Skull & Shackles - Scourge of the High Seas- (Inactive)

Game Master Slaughtersea

Down your cup of grog, hoist the sails, and set a steady course for the Shackles, where plunder and infamy galore await those who can seize it!

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Mabuu was sailin' da waters in his boat when 'e spied a potential recruitment for piracy and freebootin'. To Mabuu's dismay, it was too fast a heist for him.

However, Mabuu is full of pump and rarin' to be piratin' and is wonderin' if any GM out there would consider running a Skulls and Shackles for a brash, bold and potentially disturbin' pirate!


If there's any other players out there also lookin' for one, feel free to add in I guess. Maybe if we all band together we can pull through?

Also, Mabuu's class isn't final or anything, I just have the character and background and am fine switching it. Mabuu doesn't see himself as captain, he much prefers being the explorer type.

At the Formidably Maid, a fairly inebriated man looks over Mabuu as he takes another swig of rum. In a gruff, slurred voice, "Arrr! T'plunder the dungbies 'at be sailin' Besmara's oggin once more..."

Mabuu smiles a crooked smile, a flash of a gilded golden tooth briefly illuminating the tavern's hazy interior.

"I can drink ta dat mate, I can drink ta dat."

He finishes his mug, slams it on the table then resumes giving brash looks at the bar-lass serving drinks at the other table.

His smile broadens.

I would also like to join a pirate campaign

"Well that makes three of us mate. I reckon we find ourselves a nice young lass, or another lad I imagin', and a fine GM and we be ready to sail the waters of the Shackles!"

So that's a Ranger, Monk and Rogue. If we need it Mabuu was originally supposed to be a healer so I have no qualms about switching him back to one.

And clerics of Besmara are pretty sweet

Indeed. Though between Clerics of Besmara, Druids, Oracles or Witches I'm seriously wonderin' which one would be better considering our line up. I think Druid would most fit Mabuu's love of exploring.

That's true... I think I agree

But we'll see. There's a ton of different options but it all depends on what the GM allows us to use.

Yeah lol I am running the Skull & Shackles Adventure Path in RL... it's really fun and I wanna be a player in it so bad!

Mabuu was actually built for a RL game that never took off. Sadly, he's even got a voice and accent all practiced out. Ah well.

That's too bad :/ it's a really great campaign

So Mabuu has heard.

I've also found another player. I know him IRL and he'd love to play in one. His character choice is also fluid and with four all we'd need is a GM now.

I'd love to see a GM pick this up here. I'll keep checking in. Hope it happens. :)

Glad to see you're still with us!

Utho prays to Besmara that she might provide for them a GM so that they can pillage in her name and get more shiny things for Utho :p

Seems a shame to let fine "sailors" such as ourselves languish in port.

Aye, I long to get back into the sweet trade...

we just need to post on this like everyday to make sure it stays at the top of the list

RPG Superstar 2015 Top 16

If I were not currently involved in 9 different Pathfinder games, three of which I am running, I would hoist anchor with ye all and give ye a storm to ride out the likes of which ye have never seen, you lubbers!

Alas, hopefully you will get a GM. :)

Thanks anyway, dien. Totally understand. Reijo, however, is more concerned with something else you said... ;)

Reijo's bloodshot eyes subtly shift left and right at the newcomer, as if he is seeing double. "Gobbs be callin' ME a llub... a... lan-lubb'r?!"

With a look that could kill, he reaches for his bottle of rum as if to toss it at the goblin(s). He halts himself, however, and downs the rest of his drink instead. Slamming the empty bottle on the bar, he looks expectantly at the barkeep.

Liberty's Edge

Well, if you guys need a fighter, I got a shield and spear using guy I'd like to try out, or I could get a healer designed. Might stink for a little, as I am thinking maybe druid. Reijo, I was thinking of a ranger/rogue character for the We be Pirates submission, so I am interested how that might work out. So that would give us a 4 person party with most of the roles played out, except an arcane caster type.

this is my spear fighter

(Forthepie's alias)

Alright guys. This is the game plan.

I'll GM this then unless a kind GM is ready to step in.

However, that gives us:


Forthpie, would you be willing to play healer? My friend would play an arcane spell caster. With that, we'd have all the bases loaded.

Does this sound good for everyone?

Liberty's Edge

Let me roll up a healer, cleric or druid....hrm

Level 1? average wealth?

Well, if I am GM:

- 20 point buy
- Average Wealth
- 2 Traits (you don't need to select one from the S&S Player's Guide, but they are pretty useful. If you don't you need to include why you would be at the Formidably Maid.)

- A little back story: At least a paragraph detailing physical traits and history.

Druids are pretty good in S&S from what I've heard. They survive well in a variety of locales.

Liberty's Edge

Druid coming up.

Forthepie wrote:
Druid coming up.

Sounds good then. Let's wait for some answers from the rest of the crowd as well.

Thanks Mabuu. I'd have volunteered, but I already run a few games as it is and wouldn't have the time to invest (even AP's I know require significant work). I'm also itching to play this character, lol.

As for Reijo's build, I think I'm already set up then (20 pt and average gold are my preferences as well when I GM).

Mabuu's Eyes:
My idea is to take a couple of Barbarian (Sea Reaver archetype) levels at 2nd and another at 4th or 5th perhaps (to model his occasional temper tantrum), and go on to take Inner Sea Pirate PrC levels after 5th (some neat sailing tricks; Reijo's to become a great sailor). So Reijo's a melee combatant in a nutshell, but with good skills at sailing, ship repairs, navigation, and more, and will feature a dirty fighter style rather than rely on fair fights and straightforward combat ability. I'm willing to adapt him now and as the party develops, however.

Forthepie, all those ideas sound & look great to me. Druids have a nice selection of archetypes & domains/animal companions for water-based campaigns, so a druid should be pretty neat for this AP.

Liberty's Edge

Any problem with Heirloom weapon? Just thinking of taking lonbow, to provide a little more ranged. Once we gather enough to get wands I think heals will be ok.

Also btw, what posting frequency are you thinking of, Mabuu?

Scarab Sages

If you need another to fill in a spot I can likely come up with something. My class preference is Cleric, Rogue, Barb, Sorc, anything else.

@Forthpie: Hierloom Weapon is fine.

@Reijo: 1-2 is fine with me. If people are able to do more than I usually can accommodate. My job is during the day so I'd post mornings, afternoons and evenings, so I can usually pursue NPC conversations quite quickly.

@Everyone: My friend's thinking of going Tattooed Sorcerer, primarily using evocation. Blastmage style.

@Dakcenturi: At the moment we have four PCs and for an AP I'd love to stick with that. If I get no answer from Utho I'll give you a PM.

Liberty's Edge

Dang druids have sucky starting wealth.

Scarab Sages

Sure thing. I know some GM's myself included like to front load a couple extra PCs in case there are drop outs. In either case I'll keep an eye out for a potential PM. I am on the boards at least daily as I run a few games myself.

@Dak: Indeed, I think I've seen you around the boards a few times. And no worries, if there's a drop out or something I'll PM you.

Hey just dotting, i'm the Tattooed Sorcerer

Man, I've been itching to play this AP forever! I'd be interested too, if there's a vacancy. I originally had a ranger in mind, as well, but I was thinking a barbarian (sea reaver) would be great and fit the bill.

Liberty's Edge

Any issue with me switching to another healing class, like Cleric or Oracle?

@DwarfBrewHero: As I mentioned to Dakcenturi, we currently have 4 players. I can always add you to the list in case of drop outs.

@Forthpie: Of course not, it's your character!

Coolio, Mabuu. 1-2 posts per day should be perfect for me.

Well, here's my first try on the cleric. Not sure how much healing I'll do to start. I think making the enemy dead faster might be a bit better, but can't have many more spells than what I have, healing bonuses and the like.

@Nelson: Sounds good so far.

So now we have a Cleric, Ranger and Rogue. My friend is actually hesitating between what arcane spellcaster to be but I think he's going to stick with Sorcerer.

He's just hesitating on race/bloodline at the moment.

@Reijo: And yeah, I'd love to do a more fast paced game but I know I might not be able to handle it myself. The game will be more streamlined though, so you might find that a couple of days pass at a time. S&S is an amazing adventure to roleplay in though, so you'll definitely get time for that.

Also, I hope Utho sees this.

As well, if we're just waiting for the people to finish sheets, I'll go and open Discussion/Gameplay.

Liberty's Edge

I am looking over the druid, I think it might give me a bit more flexibility. 4 players is going to be enough?

4 players is the norm for an AP. And we've got two others in case someone drops out. But with four players, we'll be able to streamline the game and move quickly along.

Okay, going with druid, I'll update the alias in a moment.

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