Silbeg's We Be Gobln's Free! (Inactive)

Game Master Silbeg

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NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

It's all good. Stick it up Pa's arse and we'll call it even. ;-)

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Ok - so I think we need to think about this a bit, because I am worried about our damage output if Pa Munchmeat has fire resistance.

We still have something big to kill underneath the hut, and now Pa Munchmeat is back up to full HP presumably.

What we have: (please add to this list if I have forgotten anything)

1 charge of wand of fireball left
12 charges of sound burst left
2 (3d6) fireball beads left
1 potion of fire resistance
2 or 3 potions of cure mod wounds

Poog can cast speak with animals for 6 rounds... I am thinking I will at least try to talk to whatever is laying eggs underneath the hut, doubt it will do much, but its worth a shot.

Any ideas if the fire resistance of Pa Munchmeat is high enough that burning down the hut with him on it doesn't do enough? I can spam sound burst and hope he eventually drops his weapon... though its not that hard of a save for him to pass, at least it does auto damage.

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

Maybe Reta should drink the potion of fire resistance when it comes time to get in Pa's face. Then again, he might target a caster, so Poog or Mogmurch should drink it?

Also, what else is in Mogmurch's repertoire beyond fire bombs? Maybe he can work with the two Reta's and Chuffy to get two sets of flanking going on?

I know I have 1 of the potions of Cure Mod.

Pa might have fire resistance, but I doubt it's high enough to cover an average roll of fireball (17-18). Maybe lead with that, then sound burst while we all bum rush him and get our flanks on?

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch 4 Globin Alchemist | HP 23/23 | AC 23 T 19 /FF 17 | Perception +5 | F: +7 R: +9 W: 0 +2 vs posion | CMB 1 CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft. Init. +5 | Bomb 1/7 Current Condition: Mutgen 40 minutes, defoliant polish

So is what I did good or bad? If we burn down the hut will he take falling damage or fire damage in the bubble? Seems weird to give us all this fire stuff and he is fire resistance. If we burn diwn the hut the thing below will come out? Best to clear the area while he is indisposed.

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

He won't take any fire damage while in the bubble. Pretty sure gravity still works the same, so he may take falling damage but assuming he has a charge left on the wand, it'll have no net effect.

I say we burn the house so that he can't stand on it anymore. Rita can drink the fire resistance potion and grab the eggs when the bear-shaped-thing runs out. Meta-wise, I think we all know what type of -bear would be likely to be keeping large eggs... so we should probably prepare for a fight. I just want to make sure the hut is well and truly aflame before we do so - to make sure Pa hasn't got the same high ground to stand on as he did before.

I think the "huge trap-door" in the floor probably leads down to the bear / egg pit.

Chuffy is probably more up for simply burning it all and having some char-broiled eggs at the end of the day. :-)

Once the fire is well and truly underway, we can probably head out of Muchmeat Farm and wait for Pa to try to find us. We're sneakier than he is and that fire resistance of his has to run out eventually (minimum 30 minutes if it's a potion of fire resistance).

Poog is Chief(-to-be) - so screw this voting crap. Let's go with whatever he decides! ;-)

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

I don't think you have done anything bad. Just bad luck that he failed his save and was able to heal himself.

The GM mentioned earlier that there were massive eggs underneath the hut, and a large creature. Poog wants the eggs.

I agree, it would be best to clear out the area while he is tied up, then burn the hut down and hope he takes falling damage, and pounce on him while he is prone. Taking the opportunity to flank if we can would be good, I just worry about how much damage he could do in one swing, so it seems like the more we can do from range the better. It actually kinda sucks that he failed his save... would have been better almost if he just took the damage and didn't get trapped...

I think we can go down and confront the creature underneath the hut, poog can have his eggs (for RP purposes) then we burn down the hut. The only other thing that was mentioned was the pigs under the boat... but we can worry about that after we have dealt with Pa Munchmeat... I think...

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]


I like the idea of stealing the eggs.... can chuffy steal an egg for his chief? then we burn down the hut with the thing inside?

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Grumble, grumble.

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Player Name: Steve Hanis
Character Name: Pooka Bladespinner
PFS #:133958-1
Chronicle #: 8
Starting XP: 7
Starting PP/Fame: 6/13
Starting Gold: 946gp, 6sp, 5cp

Male Halfling Bard/1 was the plan to apply this to Miro, since he is behind everyone else? Or just whoever, at this point, since the Drongos are focusing on Reign of Winter?

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

@Miro: I think the plan was still to apply it to Miro and Finarin, so they can catch up. That way we'll all be level 5. The Drongos are going to have (as far as I can remember) a rotational GM chair, and sub in and out with the Slayers.

This will apply to Methodios once he dings level 2, so please leave as blank as possible!

Player Name: Damien
Character Name: Methodios
PFS #: 135100-5
Chronicle #: <please leave blank>
Starting XP: <please leave blank>
Starting PP/Fame: <please leave blank>
Starting Gold: <please leave blank>

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Thanks for running this one! Always good to be a goblin. I have to say though, the lack of cooperation in the first one definitely hurt us. Having a chief to pander to in this one really helped the appropriately roleplayed (relatively) cooperative goblin aspect out.

I can only imagine what would have happened if wed set the house ablaze and aggro'd everything at the same time!

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Yes, thanks for running it! Glad we survived this one... :)

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch 4 Globin Alchemist | HP 23/23 | AC 23 T 19 /FF 17 | Perception +5 | F: +7 R: +9 W: 0 +2 vs posion | CMB 1 CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft. Init. +5 | Bomb 1/7 Current Condition: Mutgen 40 minutes, defoliant polish

Player Name: Lord Finarin Moonstep (paid the 1 PP, going to use it every time)
Character Name: John S.
PFS #: 75655-1
Chronicle #: 11
Starting XP: 10
Starting PP/Fame: 13/20
Starting Gold: 1196.65

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I was a bit chuffed that Pa seemed to have fire resistance since I am a bit of a one-trick pony with bomb (fire). Also not sure what I did wrong with the bead, should I have thrown it at the owlbear?

Are you going to play WBG3 when it is released so you can run it for us again, pretty please?

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

Player Name: Chris B.
Character Name: Miro Ammars
PFS #: 73432-2
Chronicle #: 12? (Should we leave this blank for now, until after Sky Scions?
Starting XP: 11?
StartingPP/Fame: 21/22?
Starting Gold: ?

Had a great time. Kind of mind-blanked about having the fire arrows and the animal bane arrows, though...duuurrrr.

Grand Lodge

Erasmus Human Medium 7 - PFS# 141231-4: HP 59/59, Init +5, AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16, CMB +8 (+15 vs. trip and disarm), CMD 20, Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7 (+1 vs. charm and compulsion) Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Current Condition:

Thanks for running that GM Silbeg, that was awesome. And we all survived this one! I wasn't sure the goblin squad was going to get through this, but it turned out alright. Thanks again!

Character Name: Augustus Aeyon
Your Name: Chris L.
PFS #: 141231-5
Faction: Grand Lodge
Chronicle for this character: currently has 3 chronicles, this will be #4
Prestige: 4
Fame: 4
Starting gold: 1061 gp

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!
BobJonesPFS_Generic wrote:

Player Name: Lord Finarin Moonstep (paid the 1 PP, going to use it every time)

Character Name: John S.
PFS #: 75655-1
Chronicle #: 11
Starting XP: 10
Starting PP/Fame: 13/20
Starting Gold: 1196.65

I thoroughly enjoyed this. I was a bit chuffed that Pa seemed to have fire resistance since I am a bit of a one-trick pony with bomb (fire). Also not sure what I did wrong with the bead, should I have thrown it at the owlbear?

Are you going to play WBG3 when it is released so you can run it for us again, pretty please?

You did nothing wrong with the bead, at least that I can see. In fact, in my opinion, you did right! (I played Poog for both, so maybe I am biased?).

I am certainly planning on running #3 for you!

Shadow Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

Chronicles are ready for your downloading pleasure.

I'll be shutting this thread down on Monday, most likely.


Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Thanks again!

Silver Crusade

Estra Female N Human Spiritualist 7 HP 52/52 | AC 16 (20) (10 Tch, 16 (20) FF) | CMB +5, CMD 14 | F +8, R +5, W +11 (+13) (+13 (+15) vs illusions) | Init +3 | | Perc +4, SM +14 Speed 30 ft | [ooc]Bonded Manifest 1st 3/5, 2nd 1/4, 3rd 0/2 | [ooc]Active Conditions: Shared Consciousness (+4 vs Mind-Affecting, +2 Will) Bonded Manifestation 7/7, Bonded Senses 7/7[/ooc] | Spells:

It was fun, yet again! :)

Grand Lodge

Erasmus Human Medium 7 - PFS# 141231-4: HP 59/59, Init +5, AC 21, touch 15, flat-footed 16, CMB +8 (+15 vs. trip and disarm), CMD 20, Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +7 (+1 vs. charm and compulsion) Perception +13, Sense Motive +4, Current Condition:

Thanks again, GM Silbeg!

...and hopefully Poog is an OK chief for these goblins... I still think it should have been Reta in all her big-headed glory that was elected chief :)

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Thanks for the game, Jack! A wonderful, rollicking, goblin romp. Fun for the whole family... I was getting an ultra-creepy incestuous feel from Pa and Guffy.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

So, I've added this thread back for another wonderful goblin adventure.

I assume you all can grab your pregens from the site? Cool!

Oh, if everyone doesn't join, then we'll set up for four players, having a Reta take the missing character.

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Fine with me. I won't be doing it for a while, though. Probably, like, tomorrow morning.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

if it is an issue, let me know. No real rush until everyone is on board!

1 person marked this as a favorite.
NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Chuffy is updated. Got screwed again on hitpoints, skill points or sneak attack damage (whichever they didn't include in the pregen). Ah well. If I die by 2 hp, I'm writing to Richard Pett. :-)

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

I'll work on getting poog updated... sometime. Busy evenings this week...

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch 4 Globin Alchemist | HP 23/23 | AC 23 T 19 /FF 17 | Perception +5 | F: +7 R: +9 W: 0 +2 vs posion | CMB 1 CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft. Init. +5 | Bomb 1/7 Current Condition: Mutgen 40 minutes, defoliant polish


Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Second attempt at making this show up in my wayfinder.... the gameplay thread is there, but not the discussion. Probably because it is somehow linked to two different discussion threads...

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

I seem to recall this happening before.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

May have been because I reused the thread... so I have unset it from the previous game.

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Lets see if that works...

2 people marked this as a favorite.
NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.
Chuffy Līckwøund wrote:
Chuffy is updated. Got screwed again on hitpoints, skill points or sneak attack damage (whichever they didn't include in the pregen). Ah well. If I die by 2 hp, I'm writing to Richard Pett. :-)

"Umm... did anyone else notice who marked that post as a favorite?" Chuffy ducks under a table, "Chuffy didn't mean it! Chuffy fine with measly 33 hit points! Eeep!"

Watch out Chuffy, keep groveling. Remember, for your lifetime at least, Richard Pett controls Zarongel!

Grand Lodge

Mogmurch 4 Globin Alchemist | HP 23/23 | AC 23 T 19 /FF 17 | Perception +5 | F: +7 R: +9 W: 0 +2 vs posion | CMB 1 CMD 18 | Speed 30 ft. Init. +5 | Bomb 1/7 Current Condition: Mutgen 40 minutes, defoliant polish

So what tier is the chronicle for this 3-4?

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

This is a 3-5 module (as the characters are 4th level).

Just waiting for a Reta to tap in.

Reta - Female Goblin Fighter/4; HP 38/38; Init+3, AC 21, Touch 14, FF 18, Perception +2 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +2 (+1 vs. fear)

Reta is in. I'll put her stats online tomorrow.

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

"Karma's Pregen Alias?" Chuffy looks on with a sour expression on his face, "Chuffy highly disappointed in lack of commitment shown by fellow chiefs."

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

That's ok, Chuffy. Guess I will have to reward commitment!

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Poog is updated. I downloaded the module so I could copy Squealy Nord's stats, but did my best not to look at anything else.

I need to update the tagline to the proper format, but it at least has the right info for now.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

Steve, there is a really nice Squealy Nord "pregen" on the shared prep site. But, no big deal..

FYI - Squealy is not with you currently... he's out hunting truffles.

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Sorry for my ignorance... what is the shared prep site? I am either a doofus, or I have never heard of that before. High chance of both...

Good to know he isn't there :)

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

GM Shared Prep

Best site EVER for GMs. Run by Pirate Rob.

NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Dude. That rocks. Linking it on the Zedroom.

Also, forgot to say earlier, love the new images for the goblins. Makes you really feel like you've leveled up (especially if you're playing it the way we are).

Awesome stuff.

Shadow Lodge

Male Human (Minnesotan) GM 5 Skittershot!

For this "amusement" go ahead and ham it up. Tell me how you are spurring on your individual goblin dog, prior to taking the check. Have fun with it!

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

FYI - if you'd prefer, I can fast forward this (doing the rolls for you) -- this pseudo-chase is not something that well fits PbP. Maybe, I'll just set up the challenges, and you can all post (in spoilers) your rolls, knowing that if you fail, you'll have to redo checks.

Mud Jumper Leap over the mud pit (DC15 Ride or not make it)

Ridge Racer Climb along a narrow ridge (DC5 Ride or fall)

Gnome Smasher Attack one of four pumpkins dressed up like gnomes, with ridiculously painted eyebrows and strangely colored wigs. You must first guide your goblin dog with your knees (DC5 Ride) and hten attack the squash with a weapon or thrown rock (AC10 - min 1 damage)

Bramble Bounder You must charge down the ridge (Ride DC5) and lea the brambles (Ride DC15)

Go ahead and post what you do on each step! If you fail on 2 & 4, you will need to make a DC15 Ride or take 1d4 damage. Any failed check must be remade.

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Soo.... that worked out well for Poog.... :)

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]
Chuffy Līckwøund wrote:

Chuffy was just about to fire off his fireworks right at Poog when what the fūck happened to my post??!?! the dirty, rotten, cheating priest is declared the winner.

Chuffy grins as he watches the other goblins taking their aim. The pimply rogue lines up a shot at Poog...

[Dice=Pebble vs Poog]1d20+8

"Poogie! Chuffy so sorry! Chuffy really bad shot!"


Direct Quote from my wife:

Steve's wife wrote:

What could possibly be so funny?

Steve => Laughing hysterically as his laughter echos off the walls...

Male Goblin Cleric/4; HP 27/27; Init+6, AC 18, Touch 13, FF 16, Perception +3 (darkvision 60'), Fort +6, Ref +6, Will +8 [Fire Bolt - 6/6] [CLW - 43/43]

Couple things -

Vorka is a cannabilistic goblin from WBG1... This isn't actually Vorka, I don't think, just her voice somehow. We don't have the requisite knowledge checks built into our characters to actually be able to find this information out. Poor scenario design, IMO

Secondly, in reference to the lack of Damage able to be done by Fire sources.

This thing apparently has hardness. Here is the RAW:

Energy Damage wrote:
Energy attacks deal half damage to most objects. Divide the damage by 2 before applying the object's hardness. Some energy types might be particularly effective against certain objects, subject to GM discretion. For example, fire might do full damage against parchment, cloth, and other objects that burn easily. Sonic might do full damage against glass and crystal objects.

- There is latitude for GM discretion - IE fire could do normal damage to paper, etc.

- This also refers to Objects, which brings up another pet peeve of mine - creatures just should NOT $*%*ing have #$&$&#ing hardness. It was intended for objects, not creatures.

- Since the rule specifically says objects, does that mean an object that has become a creature? Ambiguity $*%$%ing sucks, especially when it bones the players.

- I am %*%^&ing pissed now at this scenario. Really? The PCs apparently have ONE method to deal damage to the BBEG. THE BBEG!!!! Not some middle encounter to provide an interesting challenge, but the actual thing that is supposed to be the hardest encounter in the scenario.

I have to halve my fire damage, first, THEN apply hardness? Fire damage being the only thing this character can do effectively?

%&$& this scenario. I don't know why I am so worked up. I am a pretty happy-go-lucky guy. I shouldn't be this upset, its just a game. A game that I love to play. But it bothers me.

It is one thing if I bring Cyrus into a scenario and he is useless in an encounter because I don't have the right gear. My fault, because I built him and made all of his gear and spending choices. I can live with those consequences. But this is a special scenario, for which I am not allowed to change what you give me, because I am forced to use your pre-written character. I feel like they gave me a suitcase full of bowling balls and said "Ok, now we are going to have to swim across this lake! Good Luck!"

Sorry guys. Rant over.

At least the RP is amazing.

EDIT: Discussion post Cyrus'd by Chuffy's Gameplay post.

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NE Male Goblin Rogue 4 | HP: 15/33 | AC: 21 (17 Tch, 15 Fl) | CMB: +1, CMD: 17 | F: +3, R: +9, W: +2 | Init: +9 | Perc: +8, SM: +1 | Speed: 30ft | Active conditions: Basting.

Yeah, I think the confusion is over "is a construct an object too", specifically in the "animated object" context. I don't believe there is anywhere in RAW that says they are... just in the title "animated object". However, magical beasts are not real "beasts" (since their subtype is "magical beast" not "animal") and as such are not subject to the same stuff that animals are (like speak with animals, etc). It's their type that matters, and an animated object's type is construct... and for that, they have construct traits. They are no longer an object in the same way that a robot is no longer an collection of metal objects, it has transcended.

Unless I've missed a written rule somewhere that says they need to be both, that is how I will treat them in the purely hypothetical situation where I may or may not throw one at the players a game that I may or may not be running in the future.

Okay, I promise that will be my last attempt to convince the GM not to kill us.

As for the scenario design... calling for knowledge (arcana) when none of the pregens have one feels like more than just an oversight, it feels... sloppy. This is a Free RPG Day Module, not Bonekeep. It should help promote roleplaying, not teach players how f*cked up and deeply situationally unfair the Pathfinder rules can be at times.

Dark Archive

Human (Minnesotan) Rules Lawyer 4, GM 5!

As I read it, animated objects are still objects (which is why they have hardness, and not DR). On the section about destroying objects, it specifically calls out the animated objects do not have the AC like an unattended object (i.e., they have DEX). The same section does not have anything calling out differences in regards to how hardness works.

I will agree that this is a not so well thought out section of the rules.

In any case, please post the usual stuff
Player Name
Character Name (you are assigning to)
Chronicle #:
Starting XP
Starting PP/Fame
Starting Gold
Did this character play WBG or WBG2?

As this is a pregen module, you get no day jobs.

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