DM Corerue |

I'll go ahead and check out what's on the left side first. May as well explore this place properly :)
You pump the handle for what seems an eternity, building minute amounts of pressure with each stroke until the door finally starts to give. The last dozen or more strokes were the most difficult as the pressure had built up so much that the resistance it gave the manual handle was almost painful. It finally opens wide enough for a weak light to spill out and a few more pumps opens it wide enough for you too peer into the room beyond and actually slip your way in.
As you slide in sideways through the door you come discover a well equipped workshop of mechanical parts, gadgets, tools and other unknown equipment sitting on work tables and benches within a thirty foot by, thirty foot wide, by ten foot tall room. Orbs within the workroom provide the dim light and a small machine appears to be functioning near the doorway and quietly humming in the corner, every once and awhile it surges and the lights surge as well. The room would have been awe inspiring if it wasn't for the corpses that laid in center of the room, fourteen in all, piled on each other as if all of them were going after the lone person who currently is sitting with their back propped against the farthest workbench.
From the doorway you can tell that whoever they were they have sadly passed on, their chest does not rise and it appears that they were fatally injured from the dried pool of blood beneath were they are sitting. Nothing in the room moves accept for the quietly humming machine on the table to your left.
The door is situated in the center of the room and tables line the walls while leaving the center of the room clear save for the bodies.
You can tell that none of the bodies are moving or are even alive, most appear to have been burned by raw electricity, as the bones still reek of burning ozone. Its then that you notice the leaning strange attire is unlike the other bodies you've stumbled across. They appear to be wearing some sort of strange armor with glass tubes that jut off its chest and shoulders.

DM Corerue |

Almost compulsively drawn to carry on, I lead Bera onward over the fallen beam.
Where is this leading? What could be changing my sash?
Bera, I don't want to get lost in a maze down here. I don't understand these tunnels; maybe we should go up the ladder if this leads nowhere?
You pass the bodies, one of which glints like metal as you get closer with your lighted sash and scale the beam fairly easy some of the rubble rolls down and the sound seems to echo on into the dark halls around you, but as you reach the top of the beam you find you have more then one option as to where you travel next.
Left or straight? :)
Bera looks to you as you ask your question, her eyes are wide with what you could only imagine was fear and she was gripping her tribal weapon tightly as you stood at the top of the beam. As she looks into the darkness warily she seems to have forgotten your question as she mumbles. [/smaller]"Never been so far..."[/smaller]

Diyeana Stormwin |

Hey! Still here. Once again, I had thought I was waiting on you. My bad. Will post tomorrow.

DM Corerue |

LOL Awww if you need me to make adjusments to how I respond to you guys let me know. I'm still waiting for Num'Rah, donovan and Mir. I apologize in advance for the slow start, I guess my sandboxy beginning got a little complicated. :(
If you have any suggestions I'm all ears but I am working to getting everyone together here eventually. :) please let me know if I'm not detailed enough or not engaging you in some way.

Cassian Vespertine |

Would Martial Weapon Proficiency grant me use of the two headed flail these folks favored or is it an exotic weapon? To better picture it, are the two heads on one side of the handle or is it a double weapon (like a dire flail)? Thanks!
Taking 20 on Perception: Total 23
The sight of the piled bodies was cause for Cassian to reach for his pistol. Although he regarded them as clumsy weapons, the buffer they granted was useful enough for him to keep one on hand if only to empty into the first creature foolish enough to charge him.
Leveling both barrels at massacred corpses in front of him, Cassian walks slowly ahead until he knows for certain that the dead have been rightfully labeled. Cautiously squatting beside the figures in armor he takes a moment to quickly note it's peculiarities.
A suit of this armor would have been a wonderful addition to the display cases in my quarters back on the White Wind. It would have looked perfect next to the Dwarven pulse hammer or the matching pair of guilded Elven chakrams... Baulder; that dimwitted oaf likely sold my treasures when he took helm of my ship. Well whatever this is, the glass obviously didn't insulate him entirely if that was it's purpose. If the others were clergy then these must have been the engineers or warriors of the group, perhaps both. More importantly who were they?
Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (11) + 9 = 20 (on the armor)
Taking 20 on Perception: Total 23 (search the bodies)
Slipping the decrepit tome he'd been study at the bar earlier that night, he takes a minute to scan the pages for any similar symbols or notes that may shed a bit of insight on discovering whose tomb he was desecrating.
Knowledge (history): 1d20 + 7 + 2 ⇒ (10) + 7 + 2 = 19 (clues as to who these people were) *The +2 comes from a PF Chronicle History Book. It takes 1d4 ⇒ 4 full rounds to complete*
After stowing his book away and pawing through the pile, Cassian rises to his feet by extending his legs to length and moves to the singled out 'engineer' and gives him a quick pat down examination before assessing the functions of the only piece of working equipment this shell has provided him with thus far.
Taking 20 on Perception: Total 23 (search the body)
Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (19) + 9 = 28 (on the humming machine)

Aelessaer |

Aelessaer wrote:Almost compulsively drawn to carry on, I lead Bera onward over the fallen beam.
Where is this leading? What could be changing my sash?
Bera, I don't want to get lost in a maze down here. I don't understand these tunnels; maybe we should go up the ladder if this leads nowhere?
You pass the bodies, one of which glints like metal as you get closer with your lighted sash and scale the beam fairly easy some of the rubble rolls down and the sound seems to echo on into the dark halls around you, but as you reach the top of the beam you find you have more then one option as to where you travel next.
Left or straight? :)
Bera looks to you as you ask your question, her eyes are wide with what you could only imagine was fear and she was gripping her tribal weapon tightly as you stood at the top of the beam. As she looks into the darkness warily she seems to have forgotten your question as she mumbles. "Never been so far..."
I stamp my foot in frustration, then steady myself cautiously on the beam.
Bera, I want answers, I hate this, hate being out of control, hate being lost. I swore a few years ago that I would make my own fate. If there is something down here for me to be afraid of, then I want to look it in the face and decide for myself if I should be afraid.
I pause, shaking with frustration and nervous energy, stopping myself from shouting out my frustration. Still, my next statement comes out in a stacatto of emotion: I know you want to survive, want to live. I see it in you. Now, if you've got a better idea then tell me. If you want to go another way, then tell me. Otherwise, we press on.

Mirrianissa |

Quickly Miri reaches into the bag quiver slung across her back calling upon its magic to allow her hand to grasp a gourd filled with a healing draught. with a claw she pops the waxed seal quickly drinking the contents as she feels the magic flow through her body.
Move action retrieve and drink potion of CMW
2d8 + 2 ⇒ (1, 7) + 2 = 10
She quickly follows with another one of less pwerful magic but still effective.
2nd move action, CLW
1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8

Diyeana Stormwin |

Diyeana Stormwin
The only entrance is a small trapdoor that allows roof access from the building itself, it is also locked from the inside. Joey did retrieve the rope, my bad for not typing that out :(
Joey hefts the small pistol in both hands, aiming it upward and giving you a roguish smile as eh says. "I got something better then a whistle Miss Stormwin." He pulls the trigger and unloads the pistol skyward, you barely have time to avert your eye as the round he shot flares up into a bright white light that screams upward for a couple hundred feet before arcing down and [bigger]popping[/b] in the air. The light almost appears to be suspended now, slowly falling to the street as Joey starts to reload the massive pistol. "Smitty told me to use this to signal him, its something new we designed recently. He smiles sheepishly and looks ready to dodge a blow as he adds. "I actually didn't know if it would work! "
The Thralls all pause in what they are doing and stare up at the light for a moment, iving you a moment of reprieve...
As her last shot blows a satisfyingly large hole through one of the Trencher Thralls, Diyeana looks back at Joey just in time to see him shoot his special signal shot into the air and closes her eyes just in time to avoid being blinded by it.
Grinning in respect and admiration at the results, she thinks briefly to herself 'I gots ta git me one o' those!' then out loud says to her ally "Well done Darlin'! If I'da known you could unload something that big..." pausing a tick to let her insinuation sink in and enjoying the blush her teasing always elicited from her she continues "Now make sure that trap door is locked and see if you kin block it too, or stand on it! And keep an eye on the alley we got up from!"
As she speaks, the Gunslinger is lineing up another shot on the Trencher she'd shot already. Again holding her breath she squeezes the trigger. Almost instantly the Trencher's head explodes in a shower of desiccated bits of gore and she pats her her precious rifle, whispering lovingly "Who's the best rifle there is? That's right You are Kane, You are."
Rifle vs AC11: 1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 9 + 1 + 1 = 17
Damage: 1d10 ⇒ 10
Round 3, Init 26
AC 21, HP 38
Buffs: Balance Weapon, Long-Range Weapon
Grit: 3/5
Spells: Lv1: 3/4

DM Corerue |

The armored figure wheres a helmet that matches the suit its wearing in both its strangeness and superb engineering. It takes you some time but you locate a set of straps on the front and back side of the armor. The armor though is something you've never seen before, in fact everything you come across reminds you of cogs, gears and other mechanical aspects that are scattered throughout the kingdoms. Except everything is refined, smaller, more durable and machined in a way that is superior to what you have worked with.
The bodies are garbed in the same type of attire as the ones you searched outside and even the armored one has the cog and mechanical woman's face emblazoned on its chest. These bodies however bare only bronze symbols and each symbol is merely a large engraved cog and lacking the woman entirely.
The bodies though have been destroyed by age and rot, lacking any real features that identify them as anything more then humanoid. The soulless you had fought in the hallway looked human but was so ancient that its skin was like over stretched parchment. Perhaps there was something left of the one inside the armor...
Shrugging it off for a moment you rise and leave the bodies behind as you inspect the still running machine. After several moments of examining it and watching the lights flicker you determine its some type of generator. It is surrounded mostly by a metal outer case and its internals are made up of several fine cogs and even finer wiring. Of which you wouldn't be able to identify without dismantling the small machine. You notice that an orb, about the size of the one you found sits in the center of this machine, although the light inside this one is very weak in comparison to the one you found. You locate a set of clasps that hold the one in the machine and find that not only is it superbly designed but also easy to manipulate some of the parts despite not knowing exactly what it does...
The two headed flail has a rod that extends about 6 inches above the 2 foot long handle and fromt he top of the rod a pair of chains attach to a single rounded metal head each, perfectly opposite of each other.
The weapon can be wielded like a normal flail(Martial) more to be reveal as it comes up ;)

Cassian Vespertine |

His curiosity piqued by the advanced assembly of the generator, Cassian sets about determining a way to replace the weak orb with the one he found by the overturned table outside. Fiddling with the knobs and levers of the parts he assumes were meant to be manipulated, he sets about his task using whatever tools the room provided that seem appropriate and keeping a watchful eye for any mechanisms that he could use the flail or cog symbols to trigger.
I'll bite on that hint you left when I'm finished with the generator. One thing at a time, right? :)

DM Corerue |

Bera looks torn, indecision and fear were getting the best of her as she stammered. "Understan, this place is full of tears unshed. Angry spirits and... darkness. Those who come here and return are... differ ant then before. I have come here many times but never so deep. I don't know the way... But this... this is not it." She shakes her head and hopes down off the beam, landing loudly as her hooved feet clop on the metal floor. She turns to you and waves for you to follow.

DM Corerue |

@ Everyone: Going through an investigation right now :p fun times~ Will try and catch up! I promise more in about 12 hours so very sorry!
Also are you still with us Leon and Aurora? And been talking to Donovan and he has to step out for now. He's got some stuff going on IRL. I will get things up and moving again.
As you pull out the spent orb, and insert the one you found, the machine starts to cycle up. Its low hum growing noticeably louder but never going above a satisfying purr in loudness or intensity, the table vibrates more than before and the ‘lighting’ orbs in the room start to grow brighter. As the room starts to come alive around you, you hear the sound of pressure being released and your exit slides shut soundlessly.
The wonders do not end there as you turn around the first thing to catch your eye is the strange mechanical armor…
The tubes and glass cylinders on its outside are starting to light up and literally electricity appears to be leaping from the nearby orbs and flowing into the armor. Before you’re able to do much more then put your hand on your pistol the gauntlets of the armor light up as electricity surges from them and rise off the floor, arcs of electricity literally pushing the off the floor. As the suit shakes and surges the fingers on the gauntlet straighten out and lightning arcs across the room. These arcs narrowly miss you and strike the nearby work benches and the piled corpses, with a loud crack of electricity bits of burned bone fragments and mechanical parts scatter across the room and some land at your feet.
After the arc the suits gauntlets fall back to the floor with a loud metal on metal impact and the bright glow dims some. The electricity stops flowing into it as the tubes seem to still be active and appear self-sustaining.

DM Corerue |

As you tense up, readying for the coing attack from the closing metal puppets you hear a sharp scream of some sort of whistle. It grates on your sensitive ears and the puppets react almost immiedietly to it, turning and retreating quickly back towards the dark ones flying vessel. The ones you were fighting glare at you with their dead eyes before turning back as well.
The Beleghtor, now down to erely six soldiers still on their feet, don't allow the to retreat without dogging their every step. Each of the warriors raises their crossbows and unload in the backsides of their retreating opponents. Despite there efforts though none of the metal puppets do more then flinch as the bolts dig into their backside.
Back at the vessel the Master continues to glare at all of you icly as the last of their captives are loaded on board.

Diyeana Stormwin |

Hey, Cassian's got 2-3 updates since my last one. You're not trying to tell me he's a better flirt than Dyaena are you Corerue??
Not that I'm complaining reading that awesone story btw (along with all the other awesome ones too!

DM Corerue |

Bera leads you back and away from the dark places, she looks around nervously and now that shes leading you can tell just how shaky she really is. In battle Bera was unshakeable, but outside of that she seemed to jump at every shadow. ”Sahde lives in darkness, where it is darkest it lingers. The stone of Tears is dying, the land crumbles away, the plants wither and my people are weakening. My tribe cannot strike camp and move to the lower stones, too many are weak and we can’t show weakness, or the other tribes will come….” Her speech is becoming better by the minute, forming words in your native language despite the difference in your species.
She leads you back to the hallway where you found the small room and the ladder above. But as Bera turns the final corner she stops dead and starts shaking, stepping back and lowering her weapon. She babbles fearfully as you approach. ”No No No No...”
When you round the bend you see what appears to be a Cryxian Necrotech, it turns its head and regards you coldly, its goggled eyes looking directly at you. Its overstretched skin tightens further as it smiles lecherously at you and licks the blade of its surgical implements and starts making its way towards you. It’s mechanical spider legs carry it swiftly across the metal floor, skittering like a spider towards a trapped fly. It wasn’t alone either, several Mechanithralls and Thrall warriors fall in behind it, following their master like the obedient pets they are.
You blink and the cryxians are gone and in their place is a swirling blackness that is ever so slowly making its way towards you. Floating on air and languishing towards the ceiling of the hallway, you could of sworn you saw shadowy faces swirling and writhing within this strange shadow and as you slowly regain your wits you see it start to reach out. Several lengths of shadows form and snake their way out from it like tendrils, some of which are reaching out towards Bera as she stands there completely terrified. Some are also reaching out for you.

DM Corerue |

Joey gives you an embarrassed smile and moves to do as you ask, trying to secure the roof hatch whilst the thralls continue to batter at the front door of the building. You shot strikes the Trencher thrall hard, shattering their skull and bestowing death on them once again.
The remaining Trencher however reloads and takes aim, tirelessly fighting on and unaware that its fellow thrall had fallen…
1d20+4-4 1d20 ⇒ 16
Its shot however peppers you with nothing more than bits of rubble from the slowly eroding brick edging you are currently using for cover. It appears to be reloading again and the sound of the door being hacked into reaches your ears once more, the Thralls were no longer distracted it seemed.
You spot something far above you and whatever it is its coming down, Fast, falling earthward and straight down on the flare shot in the sky. From this distance though you don’t recognize what it could be…

DM Corerue |

Its presence once again fills your mind, it felt like some oily filth was oozing its way across your being, making you feel like you needed to vomit as its voice echoed in your head. "You will learn yourrr placeee creatureee and that isss beneeath usss. You willl allll be oursss sssoon enough and thisss ressisstance only delayss the inevitable." With that it throws its head back and cackles at you all, loudly and sounding like the death rattle of a madman before it moves slowly back up the ramp and on-board its flying vessel.

Aelessaer |

I grab Bera by the arm, pulling her away, and shout as loud as I can, Bera, it's a trick, run!
I try to strike a new path, taking the first turning which we have yet to see, but will soon stop and let us both pause, calm down and take stock. I want Bera to burn off some of the adrenaline and terror before we talk, but I don't want to exhaust her.

Cassian Vespertine |

I think it's the Diplomacy mod. If you think about it, that's all that flirting really is :p
"GAH!!!" Cassian yells as he dodges a lick of lightning arching from the conductive suit floating in the middle of the room. After it settles to the ground, Cass tries again for his pistol all the while waving the flail in his right hand as he cautiously drags his feet towards the machine.
Perhaps I've been thinking about this the wrong way. What if this is a golem or other such construct? I hadn't checked to see if there was still a man inside so it wouldn't be out of the question, especially when considering these devices. If so, will it recognize me as it's creator or will it default to a previous assignment? Best not to attack it right away... just in case.
Knowledge Arcana: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (16) + 7 = 23
Edging closer to the machine, he looks for any obvious signs of life or intelligence before giving a quick high to low whistle and asking, "Hello? Any survivors?"

Cassian Vespertine |

Still not entirely sure what he was dealing with, Cassian braves close enough to feel the heat radiating from suit. Bending to a squat he moves in to see if there is any way he could safely pry open the armor to see what, if anything, is inside.
Take 20 on Perception, Total: 23
Is there anything in the room I wouldn't have noticed when the lights were off? Specifically other entrances or some sort of documentation that could give me an idea of what I'm working with?

Diyeana Stormwin |

Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Her plastered grin never leaving her face, and knowing, and not caring, that the thrall will never be affected in the slightest by it, she still yells out the taunt "That the best ya kin do ya walking piece o' dried up Orc s#!%?? Why, my blind Grandmother can shoot better'n that!"
Laughing to herself, fully enjoying the dire situation they are in, trapped and surrounded by the enemy, she calmly lines up her next shot. Once again she hits her target, her aim almost perfect this time, the shot blows a coin sized hole straight through were the abomination heart would be, did it still have one.
Whoopoing and rolling over to less damaged cover she hollers "Whoo-ee! Didja see that sho...holy sh!#! What the hell is that!" she exclaims pointing up at the sky. "Joey! That ain't what, and who, I think it is, is it??"
Melee Attack vs touch:1d20 + 9 + 1 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 9 + 1 + 1 = 30
Damage 1d10 ⇒ 6
Round 0, Init 26
AC 21, HP 38/38
Buffs: Balance Weapon, Long-Range Weapon
Grit: 3/5
Spells: Lvl 1: 3/4

DM Corerue |

You tug Bera along as the tendrils dart in and nearly miss the pair of you, as you pant the shadowy mass starts to creep its way around the corner. Bera however follows behind you dumbly, looking back over her shoulder as the shadowy mass slowly pursues you. "Sahde has found us." She repeats this a couple more times as she runs behind you.
As you darted down the unknown hallway you find yourself at another intersection, dim lights illuminate it in each direction but not enough to tell what is at the end of each hallway. As you try to decide where to go Bera continues shaking, her adrenaline and fear still gripping her hard. "Shadow... Shade." Your language sounds so strange coming from her mouth but she continues to repeat your words quietly.
Bera looks up and her shaking worsens. "It comes!"
You see the mass of floating shadow creeping its way down the hall in slow pursuit, blacking out each light that it comes across with its passing. Several tendrils whip, writhe and reach feeble out at you along with the shadowy forms of what appear to be people crawling over each other like a pile of maggots in a rotting corpse. Each of these people though snap there teeth at you and reach out at you like the tendrils. Some frantically waving, some straining to grab at you and some beckoning you to come closer.
Which way form here, the shadow things pursuit is slow and you've put quite a bit of distance between it and yourself.

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine
Surprisingly the heat is minimal from the suit and you find the latches for the helmet that you saw earlier. Despite the stiffness from not being manipulated in what may have been years, your able to work the rubber latches off and slowly pull off the helmet to reveal a human like face beneath. At least it would have been human if it weren't for the pointed ears, the high born feminine cheek bones and ageless looking features that set her apart from mankind.
K: Geography 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (19) + 8 = 27
It takes a moment for you to realize with a shock that you are looking at what could only be an Elven Woman; here ageless and beautiful face draw you in despite the fact that she has passed on. The strange thing is though is that it appears she hasn’t started to rot away like a corpse should. Instead it is as if she’s been preserved somehow.
Looking about though you notice items you hadn’t seen before as the dim light had obscured them from you earlier. Pages of schematics and more complicated looking machinery lay piled together on the tables. ONe sat apart from the rest though, a strange looking helmet. Except it's visor was replaced with a single dark glass lens that was completely smooth. There doesn't appear to be any way to attach it to anything as most of the mechanical device was smooth and didn't appear to have any latching mechanisms.

DM Corerue |

Diyeana Stormwin
Joey looks skyward and then pales visibly in the light of the falling flare shot. "He dropped the grappler?! Lady Stormwin get back from the ledge! It's commin down right on top of us!"
The Thralls on the street keep up on battering the door but all was for neigh as the large object plummeted at terminal velocity towards the street below. Before your very eyes the LT that had the lantern vanishes as the green mist from before shrouds it from sight and as soon as it was enveloped it disappears as if it had been whisked away somehow. Whether it was by magic or some other force is unknown.
You have little time to think about it however as the grappler is coming down right on the edge of the building your on and the street where the thralls are standing below.
One DC15 Reflex save please

Cassian Vespertine |

An elf? Just what the hell is this place? Cassian thinks to himself as he quietly studies the foreign creature. "What happened here, to you and your people?" he asks aloud as the situation begins to grow slightly clearer.
Take 20 on Perception: 23 (determine cause of death)
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7 (determine cause of death; take 20 if possible)

DM Corerue |

Oddly enough she bled out except here the kicker, she's melded with the suit. Your eyes grow wide asyour mind reels at the possibility that this elven woman was mainly machine and only her shoulders and up remained normal and covered in flesh. She appears to have died from what looks to be a severed hydraulic tube or some other lubricant that looks very much like blood and dries in a similar way.
The chest plate in the armor opens to reveal another strange wonder, a glass jar like item that glows much like that orb you found. The glow though was weak, almost barely perceptible in the bright room and several copper lines, and other wiring stem from where this container is locked in and the locking mechanism was way more complicated then the machine you dealt with earlier.
1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
As you marveled at the machine body, distracted by its intricacy's, and when you look back at her face you freeze. Your blood running cold for a moment as you lock eyes with the Woman who is staring right back at you. In a tired, dry voice as she speaks in Cygnan of all things. "Test... Subject?" She pauses, looking around weakly, as yet another surge rocks the facility hard. "The core... destabilizing... must be realigned.. or the temple will... be destroyed." Her eyes begin to drop her words start to slur together and you can already see fresh fluids spilling onto the floor from her torn open tubes...

DM Corerue |

Your shots fall short and the Master leers at you one final time before his minions reach the safety of the ships slowly rising ramp. Not all of them made it though and as the metal puppets climb aboard the Master raises his staff one final time, swirling green energy covers the strange metal staff and the master appears to be mumbling something to itself. After a few seconds strange beads of red light bolt from the top of the staff and impact where some of the metal puppets had fallen, causing huge balls of fire to erupt and reducing the corpses to ash and wreckage.
The other bodies begin to rot away as well leaving nothing but bones as the masters magic renders all evidence of the attack to nothing more then dry bones and ashes.
The Beleghtor gather themselves up slowly, many are injured and some are no longer among the living. The Captain remains standing watching as the Dark Ones vessel rises into the sky before calmly taking aim with his well crafted crossbow. As the ship continued to, with dark shadows crawling around in its rigging, the Captain let loose a bolt and growled in appreciation when one of the shadows slumped and fell to the deck of the ship. "Something to remember us by cowards." He turned to his men and started barking orders, some to attend the wounded and others to investigate the farm. He looks to you and gives you a once over before speaking. "I know not what caused you to help us Nomad but you have my thanks. If you need bandaging or supplies I don't mind lending such aid to someone who has aided Koolat. I am Tri-Fendra, Captain of the 3rd legion."

DM Corerue |

You duck left and after a few minutes you find yourself at another cul-de-sac, three large indentations are in the walls and right next to each them at perfect level are smaller wall panels much like the one you used earlier. For the strangeness of this place everything is oddly uniform and similarly designed. Sadly though your at a dead end and so far you don't see the mass of shadow yet.
Bera seems almost useless, babbling in a language you don't understand, making more guttural sounds as she stairs back down the hallway. Her eyes dart from the dead end and back down the hall as she looks for every possible exit.

Mirrianissa |

Miri took in the Captain and his warriors, covered cloth, leather, and metal. They were made noise just walking, but she had to admit that they were brave warriors.
"I am Mirrianissa, Death's Shadow. Your brothers died well." She responds, looking at the bodies of the fallen Beleghtor.
"You are far from your city, I am.....grateful you all arrived when you did."

Diyeana Stormwin |

Reflex vs DC15: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
Not quite understanding what Joey is talking about but clearly understanding his fear and warning for her in his tone, Diyeana, rifle in hand, does a neat roll and flip backward, landing on her feet near the young mechanic. She notes the strange disappearence of the LT, but stores it for later, her focus on what is above them and on the Thralls below. "So, what now?" she questions Joey, her voice easy and calm.

Cassian Vespertine |

"The core... destabilizing... must be realigned.. or the temple will... be destroyed."
Despite his confusion, Cassian puts his pistol on the ground and leans in closer to the augmented elf. With his hand now cradling the woman's face he bends to meet her eyes and asks: "What core? Where are we?" Urgently, he then scans the room for similar tubes or jars of the substance steadily flowing from her body.
Take 10 on Perception: 13
What is the craft skill associated with machines and airships? I put a rank in craft (alchemy) during recruitment because that covered the Paizo airships and since Cassian was an engineer I imagine he'd be trained for it. If the skill isn't alchemy, I'd like to reassign that rank to the appropriate one if that's OK.

DM Corerue |

Tri-Fendra watching the Dark Ones vessel as it rises high into the sky and begins to fade from view as it heads swiftly away. "No need to thank us. We've been following that for some time, its far faster then mere foot soldiers could ever hope to follow and we were lucky that they chose to land here"
He looks more fully at you, seeming to take in every injury and the lethal look of your gore covered claws. "You've got guts taking them on like you did. Where is the rest of your tribe? Did they get caught up in the fight as well?" He starts looking around as he waves a female Tabaxi in lighter armor forward. "Sera here can tend to your wounds if you want while we talk."
Option of upto 3 CLW with +3 bonus, roll away as you wish.

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine
Ranks in Steam Engine or Clockwork are the two other K-Skills in this world, Alchemy is another decent one to have but for you the two former are your best bet.
As you scan the room you indeed spot some tubing, along with some clamps and what looks like either a tube of grease or sealant. Your not sure. The augmented elf continues to slur her words and her eye are rolling into the back of her head as she fights to stay conscious. "Temple of... Tranquil Ley... The core is... connected to the... wes... lin..." She trails off her head leaning forward as fresh fluids continue to spurt onto the floor in irregular intervals.
Clockwork DC 15 (Three attempts, Only need 1 success, if you don't have clockwork skill then steam engine at a -2 to the check can suffice.

DM Corerue |

As you worked the handle, building enough pressure to open the door, Bera kept watch. Her shaking had subsided some as you start to slowly work the door open, but she gives a gasp and points at the darkness rolling down the hallway. By the time the door is open enough to slip through the mass of shadows is close enough to nearly reach Bera. Without much other choice you both slip your way through the doorway with the shadowy tendrils chasing you to the otherside. As you make it through there is the sudden hiss of pressure being released and the door slams shut, cutting off the tip of the shadow tendrils which, oddly, crumble into dust on the floor.
The hits keep coming though as you see a tall, gaunt figure stands next to the sliding door with its hand on a release switch inside a panel the panel beside the door you just passed through. Its clothing is tattered and in much the same condition as those creatures you fought in the hallway. Its jaundiced eyes look down at you, its pale face and long ears catch you by surprise.
Bera however doesn't stand idle and raises her tribal weapon, prepared to defend herself from what could only be a soulless. That's when it quirks an eyebrow at each of you and laughs. "I didn't expect guests! My my my my my my my my my my my. What shall we do for food..." It laughs for a moment before becoming distracted by Bera's weapon. It places a long gaunt finger against the tip of one of the sharpened stones, pushing it away with a chuckle, despite Bera's snort of outrage. "How quaint Test Subject 319 and... Who are YOU?!" He looks at you a look of curiosity causing its Jaundiced eyes to dance.

Cassian Vespertine |

Swapped my craft from alchemy to clockwork with hopes that the uses are similar to those outlined in Leon's pdf :p
"Shhh shhh shhh shh... You better stay with me now, okay?" Cassian tells the fading elf as he uses his sleeve to wipe away an aggressive onslaught of sweat from his brow. He springs to his feet and in a few strides is at the table of familiar components and foreign schematics. He quickly shuffles through the documents with a vain hope that there may be something in there that could help him get what was left of the exotic creature back to "life" before filling his arms with the necessary supplies and rushing back to her side.
Linguistics: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21 (if needed; understand the writing on the schematics)
Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (16) + 9 = 25 (if needed; understand the drawings on the schematics)
Craft (clockwork): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (12) + 9 = 21 vs DC 15: PASS

Diyeana Stormwin |

Ah, Helloooooo?

Aurora Cross |

Leon and Aurora Cross
** spoiler omitted **As Leon hangs from the trapdoor above your left standing patiently and silently waiting for him to return. In the quiet is when you hear the soft sound of bullet casings falling as the boxes nearby begin to shift. The sound draws your eyes back to the massive spider like legs of the downed warjack and despite being trapped by the cannons it appears to be able to still move. Which you both know is a really bad sign and if the thing went berserk down in this hold, the consequences would be deadly. The bottom line is though that the Leviathan appears to be coming around...
"Leon, the warjacks coming too. Hurry." She calls out warning him.

Leon Cross |

Leon hears Aurora's warning and quickly gathers the scrolls, tome and the blade How long is this? Is it a long dagger or longer? and quickly drops back down the hole. "Well we certainly don't want to be down here when he wakes up."
He says as they both quickly head back the other way looking for any doorways that looked promising.
stealth:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (4) + 16 = 20
Perception:1d20 + 14 ⇒ (13) + 14 = 27

Mirrianissa |

He looks more fully at you, seeming to take in every injury and the lethal look of your gore covered claws. "You've got guts taking them on like you did. Where is the rest of your tribe? Did they get caught up in the fight as well?" He starts looking around as he waves a female Tabaxi in lighter armor forward. "Sera here can tend to your wounds if you want while we talk."
Option of upto 3 CLW with +3 bonus, roll away as you wish.
Miri looks at the healer apprehensively before allowing her to carry out her ministrations, breathing deeply as the wave of healing hits her like a shoc of cold water, refreshing yet unexpected.
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4
1d8 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
"My tribe fell long before today. We had a healer like you," she says looking at the woman. "A great shamaness. with her dying breah she blessed me with the tigress' strength. I have been hunting ever since."

DM Corerue |

Diyeana Stormwin
My post got ate! Blargh! It was my Wife's birthday yesterday so uh yeah... ^^; Sorry!
You roll out of the way just before the grappler slams down, destroying most of the frontside of the building and inadvertently crushing the unlucky thrall warriors beneath its mass and the rubble. Joey gives a loud oath after the impact before rushing towards it. "We better grab on before he starts retracting because thats our ride out of here!" As if in response to his words the four claws on the grappler start to pinch inward as the once slack cable its connected to started to become taut as its pulled upward.
Joey leaps over the opening created by the impacted and grabs onto the upper part of the grappler while using one of its massive claws as a convenient step. He gives another curse as a rifleshot sounds and ricochets off the grappler dangerously close to the mechanic. "Get stuffed you pile of bones!"
The Trencher Thrall continues to reload and attempts one last shot at the pair of you as the grappler starts to ascend skyward rapidly. As soon as you clear the high rises and buildings a blast of cold air threatens to rip you off the grappler and soon you gasping in astonishment at the amount of fighting you couldn't see before...
A massive fleet of dark ships exchange cannon fire and appear to alongside Cygnus vessel's several miles away from the coast, many of the vessels on both sides appear to be in flames as the fighting appears to be fierce and on going.
You spot the mass of dragonriders from earlier assaulting what appears to have been a sneak attack gone wrong for the Cryxian airships. You can clearly see the burning remains of several ships, that were brought down by the Dragon Corp, as they bob in the angry sea in flames and sinking. The streets below show even more fighting as most of the dock district appears to be in flames and there appears to be widespread fighting in the streets as the flash of gunfire is still easily recognizable from this daunting height. Its hard to tell though who will be the victor in the conflict as the amount of forces appears to be fairly even...
The Grappler continues to rise, slowly spinning now as it gets closer to the clouds above. As you pierce through the cloud coverage, surrounded for several moments by nothing but mist and the cold is causing you to shake at this point. Finally and suddenly a large boom arm is visible above your heads and the grappler slams uncermoniously into it causeing you to jump some as your ascent is halted suddenly.
Without further ado the boom arm swings from over open air to being just above a metal plated deck. Joey quickly hops down and starts stretching his legs. "That was a longer ride then normal! Smitty! what took you so long?!"
Smitties coarse reply cuts through the surrounding fog like a razor. "I told you the Docks you half brained git! Not the middle of the blasted city!"
As Smitty continues to curse at his apprentice Joey rolls his eyes and chuckles quietly, enjoying that he razed the old mechanic up.