Siege of Serpents (Inactive)

Game Master DrParty06

Table #29

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Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

In the Quadrangle, you find a polite discourse occurring led by a panel of two female elves and a Chelish looking woman you recognize as the tiefling Brie Leroung. They are discussing such diverse topics as proper translation of Ancient Thassilonian runes to the best options for combating natural invisibility, to research into novel ways to combine divine and arcane magic into unique spells, and more.

Contributions to the discussion can be made with a Linguistics or Knowledge check.

Max has a very easy time making the jumps required to make it through the obstacle course, but finds himself unable to slow his momentum to make it through key obstacles where speed is less important, and ends up with a slightly slower time than needed to make it on the leader board.

Gaevus - You could try to scare an animal into following your commands or tell a story with an interpretive dance.

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

"I have been to many parties that were a waste. Once time the host tried to kill me. It was an exccccceeeptionally productive party," Ksarress mentions in passing, good-naturedly tumping off to the lore symposium.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM
Ksarress wrote:
"I have been to many parties that were a waste. Once time the host tried to kill me. It was an exccccceeeptionally productive party," Ksarress mentions in passing, good-naturedly tumping off to the lore symposium.

You can take a look at that last Genta post.

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Bard 10 Init+1 / HP:83 / AC:14/13/12 / Fort+6 Reflex+9 Will+9

Yitza comes up to the storytelling circle just in time to catch the end of Genta's recounting. She launches into the rousing chorus from the song she's been writing about the party's adventures. Each adventure gets a verse, or two, if the rhymes are good or the deeds particularly daring.
"We've been wild Pathfinders for manys a year,
We've spent all our money on spells, buffs, and gear,
But now we're returning with gold and fame galore.
And we will ever stay in the wild Pathfinders' lore.

And it's No, Nay, never -- No, nay never no more
Will they beat the wild Pathfinders -- No never no more"

Perform(sing): 1d20 + 27 ⇒ (3) + 27 = 30

It wasn't her best rendition, but she thinks the audience liked it well enough. After leading the ring in several rounds of the chorus, Yitza gracefully bows out. Now that her vocal chord's are all limbered up, and her ego is flushed from performing, she feels like giving the obstacle course a try. She dances and hums on the side lines until it's her turn. Since she overheard others talking about Gaevus's feats in getting through the obstacle course, Yitza feels inspired to try even harder. She uses all of her fey grace to avoid the obstacles, although she looks slightly comical facing obstacles several times her size.
Acrobatics: 1d20 + 20 ⇒ (9) + 20 = 29

"And a crime scene too? How can I resist! Try all the things!"
Yitza dashes over to the crime scene. In her impatience and enthusiasm, she seems to be channeling Gaevus' mannerisms. When it's finally her turn she squints her overly large eyes and looks very intent. "I spy with my little eye... Aha! I know who dunnit!" She turns to the person running the competition. "You, sir, you committed this ghastly reconstruction. Well done!"
Perception: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (4) + 17 = 21

Spying the party starting to gather at the lore symposium, Yitza dances over. "I know things, sometimes!" She thinks deeply, and then tries for an insightful comment...
Knowledge(planes): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (17) + 11 = 28

Apparently I should have started up Inspire Competence before I tried competing...

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Gaevus, catching people singing a familiar tune with the words, "No never no more," finds himself finishing third breakfast by the storytelling circle. Someone is in the middle of recounting a battle against an adamantine golem with a pet ooze, and the newly reinvigorated Gaevus begins an interpretive dance--first of what the storyteller describes, before starting to add his own silliness, for what pet ooze would not have its own stuffed owlbear?
Perform (dance): 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (16) + 15 = 31
Filled with food, energy, and laughter, he hopefully leaves the crowd sated as well!

GM: How many events are we allowed to try? I could try scaring animals too, though they tend to be bigger, which makes intimidation a bit hard.... If horses rolled their eyes, they would at Gaevus's antics.

@Yitza: I was going to feel grumpy that you outshined me in the obstacle course, but then I did a bit too well on my own performance, so my hairy, shoeless foot is in my mouth. Let's say that your familiar tune inspired me with competence....

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Despite not giving her best performance, Yitza has the crowd singing along to the chorus in no time.
You gain a +2 competence bonus on one Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check attempted during the adventure.

Building off her inspiring song, Yitza finds that being short of stature allows her to come up big during the obstacle course, taking over 3rd place from Gaevus, much to the delight of the crowd.
You gain a +2 competence bonus on one Dexterity-based skill check attempted during the adventure.

At the Lore Symposium, the topic has turned to the Sky Key. The panel discusses what precautions may be necessary to safely study the artifact upon its assembly. You're able to contribute, "Well, why are we saying when it's assembled? My team recovered the last component just last week. Surely Master Zey has completed the assembly by now, and in a room without corners. Wouldn't want to attract any Hounds of Tindalos."
You gain a +2 competence bonus on one Linguistics or Knowledge check attempted during the adventure.

Gaevus arrives to the story telling circle only to find that everyone has begun moving on to other activities.

Each person can try as many contests as they like, but only 2 people can gain the boon for each one. The obstacle course and story telling each have 2 out, weight lifting, lore symposium, and sleuthing 1

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Bard 10 Init+1 / HP:83 / AC:14/13/12 / Fort+6 Reflex+9 Will+9

"Ooo, are there fluffy kitties at the animal taming event?"
Yitza looks overly excited about the possibility of baby animals, and Fuzzydog lets out a short bark of agreement. The pair gambol over towards the gardens. I'm assuming it's where the zoo/menagerie was in the gardens, from when we played the other side of this game...

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Gaevus is happy to have danced regardless, though he is disappointed that people are no longer sharing stories. He looks longingly back at the buffet table, but the bark of a familiar Fuzzydog gets his attention. He sees Yitza's wild hair disappear into the crowd towards the animals.

"Time to put my game face on. Grrr!" Gaevus tries to do his best at making an angry face and makes his way towards the event with the animals as well. What does he see?

If someone else would prefer to do the animal taming event for its boon, please say so! I'm doing this one more for fun. Was there was a Disable Device or Stealth-based event? I'd be willing to try those too for party benefit. In character, Gaevus is pretty much willing to try anything. Like a worshiper of a certain homebrewed CG god, he is not one to turn down a good-natured challenge.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

The trap mastery challenge in the Mausoleum is Disable Device based.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Thanks! It took me forever to find the text on the trap mastery challenge. I was about to say: the scary-looking Ksarress and/or the secretly intimidating Fetch should have the chance to try the animal intimidation/handling task if they want to. Though my Intimidate is better than my Disable Device, it's probably more sensible. And Gaevus is easily distracted....

On the way toward the animal area, Gaevus's ears perk--someone was talking about a dexterity-based trap mastery challenge in the Mausoleum that had stumped a friend. His game face breaking into a grin, he veers off jogging toward the Mausoleum, looking for his next challenge!

Gaevus will try this challenge and then maybe a Stealth challenge if there is one; then I should probably take a break and let others have a chance!

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 10 | HP 34/62 | Init +8 | AC 18, touch 14, flatfooted 15 | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11 (+17 ench.)

"You know, you should read On The Principles of Magical Theory by Stavance. It addresses a problem very much like this. For example, when it comes to certain sorcerers manifesting druidic magic..."

Knowledge (arcana): 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (9) + 22 = 31

Genta's reading stands her in good stead. She's the next best thing to having a library around. Renyrd yawns. He starts sniffing around curiously at all the gathered Pathfinder's magic items while Genta gets engrossed in conversation.

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

Ksarress considers what he might contribute...
Knowledge Religion: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (4) + 15 = 19
...and decides this might be a yet another great time to be quietly stoic.

Grand Lodge

Male Human Cleric 12 Barbarian 1 Init+0// HP:112:112// AC:23/FF:23/T:13/CMD:29/F:+15/R:+7/W:+17

Max goes over to the animal cages and tries his hand there but is a much less-practiced hand than many others. At least he didn't try scaring them into submission like that one...half-orc? So hard to tell under all that armor
Handle Animal: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (10) + 6 = 16

Passing by the ring of scholars he has a few insights to offer into the matter at hand (though not as much as Yitza or Genta)
Knowledge religion: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (19) + 6 = 25

He tries the weightlifting deeds, hoping that hefting kegs has helped him over the years
Strength: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Bard 10 Init+1 / HP:83 / AC:14/13/12 / Fort+6 Reflex+9 Will+9

Yitza feels bold and marches up to the biggest, scaliest, mangiest critter in the circle of cages. Using her sternest voice, she addresses the creature. "You, mister scaly-fang, have been a very bad... thing. And do you know what happens to very bad things that make messes like that?" She points imperiously at the smelly pile of offal in the corner, where several large flies are buzzing lazily. Fuzzydog, even safely behind Yitza, begins cowering in sympathetic fear. Yitza leans forward and whispers menacingly, albeit so quietly that none but Mr. Scaly-fang can hear her.
Intimidate: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (8) + 18 = 26

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

In the meantime, Gaevus makes it to the Mausoleum to try the trap mastery challenge. Rubbing his be-crumbed hands together, he says, "What do I have to do? Is this the fun, trap-dodging sorta event, with the pfwt pfwt," as Gaevus imitates dodging arrows, "and the crash pow crash," as Gaevus does a ridiculous roll to dodge falling boulders. "Or is this the more boring kinda fix-it break-it unlock-it sorta puzzle mastery challenge?" he asks, with a still-eager wiggle of his little fingers.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Gaevus finds a room of the Masoleum that has been filled with tables of boxes, puzzles, chests and other sorts of places where traps are normally found. The objective is to disable as many of them as you can without getting your fingers trapped or stuck. Roll a Disable Device check.

Lore Symposium:
The panel is impressed with Genta's contributions on magical synergy.
She gains a +2 competence bonus on one Linguistics or Knowledge check attempted during the adventure.

The discussion on the panel turns to local politics, one of the elves posits, "Lord Omrys of House Ahnkamen has raised objections about the proceedings here with the Grand Council of Absalom. He fears we are a "weirdness magnet" and has asked the district guard to keep a close watch. What are the opinions of the assembly on this matter?" Brie pipes in,"Thiss man doess not know thee meaning-g of weirdnesss. He ssshould sspend ssome time in Cheliax." This draws light chuckles from a few in the crowd. Ksarress attempts to follow this up with a comment on the rightful place of the Hellknights and their ideals in governance, but doesn't find much support.

Max able to move twice as fast as everyone else tries his hands at several contests, but finds that while his encouragement of more celebration in government is popular; it is not thought of as very practical.

Yitza gets a little bit of pity from the contest organizer due to her size and is given a slightly less menacing creature to face off against than the feathered angelic looking man who went before her. A wooly rhinoceros is led out and Yitza convinces it that it's best for it to sit down, then walk back into its pen which it does.

She notices along with the others that the menagerie has been significantly expanded for the Grand Convocation than it normally is.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

With his tongue sticking out, Gaevus readies himself to start disabling some of the boxes.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (7) + 8 = 15
He does pretty well on some of the early boxes, but as he grapples with one of the tougher ones, his eyes widen. He grins shiftily and seems to wriggle a little bit, before flexibly raising his foot to near-head height and waving it to get the event coordinator's attention. "Umm, miss? I think I need some help over here. D'you have any butter? I think I've gotten some of my fingers stuck in here. I'd raise a hand, but...." Gaevus grins sheepishly.

As the coordinator comes around, she sees that Gaevus has managed to get all ten of his nimble finger stuck in various different parts of the puzzle box. That, at least, seems to be commendable! I assume that a 15 is insufficient to complete this challenge.

Gaevus decides to head back to where the animals are, keeping his ears open for any more news about any Jam-related countries. If he doesn't hear any interesting news, he'll make his way to the cages, where, if you're allowed to choose your animal, he will choose a small riding dog to order around. They haven't spoken of this in ages, but he and Fuzzydog have a score to settle, and this is the perfect time to practice.... If he's told to try to intimidate a larger animal, he will take on the challenge gladly, even with the -4 penalty!

Time's running out too, is it not? Isn't there some speech or something that's supposed to be happening soon?

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

15 is insufficient. The speech should be happening on Tuesday.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Cool! Can Gaevus go and challenge a different Fuzzydog?

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Sure, give it a roll.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Gaevus takes a breath, facing an ancient archenemy: a him-sized Fuzzydog! Giving it his best squint and growl, he dances about intimidatingly, before pulling his scimitar out with a surprising shing!
Intimidate: 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (19) + 14 = 33
Thankfully, this time he does not drop his sword, and he hopefully drives the canine to return to its cage!

Next up: Yitza's Fuzzydog, with whom Gaevus commonly fights for scraps when no one is looking....

Was Yitza's roll insufficient?

Grand Lodge

Male Human Cleric 12 Barbarian 1 Init+0// HP:112:112// AC:23/FF:23/T:13/CMD:29/F:+15/R:+7/W:+17

Max cheers Gaevus on and lifts a tankard in his honor

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Yitza and Gaevus both succeed at taming animals and gain a +2 competence bonus on one Handle Animal, Intimidate, or wild empathy check attempted during the adventure, or a +2 bonus on one attack roll against an animal or magical beast.

Gaevus overhears some of the handlers talking, "Has anybody seen Calisro? Wasn't she supposed to be helping run this competition? "

"She probably got lost out in Arliss Hall; it's been changing a lot recently. It took them almost an hour to get Balentiir out of there yesterday, and he's a lot smarter than she is."

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

tssssk. Poor organization. Leads to problems alwayssss.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 10 | HP 34/62 | Init +8 | AC 18, touch 14, flatfooted 15 | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11 (+17 ench.)

Bored to tears of listening to Genta and the other humanoids talk, Renyrd sneaks back to the exciting looking crime scene challenge. The silver fox peers around interestedly at all the people. A human Pathfinder exits, frowning and shaking his head. The crowd awwws sympathetically, and the man walks off to find another challenge more befitting his skill.

Renyrd nudges the ankle of the human who seems to be in charge. "Are there any other take- huh?" he asks, looking down to see the silver fox looking back up at him. The Pathfinder is completely nonplussed. "Someone lose a, uh, fox?" the man calls. Renyrd stares at the entrance to the challenge, then looks up at the man and winks. "You're... you're kidding me, right? Well, I guess there's no rule that says a fox can't be a detective... ah, go ahead." Swishing his soft tail, Renyrd closes his eyes and trots over to the the crime scene. Once there, he starts sniffing around interestedly.

Perception for Renyrd: 10 (Genta's ranks) + 1 (Wisdom) + 6 (Skill Focus) + 3 (class skill) + 10 (taking 10) = 30

Two minutes later, Renyrd trots out, carefully holding a small tuft of suspicious red hair in his teeth. He looks up at the organizer, who is drinking some ale and talking with a friend, not paying attention. So the fox leaps into the air and pounces on his foot. "Ow! What..!? Oh. You again. Find anything, little guy?" Renyrd drops the hairs into his hand. "Wow. I didn't really think you, uh... I mean... well done!" Renyrd yips and jumps around happily to laughter and applause from the crowd, then struts back towards Genta and the lore circle.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Hearing that there is to be a keynote speech with refreshments, Gaevus leaves behind his canine rival. "Refreshments!" he yelps happily, as he heads to the north lawn, where other Pathfinders are starting to gather.

If he runs into any other party members, he will tell you about Jam-land-ray and all the other silly gossip he's heard, hoping that someone else will recognize what might be useful.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

The judge is a bit surprised by the fox investigating the crime scene successfully. Eventually he decides it must have been a kitsune or druid playing a trick on him.

Renyrd gets a +2 competence bonus on one Heal, Perception, or Survival check attempted during the adventure.

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

Kssarress lumbers over to the obstacle course, as one of the last if not the last contestants. Circling it warily. Like it might bite him. Undoubtedly many of the spectators are dubious. Good-natured jabs and the like are met with a smirk or a wave. Outright mockery results in him staring at them until they decide they left an important experiment running in their friend's alchemy lab.

He has a brief discussion with a rules arbiter - about whether he must complete the contest visibly or not (and whether the arbiter can see invisible creatures) - happy to give his word that he will follow the rules to the letter regardless. If allowed either because the arbiter can see invisibility or takes his word, he does the course invisibly, so as to reveal fewer of his abilities.

When the crowd is nearly silent, Kssarress....moves

Acrobatics: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (16) + 22 = 38

Crunching into the dirt on the far side of the course, Kssarress gives a nod to the arbiter before strolling off to the North Lawn. Slowly.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Ksarress performs very well at the obstacle course, perhaps too well. While one of the judges is willing to take his word that he actually completed the obstacles, another claims that he simply teleported from the beginning of the course to the end of the course then waited to reappear. The dispute prevents him from gaining any benefit from the competition.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Our table has been provided an aid token to begin the next part of the scenario, which will start this afternoon. It's in the best interest of all tables if we use it within the first encounter and pass it on. When act 2 starts is also when pacing will start to matter, as each encounter completed contributes to the overall success of whether or not all tables will/won't get the secondary prestige point.

Aid Token Uses:
Aid Another: A Pathfinder agent helps the PCs solve a puzzle, disable a trap, or accomplish some other task as if performing the aid another action for a PC. In Subtier 10–11, the bonus increases by 2 (total +4).

Allied Offensive: A Pathfinder agent strikes a creature at the same time as the PC, increasing the damage dealt by one attack by 1d8 points. In addition, after the attack, the target is considered to be flanked until the beginning of the attacker’s next turn. In Subtier 10–11, this amount increases to 3d8 points.

Burst of Healing: A Pathfinder agent heals all of the PCs of 1d6 points of damage. In In Subtier 10–11, the amount healed increases to 5d6 points. Alternatively, in any subtier the agent can instead cast neutralize poison, remove curse, or remove disease with a caster level equal to the table’s APL (minimum 5).

Spellcasting Synergy: A Pathfinder agent casts a spell at the same time, increasing the save DC and caster level of a PC’s spell by 1. In Subtier 10–11, the PC’s caster level instead increases by 2.

Timely Inspiration: A Pathfinder agent provides the effects of a bard’s inspire courage bardic performance for 3 rounds. Subtier 10–11, the competence bonus is +3.

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 10 | HP 34/62 | Init +8 | AC 18, touch 14, flatfooted 15 | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11 (+17 ench.)

Genta, having collected her familiar, joins the others on the north lawn. "How'd you do?" she asks her friends.

When all of her adventuring friends have found each other prior to the speech, Genta casts message on them all - the better to share comments and flippant remarks about the address without disturbing the other listeners.

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

I did sso well at the obstacle coursse I was accusssed of cheating, but I have elected not to sssspoil the festivitiesss contesstting such a trivial matter.

The Exchange

Female Kitsune Bard14 HP 101/101 AC:30/TC:16/FF:26 Perc +7 F +10 R +17 W +15 CMD 28 Init +8 BP Rounds 25/36

Across the grounds, a stridently raised voice can be heard. A finely dressed woman with blonde hair seems to be arguing with the arbiter of the obstacle challenge. The insults slung at the poor judge for not being able to employ such simple measures as a see invisible spell harken observers to comparisons with the Master of Spells. With a flourishing snarl as her form shifts to a golden furred kitsune, the argument ends.

In Sylvan:
"Clearly they have no appreciation for civilized arts!" can be heard as she storms off.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

"Huh. What was that all about?" Gaevus suddenly appears next to Genta, while he eyes the obstacle course. He carries a small plate with what seems like a miniature mountain of food--surely it must be more than half of the weak halfling's light load, and it must require an Acrobatics check to keep the heap on the platter. Clearly, it is time for first lunch!

Gaevus will report all the facts that he has heard to Genta and any of the rest of the party around, though perhaps less coherently than desired. The quiet sound of chewing over the message spell does little to help the team in deciphering that Jam-land-ray is not a figment of Gaevus's wild food-driven imagination, but is in fact Jalmeray.

Aid Tokens:
Are the aid tokens available to all of the party members, or is it some object that one PC must hold and use?

I'm all for spreading tokens, so maybe we should decide how we might want to use our token in advance? Burst of Healing seems nice and convenient, but we do have a Cleric, and Allied Offensive might help with Ksarress's sneak attacks if the enemy is flanked?

Is this adventure fully cooperative, or is it partially competitive like Race for the Runecarved Key?

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Bard 10 Init+1 / HP:83 / AC:14/13/12 / Fort+6 Reflex+9 Will+9

"Wait, Gaevus got his fingers stuck where? I've got to try this..." Yitza dashes over to the trap area and irreverently begins sticking her fingers anywhere they will fit. Her fey luck holds for the first few traps, which she accidentally disables, before she finally gets sets off a trap. Despite (or perhaps because of) being covered in a layer of glitter from the explosion of the trap, Yitza is rather pleased with herself, even if she didn't complete the task.
Disable Device: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23
If it's allowed, she would have hummed a happy little tune as she ran over, inspiring competence, and adding a +3 to her skill check, putting her at a 26.

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Yitza hums a tune to herself while she works at disabling the traps and finds that even though she has somehow ended up covered in glitter, she is able to disable them all with the help of her working tune. You gain a +2 competence bonus on one Disable Device check or Reflex saving throw attempted during the adventure.

It somehow seems appropriate that the bard gets all the skill bonuses.

Liberty's Edge

Regional Venture Coordinator - Online

Overseer Announcement

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Gaevus's jaw drops, and a piece of cheese rolls out. He gingerly places his mostly-finished plate of food on the ground, before quickly drawing his scimitar. "What're those?" he asks.

Are what we see in the announcement what we see flying above?

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Please read the overseer announcement.

You notice Elfira in the crowd turning into air and flying at top speed towards the windows of Skyreach raining fire from the sky onto the invaders. Foes stream forward in all directions as a select few venture-captains flow to Skyreach.

Sir Laribold Croome, an immaculately dressed Taldan nobleman scrambles for cover behind a table, which his halfling manservant helpfully flips onto its side. Catching his breath, the Taldan fumbles for his monocle before addressing the nearby Pathfinders. “Monsters and villains are attacking all over the grounds,” he states with perfect articulation, punctuated by a crossbow bolt that embeds itself in his makeshift barricade. “Spread out, patrol the grounds, and snuff out trouble as you find it. If you should discover any clues about what the devil is going on, report back here at the base of Skyreach.” He pulls his sword cane free from its sheath and raises it overhead. “Look alive, and show initiative,” he shouts before performing an elaborate dueling salute in the direction of an elephant and setting off after it.

You can move to one of three areas as seen in the overseer map and on the Roll20 map: south campus, northeast campus, or northwest campus. Decide quickly as the foes are gaining ground.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

Are there notable differences between the three areas, or are we expected just to choose one sort of arbitrarily?

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Early choice is arbitrary, but the goal is to get all areas of he Grand Lodge from Red to Green based on encounters in each area. Aid Tokens are a table thing, you can choose to use it at any time, once you do, I'll pass it off to another table in character.

Dark Archive

Naga-jin Hellknight Oracle/Ninja Init+0// HP:68/98// AC:31/FF:23/T:15//F:+12/R:14/W:14

Ksarress draws his sword and reveals his armor, shouting in a booming voice

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 10 | HP 34/62 | Init +8 | AC 18, touch 14, flatfooted 15 | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11 (+17 ench.)

"Let's go northwest a bit and secure this area,", suggests Genta. "That's closest. Which means less walking," she adds, eyeing Ksarress.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

"I'd suggest taking care of one of the larger areas, or where fewer Pathfinders are heading--after all, aren't we among some of the more powerful ones here?" Gaevus eyes his food, as if trying to justify his powerful appetite. "Still, if we can clear one area for some of the recruits to find safety, that'd be wise too, so if you think the northwest campus is good, I'll follow!"

Grand Lodge

Male Human Cleric 12 Barbarian 1 Init+0// HP:112:112// AC:23/FF:23/T:13/CMD:29/F:+15/R:+7/W:+17

Max finishes his ale, eyes sparkling, and hefts Blackout (the lucerne hammer) "Genta, Yitza, any idea what our party crashers are?"

Sovereign Court

Female Half-Elf Witch 10 | HP 34/62 | Init +8 | AC 18, touch 14, flatfooted 15 | CMD 16 | Fort +7, Ref +11, Will +11 (+17 ench.)

Genta looks at the creature and tries to match up its description to something from one of her books. Knowledge arcana, nature, or planes as appropriate: 1d20 + 22 ⇒ (2) + 22 = 24

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

Genta identifies it as a wyvaran, typically LN, half-kobold/half-wyvern. They have the dragon sub-type granting them dragon immunities to paralysis and sleep and have wings that allow them to fly albeit poorly.

Liberty's Edge

Male Halfling Swashbuckler 5 / Lore Warden 3 / Exemplar 2 | Max HP 79 | Init +14 | AC 29, Touch 21, FF 21 | CMD 28+ | Fort +13, Ref +20, Will +7

"Are they normally from around here, Genta? Why'd they be attacking us?

Liberty's Edge

Female Gnome Bard 10 Init+1 / HP:83 / AC:14/13/12 / Fort+6 Reflex+9 Will+9

"Eep, that doesn't look normal to me! This really can't be good..." She hums quietly as she goes over ballads in her memory, trying to see if she knows any more about this.
Knowledge: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (1) + 9 = 10

Dark Archive

Male Mostly Human GM

The invading forces seem to have broken their way into Starhall. The outside of this large keep was designed with Azlanti architecture in mind. Two wings extend from the center structure, with a domed tower at the end of the east wing a smaller patinated bronze dome over the center hall. Starhall serves as an observatory, library, and museum for otherworldly and extraplanar objects and lore. Inside the main entrance is a library with several display cases of objects recovered from Numeria, as well as a curator’s desk and a staircase to the eastern tower.

As you enter the library, you notice 4 owl-like humanoids rapidly searching through the manuscripts. Upon your arrival, they look up from their work and assume defensive stances.

DC 15 Knowledge(Local):
These are syrinx, typically evil humanoids that can speak with birds.

DC 10 Knowledge(Religion):
These creatures appear to be wearing holy symbols of Gozreh the god of nature.

Roll20 updated.

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