Serpent's Skull - AP (DM-JungleLord)

Game Master EnWorld's HolyMan

A short trip to see if a group of thrown together heroes can survive long enough to take their place in history.

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Part 1: Soul's for Smuggler's Shiv
by James Jacobs


The deck rolls on the swells of the Desperation Bay as you make your way to the galley of the Jenivere. Although the ship's cook - one Rambar Terillo - isn't the greatest chef on the Inner Sea his food stays down and fills the belly.

The galley is quiet and only a few of the other passengers have strayed out of their bunks to get a helping of fish soup and biscuits. They include Quacraybool the gnome tailor, Krokod Firetongue and Fish Bol two men that are near total opposites but both boarded eagerly as the ship passed through the Shackles. Noro and Kaylee whisper with their heads close together. But one word is heard clearly - "mutiny" - and Ardunio from Varisia looks up from his bowl as he sits in the corner alone.

Two other crew men slide back from their benches and look over at the women. "True the Cap'n been acting strange enough," one man says as he and his friend head to the door. "An if he don't get straight in the head soon then what ye say may come true."

With that the two men leave the four passengers and two crewmen alone to their meal.

Only the PC's are in the galley so you can talk a bit - mostly this is to work on your character's personality and such. I have to go off to work now and I leave the IC in your capable hands. Also the following is from the Player's Guide: and wanted to have it on page one -

The Jenivere is a large merchant ship, a Wyvern-class vessel commonly used by the Inner Sea nations for trade, exploration, and even war, valued for its combination of seaworthiness and capacity for carrying numerous passengers. Wyvern-class ships have made the dangerous journey to Azlant, Arcadia, and even around the southern tip of Garund, but the Jenivere and her crew run less perilous voyages. For the past several years, Captain Alizandru Kovack has made the western run between
Magnimar to the north and Eleder to the south and then back with few complications, despite the fact that his route carries him through waters controlled by the piratical Free Captains of the Shackles, brushes with the eternal winds of the Eye of Abendego, and into periodic conf licts with the Nidalese navy. Although Captain Kovack’s crew appreciate this record, the baseless fear that the Jenivere has robbed luck’s coffers one too many times lies heavy on the hearts of many.

While the Jenivere is a merchant ship, primarily concerned with delivering goods to and from Sargava, she’s traditionally kept several compartments open to take on paying passengers. This trip is no exception. At the start of the campaign, the PCs probably number among these passengers, along with six other travelers aboard the vessel. As the characters have spent some time aboard the Jenivere, they have at least passing familiarity with these others making the passage to Sargava, and a few notable members of the Jenivere’s crew.

Aerys Mavato: This severe half-elven woman boarded in Port Peril, where she immediately got into a scrape wit a crude sailor. She spends most of her time in her bunk, seeming to purposefully avoid fraternizing with the ship’s other passengers.

Alizandru Kovack: A Chelish man whose family has made the Magnimar to Eleder run for generations, Captain Kovack is pleasant enough with his passengers, but a strict disciplinarian when dealing with his crew.

Alton Devers: The Jenivere’s first mate is friendly with both passengers and crew, but he sometimes seems to chafe under the strong discipline of Captain Kovack.

Gelik Aberwhinge: A sharply dressed gnome from Magnimar, Gelik spends much of his time writing in the ships’ common areas, and takes every opportunity to tell long-winded stories, boast of past journeys, or quip about anything in his field of view.

Ieana: A bookish Varisian scholar who tends to keep to herself, Ieana is traveling to Sargava to explore the ancient ruins there. Rumors aboard the ship alternately suggest that she’s the Jenivere’s owner, a Chelish agent, or Captain Kovack’s secret lover. Ieana keeps mostly to herself, and grows more intent on her studies with each mile the ship travels closer to Eleder.

Ishirou: A scruffy human of Tian heritage, Ishirou boarded at Bloodcove and waits to reach Sargava with a quiet eagerness. Aloof but not rude, he gives the impression of one who has had a hard life but find himself currently without direction.

Jask Derindi: A prisoner loaded aboard in Corentyn, Captain Kovack sees to this taciturn human’s needs with curt courtesy, but insists he be left alone, sequestered in the ship’s brig.

Rambar Terillo: A taciturn man from Senghor, Ship’s Cook Terillo has served in that capacity aboard several ships, though apparently not on account of his culinary skills, which seem to be limited to watery soups.

Sasha Nevah: This red-haired human boarded the Jenivere in Ilizmagorti. Since leaving Mediogalti Island, the woman’s somber demeanor has gradually faded, revealing a boisterous and optimistic personality.

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

"Sounds like trouble," Fish says quietly.

The young man is sprawled loosely in his chair, one elbow on the table for the hand supporting his head. His other hand holds a spoon, raising it to his lips every now and then for a sip.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1
Fish Bol wrote:

"Sounds like trouble," Fish says quietly.

The young man is sprawled loosely in his chair, one elbow on the table for the hand supporting his head. His other hand holds a spoon, raising it to his lips every now and then for a sip.

"Indeed," Krokod answers without really looking at Fish. His eyes, rather, are glancing out to the direction they are heading, as if he could make it closer just by staring at it. "I hope there are no... complications on our way." The Mwangi wears a hodgepodge of clothing, all suited to travel, but a mix of Chelaxian and Shackles styles.

Kaylee continues her conversation with Noro. "So, I'm still thinking of disembarking next port. See how quick I can get work on another ship. Maybe one with a less dangerous route."

M Gnome Rogue 1

Quacraybool dunks the bottom half of a biscuit into the surface of his soup. Taking a bite, he chews and swallows before whispering, ”The captain maintains his uniform so nicely. It says much about a man. About what he demands of himself and others.”

Letting his torso rock to the rhythm of the swells, he takes a spoonful of soup. ”Krokod, where did you acquire your clothes? Your tailor should be commended for his boldness in fusing Chelaxian and island fashion. And it takes a bold man to wear that.”


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3
Kaylee Veridian wrote:
Kaylee continues her conversation with Noro. "So, I'm still thinking of disembarking next port. See how quick I can get work on another ship. Maybe one with a less dangerous route."

I believe our next port ish our final port anyway. Letsh jusht hope we make it there

Noro grabs her meal and heads to the gally to eat.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1
Letting his torso rock to the rhythm of the swells, he takes a spoonful of soup. ”Krokod, where did you acquire your clothes? Your tailor should be commended for his boldness in fusing Chelaxian and island fashion. And it takes a bold man to wear that.”

Krokod lets a bit of a smile escape, "Then I have chanced on a 'bold' fashion as you put it. Some of the clothes I gathered in Cheliax were durable, but some where not...and I replaced those items with what I could in the shackles. No doubt, my fashion will eventually go from bold to mottled and messy in a few months."

Init 7|HP 125/125|Fort 12|Ref 9|Will 15|AC 14, HP151/133|Fort 17|Ref 18|Will 12|AC 38|CMD 30|DR 5/Epic
A:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther, Hero|K:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther

Sitting back against the wall, eyes closed as he enjoys the sway of the ship and the simultaneous shifting of his soup, the scruffy brown-haired human asks- "So, what is a mutiny, exactly?"

Noro and Kaylee:
The captain has been giving strange orders and not following the regular route. He spends a lot of time behind closed doors with the scholar Ieana.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1
Arduino the Lesser wrote:
Sitting back against the wall, eyes closed as he enjoys the sway of the ship and the simultaneous shifting of his soup, the scruffy brown-haired human asks- "So, what is a mutiny, exactly?"

"It's when part of the crew, for whatever reason tries to overthrow the captain of a ship. It wouldn't be our concern if we were not ON the ship."

Init 7|HP 125/125|Fort 12|Ref 9|Will 15|AC 14, HP151/133|Fort 17|Ref 18|Will 12|AC 38|CMD 30|DR 5/Epic
A:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther, Hero|K:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther

Arduino nods slowly. "I see. That is not good. Not good at all."

The human stands and moves over to the other passengers. "I am not familiar with how difficult it is to sail a ship, but I would presume it is akin to walking through marshland- dangerous and near-certain to fall into a hazard without a solid leader. Has anyone else heard about this 'mutiny'?"

Kaylee shakes her head and speaks over to Arduino. "Best be careful who you mention that word around. People can get keelhauled for that kinda talk." I'd rather the captain not get wind of this kinda talk. It'd be bad for us...

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

"That's one way ta look at it," Fish says, glancing at Arduino. "Haven't heard anythin' myself, but s'like she said." He waves the hand with a spoon in Kaylee's direction. "Ya might wanna keep yer voice down. S'dangerous talk, and the only part I want in it is none o' it."

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

"Indeed," He agrees with Kaylee, "Let us not rock the boat, to use a fitting phrase. I suppose I sound selfish, but I have every reason to want to finish this journey without trouble."

Init 7|HP 125/125|Fort 12|Ref 9|Will 15|AC 14, HP151/133|Fort 17|Ref 18|Will 12|AC 38|CMD 30|DR 5/Epic
A:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther, Hero|K:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther

The young man nods hesitantly. "I'll bow to your wisdom."

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

"I prefer kneeling," Fish says in a dry tone, continuing to sip his soup in a bored manner. He sighs. "I swear the soup has less and less flavor the more I eat it."

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

"Well, even if we are deciding, probably wisely, to be wary what comes out of our mouths, that doesn't mean we need to close our ears. May I suggest that if anyone hears any more alarming whispers about the subject, they inform the others?"

OOC: Actually to the two crew members it is oddly more seasoned than usual.

As the group in the galley starts to finish up both their meal and the light conversation, the ship suddenly lurches. Everyone keeps their seat but it feels as if the boat has suddenly taken a hard turn to port.

After a few minutes everything seems to settle down and the ships movements are back to normal. But for some reason (the bad soup? the sudden movement?) everyone's stomach takes a turn for the worst and a wave of nausea and fatigue set on them.

Fort save from everyone please.

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Krokod clutches at his belly, "I thought I had my sea legs by now..."

fort save: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15

Kayless gives a little groan. "I haven't gotten seasick since I was 13. It's more likely that Rambar used some fish that had already spoiled for the soup. He isn't always too careful about what he puts in his pots."

fort save 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3

fort save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (12) + 4 = 16

OK now that'sh wielrd ....Ohhhh What the...
Noro grabs a railing and falls siting on the deck

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

Hahahaha. Seems Fish is just picky with fish soup.
Fortitude 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (19) + 4 = 23

Fish almost lets go of the spoon when the ship lurches but keeps ahold of everything during the rocking when his stomach decided to complain. He clutches the table, dropping the spoon into the bowl of soup with a loud clatter, and presses a hand to his stomach.

Init 7|HP 125/125|Fort 12|Ref 9|Will 15|AC 14, HP151/133|Fort 17|Ref 18|Will 12|AC 38|CMD 30|DR 5/Epic
A:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther, Hero|K:Mage Armor, FLG, SOther

1d20 + 1 ⇒ (8) + 1 = 9

Arduino winces slightly and clutches his stomach. "Urgggg....."

M Gnome Rogue 1

After the ship heaved suddenly to port, Quacraybool quietly continues his meal. The spoon is large for him, and it takes him extra time to slurp the soup from the tip of the spoon. His companions start to wince and clutch their stomachs when he too feels a wave of nausea and fatigue crash into him. He lets the spoon drop to the deck, as he holds onto the bench so that he doesn't fall.

Fortitude save: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6

For Fish Bol only

The nightmare won't let you wake as you struggle to. You dream of a giant bowl of soup that your trapped in, the sides miles away. You try and tread water but tiny snakes bite at your feet pulling you down, and filling your mouth with bitter salty soup.

A larger snake reaches up to bite your ankle and the pain is so great you nearly jump into wakefulness...

... and you are lying on a stony and sandy beach.

Your head swims with questions but for now all you can do is cough the sea water that fills your mouth. Wet head to toe you wince as pain shoots up from your ankle just like in the dream.

Looking a round your stomach still reels, oddly you see others on the beach also lying about in the surf and a pile of packs and weapons piled up away from the waterline. As you move to see your feet and you try and keep down whatever might still be in your stomach. character is sickened

Looking down at his boot Fish Bol at first thinks he sees a snake rising out of the water, but as his vision clears a bit he sees it is not, but is just as bad, it's a...

sea scorpion


Well let's see where to start?

Awakening order - NOTE unless some (or something) wakes you before your turn to wake.

Fish - rd 1
Noro - rd 2
Krokod - rd 3
Kaylee - rd 4
Arduino - rd 5
Quacraybool - rd 6

Fish - prone, taken 1 dmg (is how you were awakened)
Noro - unconscious
Krokod - unconscious
Kaylee - unconscious
Arduino - unconscious
Quacraybool - unconscious


Fish Bol is up then other two sea scorpions will go then it will be round 2. Good luck group.

P.S. will allow Fish Bol to get that club now as their is ample wood about. Just remember picking up an item draws an AoO.

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

Hahaha. Life's a beach. XD Standing up from prone gives an AoO anyway so might as well pick something up while I'm at it.

Lessee. I have 13 AC without my gear, taking prone (-4) as I stand up for my AoO, that's 9 AC.

Fish hurriedly stands and grabs a nearby length of wood to defend himself. He still feels sick but pushes through it. His mouth tastes salty and he spits.

The situation seems dire with him the only one being awake.

sting AoO 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (13) + 0 = 13
dmg = 1, FORT DC 10 needed

As Fish starts to stand, grabbing a piece of wood on his way up the tail of the sea scorpion lashes out.

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

Okay, I have my armor on so I actually have 17 AC but taking the (-4) that makes it 13 which makes me hit.

The stinger hits Fish as he stands and the sudden pain nearly makes him drop his weapon. He keeps a hold of it, however.

Current HP: 11 / 13
Condition: Sickened
Fort 1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 - 2 = 11
And I think I can still make a 5-foot step. Going right!

He draws back, moving towards the nearest person, which is Noro.

As Fish Bol takes another small sting, the other two creatures advance on the others.

Noro and Krokod both are awaken with a jolt as small sharp claws dig into their skin.

attack vs Noro 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20
Crit? 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10
full attack vs Krokod 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10


Fish - rd 1
Noro - rd 2
Krokod - rd 3
Kaylee - rd 4
Arduino - rd 5
Quacraybool - rd 6

Fish - up and armed, taken 2 dmg
Noro - prone, taken 2 dmg
Krokod - prone, taken 1 dmg FORT save DC 10 needed
Kaylee - unconscious
Arduino - unconscious
Quacraybool - unconscious


Fish Bol
sea scorpions

Everything is updated - Rd 2 to start with PC's going first

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

"You're awake!" Fish says, seeing Noro waken. He also sees Krokod do the same and feels the situation becomes more manageable. "Got trouble here, up, up!"

He grips his makeshift club with both hands, moves forward and takes a wild swing at the sea scorpion.

Batter uuuup! And 5-foot step forward so triggers no AoO.
Wielding club with both hands. That's an additional (+1) damage for my strength bonus. It also gives me another (+1) damage to my power attack.
Already taken the sickened penalties to the following:
Club (Power Attack) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (14) + 1 = 15 for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (3) + 5 = 8


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3

are we considered sickened when we wake up? I am assuming so if not then I will include adjustments with post

feeling the sharp pain of the bite on Noro's foot (she us usually barefoot) the adrenaline rush kicks in her eyes open.

knowing something at her feet glancing down seeing the creature at her feet.

Ahhhrrggg Noro shouts in pain her first instict is a kick using her other foot to give the critter a swift and "very Angry" kick

unarmed strike attack (while still prone) 1d20 + 5 - 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 - 4 - 2 + 2 = 8 (add +2 if not sickened but probably still a miss)

Noro's body at the wrong angle to be effective her kick not finding the target.

She then tries to roll to a standing postition.

Free-rage (1/6)
standard - attack
Move - stand from prone
not the optimal order of actions but going for logical course she would have taken (was hoping the attack would have hit though)


current HP: 15 / 17
AC: 11 (-2 from rage)

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Krokod's eyes open up, and he starts cursing in a language that has sounds of roars, pops, and sizzles

"What the hell is going on?"

He still feels sick, nauseated, and that's not getting any better with one of those things on him. He tries to flip to his feet and maybe get closer to a weapon while avoiding his attacker.

Acrobatics attempt *Yeah good luck* with sickened already counted in: 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

He does have a base move of 40 so at least he can book while vomiting ;)
But he can't find any footing or balance at all.

Noro shocked into wakefulness lashes out with her foot and only manages to kick sand over the dog sized sea scorpion. As she stands it's tail flicks quickly out 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (2) + 0 = 2 and...

Fish Bol moves up beside the standing woman and brings his club down hard and squashes the vermin nearly flat. A grin crosses his lips but slips as his little friend from before moves up claws snapping and tail waving. 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (17) + 0 = 17

They both here strange sounds coming from down the beach and then see Krokod lurch to his feet awkwardly before running to wear the pile of weapons and packs lay. The lithe man is quick but the sea scorpions does manage one snap at him before he gets away. btw still need FORT save DC 10 plz 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

The creature looks about for a more stationary meal before wandering over to where Kaylee lays, the waves keeping her drench as she lies in the sand. 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (7) + 0 = 7

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Fort save (Sickened counted in):1d20 + 1 ⇒ (20) + 1 = 21

The small beach is usually quiet with only the crash of the waves being heard by the denizens of the jungle. The arrival of the group has interrupted that calm as they fight for their lives.

The newest sound comes from Kaylee as a claw digs into her back. Even as Fish Bol grunts from yet another sting.


Fish - awake
Noro - awake
Krokod - awake
Kaylee - awake
Arduino - rd 5
Quacraybool - rd 6

currently round 3

Fish - up and armed, taken 3 dmg
Noro - up doesn't need a weapon, taken 2 dmg
Krokod - up, taken 1 dmg Standard action to find weapon or shield
Kaylee - prone, taken 1 dmg
Arduino - unconscious
Quacraybool - unconscious


Round 3:
Fish Bol
sea scorpions

"Ow!" Kaylee wakes up in surprise at the pain from the creature sting.

"What the hell is going on?" From her prone postion, Kaylee crabwalks backward 5 feet and then flings off an icicle at the thing that stung her.

ranged touch attack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
damage 1d6 ⇒ 2
know nature to identify creature1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3

Worried her friend may need help noro moves to her aid coming up on the creature snapping at her and pounding it with her fist.

move to L-10 and attack 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 7 - 2 = 12
if a hit 1d3 + 7 ⇒ (2) + 7 = 9


rage used 2/6
current HP: 15 / 17
AC: 11 (-2 from rage)

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Krokod searches for a weapon he can use... preferably his own short spear but he'll grab anything he can use. He hears the others talking, but is babble to him.

Definitely taking the standard action to find his weapon and then a move action to arm it if ok. I don't know if a perception check is needed, but in case it is: 1d20 ⇒ 17

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

Fish grunts, elation at removing one of the scorpions dampened, and swings at the sea scorpion which just stung him.

Club (Power Attack) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (11) + 1 = 12 for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (2) + 5 = 7

M Gnome Rogue 1

Quacraybool continues to sleep as the waves lap at his small form and sand kicked up from the fight lands on him. The sounds of combat have yet to disturb him. The beating heat of the sun has not yet elicited a resonse.

I hope it's okay that I add a little descriptive text of Quacraybool sleeping since he hasn't entered combat yet.

Kaylee reacts and her ice cuts through the tough skin of the sea scorpion, and it clacks it's claws at her in irritation. The creature's naturally agility helping to keep the icicle form hitting anything vital.

Noro steps up and swings at it from behind but again the fast sea scorpion moves to protect itself. It clacks it's claws at her and then attacks. 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18

Krokod spots his shortspear and moves to the side of the pile to draw it free. He finds himself positioned directly in a good attack path to help Noro and Kaylee. Gripping the weapon tightly he readies himself to enter the battle.

Fish hits nothing but sand and some flies up getting in his mouth. His adversary comes scuttling in quickly stinging and pinching. 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (16) + 0 = 16 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (10) + 0 = 10


Gave Krokod a 5' step to give him a charge line if wishes to take it or a throwing alley.

Kaylee hit the sea scorpions touch AC - but Fish and Noro missed.

The cold and irritable sea scorpion pinches and stings Noro in surprise, as she wasn't set for such an odd opponent. Her usual sparring partners have two legs and no tail. Need FORT save DC 10 plz

Fish barely moves his arm as a claw comes at him and is lucky the things tail doesn't get through his boot.


Fish - awake
Noro - awake
Krokod - awake
Kaylee - awake
Arduino - rd 5
Quacraybool - rd 6

currently round 4

Fish - up and armed, taken 3 dmg
Noro - up doesn't need a weapon, taken 4 dmg
Krokod - up and armed, taken 1 dmg
Kaylee - prone, taken 1 dmg
Arduino - unconscious
Quacraybool - unconscious


Round 4:
Fish Bol
sea scorpions (one wounded taken 2 dmg)

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

After Fish manages to avoid the scorpion's attack, he takes a quick moment to spit again in disgust, trying to forget the rough texture in his mouth.

He grips the length of wood in his hands tight and makes another wild swing.

Club (Power Attack) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5 for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Male (3 out of 4 first level spells left) Human (Irrisien) Sorcerer (Fire)- 1/HP: 6/8, AC 11 (t 11, ff 10); F: +1, R: +1, W: +3; Perc +1//Init: +1

Krokod feels much better with the heft of the short spear in his hands, Now that I have a sting of my own, I best put it to use.

He charges the sea scorpion between Noro and Kaylee, trying to ignore the sickness that still claims him.

Thank you, I will take that charge move, so -2 to AC. +2 to hit to offset the sickness penalty.

To hit:1d20 ⇒ 11
dmg (Sickness counted in)1d6 ⇒ 6


current map Human Barbarian (Brutal Pugilist, Drunken Brute) 1
AC15 (13) | T 11 (9) | FF 14 (12) | HP 15 / 15 (17 / 17) | F+4 (+6) | R+1 | W-1 (+1) | Init +1 | perc + 3

Fort save 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10

Noro is pissed at this critter
Damn thing is shlippryer than old Moss face! I beat him I can beat you!

Noro, hold back her sickness as best she can she pounds the critter with her fist.

Attack unarmed 1d20 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (11) + 7 - 2 = 16
damage 1d3 + 7 - 2 ⇒ (2) + 7 - 2 = 7

Now that she's not right next to the creature, Kaylee will stand up and then fling off another icicle at the creature.

"What the hell are we doing on a beach with these ugly critters?"

ranged touch atttack 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (7) + 2 = 9
damage 1d6 ⇒ 5

With Krokod and Kaylee keeping the creature's attention away form Noro, the pugilist readies a two-handed axe chop. Her blow strikes the thing hard killing it even as she pushes it a few inches into the sand.

Fish Bol has his hands full with the dodging and snapping sea scorpion and the two attack, parry and circle each other. Then a groan comes from behind him and he notices Arduino move his leg.

1d20 + 0 ⇒ (18) + 0 = 18 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (20) + 0 = 20 crit? 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (6) + 0 = 6

Again the claws and tail lash out at the former ship boy.


Not sure about Noro's pluses to attack - says +5 ion sheet (did you think she was flanking?) hit at +5 so the scorpion is dead - just wondering if I missed something.

Kaylee - don't forgot -4 for firing into melee - missed without the -4 but just wanted to remind you for later. Sorry this is late know nature roll was to low DC 15 (close)

Also everyone's going by the list I posted of the PCs but that's not INIT order sorry. It's great for when we do have a more structured combat - I was playing this one loose as it is our first. Later I will list INIT order and monster AC/HP so you will know if the monster is dead before your character's turn.

Example: If it was an INIT order than Noro would have killed the scorpion before Kaylee. Thus having to wait for re-posts and such. But doing it loose I posted Kaylee going before Noro. In this little fight I think that is ok. But when it will be a bigger very life threatening encounter I don't want anyone to feel they wasted a turn.

Rant over - Play on

Fish takes two more sharp hits and wishes he had a shield right about now.


Fish - awake
Noro - awake
Krokod - awake
Kaylee - awake
Arduino - awake
Quacraybool - rd 6

currently round 5

Fish - up and armed, taken 5 dmg
Noro - up doesn't need a weapon, taken 4 dmg
Krokod - up and armed, taken 1 dmg
Kaylee - up/unarmed, taken 1 dmg
Arduino - prone
Quacraybool - unconscious


Round 5:
Fish Bol
sea scorpion

Male Human Fighter (Corsair) 1 | HP 12/13 | AC 18/13/15, Fort +4, Ref +3, Will +4 | Init +3; Perception +1

Cursing himself for getting distracted, Fish shouts and makes a powerful swing at the sea scorpion.

Club (Power Attack) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 1 = 14 for 1d6 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11

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