

NG Ranger 9 * HP 98/98 * AC 24 (or higher in magic circle)|T14|FF20 * CMD 27 * F+7 [See Feats] R+12 W+5 * Init +8 Per +19 (+4 vs traps) |

Raine frowns and looks up at the sun. Now that the adrenaline of the fight is fading, she... realizes they are right. It is not as hot as it should be. Her brows knit over this mystery. Shaking her head, Raine climbs down off Simoom's vast height and pads barefoot to the pile of clothes and gear.

Completely unselfconscious, she strips out of the foul Anubite gear and dons her own clothing again, collecting her pack and other things as well. Her eyes dart to the others-- they are all bruised and battered, but none of them, not even the child, have wounds that must be seen to immediately. It is well.

"Then your tribe lives here and fights these jackal-men. Who are you? I know the name you said. But your people-- tell us of them."

Male Kobold Cavalier (Beast master) 2

Draahzin looks puzzled. They don't know about dragons… To hide his confusion he goes to the heap of gears and don his clothes, his armor and gears up. He feels better being armed, even if the last time he was like so it didn't go so well … Suddenly he remembers his parched lips and his grumbling belly.

He turns around facing Hadule: 'What said Raine would be interesting, but … Hadule, we were ambushed in the Sarengave by Anubites. We're starving and dying of thirst. Do you have anything we could feed on? I can pay in gold.'

HP 8/8 AC:16/13/13 F+1 R+3 W+3 (+2vs Poison) CMD 13 Per+5, Init+9

At the word 'feed' something triggers in Tolus's body. Suddenly the adrenaline of the escape and fight is gone. His legs feel like grass and he has a hard time focusing. He stands still and holds his head. Yes, please. Water. Food. Uhhh..

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