GM Deadly Secret |

If you were selected to play in this campaign, please review the build rules and communicate with your table to make a working party. Make sure you play what you want, not what others want you to play. I hope to start the game as soon as everyone is squared away with their character builds and ready to step into the setting.
We will be using google draw and this campaign forums with occasional links to media sources.
Please read the players guide you can download for free from Paizo
Taldor region you will be starting in is only a point of origin or meeting of characters.
Your characters will start in a small hamlet called Heldren. This is located near the Border Woods between Zimar and Demgazi within Taldor (South East of Oppara). This area is mostly known for logging, hunting and travel. There is no Inn, people usually pass by and some stop to get their horses reshoed. So if you don’t live in town, you are probably just passing by and stopped at the tavern for food or drink.
Take note that this region is no where near a snowy region and it is currently mid summer. Taldor is close to the equator and so it's pretty hot around this time of year and you probably will be dressed/equipped accordingly. So if you’re from the area, you’re actually not familiar with the wintery seasons, since they usually don’t get snow in these parts.
You can be living there, visiting or passing through. We will establish your characters placement in the world before we start the clock on game day. The adventure will start in the Tavern, mid day (if you’re outsider). If you are a local of Heldren, you can be anywhere “in” town at the aventure start and Teppen will come find you. Go ahead and use all this information given including the google link below to build your character's reason for being in this area, this particular hamlet. Your characters do not need to know each other but can if you so desire.
Your game will start in the Year 4713 AR on Oathday, 17th Earstus at 12:00 pm - current moon cycle: new moon
Reign of Winter Play by Post Build Rules
- Starting at LVL 1
- Starting MAX gold
- 2 Traits, no drawbacks (1 trait must be a trait from the Reign of Winter player's guide)
- Max starting health for your classes HD
- All Races 16 or lower RP (I encourage exotic races, the book does too! You will be going to many exotic places)
- All classes are allowed except for 3rd party, Mythic, Occult or Vigilante.
- No Evil alignments
- 20 point buy for stats
- We are using Unchained Background Skills & Alternate Crafting and Profession Rules
- We are not using Pathfinder Society Rules, Hero Points, Words of Power, Ultimate Combat Armor/DR, Called Shots, Piecemeal Armor, Wounds or Vigor.
- We are not using Unchained Gameplay, Stamina and Combat Tricks, Wounds Thresholds, Magic, Consolidated Skills, Grouped Skills, Skill Unlocks, Variant Multicasting, Fractional Base Bonuses or Staggered Advancement
- No 3rd party material!
- No material may be used from Mystic Adventures or Occult, including campaign settings and player companions related to those books. This includes anything related to the vigilante.
- If you have dreams and desires to ride a flying mount, that might be an option if you can last in the game long enough. If you like guns, they are rare in this AP and it will be hard to get them and bullets, but there might be option if you can last in the game long enough.
- At certain points in the game, more races will become available to play if you die. Do not intentionally die just so you can play one of those, but if you are unhappy with your current character, you can walk them off.
- Pounce (Ex): I have many issues with Paizo’s wording. If you fail to grab you can continue with your claw attacks as normal. If you succeed on the grab, then you can continue with the rake attacks with appropriate modifiers due to grapple. In other words, no your companion is not going to get 5 attacks on a charge/pounce. We can discuss but I will not be changing this ruling. This rule also applies to me and all creatures I will run with it.
- I do not tolerate thieving from other players or hiding party loot from your allies. All loot will be divided equally among the party. You will keep track on your own character sheets what you have in your inventory. I will be 100% aware of the items I gave the party and the items you purchased/or started the game with. If you sell items the party found, the gold will be split. If it was something you bought yourself and now want to sell, then all the gold should go to you unless you want to share.
- You will be traveling a lot. I mean…… A LOT. Also I’m gonna slap all kinds of environmental rules upon you so brace yourselves. This is no sissy’s campaign.
- I would appreciate it if we can keep the rhythm of 1 post a day. If not more! If you're going to be absent please let me know. I also understand life is life so if you miss a day, just let me know you're OK and get a post up as soon as you can.
- There is a high probability that someone’s character will die. No, I will not make up some stuff to have it come back to life. This adventure is dangerous and you the player are accepting this contract by submitting a character. Don’t be a poor sport if you die, but perhaps this will help you make wise decisions within the game for your table.
- Like real tables, sometimes players can't make it and I have to NPC them. I will have a 3 day rule. If we are waiting for you to post and it has been 3 days, I will NPC your character to keep the game moving. If you don't post for a week and you don't explain to the table why, we will assume you are no longer interested in playing and will be replaced. No you will not be able to get back into my game. Make sure you communicate effectively to prevent this.
- I do not need an intricate backstory. I most likely will not be utilizing it within this campaign. You can have one if you want, but all I need to know is why you're in Heldren on that date, at that hour.
OK that's it for now. Let's get to talking to each other about your concepts and things you prefer to play. I will answer all your questions promptly.

ExiledMimic |

I'm usually a melee guy. I've played the wizard who buffs in the back, the ranged guy and what not. But I usually like standing in the front swinging swords/axes and fists. However I've got a basic concept that adapts to almost any party role, so I'm flexible to whatever anyone else wants to do. I'd rather see what everyone else is thinking and go from there.
However I do admit I've been thinking of dual wielding primarily or going gunslinger (because I've never tried gunslinger before) and GM Secret's hints about Gunslingers makes me think something might be interesting later.

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Variety is the spice of life. I enjoy trying new concepts and combinations, though I do obviously have a few favorite archetypes. I'm also flexible, so even if the rest of the group gets characters up first, I'm perfectly okay filling a spot, especially if it's something I haven't done before. I'll do some reading and see what inspiration strikes.
Given you're not asking for much background GM, how do you feel about character sheets on Myth-weavers? I can post an easy link to it in an alias; I just enjoy not having to copypasta a template while having everything where it should be on a real sheet.

Ken Hart |

Right now, especially given the openness for unusual races, I'm leaning toward a vishkanya summoner, with the Failed Winter Witch trait. She's very creative, persuasive, and diplomatic, but her failing with the Winter Witches - the only reason she came to this frigid land to start with - has left a sizable chip on her shoulder.
Full character stats will be online within 24 hours.

Mina Javid |

Okay, here's my vishkanya summoner, Mina, and her eidolon, Virote: Mina Javid.

The Chess |

Hi GM! Thanks for the invite. Yes, I'd love to play Reign of Winter as I submitted before! If it's okay, I'd love to bring the Winter Witch to the mix.
@GM: Would you allow me to take the Irrisen Icemage feat, even though I'm not a sorcerer? I believe it was an oversight, and that witches (especially Winter Witches with Irrisen affinity) should also be allowed to go for it at level 1.
For the race, probably Changeling or Kobold (yes, I know it's not optimized, but white dragon stuff... Right?).

Rikiru |

Okay THERE we go. I've gotten kinda spoiled on mythweavers character sheets; it was kind of jarring to arrange it all differently again.
Pending any missing or erroneous info, I think this will do. If my data's a mess, I'm open to any good copypasta templates if anyone's got a link. Sadly I don't have herolab or the like, so I had to emulate as best I could.

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Hi guys. I had submitted this ratfolk witch for a different game but didn't make the cut. I can update to fit this or create something completely different. I prefer casters, arcane or divine and usually stick to mostly core to keep things simple.

Mina Javid |

This photo (link) should do nicely!

Asric Swain |

I'm good up front. Although someone with a decent perception might want to be very near me. Asric has a terrible perception

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Looks good to me. But if we need someone with higher perception closer to the front, mine is +10 and I'm fine with hiding behind a Paladin....

GM Deadly Secret |

Welcome to Reign of Winter.
I will sometimes be rolling your Perceptions (including trap finding) and stealth (if applicable) before combat. I will also roll your Initiatives, Saves when on my turn (you’ll roll any that happen on your own turn), Knowledges, and Spellcraft for battle situations. Of course you can roll these whenever you want. During conversations with NPCs I will roll your sense motives but only when needed. Of course you can roll Sense Motive whenever you want as well. When interacting with a new area with a population, provided there is not a language barrier, I will roll gather information so you can have more info to work with. I will also appraise things for you when presenting items with a value.
Please keep your character sheets up to date.
I will be having us play on google draw. Each map will have a series of numbers on them representing points of interest or roads/crossroads. When you are introduced to an area I will put up spoilers for ones you can easily interact with. Chose a number on the map you’d like to inspect and view the spoiler, then interact with a post. If you want more information about a location, you’ll have to go to it and interact with search, smell, or whatever it is you do.
I will always assume you’re in the marching order when arriving to maps and moving as group. In combat there will be a grid for you to specifiy your position. Please remember, if you’re in snow your movement is reduced by half (unless you have tools/magic to improve this).
Just let me know if you want to change the order at any given time.
Last but not least. NPC rolls for skills and other things will not be rolled in the open. If the NPC is invisible or you can’t see them due to other reasons, their roll also will not be in the open. I the GM reserve the right to hide certain rolls from the players.
Any questions just let me know and we will figure it out together.
And so it begins….
Exiledmimic - Just jump in when you have your character ready

GM Deadly Secret |

ExiledMimic |

Sorry for the delay. I was agonizing over how to fill both a dedicated healer opening and a ranged opening in 1 character. I even went so far as to make several characters and look at ways to fix it through archetypes, feats and all sorts of chicanery. In the end I decided to take my chances with Rhone and going forward multi-class into Inquisitor or Hunter so he can offer some healing and ranged backup at the same time.
And if we want to start group funds for wands of CLW and CMW I'm down to pooling loot for it.

ExiledMimic |

Quick question: Are we using the Feat Tax rules? I didn't see anything about it, but I thought I'd ask. Some people like it, some don't. But since we'd adopted some alternate rules I didn't know if this was something to be considered.

Mina Javid |

Hey there - I just wanted to give you a heads-up that I'll be on vacation with my family in Washington, D.C. all of next week. It shouldn't interfere with posting, although my posts might be on the short side.