Aelessaer |

Aelessaer wrote:Bera. Okay, let's stick together
We turn left at the end of the corridor and, finding a dead-end, I begin to examine the depression in the wall.
Maybe there is another lever, do you know anything about these things?
Bera looks at the symbol for a long time, shuddering in fear as the vaguely female visage stares past the pair of you. She shakes her horned head at your question, continuing to stare at the image fearfully. "No, Bera no c'me her..."
Will post more shortly~
Okay, just let me have another look at this, we can try the other passage if we need to.
perception, if needed 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Mirrianissa |

Fort save1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24
Miri shuddered slightly as a ripple of sensation passed through her body, threatening to paralyse her. WIth a grouwl she focused herself, pushing past the vile power of the puppetmaster's staff as one to the attacking puppets fett at her feet while trying to strike her.
In a single movements she dropper into a low crouch, one claw sweeping in a low arc to catch the thing trying to rise with a wicked slash across the face.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
The roar that came across the battleefield was oone she had heard before, the warrior lan of the city dwellers, with ther mettal clothing and their weapons. Unlikely allies but in a fight against the dark ones, not completely unwelcome.

Diyeana Stormwin |

Sorry, no time to post now and will be away this weekend camping, so please DMPC Diyeana as necessary

DM Corerue |

No problem Di, have fun and we will pick off where we left off when you return. ;) besides I am in transit right now as well. :(
Mir: you may post you round worth of actions, for some reason the map isn't working for me either.... Which is reeeeallllly strange. At the moment you are flanked again and the remaining puppets are milling about. Trying to decide who to attack, you or the shiny warriors running towards them. ;) of course the one you slashed is prone so they don't get a flanking bonus but you have one standing and the other at your feet.

DM Corerue |

As you searched the depression in the wall you find yet another smaller depression similar to one you found beside the door. Except this time when you get it open there is just a single button on the inside. A message is posted on the inside of the panel that folded down. EMERGENCY BACKUP POWER, ONE USE ONLY.

DM Corerue |

[ooc]Just in case I confused you two, I will summarize. Currently the Cryxian Flesh Galley is rolled over with its hull aimed towards the sky and her main deck facing the sea below. The Red Dogs have blasted a hole in the hull of the vessel and several of them have disembarked the Red Dog and are making they're way into the breach i the hull.
Other then the breach in the hull the engine room, which appears to still be in flames, has a gaping hole torn in it as well so you could enter either through the hole in the hull or the engine room. Up to you two :). The hand GRenades stats are as followed
DMG – N/A, or 1d6 Fire. See Description.
Lasts 2d6 rounds; or 1d4 rounds when lit.
20 feet diameter;
Reflex DC:15 or Entagled.
Reflex DC:15; d6 fire damage
If Reflex Save is successful, half-speed movement through area only.
These grenades coat an area with an adhesive substance that impedes movement. Any
creatures caught in the effect must make a Reflex save versus an entangle effect, at DC 15. Even creatures not caught by the effect must move at half-speed through the area.
Igniting the adhesive once it has been spread is a full-round action requiring some kind of open flame or other combustible heat source. The flames do not ignite easily, so simple sparks or heat usually won’t cause combustion. When lit, any creature moving through the flames must make a DC 15 Reflex save or take 1d6 points of fire damage. The substance lasts for 2d6, unless it is lit on fire, in which case it lasts for only 1d4 rounds after the fire is lit.

Mirrianissa |

As the city warriors waded into battle Miri struck again, a low slash at the prone opponent giving way to a rising upstroke to catch the other puppet under the ribcage.
1d20 + 8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 8 + 4 = 17
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (13) + 8 = 21
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
hoping a 13 hits them when prone

Cassian Vespertine |

+4 on melee attacks v Prone :)

DM Corerue |

As the city warriors waded into battle Miri struck again, a low slash at the prone opponent giving way to a rising upstroke to catch the other puppet under the ribcage.
Your strikes tear thick pieces off the Puppet and as it tried to stand it shuddered, as pieces of it started to slop off in thick rotting sheets, as it spills black ichor upon the ground it rasps. A noise akin to a death rattle but you could have sworn that it had said something as well, barely more then a mumbled whisper before the creature collapsed and moved no more.
The other Puppet was undaunted by the fall of its companion and it continued to strike out at Mirrianissa feebly.
FAA: 2x Slam Attacks 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
You easily dodge its strikes as this deadly dance continues. The Beleghtor warrirors continue to approach at a jog, three abreast and about five ranks deep. They're weapons were unsheathed but the steady pace ensured they held their formation and despite their heavy armor and armaments they were moving farily quickly. 3 rounds until they join the fray One of them cries out however, as a foul green light descends on him, and soon after the poor warrior crumples to the ground. The rest of his comrades though do not stop their approach, merely closing ranks and raising their shields as if they're armor would protect them from the Master's magic.
Another pair of Puppets comes towards you and strangely the one behind the pair stop dead in their tracks and begin cackling at one another before strangely forming up in a loose formation. As you continue to fight the ones surrounding you you spot something moving on the ramp to the Dark Ones vessel.
That something turns out to be several Things Larger more sturdy versions of the puppets, with strange tubes running out of their backside, over their shoulders and connecting to their black metal covered arms. These things walk with a steady stride and don't shake or shudder like the Puppets, in fact these things look built for combat as their fists are the size of very large stones and covered in spikes or worse implements for causing injury.
As they step off the ramp the master shrieks loudly and points its staff towards you and the oncoming patrol. The Abominations look towards you and seem to snarl as they start jogging towards the fight, they run strangely, leaning forward with their fists hanging behind them as they gain momentum.
Beleghtor Patrol - Perception 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
Thrall Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17

![]() |

Only dimly understanding the phrase but guessing that emergency is quite apt right now, I shrug and press the button: In for a penny...
As you hit the button the lights in your end of the hallway flare up brightly as a surge of energy is released. The strange symbol on the wall begins to move and you can hear a low hum as the wall begins to vibrate softly right where you hand lays upon the button. The clockwork gear begins to turn within the symbol and even the woman's face seems to glow slightly before a human sized doorway opens up beneath it, a set of double doors sliding away from each other to reveal a small lit room and a horrible sight.
inside the small room is a pair of corpses, long since rotted and various parts of them eaten away, as if gnawed on by something. You don't have long to stare as a third corpse leaning against a corner in the room lurches to life and hisses at the pair of you. Its eyes a jaundiced yellow as it rises and moves to attack!
Initiative please! If you go first you may post Away Ael!
Soulless Initiative 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (15) + 2 = 17
Bera's Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16
AC 14, touch 12, flat-footed 12 (+2 Dex, +2 natural)
hp 22
Fort +2, Ref +2, Will +5

DM Corerue |

It is your turn again BTW Mir ;), you currently have only one for facing you now, the Beleghtor soldiers are a ways off still and the remaining puppets have formed a defensive live about 80ft away from you. Also your perception check failed to beat my dc but you can tell the master is agitated and more puppets are coming down the ramp of the ship. By your guess these reinforcements will arrive around the same time that the soldiers catch up to your position.

Diyeana Stormwin |

As you land you see Old Smitty walking away from his airship hanger, which is billowing smoke and looks like it has seen better days, as does poor Smitty's jumpsuit. Joey on the other hand is laughing as Smitty brushes past him, his face blank save for the determined look in his eyes. He also doesn't seem to be bothered by the small patch of flames burning brightly up his left sleeve and shoulder. At the sound of your voice, Joey stops laughing and gawks at you. He doesn't gawk for very long before Smitty smacks him on the head with the butt end of his massive mechanics wrench. "Be useful for once and go put that fire out before it consumes the hanger..."
Rubbing his noggin Joey jumps up and goes to fight whatever lie inside the hanger. After he'd gone Smitty turns and eyes you warily for a moment before cracking the smallest of smiles. "Been awhile lass, what has this old sod done to gain the likes of your company. You still have Joey twisted around your finger, but he's young, me on the other hand... I know your a wily vixen. So whatcha be needing?"
Her grin getting, if anything, only wider, Diyeana's saunters over to the crotchety old mechanic, leaning in close as she pats out the small flame on his sleeve, making sure that he gets a good close look at her more than impressive cleavage as she does so. "Why Smitty! I do believe I'ahm flattered! For I declare, while I have had men tell me once or twice before that I make them hot, this is indeed the first time one has ever caught on fire around me!" after a sexy little giggle she then puts on a hurt pout "But then you would me to the quick sir! You are a scoundrel and a rouge playing with a lady's tender feelings so, suggesting the way you do that I might be here for any other reason than to be in your manly presence. And that of adorable little Joey there as well of course!" she adds while giving a wink to the soot covered apprentice who has just rushed back outside after quickly putting out the fire.
Moving around and looking at various things, bending over each time to get a closer look and accidentally showing off her shapely...shape, as she does so, Diyeana continues "My my my, looks like you boys have been busy since last I was here. Lots of interesting things about."
She then glances at the smoking hanger, giving a little moue of curiosity "Looks like y'all are havin' a spot of trouble in the hanger though. Wouldn't be that hunk of junk ship of yours, would it Smitty? Cause' if is, I might just know some poor fool who we could scam, I mean convince into taking that flying trash heap offa your hands for you."
Giving once last glance she shrugs her shoulders as if she could care less about the ship and finishes with "Otherwise, I was just wondering if you, being the knowledgeable and connected man that you are sugar, if you might know of somewhere an honest, hardworkin' and feisty gal like myself might a chance a to some real fightin' and lootin'. Like maybe on one o' them Privateers I done heard about. Or maybe you hear anything sweety-pie?" as she turns and gives a devastating grin towards Joey.
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 = 14
Bluff: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (4) + 8 = 12

DM Corerue |

Gah time to catch up!
Initiative Order
Round 1
The creature lunges out of the small 15 x 15 room, stumbling over the corpses that were laying in front of the double doors. Its once fine clothing hanging in shambles before it and its weapons forgotten on its belt, it too has the same symbol emblazoned on its clothing. Albeit smaller but it is distinct. As it got past the corpses it came straight for you hissing and reaching for you with its claws...
Claw attack + Paralysis 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
Its loss of momentum at first cost it the ability to get a good hit on you before you dodged out of the way. Its elongated fingernails scrapped the wall where your arm had been and it shrieked in annoyance. Before it could react however Bera raised her strange tribal weapon and advanced fearlessly on the creature as she tried to strike it...
Melee attack W/Macuahuitl 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (9) + 6 = 15
Damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Bera's strike is a powerful, burying deep into the undead creatures side before tearing it free with the sound of stone scraping against bone. As she pulled her weapon free the creature turned to look at her and shrieked loudly in Bera's direction.
The Floor is your's Ael! The creature is within striking range so be careful of AoO's ;)

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine:
You found an Inn, by the name of Rennor's Glory, with a view of the port and a light breeze passing through the shutters and filling your room with the more pleasant smells of the ocean mixed with urban life. Because as you lay in your bed the smells of various Qin and Hot Free City cuisine wafted past your nostrils, reminding you of pleasant days in your old homeland
Everything is pitch black in your room when a creepy noises wakes you from your sleep, a high pitched WHIRRRRRRRRR that rose sharply in pitch before falling and rising again. It takes you a moment to realize its the sound of an air raid siren sounding across the captial of Cygnus, Rennor was under attack. Before you have time to pull on your boots and get out of bed you hear the echoing boom's of cannon fire from somewhere in the distance. The booming continues for several seconds before fading and being replaced by the air raid. The shutters on your windows are locked tight and thankfully your accommodations were only a couple of blocks from the port.
As you struggle to get dressed there is a sudden crash from somewhere outside, followed by an explosion that rocks the entire inn from roof to foundation. How you remained on your feet is beyond you but you were still scrambling to get dressed as an eerie light began flooding through the shuttered window of your room. The light was weak at first and grew brighter in intensity with every passing second, causing shadows to cavort and dance across the walls. As your groggy mind tried to comprehend what was going on you heard the sounds of patrons in nearby rooms waking up and scrambling about as well. You heard drawers slamming open in the rooms on either side of your own as the occupants scrambled to gather there things, the sound of rushing footsteps out in the hallway reached your ears as well, combined with the shocked and surprised voices of people heading downstairs...
You hear an odd banging coming from downstairs and the sounds of alarm and drawing of steel instantly tells you things are much worse then you previously thought...

DM Corerue |

Donovan Lynch:
Cedric gives you a tired salute as he relaxes at the bar and secures his pistol, hiding it beneath his heavy trenchers coat once more. The old Trencher continued to drink as you walked on to places unknown...
So where are you off to my friend? The commissions office? Clothing, More Drinking? ;) Or are you off to your apartment?

DM Corerue |

"I trust in your wisdom and guidance to choose my battle companions for me. I shall return at the appointed time."
Gnoll Pup = Male or Female?
If you have actions or roleplay you want to do before this then go ahead and post it in spoilers and I will work with you on it. ;)The night passes far too quickly and your small apartment was in taters as your Gnoll pup played and rampaged about. Despite being the only one of their kind the small pup wasn't at all afraid of its surrounding, that was until you took them somewhere other then your apartment. Outside the apartment they were timid and afraid of most everyone except you, wherever you went it clung to your leg fearfully but for the most part it stared up at the sky. Rushing for cover whenever a shadow passed over head.
The loss the poor creature had suffered still weighed heavily upon it and despite it age it still hasn't spoke a word to even you. Merely pointing or gesturing at what it wants, even when it was hungry it didn't whine or beg, just sat silently pouting or glaring at you depending on its mood.
Your time with it was regrettably short and when dawn came you were back standing in the great hall, along with three others. Two of which were Beleghtor warriors, soldiers you didn't recognize, and a tall exotic looking female in flowing robes who appeared to be from among the Tanya. Although you didn't recognize her. You and the Tanya arrived around the same time and the Beleghtor soldiers had entered at separate times, the first had walked with a confidant and discipline stride. While the other, who arrived last, sauntered in and leered discreetly at the tall female while the other remained at attention, staring so hard straight ahead that you thought his gaze would bore through the walls. The Tanya remained standing as well, covered nearly head to toe in her robes and her hood pulled up covering the top of her head.

Aelessaer |

Shocked for a moment, I gather my wits and step around, working my way behind the monstrosity 5ft step, trying to set up flanking and then lashing out with my rapier.
attack1d20 + 8 ⇒ (10) + 8 = 18
damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

Mirrianissa |

Amidst the escalating chaos Mirrianissa squared off against the puppet in front of her, lunging forward to slash at it with both claws, her second strik missing as the oncoming warriors and the actions near the dark master served as a distraction.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (2) + 8 = 10
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4

Donovan Lynch |

Donovan Lynch:
Cedric gives you a tired salute as he relaxes at the bar and secures his pistol, hiding it beneath his heavy trenchers coat once more. The old Trencher continued to drink as you walked on to places unknown...
So where are you off to my friend? The commissions office? Clothing, More Drinking? ;) Or are you off to your apartment?
Probably headed home, though I might stop to pick up a broadsheet and a cigar...can I assume I hear the air raid siren as well, though?

Leon Cross |

Leon watches as almost all the mercenaries go for the newly opened hole in the Hull. Expecting the main forces to defend there he and Aurora head for the hole in the engine room. Hoping to head for the ones controlling the thralls.

Cassian Vespertine |

I'll take 20 if I can (Total: 23), otherwise:
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
With boots unfastened, Cassian pulls the sash carrying all his worldly possessions over his shoulder and buckles it across his chest then edges for the door; mithral dueling sword unsheathed.
No doubt this is the Cryxians but what is their intention? To destroy the city? Capture as many civilians for they're wretched experiments? Or maybe this is another show of unflinching power and reckless abandon. They shouldn't have been able to make it here. Somebody f****d up.
Knowledge(history): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15 (Cryxian Battle Tactics)
Knowledge(local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22 (Close by defensive possitions)
After kicking aside the chamberpot he opens the door not knowing fully what to expect but ready to strike down any twisted abomination that could possible pounce from the hall. He follows the rest of the inn patrons down the stairs with the intention of leaving and finding the nearest defensive siege engine to help repel the attack on the city.

Num-Rah |

Num-Rah wrote:"I trust in your wisdom and guidance to choose my battle companions for me. I shall return at the appointed time."Gnoll Pup = Male or Female?
If you have actions or roleplay you want to do before this then go ahead and post it in spoilers and I will work with you on it. ;)The night passes far too quickly and your small apartment was in taters as your Gnoll pup played and rampaged about. Despite being the only one of their kind the small pup wasn't at all afraid of its surrounding, that was until you took them somewhere other then your apartment. Outside the apartment they were timid and afraid of most everyone except you, wherever you went it clung to your leg fearfully but for the most part it stared up at the sky. Rushing for cover whenever a shadow passed over head.
The loss the poor creature had suffered still weighed heavily upon it and despite it age it still hasn't spoke a word to even you. Merely pointing or gesturing at what it wants, even when it was hungry it didn't whine or beg, just sat silently pouting or glaring at you depending on its mood.
Your time with it was regrettably short and when dawn came you were back standing in the great hall, along with three others. Two of which were Beleghtor warriors, soldiers you didn't recognize, and a tall exotic looking female in flowing robes who appeared to be from among the Tanya. Although you didn't recognize her. You and the Tanya arrived around the same time and the Beleghtor soldiers had entered at separate times, the first had walked with a confidant and discipline stride. While the other, who arrived last, sauntered in and leered discreetly at the tall female while the other remained at attention, staring so hard straight ahead that you thought his gaze would bore through the walls. The Tanya remained standing as well, covered nearly head to toe in her robes and her hood pulled up covering the top of her head.
The pup is male. I'll create a profile for him as soon as you post the rules for Gnolls/Flinds. I have ToH Complete, if you want to use info from there.
Reaching with his clawed hand to pat the pup on the head, Num-Rah looks at the arrivals and then bows his head with respect at the female. "Greetings. I am Num-Rah."

DM Corerue |

DM Corerue wrote:Probably headed home, though I might stop to pick up a broadsheet and a cigar...can I assume I hear the air raid siren as well, though?Donovan Lynch:
Cedric gives you a tired salute as he relaxes at the bar and secures his pistol, hiding it beneath his heavy trenchers coat once more. The old Trencher continued to drink as you walked on to places unknown...
So where are you off to my friend? The commissions office? Clothing, More Drinking? ;) Or are you off to your apartment?
Also, broadsheet.... Is that a reference to a newspaper? lol I am brain dead today! I didn't know if that was a tobacco reference or a newspaper~
Wandsworth street was a street known for being where newcomers were sent by the immigration and citizenship office. A number of tall tightly packed apartments fill several blocks in this lower part of Cygnus, along with several mom and pop shops operated by many long time residence. Other then the cultural diversity it was also known for the street gangs that tried to muscle goods out of those who lived there. Despite the best efforts of the P's and Citizen's Watch the gangs continue to harass, injure and sometimes kill those they are trying to strong arm.
As you return to your apartments Donovan you notice an unusual occurrence, people are gathered together in groups and moving hurriedly along as if their greater numbers would provide them protection from something. No one meets your eyes as you enter Wandsworth Street, instead they hurry to their homes and a number of shops appear to be hastily closing their windows. As you continue forward undaunted by the strange behavior of those around, you hear the sounds of a girl crying from somewhere nearby. Followed by the laughter of several men and sound of a struggle.
An alley way off to your right is where the sounds are coming from and lies between you and your apartment...
Half a dozen Burakumin thugs are giving a warm welcome to a family of Qinite's and by the look of their meager belongs and packs they must be fresh off the boat. Four thugs are giving a beating to an older Qinite man who is on the ground and refusing to surrender his families belongings. They're using a mixture of crude clubs and a metal pipe to try and convince the man of his folly and those not striking him are speaking in the sharp Qinese tongue. The mans' wife and daughter bare similar marks as they too have been struck. By how hard they are beating the man now the outcome of this fight isn't going to be good...
The spoiler below is for when you just don't feel like dealing in a petty street fight and rather see the hand of justice, MP's or hired Merc's administer justice!

Donovan Lynch |

And yeah, a broadsheet is a type of early newspaper. They're mentioned in the IK world guide, though they call them 'broadsides' instead for some reason...pgs. 59-60.
Donovan's good spirits disappeared as he watched the street gang work over the old man. He was hardly anyone's idea of a knight in shining armor, but that didn't mean he liked seeing women and old people beaten up on. He saw enough of that kind of brutality when he was younger...and all too often, couldn't do anything about it.
Those days were long gone.
Pulling his snub-nosed revolver out of his coat pocket, he fired it once in the air with a thunderous report, then pointed the smoking muzzle at the gang, advancing toward them without fear. As they stared into the cavernous bore, he said in a loud voice, "Any of you lads doesn't want to eat an ounce of lead had best bugger off. I don't want to hear a word, just start running. I'll give you 'til five."
He starts counting.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (5) + 8 = 13. Plus whatever bonus you think staring down a loaded revolver is worth...

Leon Cross |

Leon watches as almost all the mercenaries go for the newly opened hole in the Hull. Expecting the main forces to defend there he and Aurora head for the hole in the engine room. Hoping to head for the ones controlling the thralls.

DM Corerue |

Initiative Order
Round 1
The ghoulish humanoid shrieks as your blade bites deep into its side, it responds with its claws and savage bite!
FAA: Bite Attack + Paralysis DC - 13 -> Duration1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 41d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
FAA: Claw Attack + Paralysis DC - 13 -> Duration1d4 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22
FAA: Claw Attack + Paralysis DC - 13 -> Duration1d4 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9
->Damage Bite 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (2) + 1 = 3
->Damage claw 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 13, elves are immune to this effect)
Confirm Critical - Bite 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
As its teeth tear into your shoulder, its slashes you with its claws as the abomination finds an opening in your armor...
Moments after your bitten you feel strange, your muscles suddenly going slack and, despite your best efforts, you slump to the floor. Bera though continues to fight the abomination, raising her Macuahuitl swinging down so powerfully that she nearly cut the ghoulish humanoid in two. As she tears her Macuahuitl free of the split creature it remains standing, staggering and swaying disgustingly for a moment before crumpling to the floor in deaths final embrace.
Melee attack W/Macuahuitl 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25
Damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
You see all of this and horrifyingly out of the corner of your eye you see several shadowy shapes emerging from the dark at the other end of the hallway. The shadowy forms rush towards the pair of you, letting out a heart chilling shriek as they come straight towards the pair of you. Bera turned at the shriek and turned to face the on-coming foe for a moment before lowering her weapon. She turned away from them then, tossing her bag into the small room and grabbing you by one limp arm. It took her a few seconds to drag you into the room and as she rolled you to the floor she raised her weapon and left you staring at the wall. The shrieks echoed in the small room, chilling your heart and making your blood run cold. Bera's voice however drowned out the shrieks as the strange beastwoman started speaking in strong voice. "Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy yiil saefoyua.
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy Yiil yii'foyua, aelk yiil wlawfyuaw, aelk yiil puai'foyuaw
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy foy irlaly i's yiil vyi'viry, paeaz fi' foy pyjlalllalj.
Iri', foyil ki' aaeirir fi' yiy.
Foyil plak yiy faezy yiil viraeay aeyii'lj foyyi.
Lal foy oaeirirw i's Phaeiroaeirirae, iooyuay foy puaaephy yiaeil irlaphy si'uayphyua."
As she speaks the last words the shrieks end and a savage fight starts behind you, blood splatters the wall and you feel its warmth run down your neck as Bera is injured severely by her foes. Just as feeling starts returning to your limbs and you are able to start moving again a loud thump echoes in your ears. Bera's limp form falls across your own and the strange beastwoman looks to be crying as one of the creatures leans over her growling at her menacingly.
Pinned beneath her you won't be able to struggle out from beneath her before the other three descend on you. Death is certain and as they descend on you, you flinch back and shut your eyes and strangely nothing comes. When you finally build up the courage to open your eyes...
You find yourself still holding the lever that had opened the door, a dark hallway lies on the otherside of the barely opened door and you find your only options are going left or right. Bera stares at you strangely, as she has done since you freed her from her prison.
You resist a strange tingling that rus up the length of your body, starting at where you were bitten and where its claws had slashed you.
The creature shrieked and slashed at the pair of you until Bera's weapon came down once more, she truck the creature like a hammer her weapon though nearly sawed the creature in two and as she tore her weapon free it staggered momentarily before crumpling to the floor of the empty metal hallway in deaths final embrace.
You only had enough time to look back and see four shadowy forms emerge at the end of the hallway, where the lights were still dim. The creatures notice you as well and start lopping your way shrieking. Bera looks from you to the creatures and raises her filth covered weapon. "Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy yiil saefoyua.
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy Yiil yii'foyua, aelk yiil wlawfyuaw, aelk yiil puai'foyuaw
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy foy irlaly i's yiil vyi'viry, paeaz fi' foy pyjlalllalj.
Iri', foyil ki' aaeirir fi' yiy.
Foyil plak yiy faezy yiil viraeay aeyii'lj foyyi.
Lal foy oaeirirw i's Phaeiroaeirirae, iooyuay foy puaaephy yiaeil irlaphy si'uayphyua."
Melee attack W/Macuahuitl 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage 1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
Will post again shortly, thanks for your patience everyone.

Aelessaer |

What is the save? Fort?
Guessing fort. Prediction: if I fail one of these saves then I am relying upon Bera hitting, if she misses then we both get eaten by the sky/space ghoul
save1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
save1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20
I stumble to the floor as the paralysing toxins overwhelm me.

DM Corerue |

Yep fort is the correct one~ sorry about that!
Since you succeed at one of the them I will change the above spoilers.
A strange tingling rushes up the length of your body, starting at where you were bitten and where its claws had slashed you. As you collapse the creature continues to shriek and slash at the pair of you until Bera's weapon came down once more, striking the like a hammer nearly sawing the creature in two and as she tore her weapon free it staggered momentarily before crumpling to the floor of the empty metal hallway in deaths final embrace.
You only had enough time to look back and see four shadowy forms emerge at the end of the hallway, where the lights were still dim. The creatures notice you as well and start lopping your way shrieking. Bera looks from you to the creatures and raises her filth covered weapon for a moment before lowering it and dragging you into the small room with the other two corpses. Rolling you against the far wall, your head limply rolls to where all you can do is stare at the wall uselessly. Listening to the shrieks of the approaching creatures and Bera as she begans to chant something, repeating the lines a second time before you start getting the feeling back in you limbs.
"Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy yiil saefoyua.
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy Yiil yii'foyua, aelk yiil wlawfyuaw, aelk yiil puai'foyuaw
Iri', foyuay ki' La wyy foy irlaly i's yiil vyi'viry, paeaz fi' foy pyjlalllalj.
Iri', foyil ki' aaeirir fi' yiy.
Foyil plak yiy faezy yiil viraeay aeyii'lj foyyi.
Lal foy oaeirirw i's Phaeiroaeirirae, iooyuay foy puaaephy yiaeil irlaphy si'uayphyua."
Lying there prone you can hear the scraping of the creatures claws against the metal walls as they come charging at Bera as she stands in the middle of the doorway with her weapon raised.
Perception DC 12, you are currently prone as well. The enemy will be on you in 2 rounds. So you have 2 rounds worth of actions. Use them Wisely~ >:)
A panel catches your eye, dimly glowing with several buttons in two neat rows of three buttons in each row. You don't understand the language on the buttons and you are unsure as to what they do.

DM Corerue |

Your room was on the second floor and as you step into the hallway a loud crash catches your ear, followed by the screams of frightened patrons and the sounds of muzzle fire. A guttural sound echoes up the stairs, a sound you recognize as thrall speech, you don't know what they're saying but its obvious that Cryx has made land fall. As you reach the edge of the stairs your able to look down into the main common area and the sight sickens you. A dozen thralls led by a larger thrall are assaulting the patrons and barkeep, some of which are armed and fighting back.
The Barkeep is under attack by two Thrall while the other ten are either overpowering unarmed patrons or taking on those who have drawn muzzle loaded pistols and other arms.
The patrons you had been following turn and retreat back towards their rooms, merely delaying the inevitable as the thralls looked to be winning the fight in the common room.
There is a garrison about a block from this building, usually manned by long gunnners and a couple platoons of trenchers. The building also has a pair of Falconets for defending the harbor from attack.
The most you know of Cryxians is that they are sneaky, acting more like a slow poison then a actually invading a town or city with military force. Smaller villages and coastal hamlets would be ideal targets for them but to attack a metropolis, especially Rennor would be a great military blunder for anyone even Cryx would be foolish to bring their forces against the Capital of Cygus where they house their greatest military forces.
None of this makes any sense to you, but its obvious by the scene below that somehow Cryx had broken through the main Naval and Air forces of Cygnus...

DM Corerue |

The Burakumin thugs stop beating the man, jumping at the sound of your snub nosed revolver echoing through the small alley, and turn to look at you, some raise their hands and back slowly away from him as he lay on the ground gasping for breath and coughing harshly. The others sneer and one draws a knife and puts it to the younger girls throat. The leanest more athletic looking thug sneers at you and speaks in Qinese before waving the other thugs to run for it.
"Anata ga rinchi o bōgai suru tame ni Lynch."
You'll pay for interfering Lynch."[/b][/smaller]
released from their assailants the wife and daughter of the older Qinite man drop to their knees near him and hold him tight. He's been battered pretty badly, but he'll live. The Thugs quickly disperse down separate alleyways and after a couple of minutes are long gone, about the time you feel sure they aren't coming back the sounds of heavy boots and the shouts of the MP's coming to the rescue reaches your ears, they'll be there any minute.

DM Corerue |

You have two rounds worth of actions so you can attempt again Ael, I treat perception like you would in real life. Sometimes your looking for something or you miss place something and you overlook it for a bit and then all of sudden you find it in the same spot your were searching earlier. :p
The creatures continue to run towards the open door and Bera holds her ground, filling part of the gap with her body. Its apparent she hasn't noticed your up yet and continues her odd chant. Now that the creatures are in the light you can tell they are the same type as the one you and Bera had just destroyed.

DM Corerue |

Smitty runs a hand over his rugged and weather beaten face, casting an eye at his overly distracted apprentice. After rolling his eyes at his apprentice, noting that Joey was far to easy to ply with the wily's only a woman could use against a man before he mumbled sarcastically. "Oh for the love of... We'll never get anything done at this rate..." He turned to Joey and wielded the wrench aggressive at the youth once more to get the boys attention. "You don't know sh&* apprentice! Now off to the hanger with ya and fix your screw up, last thing we need is another god da*& misfire! Don't modify anything this time and get the engine running right or its come out of your earnings!"
Joey looked between Diyeana and Smitty's wrench and for a moment looked like he was going to refuse to obey but with a sigh he jogged off back to the hanger. Grabbing a bag of tools on his way past Diyeana and giving her a cheerful wave. "Glad to have you back Miss Diyeana!" He made his way to the smoking hanger and disappeared back inside.
When he was gone Smitty laid his large mechanics wrench over his shoulder and gave Diyeana a withering look. "As much as I enjoy the view i'm not as easily plied as little Joey. As for how busy we've been. We've been buried upto our eyeballs in useless parts and back orders for everything we don't bloody have. The Vigilant is in need of so many parts, they might as well rebuild the da&* thing, and old Joey decided today would be the day he test out a new upgrade to the engine. He's lucky we didn't blow the main cylinders for good this time or rupture the furnace god forbid..." He rubbed his chin with his free hand, as if considering something before continuing. "Privateers? Why in the nine hells would you sign up with that lot? They're more likely to sell a women of your caliber off to the Cryxian's or worse... As for my ship I couldn't con a man into buying her even if I wanted to and besides she gets the work done well enough. not many around with a crane hoist on them anymore and without her we wouldn't get the one up on the others when gutting Cryxian wreckage's. If your in need of an airship perhaps I can help you earn your way to affording one... That is unless you want to work your way up through the military ranks instead." He says the last part with a wink and then adds. "Theres been word of somethign going on between the nations, my sources are good but i'm not sure exactly as to what is going on. Only that there is a lot of cooperation and military strength being pooled for something big..."

DM Corerue |

Aurora and Leon
You make your way over the hull and soon can hear the sounds of a gun battle where the Red Dogs were entering the ship. Sadly that means there's still enough Cryxian's left to put up a fight and the Galley won't be easy pickings. As you head towards the engine room you barely avoid the flames that are literally eating the black hulled vessel. You remember from grim experiance that Necrotite was not only useful as a weapon but also as a fuel source and in both instances it was equally volatile and chaotic. The stuff literal had a mind of its own at times, not surprising as its created by the dead and dying.
Your approach to the gaping hole to the Flesh Galley's engine room was more or less without hazard as the Cryxin vessel was dead in the water and rolled over in the air. The hardest part was the slow going across the hull to the backside of the ship. Once you got there though you could hear the frantic sounds of hammering and tools wrenching on the engine most likely and the chattering of thralls as they worked to get the Galley back up and running again. Necrotite flames lick up and around the edge of the gaping hole, making entry or even peeking in a dangerous aspect as getting touched by the necrotite would cause lasting harm to even Dhampirs.
You can tell there are several thralls just beneath you working in the engine room but with the clatter of tools and shuffling of dead feet its hard to make out a firm number.
At least half a dozen thralls are moving about in the upside down engine room and by the sounds of it they are either engaged in using tools or moving heavy objects back and forth. Without looking you can't be certain that your dealing with actual warrior thralls.
If you decide to peek or enter the hole. Roll a DC 13 Reflex save to avoid getting caught by the dancing Necrotite flames that are still damaging the hull and insides of the engine room. Failure will result in 1d6 vile damage and 1d2 con damage.

Cassian Vespertine |

"Hijo de puta!" Cassian curses under his breath as he watches the thralls tear into the Cynians.
I could escape through the window and get to the falconets on Taynier street if I move quickly. No, won't work. The lights; their ship. They landed in the front so I'll have to travel the back alleys...
With a heavy sigh he looks back down the stairs, "And the only way to the alleys in an public establishment such as this is through the kitchen..." he speaks aloud to himself disenchantedly.
Knowledge(religion?): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (17) + 7 = 24 (Thrall combat info *guessing religion if they're undead*)
He spins the sword over in his hand so the blade is pointing to the floor then rotates his wrist bringing it up behind his back in a position to allow better mobility as he rushes through the tight stairway and crashes into the nearest thrall.
CMB(Trip): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22
Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (8) + 5 = 13
**AoO** (if he beats me in initiative)
Attack: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (6) + 14 = 20 (+4 v prone)
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
HP: 46/46
AC: 22; Touch 12; FF 15
CMD: 28 (30 v Trip)
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +4
Speed: 30ft
Abilities: Acrobatic Dodge [7/day] (+14)
Equipped: Mithral Dueling Sword
Attack/Damage: BAB +4/-, STR +5/+5, Focus +1/-, Spec -/+2, Mwk +1/-, Expertise -1/+2 Dodge AC; Total: +10/+7 and +2 Dodge AC

Cassian Vespertine |

If this feat will too much of a pain in ass, I can switch it out for something easier. Also, I haven't made any changes to my sheet yet in regards to distinctions and magic equipment. I'll hold off until we get a final decision on what the our creation rules are.

Donovan Lynch |

Donovan frowned, tucking his pistol back into his pocket. He didn't speak the gabble of syllables he still thought of as "wog-talk", so didn't catch most of what that street-thug has tossed at him...but he knew his own name. What was curious was how that ugly brute had known it.
Knowledge: Local: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (11) + 5 = 16
Perception: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
(Did I recognize chatty from anywhere, or notice anything unusual?)
He stepped forward and helped the old man up, looking him over...Donovan was no medic, but figured the old fellow would probably be all right, with some rest.
"Easy there, mate. Take a minute to get your breath. Wonder why those barstards felt the need to put the boot to you, eh? he spoke soothingly, not really knowing if they even spoke Cygnan; many of the new immigrants didn't. Must have been sheer meanness, or simply showing who's territory it was...this family didn't look as if they had 2 coppers to rub together.

Diyeana Stormwin |

Smitty runs a hand over his rugged and weather beaten face, casting an eye at his overly distracted apprentice. After rolling his eyes at his apprentice, noting that Joey was far to easy to ply with the wily's only a woman could use against a man before he mumbled sarcastically. "Oh for the love of... We'll never get anything done at this rate..." He turned to Joey and wielded the wrench aggressive at the youth once more to get the boys attention. "You don't know sh&* apprentice! Now off to the hanger with ya and fix your screw up, last thing we need is another god da*& misfire! Don't modify anything this time and get the engine running right or its come out of your earnings!"
Joey looked between Diyeana and Smitty's wrench and for a moment looked like he was going to refuse to obey but with a sigh he jogged off back to the hanger. Grabbing a bag of tools on his way past Diyeana and giving her a cheerful wave. "Glad to have you back Miss Diyeana!" He made his way to the smoking hanger and disappeared back inside.
When he was gone Smitty laid his large mechanics wrench over his shoulder and gave Diyeana a withering look. "As much as I enjoy the view i'm not as easily plied as little Joey. As for how busy we've been. We've been buried upto our eyeballs in useless parts and back orders for everything we don't bloody have. The Vigilant is in need of so many parts, they might as well rebuild the da&* thing, and old Joey decided today would be the day he test out a new upgrade to the engine. He's lucky we didn't blow the main cylinders for good this time or rupture the furnace god forbid..." He rubbed his chin with his free hand, as if considering something before continuing. "Privateers? Why in the nine hells would you sign up with that lot? They're more likely to sell a women of your caliber off to the Cryxian's or worse... As for my ship I couldn't con a man into buying...
The longgunner grins enchantingly at Joey as he runs off again, admiring his youthful form and energy 'Might have to trip that one into my bed sometime...' she muses languidly for a moment in her mind.
Smitty though brings her attention back to him as he continues to speak. When he is done, she answers with a grin a moving closer to the older man "Why Smitty, you're absoloutely making my heart flutter this day with your gallant notions of concern for my womanly hide. But don't you worry none about me and some over-eager skymen, sugar" she drawls as she reaches up to lovingly caress the stock of her rifle that sticks up above her right shoulder "'cause dear ole' Betsy and myself have never had a problem keeping hands offa us as we don't want on us. As for why the Privateers, as I said, a girl hears things, and it seems to me the right kind of lady might have a lot more freedom to fight Cygnus' enemies as she sees fit workin' with them Freebooters. 'N also earn a sight more shiny than the military pays, besides, which ain't a bad thing at all in my books."
Taking a seat near Smitty, she leans forward and continues "But I do know a man who's awful eager to get his hands on his own ship, so if you do know how to get one, I'd be inclined to hear it. And all this hoopra between the nations you mention does indeed sound right interestin', so please, do tell me more darlin'"

DM Corerue |

Go ahead and make them a Flind~
Flind Characters
Flind leaders are always fighters. Flind clerics usually worship the Demon Prince of Gnolls and can choose two of the following domains: Chaos, Evil, and Trickery. All flinds have the following racial traits
+8 Strength, +4 Dexterity, +6 Constitution, +2 Intelligence, +4 Wisdom, +2 Charisma: Flinds are exceptional gnolls, and excel in all areas over their lesser kin.
Darkvision: Flinds cans see in the dark out to 60 feet.
Armor: Flinds have a +1 natural armor bonus.
Racial Hit Dice: A flind begins with two levels of humanoid, which provide 2d8 Hit Dice, a base attack bonus of +1, and base saving throw bonuses of Fort +3, Ref +0, and Will +0.
Racial Skills: A flind’s humanoid levels give it skill rank equal to 2 x (2 + Int modifier).
Racial Feats: A flind’s humanoid levels give it one feat.
Automatic Languages: Gnoll. Bonus Languages: Common, Draconic, Goblin, Orc.
Weapon Proficiency: Flinds are automatically proficient with the flindbar.
Young Template -
Rebuild Rules
Size decrease by one category; AC reduce natural armor by –2 (minimum +0); Attacks decrease damage dice by 1 step; Ability Scores –4 Strength, –4 Con, +4 size bonus to Dex.
Reaching with his clawed hand to pat the pup on the head, Num-Rah looks at the arrivals and then bows his head with respect at the female. "Greetings. I am Num-Rah."
The leering warrior merely nods his head and sneers at your Gnoll pup while the other turns and addresses you with a formal bow. "My apologies for Brothers arrogance Tyil'Num-Rah. I am Selric and this is my brother Galsah. We were selected for a mission by High Lord Kel. I hope we do not disappoint you in this endeavor." With that he turns back and continues to stand at attention, his brother though spits and goes to say something when he staggers back a step seeming as though he had been struck.Galsah then turns toward the Tanya and gives a growl at her.
The Tanya never appears to move as Galsah is struck again and again, as though the very air is attacking him. Finally the Tanya turns and gives Galsah a withering look. "First you insult me with your eyes and then insult this hall with your spittle. Take a note from your litter mate and clean up your mess before I rub your face in it like an insolent pup..."
She turns then to you, eyeing your gnoll pup curiously before looking you in the eye. "You surprise me Tyil'Num-Rah, most warriors wouldn't have shown mercy such as you have and why is that? Why stay your blade when your enemy would not have done so?"

DM Corerue |

Bera shakes her head at Aelessaer and readies to strike at the oncoming foe. "Tribe no com her, Sahde rul dis place..." With how the pair of you are standing the oncoming foes will only be able to come at you two at a time.
Initiative -
Bera 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Bera Readies to strike the first foe to attack her - SA Readied
Soulless - 4x 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7
If you score higher then them Aelessaer then you will have one more round before they fully close.

DM Corerue |

One of your strikes hits the puppet, raking rotted flesh off its bones and splashing its fouled ichor upon the grass at your feet. The Beleghtor Warriors continue there headlong march towards the vastly outnumbered puppets, which continue to hold a defensive line in preparation for the coming Tabaxi. Another three puppets are approaching quickly from the ship but they appear larger in someways and obviously different from the remaining puppets. You don't have long to admire them as your opponent comes at you with two quick jabs in the hopes of slamming you to the ground.
Puppet AC: 14 HP: 6/12
FAA: Slam 1 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (13) + 4 = 17
Slam 2 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
You are a dodgy opponent, 6 guys so far and not a single one lands a hit lol...
2 more rounds before both groups arrive, your back up Mir!

DM Corerue |

Diyeana Stormwin
Smitty rolls his eyes as he takes some of your words for sarcasm and completely misses the musing look that crossed your face when you were thinking about his apprentice. "I owe your family to watch out for ya dam&&t, as for good old Betsy she ain't gonna protect you from clubs and grabby hands in the dark girl. You've gotta eat and sleep sometime and it don't take much to take advantage of that..." He grimaces for a moment as a dark expression crosses his face, finally he sighed and shook his head mumbling. "Too old for this sh%^..."
Looking back at you he rubbed his chin and looked around his scrap yard thoughtfully. "I will see what I can do to dig up more information about whats going on between the nations, more then what they will be willing to share with the public anyways. In the mean time I have a venture for you and whoever else you can round up as well. The Vigilant sank a number of Rakers off the coast and at the moment the other Salvagers haven't taken advantage of that. So I means to beat those bastards too it and if we get lucky the payout may be greater then we imagined, just one catch though. The wrecks went down out in open water, so unless the military is present we're on our bloody own, so come armed and ready Missie!." He smiles roguishly and opens his arms wide. "That is if your woman enough to lower yourself to salvaging with an old Sod and his apprentice. If not I'm sure you'll find something else to keep your interest."

Mirrianissa |

Spinning past the puppet's secong punch, Mirrianissa leaps into the air, one claw catching the creature deep in the side of it's torso, swinging her around in the air to bring her other claw hooking into it's ribs.
She coult feel the body coming apart even as she brought her feet up. claws sinking into the monster's hips and raking down, shredding it's lower body.
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (12) + 8 = 20
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
1d20 + 8 ⇒ (11) + 8 = 19
1d6 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Grab. Grapple1d20 + 9 ⇒ (10) + 9 = 19
Rake 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
1d4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5