Num-Rah |

Kel looks at each of you as he says. "It is time for you too make your choice Tyil-Num'Rah. Will you take the route across the ruins or will you risk the faster underground passages?"
I thought that I've replied to this, but I can't find the post.
"There is no time to lose. We must risk the greater danger to help our people."

DM Corerue |

It suddenly turns and shrieks. "SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! No we can't eat them! And you'll remain QUIET!" It turns back an amused look crossing its dead features. "Cute name for a human... but getting out, that's even more cute, I could pinch your cheek's for that comment." It rubs his fingers together, mimicking the odd comment and chuckles as both of you flinch. "The shadow, now theres a bothersome thing. Soul sucking garbage heap! I'd have destroyed it if I could but ya see... Well... I LOST! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!" It throws its head back and laughs manically before strutting off into the darkness outside of your sashes reach.
Its voice however remains mockingly close and every once and awhile its yellow eyes glint at you from the dark. Along with another set of eyes glaring at you from several feet away. "Your lucky you see... If it had touched you it would have been Bad~ Because that's how it feeds. Sucks the soul right out of ya! If it pulls you into its mass well... You come back..."
Without any more warning then a rush of fetid air its suddenly face to face with you, so quickly you hardly had time to react and you find your rapier is piercing its flesh and it doesn't even seem to care. Bera reacts only to find her weapon is gripped with its other hand and shes not even able to budge it. "LIKE ME!" It shrieks in your face before suddenly standing straight up and looking back over its shoulder. "OH! You are mouthy its high time I teach you a lesson!"
With a rush of air its gone, your rapier pulls from its flesh with a sick sound just before you hear the sound of something metalic striking bone. The second set of eyes that had been glaring have disappeared as the blows continue to rain down followed by the cracking of bones. After about a minute the sounds stop and you can hear it panting somewhere in the dark. "Apologies... You probably can't see in the dark like I can~ ~Ceviranla el~. " With the last words the room lights up brightly, causing you to shield your eyes and looks away as you adjust to the sudden brightness. As you unshield your eyes you find it standing before you both once more and Bera gives a loud grunt and brings her weapon up between her and it once more. Causing it to chuckle at her as if her display were humorous somehow.
The room is much bigger then you had imagined, and it appears to be three rooms joined together. You are standing in what appears to have been a parts room at one point in time but the walls appear to be completely bare of anything more then worn down tools and broken orbs. A wall about ten feet in front of you leads into a 30 W x 120 L x 40 T room with a pair of massive machines sitting in the center of it, both of which appear to be linked together with crude looking wiring. The next thing that catches your eye is the four chained creatures on the far side of the large room, they appear to be in the furthest adjacent room and picturing it you understand that the three doors in the Cul de sac led into these three rooms.
The creatures though were another matter, three of them remained unmoving and appeared to have been pieced apart, their hands being last. The four one is still moving but a large dented metal bar is sitting just outside of its reach. As your eyes wander back to your strange host, it smiles broadly causing its dead flesh to creak. "I was once known as Vailm Ceelam. You can call me V for ease."

Aelessaer |

Okay, V. I sheathe my rapier and slowly move toward the centre of the room, looking tentatively about and treading very carefully.
So, why are there people in tanks? What part do you play here?
I keep my posture carefully neutral and non-threatening.
diplomacy: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine
The drawings and schematics are in a language you don't understand, probably elven, but your extensive engineering knowledge helps you to easily cut out the destroyed hoses and clamp on new ones to stop the loss of fluid. As you finish clamping on the last hose the elf woman stops moving and after a few minutes, quietly burps. Her eyes seem to be more focused and glowing strangely as she slowly starts to flex her large mechanical hands. "How embarrassing, i'm as weak as a newborn. Now just who are you? your not one of my assistants..." Her eyes fall on the pile of corpses behind you and she trails off. Then her eyes grow wide as a sudden realization hits her, her features twist into a grim, sad look as she shakes her head regretfully. "Oh gods... How Could I have forgotten... The Shadow that took over the temple, by her calculations. How could this happen!"

DM Corerue |

DM Corerue wrote:Num-Rah:
Kel looks at each of you as he says. "It is time for you too make your choice Tyil-Num'Rah. Will you take the route across the ruins or will you risk the faster underground passages?"
I thought that I've replied to this, but I can't find the post.
"There is no time to lose. We must risk the greater danger to help our people."
Oh you did~ I will find the post I made in reply~ it was fairly wordy

Cassian Vespertine |

"Oh gods... How Could I have forgotten... The Shadow that took over the temple, by her calculations. How could this happen!"
"Would if I could tell you but I myself have only just arrived," Cassian replies as he wipes his hands on the cloak of one of the fallen only to find them worst off than before. "You told me a moment ago that the 'core' is destabilizing and if it's not realigned than our acquaintanceship shall be a brief one. So, since you're the most interesting being I've met tonight, and believe me that's quite a feat, I'd prefer that not be the case. Tell me, where is this core and how do we go about realigning it?"

Diyeana Stormwin |

Easily leaping onto the cable after Joey, Diyeana laughs at the crushed Thralls and the one still trying to hit them. Inside though, she is still disturbed over how the LT Thrall disappeared like that.
As they rise higher into the sky, her disquiet increases until she is swearing a steady stream of curses interspersed with the occasional prayer or exultation depending of who's winning whichever particular battle she's watching at the moment. She also spares a prayer for her Aunt, hoping the fiery woman stays within the protection of the nobles quarter. With the thought in her mind, she turns on the cable trying to use her altitude advantage to get a look at how things appear to be in that section of the city.
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Once on the ship, despite the seriousness of the situation, she can't help but laugh at the continued antics of the mechanic and his apprentice, sharing a wink in a private joke with Joey as he purposefully riles up the crotchety older man.
Moving over to Smitty she drapes an arm around his shoulder and drawls "So you got this old heap flying after all eh? Not too shabby if I do say so myself. And that Grappler! You boys have really got something there!" her tone and look then turns more serious though as she leaves Smitty and moves to the railing, looking all about. Turning back to the to men she asks "So what happened Smitty? What do you know? And what next? I have no idea where my allies might be in all that mess, but I Do know I want to take the fight to the enemy, however best we can!"

DM Corerue |

Diyeana Stormwin
Smitty shrugs you off and gives you a roguish smile. "I'm old but not dead woman! So take your charms off me if you please. Now the grappler is merely a crane for hoisting bits out of the water, that way we can stay above any nasty seas, monsters and the like. Joey here just installed something that increased the old girls height so we can fly higher at reduced speeds... Still can't clear the mountains though." At the mention of taking the fight to them Smitty grimaces and runs a beat hand through his short grey hair. "Lass as much as I enjoy your spirit, and feel for your mates down below, this here ship is a salvage vessel. We don't have any guns to fight with and if a Raker caught us well... The three of us wouldn't mean sh%t in a fight."
Joey in the mean time had disappeared and suddenly reappears on deck rolling a large drum, while straining hard to do so. "We could use the fuel oil Smitty, couldn't we? We've got loads of it!"
Smitty face palms for a moment before shaking his head at Joey. "Why is it you always side with her you git? And why do young people always charge recklessly to their death?" He continues piloting the old salvager, keeping her in the clouds and generally moving in the same direction. Which your pretty sure is away from the city.
I will be Catching up today!
You can see something going on in that direction, a lot of lights pointing into the sky but nothing like the inner city. No fires, gun fire or cannon fire, but they appear to be on high alert and angling lights into the sky...

DM Corerue |

Sera merely nods but remains strangely silent. Captain Tri-Fendra looks at Sera sadly for a moment before mastering his features. "We hunt the dark ones as best we can, Sera's group was overtaken and that dead thing ripped her tongue out as a warning for her resistance." He spits and grinds the palm of his gauntleted palm on his sword pommel. "I must agree you are blessed to stand against so many alone. Must warriors would have run, especially from those dead things. They don't fight right, they don't breath and they never tire."
He pauses as Sera turns and looks at the lines of the wounded, she walks over and kneels momentarily. Her hands clasped before her and around a strange wooden object. She quietly hums to herself and after about a minute you start to feel a strange warmth burst from the core of your being and spread outward. Your remaining wounds heal even further and several of the unconscious wounded spring up with a startled gasp. Not all of them do though and those few are quietly wrapped up in cloth and placed on crude stretchers.
Tri-Fendra nods to you as his troops are ready to move out. "We could use more like you in Koolat and if you are in need of a new homeland to fight for then come and present this to the gate guard. Its my personal token, it'll get you entry but not much else." He presents you with a metal disk that has three claw marks gashed in its surface.

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine
The elf sits for a moment looking around and taking in her surroundings before responding quietly. "We are in the sub levels of the temple... This is my workshop... so the core is two levels above this one. But... You'll never make it."
At your odd look she sighs and looks you straight in the eye. "The lift is down because there's no power, and if its emergency supply is depleted you'll have to climb up the main shaft which... By her merciful calculations. The Shadow lives where it is darkest and you could be climbing right into it, there would be no where to run, no way to hide. If it touches you you will fall quickly, it will take your soul and you will become one of them." She points to the corpses and continues to watch you carefully.

DM Corerue |

The Crosses!
The blade is the size of a scimitar roughly, maybe just slightly bigger because of its mechanical nature. After you tuck it away, and land back down on what used to be the roof of the hold, the crates and Cannon's that pin the massive warjack down are shifting slightly as it threatens to come too. As you turn to find a more preferable exit you hear voices carrying across the hold, from where your not sure but its easy to tell from the rage in the woman's voice it doesn't bode well for whoever shes talking too and the voices are getting closer.
"I don't care for your EXCUSES! If they freed that damnable priest I will skin you alive and place you upto your neck in acid! You should have repaired the engines, we should be in the lands of Palgra NOW!"
Its then you see a explosion of fire and crate parts, nails and destroyed goods start raining down throughout the hold as whoever is approaching is literally blasting their way through the turned over hold.

DM Corerue |

V smiles broadly his skin cracking from the expression. ]"Why they play a large role in things to come or at least." He laughs for a moment before suddenly becoming silent and peering around with his yellowed eyes suspiciously. "At least they used to until our enemies infiltrated our temple with that monstrosity. It's a shame really its amazing that you made it this far..." He walks towards you circling you for a moment as Bera continues to huff and glare at him dangerously. "You want to know what role I play? Hmmm? HMMMMM!" He coughs and rubs his dead face before walking in between you and Bera and sets his dead hand on your shoulder in a very chummy way. "I'm the one who's kept the Generators going, I don't quite remember why..." He waves to the two massive machines with his other hand. His voice changes then, becoming more normal sounding and his mad look fades and he becomes more serious. "I was an Engineer before that thing caught me sneaking around, I outwitted it for years..." His jaundiced eyes look distant for a moment before running a dead hand across his face.
The beaten and chained up Soulless rises and its mouth moves, yet the only sound that escapes is like a death rattle. It lunges for a moment against its chains and reaches for you wildly but its chains are too strong. At the sound of the chains rattling V snaps out of his strange mood and shrieks at the Soulless in pure fury. "NO! THE ONLY ONE WHO WILL BE EATEN IS YOU!" He steps towards it, raising one hand and suddenly hundreds of gears, cogs and other small metal objects fly out from beneath his tattered clothes and literally tear the defenseless soulless apart. As each gear strikes he laughs louder and louder as he takes delight in watching his prisoner fall to pieces to the relentless bombardment.
As the last gear clangs to the floor and the body parts of the Soulless lay there twitching, as whatever foul life it had flees from it. V lowers his hands and just stands there looking down at the Soulless bodies, completely silent and unmoving...

Aelessaer |

I wince and step back from V's furious outburst before regaining my composure. He's like some of the Cryxian scientists, usually they tolerate you if you're helpful.
So, you've kept the generator going. Even though it caught you it can't stop you. I look around the room, So, what's happened now? Maybe we can help with the generators?

Cassian Vespertine |

"If it touches you you will fall quickly, it will take your soul and you will become one of them."
"That would be most unfortunate," Cassian replies offishly, his attention clearly elsewhere. He again approaches the workbench and the many scraps and tools littered across it. "You said this was 'your' workshop so empirically one would imagine you're quite the tinkerer," he shoots her a flattering smile as he continues slowly examining the materials. Singling out a helmet and turning it in his hands studiously, he continues: "I imagine that between the two of us and the amount of resource available, we should be able to conceive a plausible remedy to this predicament. Might I suggest: Solution A," with the helmet tucked in his armpit, Cassian points the "elf" to the calmly purring generator.
"How do you suppose we reroute the lift's power to this reliable little machine?"

Diyeana Stormwin |

Diyeana Stormwin
Smitty shrugs you off and gives you a roguish smile. "I'm old but not dead woman! So take your charms off me if you please. Now the grappler is merely a crane for hoisting bits out of the water, that way we can stay above any nasty seas, monsters and the like. Joey here just installed something that increased the old girls height so we can fly higher at reduced speeds... Still can't clear the mountains though." At the mention of taking the fight to them Smitty grimaces and runs a beat hand through his short grey hair. "Lass as much as I enjoy your spirit, and feel for your mates down below, this here ship is a salvage vessel. We don't have any guns to fight with and if a Raker caught us well... The three of us wouldn't mean sh%t in a fight."
Joey in the mean time had disappeared and suddenly reappears on deck rolling a large drum, while straining hard to do so. "We could use the fuel oil Smitty, couldn't we? We've got loads of it!"
Smitty face palms for a moment before shaking his head at Joey. "Why is it you always side with her you git? And why do young people always charge recklessly to their death?" He continues piloting the old salvager, keeping her in the clouds and generally moving in the same direction. Which your pretty sure is away from the city.
I will be Catching up today!
** spoiler omitted **
Diyeana laughs good naturedly as Smitty shrugs off her arm and chuckles once again at the on going squabbling between the Smith and his apprentice. When Joey brings up the oil she walks up to the old mechanic and agrees saying "Yes Smitty, what about the oil? I'm sure that could be put ta good use against our foes. And while this tub may not have weapons, if I know you and Joey at all, I know she's gotta be fast. And just where are you headed then darlin'? For I'd like to at least swing over tha nobles section of the city so I can check on mah aunt. We don't have ta land or anything, but I'd sure like ta make sure that area of the city is still alright. Please sugar?" she begs at the end, batting her eyelashes at him.
Corerue, can Diyena tell how fast we're currently going, or how fast this ship is likely able to move?
Profession (Sailor): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Diyeana Stormwin |


Diyeana Stormwin |

Sorry! Not an update by our esteemed DM, just a lil ole Bumpity bump

DM Corerue |

Diyeana Stormwin
Diyeana laughs good naturedly as Smitty shrugs off her arm and chuckles once again at the on going squabbling between the Smith and his apprentice. When Joey brings up the oil she walks up to the old mechanic and agrees saying "Yes Smitty, what about the oil? I'm sure that could be put ta good use against our foes. And while this tub may not have weapons, if I know you and Joey at all, I know she's gotta be fast. And just where are you headed then darlin'? For I'd like to at least swing over tha nobles section of the city so I can check on mah aunt. We don't have ta land or anything, but I'd sure like ta make sure that area of the city is still alright. Please sugar?" she begs at the end, batting her eyelashes at him.
Corerue, can Diyena tell how fast we're currently going, or how fast this ship is likely able to move?
Profession (Sailor): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Due to the cloud coverage its hard to get much of a bearing on how fast Smitties Salvage vessel is moving and until the sun rises you can't tell which direction either. But you'd guess he's pulling an easy sixteen knots by how quickly the wind was sweeping over the deck.
At your words Smitty grimaces and looks at you as he ignores his yelling apprentice. "I don't mind flying low and making sure they're alright, always had a soft spot for your aunt." Joey smirks, somehow hearing Smitty over the roar of the airships engine and the wind. As he opens his mouth though Smitty casts him a baleful glare and holds up a finger as he roars at him. "One word and I swear you'll be tasting leather for a week boy! Now..." He tilts the wheel and the entire ship starts to tip as it turns beneath your feet, an eerie feeling that you never quite get used too. Joey continues to smirk, much to Smitties dislike. Smitty continues to focus dead ahead as the airship starts to level out. "We are overstocked on fuel oil, Joey is right at that, I was heading out to recover parts from those downed Rakers and come back when the fighting was done. Now, the fuel oil will burn hard and fast, won't be easy to put out either but... We have to get in close to ensure we even hit. If they catch us with even a couple of grapple cannons we are S.O.L. So are you sure as hell that we should even get involved?"
As Joey nods enthusiastically Smitty turns and yells at his apprentice. "Not you, you addled brained twit. I'm talking to the only one of us to have military training."

DM Corerue |

V stares at the large machines, both of which are quiet and unmoving. "I did, that was until the last failure and after three days I haven't got them back up. Without emergency power this place and screwed. The main core is down on account of that garbage creature finding it and sucking the damn life from it... Without power the entire temple will destabilize and..." He puts his hands together and starts to mimic some type of an explosion, making sounds and everything like a small child would and at the end of it he slaps his hands back together while making a *poomf* noise. He chuckles at his own cleverness and he kneels down and picks up part of an arm, he looks at it for a moment before putting it up to his mouth and gnawing on it hungrily.
Bera looks like shes about to wretch and tugs on your arm, nodding her head towards the door and keeping her weapon leveled at V's backside, despite how far away he was.
In the far corner of the workshop your standing in a single light starts to flicker on the wall and after a second comes on fully. Theres writing beneath the orb but its in a language you don't understand.

DM Corerue |

DM Corerue wrote:"If it touches you you will fall quickly, it will take your soul and you will become one of them.""That would be most unfortunate," Cassian replies offishly, his attention clearly elsewhere. He again approaches the workbench and the many scraps and tools littered across it. "You said this was 'your' workshop so empirically one would imagine you're quite the tinkerer," he shoots her a flattering smile as he continues slowly examining the materials. Singling out a helmet and turning it in his hands studiously, he continues: "I imagine that between the two of us and the amount of resource available, we should be able to conceive a plausible remedy to this predicament. Might I suggest: Solution A," with the helmet tucked in his armpit, Cassian points the "elf" to the calmly purring generator.
"How do you suppose we reroute the lift's power to this reliable little machine?"
She doesn't smile back, not a single facial twitch at all to show she even noticed the compliment as she speaks in a low tired voice. "You can't, it would take to long to open up the SCEDS, which would mean you'd be in the open for a long period. If the Shadow didn't find you then the Soulless would..." At your odd look she backtracks and explains. "SCEDS. Self Contained Emergency Delivery System. Almost every system has one and they have very limited usage depending on how far the battery has degraded. Normally the lifts emergency power would have allowed for two to three trips. Now... I am unsure, you may have enough power for one way or it could stop half way. The SCEDS though wasn't mean't to be torn open as it is already connected to the main power supply. Your idea has merit but that little machine was mean't to take care of the rooms at the end of this hall, much more then that and the Nimbus orb can't take it. It would have too little time to recover..." She gestures to the one you had replaced earlier and, to your surprise, it appears to be slightly brighter then a few minutes ago.
The Nimbus orb reminds you of the Warjack cores in a way. Except a lot smaller and seemingly way more efficient in their usefulness in various applications.
"If V was still alive we'd be in better shape, he was my second in command after all. A truly bright engineer and resourceful too... Feh enough of my praddling." She starts looking around the room, focusing on the helmet under your arm and then on the other pieces of machinery on the table before speaking again. "That is not a Helmet by the way, if you had another Nimbus orb you could put it inside that ad have a Servitor up and running. That would be useful. More so if it wasn't a combat servitor. What we need are Assistants. Find them and some more nimbus orbs and we could create a team... Have you checked the adjoining rooms?" She places her hand on the floor and sparks of electricity arc from fingertips and strangely enough you see the outline of the door you can in and a second door in the wall to the left of the main door. "Each of these rooms was mean't to connect to each other for ease of working and so that we could keep the entrance doors shut during delicate or dangerous experiments..."

Cassian Vespertine |

Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (13) + 9 = 22
I thought that little orb looked familiar; Warjack cores. Similar augments. I wonder if the Cryxians borrowed their Necrotech from the elves or if the elves are behind Cryx as a whole... The portal. The invasion. The Shadow! Could it be that the invasion is just a cover for this Shadow to escape to the city!?
"Fortunately, this is the first room I've visited. Doubtful the others would have been as informative." Cassian rolls the servitor over in his hands, giving it a quick study before resting it back on the table next to him. Making his way towards the newly realized doorway to his left he announces his plan to his questionable new ally. "If it's Assistants we need than that will be my mission. I'll scout the surrounding rooms, crush any and all resistance I meet, and collect each Nimbus orb and servitor I happen upon. Where was the last place you saw V? Perhaps he is in a condition not unlike that which I found you. If so, I should be able to repair him to functionality and that would be the greatest assistance we're likely to find."
After he receives an answer, he displays himself next to the door with his back strait and a confident smile stretched across his fine featured face, he draws the ornate silver sword from the scabbard on his back and fancies a slight bow to the ancient android. "I fear that in all the excitement," he begins, "I've forgotten my most basic manors. My name is Cassian Vespertine. What, may I ask, should I call you by?"
Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18

Diyeana Stormwin |

Is sixteen knots fast compared to other airships? Maybe a breakdown of speed of various ships, posted on the Campaign Info page might be helpful to all? PS Joey and Smitty are now officially some of my Favourite NPCs EVER! lol
Her grin only widening over her enjoyment of the back-and-forth between Smitty and Joey, she again quickly drapes an arm over Smitty's shoulder saying "Honeychile, I can just about Gar-ren-tee that my dear Aunty would be mite grateful to know a gallant gentleman such as yourself had risked life and limb just ta check up on her. So you just point this big tub o' yours towards my Aunty and Joey and I will take care of the rest."
Then removing her arm before the crotchety old mechanic can shrug it off again she heads briskly towards the apprentice "Joey honey, you come over here and help me out. I've got me some ideas on a few little 'presents' we kin prepare for any of them blasted Cryxians we might run into."
So, ok, the idea is to have the pair prepare a few 'bombs', containers of oil, either with some form of jury rigged wick (that won't go out on the way down), or if that's not possible, we just drop 'em and Diy ignites them by bullet. Is it possible GM and if so, how many might we be able to make by the time we get there?

Mirrianissa |

Sera merely nods but remains strangely silent. Captain Tri-Fendra looks at Sera sadly for a moment before mastering his features. "We hunt the dark ones as best we can, Sera's group was overtaken and that dead thing ripped her tongue out as a warning for her resistance." He spits and grinds the palm of his gauntleted palm on his sword pommel. "I must agree you are blessed to stand against so many alone. Must warriors would have run, especially from those dead things. They don't fight right, they don't breath and they never tire."
He pauses as Sera turns and looks at the lines of the wounded, she walks over and kneels momentarily. Her hands clasped before her and around a strange wooden object. She quietly hums to herself and after about a minute you start to feel a strange warmth burst from the core of your being and spread outward. Your remaining wounds heal even further and several of the unconscious wounded spring up with a startled gasp. Not all of them do though and those few are quietly wrapped up in cloth and placed on crude stretchers.
Tri-Fendra nods to you as his troops are ready to move out. "We could use more like you in Koolat and if you are in need of a new homeland to fight for then come and present this to the gate guard. Its my personal token, it'll get you entry but not much else." He presents you with a metal disk that has three claw marks gashed in its surface.
Mirrianissa accepts the token inspecting it thoughtfully before placing it in the quiver strapped across her back.
"You and your warriors also fight well....especially for ones encased in iron," she says with a trace of a grin. "I am honored, and will seriously consider the offer, though I still think your ways are strange."
She gives Tri-Fenda a warrior's salute, thumping her right fist between her breasts while baring her fangs, and steps back, watching the unit gather it's fallen and march off. She would mark their direction, and perhaps head there soon enough.
For now she needed to find a river where she could wash the stink of the meat puppets off of her and find herself a meal.

DM Corerue |

The elven woman's face remained impassive as you spoke, she continued to glance at the parts laying around on the tables. She looked directly at Cassian when he asked what to call her and for the first time her features changed, she looked almost confused and after a very long moment she spoke. "Mog. It means Mistress of Gears. I cannot remember my name, it was something I gave up long ago. It is however good to meet you Cassian and be careful when you explore the other rooms, the soulless ones tend to gather in packs. Especially when they start dying, despite their lust for killing the living there are some that maintain some modicum of identity. Those few are insane and may try and pass themselves off as your ally, be careful. Assistants are a simple design much like that helmet but they have a single clawed arm hanging down below where the Nimbus orb is installed.."
"Also if you find a red liquid which looks more like oil bring it back as well, without it I won't be able to assist you and we don't have the means of making it. Not in this area at least."

DM Corerue |

V pauses tiliting his head at your comment before his dead eyes suddenly widen with the realization of what you just said. He starts toewards, entering the room just enough to look in and see the light. "By her calculation! MOG is alive! We have a bloody chance now, with her knowledge we could restart the core! HA! She's more tenacious then I thought, but that's her workshop... Didn't they.... I saw them. No matter!" As he rambled he doesn't notice when the pair of you slip out of the room, leaving him standing alone. He continues talking to himself and starts moving around room, thinking aloud and mumbling in elven.

Cassian Vespertine |

"...insane and may try and pass themselves off as your ally, be careful...."
Duly noted, my dear mistress.
"As you wish, lovely Mog," Cassian replies cheerfully, whirling his sword in his hand. "Actually, one last thing before we start." The swordsman opens his coat and pulls the strange two-headed flail from a loop on his belt. "If you could tell me what, precisely, this device was designed for -other than cleaving skulls of course- I would be greatly appreciative."
After Mog's response Cassian targets her with a wink and a sly smile before spinning on his heel and leaving to clear the first room.
As the door closes, he reaches into his sash to retrieve a thin vial of blue liquid and in a single motion pours the potion down his throat and hurls the empty glass against the wall. With both hands steadying his sword in a defensive stance he takes his time searching the room for movement or disturbing shapes coming into the light of his ioun torch.
Cure Light Wounds: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Readied Attack: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (3) + 11 = 14 (if anything menacing comes within 10' of me I'll take a 5' step and attack)
Damage: 1d8 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

DM Corerue |

Smitty shake his head and mumbles before nodding in agreement in checking on her. ”Your just like her, saucy rogues the lot of you.”
Joey smiles broadly as Smitty breaks down and agrees with the plan, he leads Di below decks and shows her where the fuel oil is. Smitties ship was practically empty on the inside, its inners were made up of multiple supports and an overhead gantry crane that could run to and fro through the inside, the oddest thing was that unlike any airship you’d been in this ship didn’t have any decks inside. Several catwalks running along the sides of the large hold allowed the crew to move to and fro.
At the back side of the ship was the engine room and fuel room, there was also a massive tool room with so many tools both manufactured locally and… engineered by either Joey, Smitty or both. Joey finds some suitable wicks for setting up the barrels and between the two of you you get a few barrels loaded up on a small elevator and are about to lift them to the upper deck when the airship suddenly veers.
Reflex DC 15 – or 1d6 nonleathal damage as your tossed into the metal railings.
Before you can get your wits about you, a horrible roar deafens you both momentarily as Smitties airship veers again. Joey’s mouth hangs open in fear as he tries to comprehend what made that god awful roar. ”What the hell was That!”

Diyeana Stormwin |

Reflex: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (16) + 8 = 24
Her cat-like reflexes allowing to safely ride the sudden jostling of the ship, Diyeana looks to make sure Joey is alright then yells back "I don't know! Get these barrels up top while I go check!"
And not willing to wait for the elevator she uses her bloodborn ability to fly up to the deck, immediately looking for Smitty and ready for trouble. "Smitty! What is it?? Are you alright!"
Perception: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20

DM Corerue |

Mirrianissa Here we go!
Tri-Fenda returns your salute with one common to the soldiers of Koolat, before turning his back on you and leading his soldiers back towards the ruined steading. Sera nods to you as well, giving you a smile before following at the rear of the formation. As you take your leave, you watch as the soldiers are trying to put out the fires and are searching the ruins.
Now, it takes sometime for you to find a river and wash the stink of the puppets from your fur, especially the black oily tar that the large metal fisted ones sprayed on you when you clawed them. The slow flowing river helped sweep away the filth. By the time you were done bathing it was late in the day and the Shilacon was circling around, lighting the sky with its pale blue light as Turlacon’s yellow light burned on the horizon. As you dried yourself the wind rustled the grassland around you softly as the world breathed and moved in its natural dance. The goddess was truly in the air this day...
After having some freshly caught and fire cooked fish for your dinner you dozed quietly near the rivers edge and awoke in darkness. A strange sound alerted you to what could be an attack, but as you look around you see there is no one stalking you in the darkness and not a scent on the wind. The river was flowing quickly, burbling along as before…
The river is flowing a little too quickly…
It’s also flowing in the opposite direction…
You’ve found the source of the reversal in the rivers flow, a swirling vortex lies in the center of the river. About 15 feet across, ten feet deep and something strange is wrong with the center of the whirlpool. At the center of the vortex instead of water there is a pale light, you staring your keen eyes and could swear that you see metal… A metal hall…
In the beginning
Their was darkness
The light was locked away
Lost in a fortress of darkness and shadow,
Where the bravest warrior were driven mad by fear,
Consumed by crushing despair
And driven to their deaths.
Yet the only way the land would be free was if the light was recovered,
To do that the Lord of Darkness had to fall
Yet no one could defeat him
He was the master of lies
Skilled in deception and cruelty
A master of all things made of death and shadow
So for many centuries the land suffered under shadow,
There was no warrior great enough to pierce the veil of darkness and recover the stone.
Not until Shilacon and Turlacon appeared.
The Twins Blades.
Saviors of the Shining Land.
They who fought the darkness
They who pierced the heavens
To set right what the Lord of Darkness had done.
Shilacon and Turlacon were once the greatest warriors of legend who ascended to light the skies when the land was bathed in darkness. They were inseparably in life and completed each other's fighting styles, Where Shilacon was weak, Turlacon was strong and vice versa. They fought with perfect harmony and no enemy could defeat them. They had battled the creatures of darkness for centuries and yet the darkness never receded.
It was believed that in their twilight they decided to take on the lord of Darkness, the nameless one that had kept the world shrouded in darkness. They decided to sacrifice themselves for the good of the world and plunged into the fortress of darkness. It was then they met their match; they battled their way through the Lords minions and faced him in his own hall.
It is there that this simple legend ends because that day was when the darkness receded and the twin suns were born. It is believed that the pair of warriors continues their battle with the dark lord. Why each day is so long and times of darkness are short. The Twin Blades fight everyday to bring light to the skies, circling, back-to-back against the minions of darkness and even at darkest hour one can see because their light reflects off the three sisters who subtly battle the dark lord in their own way.
The part of the legend that is most debated is which tribe these heroes came from. Whether they were Flinds, Gnolls or even the first Tabaxi has long been debated.
The average day in the Shining Land is 16 hours with about 8 hours of darkness. If you have more questions let me know. Although Once a year the land is covered during a yearly eclipse known as The Endless Night, where for three days the land is shrouded in a mixture of light and dark on the first and last days of the eclipse. But the second day is complete darkness, pitch black and only those who can see in the dark can make their way easily. It is during that time of the year that any conflicts or fighting stops and villages tend to hide in their huts as strange happenings occur around that time.

DM Corerue |

Cassian Welcome back and gla to hear everything is getting better for ya!
Knowledge Engineering 1d20 + 24 ⇒ (14) + 24 = 38
Your comments don't seem to faze the Elfen woman as she remains sitting on the floor, she looks at the weapon your carrying and nods. "Sec-gen Mechaniflail, simple to use but limited to a short amount of charges. All you have to do is squeeze the handle firmly and it engages the mechanism, but hold it away from your body slightly and always aim it in a vertical or above your body horizontally. The weapon is designed to spin the dual heads in a circular motion and deliver a brutally strike using torque and force to maximum effect." She reaches out her hand and, assuming you hand it to her, grips the handle lightly. "This unit is out of charges, allow me." Her suit lights up, causing you to step back as all the tubes surge with electricity that arcs across the outer frame of her armored body, runs down her right arm and arcs from her glove to the mechaniflail. Its the work of a few seconds before a light appears, a pale glow from an unseen chamber in the center of the handle and when you take it back you find that the handle is now warm to the touch and vibrates ever so slightly in your hand.
As the electricity fades and her suit stops surging once more, Mog sags some and leans more heavily against the table. "Correction, Third-Gen... larger capacity for multiple uses... Oh that was unexpected. How could I have missed that? Cassian, be careful and I will be fine, good luck..."
She closed her eyes and sat there quietly as you go about working open the door to the room adjacent to her workshop. Except this time as you approach the door you feel a warmth in your pouch pocket and when you pool forth the strange symbol of the lady of gears the door silently slides open. The only indication something happened at all was the fact that the machine behind you started to hum louder momentarily, the moment the door was open it cycled back down and was quietly humming along.
The room adjacent to Mog's workshop is massive and shaped much like a opera hall, its walls arcing slightly outward and its far wall curving from end to end. The air is foul and rolls over you, causing you to cough and cover your mouth lest you vomit. You can tell the room is and can just make out a pair of large machines looming in the center of the room sitting inert and silent. As you step in your immediately met by the all too familiar sight of dried corpses and the signs of a massive struggle. None rise though, none impede your path as you search the room.
In your search of the room you find nothing really useful, mainly smashed parts and tattered clothing on the bodies. Of which their is a dozen in all and two of which appeared to have killed each other. One of the corpses that died in combat appears to be normal, its bone structure unchanged but died from looks to have been broken ribs. One of which most likely punctured a lung. The other body is disturbing, its finger nails are elongated, its jaw appears distended and its bones are twisted.
Another odd feature in the room is the fact that there, claw and small puncture marks on the walls. Especially near where each of the bodies are...
You keep moving though and inspect the machines... Which appear to be just as intricate and unique in their construction as everything else you've seen in this place...
In your search of the machine you find why they sit inert, they've been damaged and pretty badly from you can tell. The same claw marks scare some of the gearing but the major problem is that several copper tubes are completely broken apart and you don't have enough left to try and repair them...
The last thing you fin is another door to what appears to be the third adjacent room and the two doors that lead from this room to the hallway...
Same Strength DC as before to actuate these doors, they do not open when you brandish the symbol of the lady of gears.

Cassian Vespertine |

Relieved by the apparent emptiness of the room, Cassian quickly studies the distorted features of some of the bones before him.
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (13) + 7 = 20
Afterwards he traces his fingers over the walls, gently gliding them into the deep gashes and gouges left by whatever it was that slaughtered the people in this room.
Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19
Knowledge (nature): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
Knowledge (dungeoneering): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Knowledge (religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (11) + 7 = 18
The Shadow?
Knowledge (engineering): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
He inspects the curious machines quickly but, just like the rest of the room, is unable to uncover anything of value. When he approaches the next door, he confidently waves the Lady of Gears symbol expecting the door to open as the last one did. Disappointed by the door's defiance, he pushes the symbol back into his coat pocket and sheaths his sword then sets to pulling the door apart.
Take 20, total 25 on STRENGTH check to pry the door open.
After a few tries, Cassian is eventually able to get the doors open enough to squeeze through. Favoring the 3rd-gen Mechaniflail in both hands, he readies himself for the worst as he searches the next room.
Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8
Readied Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16 (if anything menacing comes within 10' of me I'll take a 5' step and attack)
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9

Mirrianissa |

Perception 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (3) + 9 = 12
Crouching by the river's edge Miri could not shake the feeling she was not alone, yet she could detect no enemy, the earlier battle having taken more of a toll than expected. Though her rest had replenished her, her senses were yet to fully wake, a dangerous thing on the grasslands.

DM Corerue |

After several minutes of looking around and silently waiting for something to move you find that the only thing that is moving, and quickly, is the river. You hadn't noticed it earlier but now its plain as day that the river is actually flowing in the opposite direction. As your eyes follow it to the source of this strange reversal you find yourself looking into a large whirlpool sitting directly in the center of the river. Looking down you can see that the whirlpool has no center and in fact runs into something else. Or perhaps somewhere.
Your senses scream at you, warring with what is the best option before you. As you watch this unnatural occurrence, you swear you can hear noises, metal slamming against metal. All of which comes from the vortex.

DM Corerue |

Your still trapped in the three rooms that are joined together, unless you were planning on working the lever and getting out. ;) Each of the three rooms are seperated by a somewhat thick wall and a door each. Each have a door leading back out to the cul-de-sac and the hallway in which you came from.
V continues to babble to himself as you move into the room and investigate its contents. Aside from the broken tools, the torn apart remains of the Soulless and the pair of quiet machines there isn't really much to be seen. V's lair is nearly devoid of anything useful, anything mechanical has been torn apart and salvaged into parts for the now inert machines in the center of the room. As you look at it thought another surge strikes and nearly knocks you to your feet.
Whatever is happening, its getting worse, that much you can tell. Another rushed message of long dots and dashes whips by your ears and at that point tilts his head and snorts in amusement. "Flooding in section 4? And I thought I was mad!" He waves his hand and just as the message ends he strolls back into the room and looks at the pair of you. Bera of course continues to glare back, which only seems to amuse V as he laughs dryly.
"Sorry ladies this is a dead end, not much left here but dust and bones..." He starts tapping his chin thoughtfully, his long filth crusted nail breaking off bits of dried flesh as he eyes the pair of you.

DM Corerue |

Nothing in your long years can identify the creature or its bone structure, one word does come to mind though. Chilling you to the core. Mutation. You'd never thought that a type of undead could change like that but you'd never really hear do of a soul sucking shadow before either. Or mechanical elves, or Numbis Orbs...
When the symbol failed to open the doors you actuated it by hand and just as you got the last bump of pressure in the door slides open, opening wide just as another surge rocks the entire temple...
Luckily for you you were thrown off balance as a pair of claws lanced out from the dark, narrowly missing your throat. Thankfully your Ioun stone lights up the darkness before you, revealing another of the strangely mutated Soulless. Before you get much of a chance to look at it though you squeeze the handle of the Mechaniflail and hold on fr dear life...
Str check - Maintain control, unproficient - DC 13 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (12) + 5 = 17
As it jerks to life the weapon nearly rips its way out of your hands, and you narrow avoid smashing the mutated undead right in the face as the twin heads of the mechaniflail start spinning the moment you squeeze the handle. You can feel a powerful vibration run up your arms, as the mechanism inside the handle starts whirling the twin heads of the flail so fast they're almost like a blur of motion. The creature recoils away for a moment, lashing out with its claws as you hold onto the mechanical weapon.
More to come, laptop is abou dead, sorry :(

Cassian Vespertine |

Initiative: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11
HP 40/46
AC 20; Touch 15; FF 15
CMD 26 (28 v Trip)
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +4
Speed 30ft
Abilities Acrobatic Dodge [7/day] (+14)
Equipped 3rd-gen Mechaniflail
Ammo: Pistol [2/2; 22]
Ammo: Throwing Darts [x10; adamantine]
Attack/Damage: BAB +4/-, STR +5/+7; Total: +9/+7
The reaction of the flail was unlike anything he could have prepared himself for. The machine felt as though it would pluck the sailor from the ground and helicopter him around the room. He may have if the Soulless abomination hadn't generously supplied it's face to keep the flail from spinning too fast. Cassian's instincts were to swing the machine like a hammer but he knew better than to draw the thing back behind his head.
Let the Mechaniflail do all the work. Look at it; it wants to.
Brandishing the tool at the monster before him he backs up and prepares himself for the next attack. Since he wasn't quite sure how to use the mechaniflail aggressively, he resolved to continue using it as a buffer between him and his enemy.
Misc: 5' step away from Soulless; Standard: Readied Attack against anything that comes within 5' of him.
Attack: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (7) + 9 = 16
Damage: 1d8 + 7 ⇒ (7) + 7 = 14

Diyeana Stormwin |

Hey Boss, you got an old post from Diyeana up there still...everyone else has got Two posts since then. Is she stuck in Limbo or something? ; )

Cassian Vespertine |

I'm pretty sure Aelessaer and I are already in Limbo. Some twisted Limbo full of Hellraiser-esque elf demons. O wait... What's that thing that's not Heaven or Limbo?

DM Corerue |

Willpower save DC 28 please, Fail = Shaken 5d6 ⇒ (6, 2, 2, 1, 4) = 15 rounds
As you open the door the ship lurches downward and to the side again just as a gout of green flame sweeps just barely over head, as you hold onto the railing of the stairwell and barely avoid getting hit by the swinging door you see something flash by. Barely above the bow of Smitty's airship, its passage was so quick the air literal snapped with the force of its passage.
Something gargantuan and as black as pitch, your sharp eyes follow the massive shadow as the light of the moon outlines its shadowy form. It moves almost a hundred yards out before twisting easily in the air, dark wings outspread and completely eclipsing the sight of the moon behind its massive form. Great necrotite green veins seem to crisscross its body like rivers of vile energy and just as you blink it sweeps its wings downward, rocking the ship with a powerful gust as it slowly angles itself to come at Smitty's vessel once more.
The grappler arm swung inert on the side of the deck, part of it had been caught by the gout of flame the monster had unleashed at the vessel but for the most part the arm was unharmed. You can hear Smitty bellowing at the top of his lungs, but can't quite make out what he's yelling about as the ship continues to fly evasively in preparation for the monsters next attack.
Initiative pleas. :)

DM Corerue |

Cassian Vespertine
Initiative 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20
The creature shrieks and advances in a lopping, hopping sort of gait and you narrowly miss it as it ducks under your swipe with the Mechaniflail. However to your shock it doesn't lash out this time, instead it tries to grab at your legs...
Initiate Grapple, No AoO >:) 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
You easily pull your leg out of the way as it misses and it in turn shrieks loudly at you and lashes at your face aggressively.
Your Turn >:)
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 35
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +9 (2d6+3 plus disease and paralysis) and 2 claws +5 (1d10+3 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 15, affects elves normally), stench
CMB +8; CMD 26
Disease (Su)
Burning Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based.
A humanoid who dies of of the fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast.
Paralysis (Su)
Creatures damaged by its natural attacks must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Paralyzed creatures cannot move, speak, or take any physical actions. The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless.
Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis effect does not allow a new save each round. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.
Stench (Ex)
This creature exudes an overwhelming stink of death and corruption in a 10-foot radius. Those within the stench must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save, or be sickened for 1d6+4 minutes.

Cassian Vespertine |

HP 40/46
AC 22; Touch 12; FF 15
CMD 28 (30 v Trip)
Fort +8; Ref +6; Will +4
Speed 30ft
Abilities Acrobatic Dodge [7/day] (+14)
Equipped Cold Iron Longsword [Two-Handed]
Ammo: Pistol [2/2; 22]
Ammo: Throwing Darts [x10; adamantine]
Attack/Damage: BAB +4/-, STR +5/+7, Focus +1/-, Spec -/+2, Mwk +1/-, Expertise -1/+2 Dodge AC, Whetstone -/+1; Total: +10/+10 & +2 Dodge AC
Likely not the best subject to learn the properties of this new toy on, Cassian thinks to himself when he steps back and his ioun torch highlights the decrepit beast. His assumptions were reinforced when the monster sidestepped his mechaniflail attack and worked to sweep out his legs and do God-knows-what with him afterwards.
The dance of battle was no different than that of the ballroom or the tavern, the leader leads and his partner is obligated to comply. Cassian, who considered himself rather talented in all forms of passionate dance, understood at once that if he were to continue letting the mechaniflail lead him, he would end up as festive ribbons decorating this bleak and miserable hall. As much as he would have liked to bring life to his surroundings, he preferred that it not cost him his own.
As he pulls his leg from the obvious (although skilled) attempt at a grab he skirts backwards two paces and releases his grasp on the mechaniflail, half-expecting the machine to fly off on its own as though it were possessed. In a swift turn, he slides his cold forged estoc from it's sheath and sets himself in a defensive stance. A smile plays at his pouty lips as he holds the sword in both hands next to his ear, its gleaming blade parallel to the ground.
Misc: 5' step away from Mutation. Free: drop mechaniflail. Move: Draw Cold Iron Longsword. Standard: Readied Attack against anything that comes within 5' of him.
Attack: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (11) + 10 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 10 ⇒ (6) + 10 = 16

Aelessaer |

Maybe you've exposed the limits of my imagination but I am stuck for what to do.

DM Corerue |

Sorry about that~ ^^; Sometimes I over do it with certain situations...Here we go!
After all the trumping around and remaining quiet Bera finally losses her patience and bleats at V loudly. Which, surprisingly, catches him completely by surprise and he merely watches. Unsmiling. As Bera stomps towards him with her weapon lowered. Her guttural language cuts to the bone as she appears to be berating the dead elven engineer. "Iooil ki' ili'g li'f slajof? Aeuay ili'g aesuaaelak, ae ai'ioaeuak?"
The shock of being suddenly berated by the anthro passes quickly and V give's Bera a nasty glare. "What do yu think i've been doi..."
Bera stomps closer and cuts him off with a bellow. "OLaKLaLJ! Irlazy ae Ai'ioaeuak!" She doesn't say much more as V is suddenly in her face and Bera visibly wilts as he towers over her.
"Coward you say? Oh, who saved you from the Shadow hmmm? I can just as easily put you back out with it..."
Bera wrestles with her fear and rises up, looking V dead in the eye. "Pyffyua fi' klay slajoflalj, foyl uai'f aeioaeil lal folaw paeuauai'io iolafo ili'g..." To emphasize her point she stomps away from him, leaving his retort to hang in the air as she moves to the large double doors of the room and searches for the panel with the actuator.
At first V just smirked, but when she found it he grimaced and shook his head in bewilderment. "You can't be serious? It. Will. Destroy you, you lame brained goatfolk!" Bera completely ignores him as he walks towards her, stopping as she actuates the lever one full stroke and then shaking his head. "We tried so many things, we couldn't kill it! We could barely harm it! Don't you get it? You won't just die, you'll be consumed!"
Bera just snorts. "Better that way, gods know we try then..."
Sorry to have stuck you in a situation that was confusing, it was mean't as an odd social dynamic with a madman obviously and so far you've done great! Now, you have a number of options. Search for different ways out. Convince V to help you fight/get past the shadow or simply test your luck and make a break for it. Remember you have hero points to aid your rolls. if you use them prior to knowing what the roll is you get a +8 to the roll and if you use it after the die is cast then its +4. I follow the full rules on the hero point spread so definitely use it to your advantage. :)
Bera will in the next couple rounds get that door open, this was planned and in no way me trying to push you along. ;) Bera just can't stand t be near this V, Scent feature is not a help for her at all! lol
If you have anymore questions definitely hit me up :) Hopefully the above was a little helpful~
Why do you not fight? Are you afraid, a coward?
HIDING! Like a Coward!
Better to die fighting, then rot away in this barrow with you...

DM Corerue |

When you release the Mechaiflail you see the light in the handle fade some and the mechanism keeps spinning briefly as the twin heads slam the floor a couple times before the weapon becomes inert. The creature eyes you dropping the weapon and gives a sort of choked chuckle at your defensive display as it drips saliva from between its long sharp teeth. The nightmare doesn't end there however, as a second one claws its way out of the doorway behind the first and shrieks loudly upon seeing you.
The first moves quickly, trying to dodge around your strike and shrieks as you successfully strike it. Brutally cutting it across its chest just as it reaches out to grab your body once more...
Acrobatics- Dodge attack 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (6) + 9 = 15
Grapple Attempt 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (13) + 10 = 23
Stench 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
As you deftly dodge its attempts again you catch a whiff of the vile stench this creature has surrounding it and any normal person would have wretched their guts out at such a smell. Luckily your not the average person and you keep your stomach contents in check while simultaneously not gagging.
Take Note: If I ever make a roll for you whether its a success or failure and you want to reroll it yourself then by all means do so. :)
19/35 Injured Badly
35/35 Unhurt
Init +4; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +9
AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 14 (+4 Dex, +6 natural)
hp 35
Fort +4, Ref +4, Will +7
Defensive Abilities channel resistance +2
Speed 30 ft.
Melee bite +9 (2d6+3 plus disease and paralysis) and 2 claws +5 (1d10+3 plus paralysis)
Special Attacks paralysis (1d4+1 rounds, DC 15, affects elves normally), stench
CMB +8; CMD 26
Disease (Su)
Burning Fever: Bite—injury; save Fort DC 15; onset 1 day; frequency 1 day; effect 1d3 Con and 1d3 Dex damage; cure 2 consecutive saves. The save DC is Charisma-based.
A humanoid who dies of of the fever rises as a ghoul at the next midnight. A humanoid who becomes a ghoul in this way retains none of the abilities it possessed in life. It is not under the control of any other ghouls, but it hungers for the flesh of the living and behaves like a normal ghoul in all respects. A humanoid of 4 Hit Dice or more rises as a ghast.
Paralysis (Su)
Creatures damaged by its natural attacks must make a successful DC 15 Fortitude save or be paralyzed for 1d4+1 rounds. Paralyzed creatures cannot move, speak, or take any physical actions. The creature is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless.
Unlike hold person and similar effects, a paralysis effect does not allow a new save each round. A winged creature flying in the air at the time that it is paralyzed cannot flap its wings and falls. A swimmer can't swim and may drown.
Stench (Ex)
This creature exudes an overwhelming stink of death and corruption in a 10-foot radius. Those within the stench must succeed at a DC 15 Fortitude save, or be sickened for 1d6+4 minutes.

DM Corerue |

As you contemplate your decision the pale light of Turlacon starts to appear along the horizon, making it almost appear as if the darkness at the edge of sight was retreating from a heavenly flame. Aside from the strange opening in the riverway, there is the nomads you passed a few days back in the distant north. Who, as you recall, were heading to their mountain retreat which was further to the north. Mainly because of the Gnolls and Flinds warring in the west, which made the open plains extremely dangerous to cross alone as they were prone to both killing loners or enslaving them.
Time Roughly 5 am, at 7 am it will be full sun up and darkness will have receded completely.
Survival check will be needed depending on which way you ahppen to go. :)