Shamlyn's Rise of the Runelords (Inactive)

Game Master Shamlyn

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As you enter the town of Sandpoint you notice the mirror on the wall around the gate and the sign hanging above it See yourself as we see you.

As you pass beneath the walls a short women dressed in a green and blue dress quickly wanders over brushing her long brown hair from her eyes, she barely takes a moment to see if she recognises you before bursting into conversation “Welcome to Sandpoint. I’m Mayor Deverin and this...” she swings her arms wide “is the Swallowtail festival.”

The air is crisp with the first day of autumn as the cacophony of singing and laughter hit you, the square before the church is filled with merchants selling goods, townsfolk revelling in the free food, ale and wine. One stand offers Peppercorn Venison while another spoons, Lobster Chowder into a bowl, yet clearly the main attraction is the curry spiced salmon served by beautiful woman, long black hair braided with brightly coloured string, lightly tanned skin perfectly complimenting her sapphire eyes.

As you wander you somehow end up in a quieter part of the square, there you notice three other people standing with you...

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Davorik relished the opportunity to visit his family in the countryside. It was always nice to take a leave from the town militia and have a small vacation back home. Although he wanted to stay, he knew he had to get back in time to help out with the Swallowtail Festival. It was to be the biggest event ever at Sandpoint as far as he could remember.

Hurrying along the way, Davorik enters in the early morning. Slowing his pace he walks along keeping his eyes open both taking in the sights and making sure everything is as it should be. He hears the mayor greeting people in their arrival and figures this would be the best place as well to see who is coming in to celebrate.

Seeing three people congregate looking at the festivities, Davorik walks up and takes a quick look at them and their gear. How's it going? Everything alright for you folks?

Those looking at him would notice a decently sized lad with a shield strapped to his arm. His sword is hanging at his side at ease. He tries to be polite to those that say hi, but is too naturally gruff and brusque to have most stop and talk for long.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly is underfoot for a lot of people here - the halfling has to dodge elbows and anything carried at waist height in her efforts to get into the crowd.

In a situation like this, though, the small oracle doesn't mind at all - people are in good spirits and their excitement and happiness is infectious. There's nothing a girl like Gilly doesn't like more than a big ol' party.

She stops to say hello to the Mayor. Mayor Deverin may or may not remember the little halfling, but Gilly has been around Sandpoint before, and if nothing else, she's a sociable creature.

"Hello ma'am!" She pipes up at the official, "I'm glad I got back in time for the party. It looks great!" She otherwise lets the woman greet folk though, not taking too much of her time.

Gilly finally finds herself a way out of the worst of the elbows, near the others that have congregated to look over the festivities. She grins, "Lucky!" Is what she has to say about her choice of days to come back to Sandpoint. But then, halflings ARE lucky, aren't they?

As Mungo walked in through Sandpoint's gates, his eye is caught by the mirror. He takes a look at himself, noting his appearance. He's got quite a bit of road dust on him, and his long curly hair is more than a bit wild. He licks his palm and wets down an unruly black lock, splashing his face with a bit of water to remove the worst of the dust. He checks his weapons, making sure the crossbow and flail are securely attached, and that his armor is at least presentable. Nodding with contentment, he walks into the festival square.

He tips his leather cap to the Mayor as she introduces herself. "Good to meet ya, Mayor. Nice little town ya got here!" He continue on, his halfling instincts drawing him towards the food stands. The scent of roasting meat draws him to the stall with the peppercorn venison first, but he doesn't stop there - by the time he's left the food stalls, he's got a plate of food from all three, as well as two flagons of ale. He quickly finds a rather clear spot to sit and enjoy his first real food since he'd left Magnimar, plopping down near three other folk. "Nht bhd!", the halfling says through a mouthful of curried salmon. "Ths s hmhzng! OO shld- gulp - you should try some!"

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

The sight of the food created a rumbling in Davorik's stomach. When the little Halfling offered some it was too much to resist. Reaching out, Davorik plucks a tempting morsel of the salmon and pops it in his mouth. Umm, that is good. I will have to get some more. Thanks for the taste. Little did Davorik realize that his morsel and taste almost cleared out the halflings plate of the salmon. Name's Davorik by the way. I see your well traveled by the looks of yah.

"Yessir! All the way from Magnimar, I am!" The halfling glances down at the now empty plate of salmon, wondering why he was still hungry if he'd already eaten it all. He shrugs and moves on to the chowder. "The name's Mungo Bumbleroot, monster hunter extraordinaire!"

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Monster hunter are you? Coming to look for he Sandpoint devil by yourself I see. Well if you find it, good luck to you. Hope it doesn't carry you off and we never see you again. Then again, never heard of amply one actually meeting it to tell the tale so you could be the first. Me, I think I'll just stay here and enjoy the festival and the food. See, I'm with the town militia so I don't want folks sturring up trouble. As long as your monster hunting is outside the town's limits you can enjoy yourself. At this point Davorik feels like he spoke too much already. Doesn't want to sound like he is bragging at all about being with the town an all but wants to make sure there is no trouble brewing either.

Turning to the other little one by them, Who are you and what brings you here? You look familiar but all you little folk look alike to me.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly laughs at the antics with the salmon. She pulls a face at Davorik for the 'little folk' comment, but doesn't seem to take it to heart, "Oh, I'm a friend of Ameiko's," She waves a hand at the lady with the curried salmon, "I've been here before, in and out. Desna calls me to wander a lot." She nods. "Sandpoint's 'bout as close to a home as I got though."

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

[b]Wel,l welcome home and glad to have you back in time for the festival. Just don't be causing any mischief and we will all get along then. Hey if your such good friends with Ms Ameiko, why don't you come with me and see if you can get a large plate of that salmon for me. [b]

Davorik makes to help the Halfling lass up and carry her over to the food line. Surely she would appreciate the help avoiding the elbow and trays everyone is carrying.

Just trying to set the stage for a man who tries but always manages to do the wrong thing when it comes to interacting with people.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

"Ack! Phblt!" Gilly does flail a bit at being picked up, but not to get away so much as just surprise. She doesn't, after all, weigh too much, and she settles down a bit with a helpless giggle as she figures out what he's doing. Oh well, go with the flow. Its that kind of day.

Davorik and Gilly enter the queue to a series of light hearted giggling, after a few minutes of waiting you eventually reach the food counter where Ameiko smiles broadly "Gilly so nice to see you again!!! I hoped you would come to town. Here take this!!!" She piles a plate with spiced salmon and hands it to Gilly, "Come by the Rusty Dragon later and I will have a room sorted if you plan to stay? I see you met another of the local law keepers." She quickly turns to Gilly's companion and hands him a large plate piled with food "Davorik if I remember right, a man in your profession needs all the food he can get." She flashes a smile and winks.

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Davorik accepts the plate with a quick nod of his head. Thanks, its true that I do eat a lot and even more so when the food is good and free. Althoug if it wasn't so good I wouldnt have to wait in line to get it.

Davorik picks up Gilly again this time bumping her with his shield as he tries not to spill his plate of food. Realizing his error, he switches hadns and holds his food in his shield hand and Gilly in his free open hand. Oops, sorry about that little one. What was that she said, your name is Gilly?

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly just nods at Ameiko - she'll visit in a less human-full situation later. As it is, she just resigns herself to being carted around with another little helpless laugh. "Yes, I'll come by after the party of course."

And then she is scooped up again, trying not to flail and make the situation worse somehow. "Yes, I'm Gilly..."

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

I thought that's what I heard her say. Also that you have been around here before. What brings you back or is it just for the festival. I grew up just outside of town so have lived here my entire life. Where have you been to and is it as exciting as around here or ore impressive?

Davorik continues to ramble on barely giving Gilly a chance to answer many of his questions. It is only when he gets back to the table that he stops pestering her with inquiries. Setting her down beside him Davorik turns quickly to Mungo, Thanks for the salmon. Here you go you can have a piece of mine.

Davorik reaches and places a good sized piece of fish on his plate right on top of the venison. Again, he tries to be kind but something is always off.

In between mouthfuls of food he glances at the silent man standing close by. Hey mister, you alright? Need anything? If it is salmon, Gilly here can get a plateful. She knows who to talk to and how to get things done quick I tell you.

Kaedric, you there buddy?

"Hmm?", Mungo replies absent-mindedly as the tall warrior hands him some salmon on a cedar plank. "Oh, thanks!" He takes a bite, and his eyes widen in surprise. "Gods, that's good! Just barely scented by the wood, and the spices!"

Despite his love of the salmon, Mungo chows down on all of the food provided. "So, are either of you from Sandpoint? This is my first time here..."

It had been a long journey, the paladin's lone voyage leaving him much to his thoughts. He thought of Esther, of home, of Sandpoint: eventually though he thought of nothing. Sometimes he would just stop in the middle of the road and try to remember where he was going. But it didn't matter either way. He was already here.

The party was as subtle as thunder, the city booming as Kaedric approached. He looks over his shoulder and towards the city gates intently. Kaedric bids a final farewell to his ghosts and walks on. He nearly clips a passing elf who grunts at him indignantly. The aroma catches up to him and lures him to the food line. It was strange standing there quietly, scuttling a few inches every other moment.

He finally reaches the salmon stand, glancing at the halfling riding on Davorik's arm. Smiling, he mumbles, "Ah kids.." before stacking his plate. Seeing how no one seemed to mind, Kaedric tastes his pickings along the way.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly doesn't answer too many of Davorik's questions, since he seems too interested in asking the to wait for answers. She just grins. "The world's a big place," The oracle finally replies sagely, "And I can't claim to have seen most of or even a lot of it. But its very interesting."

She does seem somewhat relieved to have been set down finally, though, still smiling, "Yes, I've been around before. Ameiko's a friend of mine ... but I listen to Desna's call."

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Born and raised just outside the town a bit Mungo. I heard you've been to Magnimar, huh. What's the bing city really like. I heard that you can walk for days and never find your way out of the same rare of town. That the walls are40 ft high around it protecting it from all manner of ferocious creatures. The woman there are so beautiful that if you look at one in the face you'll either drop dead, be turned to stone, or fall helplessly in love and be enslaved for the rest of your life? Is that really true?

Davorik turns back and forth between the two of them still asking too many questions.

And what call is that Gilly? I mean I know I am meant to be here to protect my friends and family so I train everyday. What is it your called to do?

Bumping the man nearby Kaedric, Davorik leans over and whispers, Hey did you hear this, he's been to Magnimar and she has been called by Desna herself. I wonder what it would be like to talk and hear from a god. That ever happen to you buddy?

"Magnimar's alright," the halfling replied disinterestedly. "I mean, the monuments are impressive, and the Irespan's a wonder, but you sort of get used to it after awhile. But really, this part of Varisia's much more interesting! I mean, you're a local, Davorik. Ever have 'Devilish' encounter?" As the halfling speaks, he gets more animated, gesturing with his soup spoon.

Kaedric is about to seat himself when Davorik engages with him. He glances at him, mouth open and speechless. When the eccentric man finishes, he just smiles softly and says, "You could say that." He drinks his mead in the event Davorik wanted to bombard the paladin's ears with his own questions. It wasn't surprising the little people had gathered around him given his...interesting demeanor.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly laughs, "Desna's call is to travel, silly!" The oracle figures that everyone knows this!

"Well no wonder Desna has chosen you. Exquisite is an understatement" A tall, ruggedly handsome human is leaning against the wall staring intensely at Gilly, his eyes are a washed out blue, almost grey colour. He flashes a smile revealing perfectly straight and perfectly white teeth, before brushing the creases from his blazer and bright blue waistcoat. He steps forward swinging his thick and shiny brown hair from his eyes and holds out a manicured hand to Gilly "Aldern Foxglove, fellow... traveler at your service." He stares a little longer before shaking himself and addressing the rest of the group "Well maybe not traveler but I could certainly make the trip from Magnimar for such a fine... event. Especially since that business with the 'Chopper' is over." He flashes another smile, "Anyway sorry to interrupt I was just wondering if you happened to have seen my dog? Finest creature to have walked these streets."

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly appears mildly surprised to be approached by the human, but she smiles and laughs anyway, "I'm Gilly," She offers her little hand to shake, "I haven't seen a dog, but then," She glances around her feet, "...there's a lot going on today."

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Davorik sees the man come and introduce himself to the Halfling traveler. Not helping but to overhear the man, Davorik answers after Gilly. Yes what does your dog look like. Te are multiple dogs all over town and with the festival here there are more than normal. Once I am done eating here, I will have to make a round of the area making sure everything is ok. I will keep my eyes open if I see a stray I will try to catch it and bring it to you. Where can I find you should I find such a dog?

Turning to the quiet man beside him, Say what exactly? That you talk to gods and they talk back to you. Or that she talks to gods and they talk to her? Or that he has been to Magnimar? I said all of that already, so it must be the first. Wow, two of you talk to gods. Who would have thought it?

Suddenly he looks at Mungo, Hey do you talk to gods as well? If so that would be all of you. No wonder you are here for the festival. No I haven't seen any devils or angels or gods.. Sigh, Perhaps some day I will be lucky enough, but then again I don't know if I want that to happen here as it would mean trouble for Sandpoint.

Blinks as Davorik does his social gymnastics. He leaves the scatterbrain be as he jumps to the halfling, addressing the somewhat creepy but suave Aldern Foxglove, "The Chopper eh? I don't suppose I have to venture a guess as to how he...or she earned the title. But since you seem to know the local talk, perhaps you could indulge a weary traveler about what Sandpoint sits upon, specifically the dungeons." Kaedric had heard of such 'dungeons' from one of the chief paladins in Absalom, and it was precisely why he was here.

Diplomacy (if necessary): 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23

Mungo looks quizzically to Davorik. "'Course I talk to gods. Every night, right before bed. It's when gods start talking back that you need to worry."

"Sorry, Mister Foxglove, but I ain't seen your dog around. What's he look like? Is he one of them yippy lapdogs that always shake like they've seen a ghost? Or is it one of them proper dogs, big and muscular?"

Aldern smiles as Gilly talks "Yes I guess no one would notice anything on a day like this." He keeps his eyes on Gilly as he replies to Davorik and Mungo "He's a big dog. Proper as you say, light brown fur perfectly groomed. Bright eyes, you would know if you'd seen him."

He diverts his gaze from Gilly as Kaedric questions him "I don't know much about the lower regions of Sandpoint, you would be better off questioning the Sheriff about these matters...or perhaps some more of the unsavoury sort if you take my meaning." He looks thoughtful for a second "Or you might want to talk with Brodert Quink. Crazy in my opinion but he seems to think he knows about what was here before Sandpoint."

"Well, I'll keep an eye out for your dog, Mister Foxglove. What's his name?" The halfling notes the names that the well-dressed man tosses out, nodding as he learns their particulars.

"Rojer. He is more than a pet. He is the only true companion I have ever known." He smiles "I don't know what I would do if I lost him."

Suddenly a sharp retort, like the crack of distant thunder, slices through the excited crowd as the sun’s setting rays paint the western sky. A stray dog that has crawled under a nearby wagon to sleep starts awake, and the buzz of two dozen conversations quickly hushes as all heads turn toward the central podium, where a beaming Father Zantus has taken the stage. He clears his throat, takes a breath to speak, and suddenly a woman’s scream slices through the air. A few moments later, another scream rises, then another. Beyond them, a sudden surge of strange new voices rises—high-pitched, tittering shrieks that sound not quite human. The crowd seemingly as one turns to stare at the roof of a nearby house where two Goblin's stand, the body of a brown haired dog held above them. A shrieking laughter escapes their lips as they launch the dog into an already fleeing crowd.

Aldern's face simultaneously turns red with fury and white with shock as he whispers his dogs name "Rojer." He draws a dagger and charges quickly into the fleeing crowd. As he disappears you can hear screams coming from the direction of the podium.

We aren't in initiative yet so don't worry about that :)

Without any warning or forethought, the paladin is already on his feet and outright bolting for the malevolent beasts. He uses his powers to sense the evil in men's hearts despite how obviously evil the little creatures were. Drawing forth the falchion that rests upon his back, his eyes glow bright white, the mark of his aasimar heritage. He cries, "Foul creatures! You shall have no quarter and no mercy by my blade! Sooner you should have fallen upon your spears than invoke my wrath! Now DIE!"

Intimidate: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

Initiative: 1d20 ⇒ 5

(I'm not going to actually "charge" until I'm in range to cut one. Don't want to be taking -2 AC for no reason!)

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly startles at the loud thunder-noise, hopping onto her feet on her bench with a confused squawk.

Kaedric is already off and running, but the Oracle is a little slower to respond; it takes her a moment to see the goblins.

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Davorik was enjoying the festival. The food was wonderful and the company better than he could have anticipated. Most people usually were bothered by his questions but these people seemed more accepting than others. Perhaps it was their wide travels that taught them how to interact with people. Davorik was glad to meet them and have the chance to talk to them. He knew that he was sheltered from the wide world around him and that he asked a lot of questions. It was who he was and he always was curious about things.

Unfortunately his talk was cut short by the loud crack splitting the evening air. It was the signal for everyone to listen to Father Zantus as the stage apparently. Oh well at least it was something important that disrupted his talking and nothing more sinister. Or so Davorik thought. The harsh high pitched squeals that followed told him that something else was wrong. Spotting the goblins on the house, Davorik drops his plate of food and runs over to the goblins drawing his scimitar. He had to get to the goblins and protect the town before anyone got hurt.

Mungo was quaffing some of the ale when the thundercrack struck, causing him to cough and sputter as the beer tried to head down his windpipe. As he's turning his attention to the stage, but his head snaps around when he hears a familiar cackling. His eyes widen in surprise, then narrow in rage as he sees the squat green-skinned creatures atop the building.

"Goblins," he spat, reaching for his crossbow. "Damned goblins."


Initiative: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (18) + 2 = 20

Round 0:Goblins are distracted and haven't spotted you. Each of you gets to act in this surprise round in any order.

Group A:
Gilly, Mungo, Davorik

Group B:

Group C:

As each of you prepares yourself for battle you manage to quickly glance around the soon to be battlefield. From the north east Father Zantus is crawling across the podium attempting to escape the two Goblins cruelly taunting him, laughing as a thrown stone strikes his face. To the north west one of the two Goblins that launched the attack has jumped from the building, a body lying motionless beside him, the one on the roof has a crude bow drawn. Behind you there is a clash of steel as the Sheriff attacks his nearest foe.

Kaedric: 5 = 5
Mungo: 20 = 20
Davorik: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (15) + 3 = 18
Gilly: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (20) + 3 = 23
Goblins: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (1) + 6 = 7

Let me know which Goblins you want to go for.

Map Links:
Map links are located below for Roll20, Google docs and dropbox.

Google Docs

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly reacts quickly once she hears combat begin. She scampers to Davorik and tells him something very seriously in Celestial.

Let me help you.

Then she babbles on in the grandiose phrases of the language of the heavens, probably casting a spell, by the hand gestures. And she slaps a hand to Davorik's arm, suffusing him with a soft glow for a moment.

Go and slay your foes!

Casting Guidance on Davorik.

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Spoiler for maps inst working for me right now.

Surprise round move to the closest knot of goblins. If in range for a partial charge will do.
Charge attack 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (4) + 6 = 10
Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (1) + 3 = 4

On standard turn continue to move if not within range And attack once
attack 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (5) + 3 = 8

If already in combat then two weapon fighting
attack scimitar1d20 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 2 = 13
Damage 1d6 + 3 ⇒ (2) + 3 = 5
attack spiked shield 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 2 = 15
Damage 1d4 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Was able to pull it up under a different browser. Davorik will head to te right to attack those goblins. Ignore first attack as not in range and likewise can't full attack for first round. Only one attack then for AC: 18 doing 8 damage.

The rabble of goblins seemed to have no distinct member of higher rank, so he concentrates his efforts on the nearest goblin he can find, using the food stand as protection from his left flank.


Charging the closest goblin from the top with my left side adjacent to the food stand and my top right hand corner adjacent to the bottom left hand corner of said goblin. AC is 12 after charging.

CHARGE w/POWER ATTACK!: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Slicin' 'n Dicin': 2d4 + 8 ⇒ (1, 4) + 8 = 13


Davorik attacks, the sun glints from his scimitar as chops through the neck of the unsuspecting Goblin, blood sprays in an arc as it falls to the ground. Kaedric charges in only moments after decapitating the second Goblin.

Hopefully that wasn't to graphic. Only two Goblins remain standing near Mayor Deverin (the one on the building and one on the ground)

Just get Mungo's move for Round 0 and I will move it on to Round 1.

"Oi! Gobbo!", the halfling shouts, raising his crossbow to line up a shot on one of the ones menacing Father Zantus. "What's that on your face?" He pulled the trigger on his crossbow, and hoped his shot would hit. After all, that was a pretty good line, and he thought he'd made a pretty good delivery on it.


Firing a shot at the goblin in the southwest corner of the podium Father Zantus is on.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (8) + 6 = 14
Damage: 1d6 + 2 ⇒ (5) + 2 = 7

Kaedric freezes when the goblin's neck peels away from the rest of his body, blood soaking his face, hair, neck, and chain. As the lifeless corpse strikes the earth, he fixates on it in brief before his instincts grip him to the present dangers. What a waste...what a waste...what a waste. His pity had become a mantra, a prayer for the goblin who had just died. "It's okay...I will kill you all quickly," he thinks, readying the exotically curved weapon.

He nearly mutters, "Stand down or die.." praying deeply for Iomadae's reassurance. He reaffirms his grip, the slight shakiness he had failed to notice earlier ceasing between ten strong fingers, eyes beaming with an other wordly radiance. Iomadae's strength was his; death could not sway him.

Round 0

Mungo fires his crossbow but the bolt flies just wide of the Goblin, managing only to cause a few sparks as it strikes the ground.

The Goblin on the rooftop sees Davorik and Kaedric cut two of his companions down, he releasing an ear piercing screech that somehow manages to form a mangled shout

Krugnuk!!! Longshanks and shortshanks are biting back!!!

Round 1: 2 Goblins Remain

Group A:Davorik, Gilly and Mungo. Actions please :D

Updated Map

Round 1

Mungo curses under his breath as his shot goes long, missing the goblin entirely. He reloads his crossbow and prepares to fire again, only to find one of the tall folk standing over a headless, not to mention quite dead, goblin. His attention is caught by high-pitched shouting atop one of the buildings off to the west. Spotting a goblin, he squeezes the trigger and fires a second bolt.


Firing at the goblin that's still up on the rooftop.
Attack: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (20) + 6 = 26
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (4) + 2 = 6
Crit: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (15) + 6 = 21
Damage: 1d8 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 2 = 5
Whoops, rolled the wrong dice for damage, but since neither of them are above 6, I think it's probably OK to let the numbers stand. If you'd like me to reroll, DM, I will.

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Gilly nods a bit, takes stock of her surroundings again, and runs over to Kaedric this time. She babbles in Celestial some more (though he can no doubt understand her), casting another spell.

She rests her hand on his elbow briefly to transfer her Guidance to him with that same soft glow.

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

I posted my first round action already last time which I think you included in your update. So instead I will wait this round.

Davorik rushes up to the goblin whipping the scimitar in the air. The blade flashes in the sitting light at the blade turns crimson doused with the blood of the goblin laying at his feet. He looks to the next goblin nearby knowing tht it's blood is only moments from being she'd as well.

Round 1
Sorry Davorik. Yes you have done your first round action :P

The bolt releases from Mungo's crossbow and almost instantly the Goblin's shrieking is cut off. The goblin in the roof top sways momentarily before tumbling to the ground in a sickening crunch.

The last Goblin sees his companion fall and turns to Davorik its eyes glinting with hatred, snarling the creature lunges forwards and attacks Davorik with its cruel looking sword.

Attack: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14

The Goblin swings savagely but Davorik quickly blocks the attack with his shield.

Kaedric your turn now.

Updated Map

Kaedric spins the blade and readies it just as Gilly touches him. He jumps at first and looks down at the halfling with a blinking expression, awkwardly replying in realization, "Oh! Why um..thank you." He keeps his speech brief and fixes his gaze on Davorik's opponent, barreling after the goblin with falchion raised and gaze fixed sternly. His eyes glow a brilliant white, brighter than usual and just after Gilly's magic flows through his body...and perhaps, even through his being.

Time stands still as he leaps over some debris, his sword drawn back as he brings it down executioner style towards the goblin with the intent of splitting his head like chopping wood. He roars from the depths of his diaphragm, a bellow akin to a great lion felling its prey.

Impending Goblin Splatter!: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (15) + 7 = 22

Decimation Dice!: 2d4 + 5 ⇒ (2, 3) + 5 = 10

Kaedric's sword swings as if guided by a higher being, meeting little resistance as the Goblin crumples from Kaedric's onslaught.

Father Zantus stares at Kaedric and Davorik, "My children. You have done me a great service today, truly Lady Luck has blessed me this day." He picks himself up and brushes down his robe and surveys the rest of the square before suddenly gasping "Mayor Deverin!!!" He runs to the unconscious woman and kneels by her side.

Before you get a chance to react Sheriff Belor Hemlock strides into the square, "You four with me." He nods at Davorik "Good work, all of you. But it ain't over yet. I got reports of another group of Goblins harassing civilians not much further north from here. Apparently their leader may be there, ugly son of a b*@@$, goes by the name of Krugnuk rides one of those things they call dogs. Davorik your with me. Think your friends are willing to join us?"

Female Halfling Oracle 2 (Heavens)

Its clear that Gilly understands none of that. She stares at the Sheriff, trying to figure out what he's talking about - in the end the halfling just appears to be puzzled.

So, she goes running over to the mayor, who's down, obviously with the intent of healing her.

Male Human Two weapon fighter 1

Davorik is about to turn to the mayor when the Sheriff arrives, quickly saluting, Davorik listens intently about yet another group of goblins in Sandpoint. He has many qustions to ask about why here and now but knows that this is not the time. Instead, nodding to understand the information given to him, he hastily reports, I'm ready, sir. Gilly there I don't understand. She spoke fine until the goblins appeared then it has all been rubbish. I am sure if made aware of the situation she would help just as the others would. I'll go with them now and keep Krugnuk busy. You can count on me.

Davorik keeps his scimitar out and is ready to head out the moment the sheriif sends him north. He didn't want to speak for his new friends, but the two of them seemed capable and he would appreciate the help removing the goblin riff-raff.

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