Skull & Shackles - Scourge of the High Seas- (Inactive)

Game Master Slaughtersea

Down your cup of grog, hoist the sails, and set a steady course for the Shackles, where plunder and infamy galore await those who can seize it!

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Here's Crusty's character, I'll have his background and description done when I can, hopefully by tomorrow or friday.

@Mabuu - I tweaked Reijo's stats tonight after picking up Ultimate Campaign.

What I changed:
Fitting VERY well with his personality, I added the Paranoid drawback, dropped the Additional Traits feat and Bully trait (+1 Intimidate, plus it's a class skill), and added the Skill Focus (Intimidate) feat instead.

@Shigeru - Thought I'd mention, I believe you shortchanged yourself 1 point in your ability scores:

Evil Maths:

Indeed I apparently did.. I'll add that one point to Wisdom.

@Shigeru: I like the character portrait, it's not one I've seen before.

Its of a ninja from the 4th Jade Regent AP book. I liked it as well. My guy is Tian, so I was trying to find one I liked.. there aren't many sadly, and this one fit the bill!

Also, instead of putting that one point into wisdom, I took a point *Out* of wisdom and put both points into Strength, so now he has 14 strength and 9 wisdom. Luckily, for my Grit pool, I get one point of grit *minimum*, no matter my wisdom score. He's just not going to be very wise with common sense. One reason explaining why he uses a pistol even though he doesn't know how to. Sucks I can only afford 4 shots though.

Hear we go.

Hm.. curious.. the Alchemy Crafting Kit (The Alchemist's version of a Spell Component Pouch) weighs 50 lbs in the Tools section, but in the Alchemist's Kit, it doesn't weight nearly that much.

I'm wondering which is right? I've always played it with the 50 lb one, and I always did think it was a bit absurd.. so maybe it meant 5 pounds?

Also, Bit of an error with your rapier attack and damage - you only have 12 strength, so it should be a +1 to attack and +1 to damage.

Hey Mabuu, are you against spells from various AP's? One I'm looking at in particular is Blood Money from Rise of the Runelords. Although not extremely useful at such a low level, I'd probably prepare it often later on..

Fits my character too!

@Shigeru: I'm fine with Blood Money. I have most of the books or can get access to most of them, so as long as I can find the information I'm good.

We're starting later this evening so I hope you're all ready!

@Shigeru: Thanks for the catch! I will fix him! As for the Alchemist's Crafting Kit, it first shows up as the Alchemist's Kit in the Advanced Player's Guide weighing 5 lbs... so that is what I go off of.

I work this evening, but can still post at least once, especially when I get off.

I made like 4 different versions of this character last night... a goblin, a dwarf, a human, and an elf. Obvioulsly I liked the Elf the best, but the goblin was also tempting lol. Anyway, the dwarf version had a 14 Strength and I guess I forgot to change it in his weapon stats.

Yeah, the APG's Alchemist's Kit (a.k.a. UE's Alchemy Crafting Kit) is correct at 5 lbs., not 50. It says they renamed it Alchemy Crafting Kit in UE and they added an unexplained extra "0" to the weight, so I'm certain the next errata will change it back to 5 lbs. Especially since there is also an Alchemist's Lab, which is a 40 lb. full set of alchemical apparatus that provides a +2 bonus to alchemy checks (e.g. why would 50 lbs. of alchemical gear provide no bonus while 40 lbs. does?).

Looking forward to playing!

And we're live!

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