GM Deadly Secret |

Familiars & companions can roll too, so whenever I ask for certain rolls your familiar and animal companions can roll. Don't forget to include them. Also, try to include where your familiar/companion is and if you have a picture for them let me know so I can make token.
If you don't have your familiar/companions name on your character sheet, can you add it so that I can get them more involved in the adventure.

Mina Javid |

My eidolon can go on the same initiative. As for a photo, I'll put something together when I'm back home next week.

Asric Swain |

@GM: quick clarification I gotta ask. Normally only a natural 20 is a critical threat. So you roll a 20 on the die, +/- whatever bonuses/penalties; that's an automatic hit and a critical threat. And then you roll again with the same bonus/penalty. If that hit clears your opponents AC, it's a confirmed crit for double damage (depending on the weapon's crit modifier, it could be higher). A modified 20 only hits if it beats AC, but does not do double damage. And then certain weapons have an improved critical threat range (19-20 for a dagger for example). Those weapons would also threaten on a natural 19 provided they beat the opponent's AC (a threat but not an automatic hit).
Are you using a different critical hit method? If modified 20's (or higher one would assume) are auto crits, we're gonna be critting all over the place and so are our opponents. Hell at lvl 10, Asric should have at least a +13 to hit giving him crits on 7 or higher.

GM Deadly Secret |

A natural 20 is automatic hit with chance to critical. You then roll again to see if you confirm. In order to confirm, you have to meet the AC of the creature.
You only get the double damage if you confirm to critical. 20 is auto confirm. However, if your weapons crit range is 19 and you roll a 19 on confirm roll but the total does not meet the AC, then you do not confirm.
Did that answer your question?

Asric Swain |

so standard.... yeah. It just looks like in your post about the undead doing damage that you had counted it as a crit. I was confused by that.

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OK. Understand about crits. Not clear on the post:
Redahl provokes from creature 1 (purple) AC 18
Zombie Slam: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (16) + 4 = 20 20/x2
1d6 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5 x2/20 bludgeoning damage
So did I take 5 damage? 20? ????

GM Deadly Secret |

Ok the creature did not crit. I copy and paste codes and I didn't remove the extra wording. In the future you will see the crit info that is mostly for me. I usually don't have the code after the damage part, that was just due to some pasting and such have you.
You took 5 damage from a regular every day zombie slam.

GM Deadly Secret |

Shortbow Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15 x3/20
1d6 ⇒ 4 piercing damage
This is what my codes will be looking like for every creature that attacks. Just to clear things up for you.
Shortbow Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11 x3/20
Shortbow Ranged Attack: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (14) + 3 = 17
1d6 ⇒ 5 plus 2d6 ⇒ (5, 4) = 9 piercing damage
This is what it would look like if I were to crit. Obviously that wasn't a crit, but you get the point I'm sure.

GM Deadly Secret |

Hello players,
You may not have noticed by now, but I am a bit of a perfectionist and tend to over achieve. I do this to make things easier, quicker and overall smoother for myself and everyone I GM for. I think that if everyone puts this code in Classes/Levels field on your alias page, it will greatly help me. I would like you to have these numbers as your active numbers. So if I drain your will, I want to see that will save number be modified here. If you guys can do that for me I would very much appreciate it.
template: x represents number
HP x/x | ACx tchx FFx | CMDx/FFx | Fx Rx Wx
If you want you can add extra info after that code but not necessary.

ExiledMimic |

Just a heads up for everyone: I've had some meds changed out in preparation for a surgery first week of August. It's made focusing a little hard, so if I post something and you think I've gone incoherent then let me know. Probably some of the loopy crap they have me on. Something about helping get me ready for being sliced and diced, but I think they just like making me drowsy and loopy for no reason.
Nothing major, just wanted you to know what's up if something sounds like word salad over the next few weeks.

Asric Swain |

btw, we're gonna need to figure out soon what we can do for healing or we won't last too long. Two of us are already significantly wounded. I get lay on hands at 2nd level, but that won't help us if we don't make it to 2nd level

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I have the Cure Light Wounds available but not prepared. Guess I'll have to both of my 1st level spell slots for that, until second level? Then I'll have to take the healing hex....

Mina Javid |

I'll add the extra info after I get home from vacation. It'll likely be done no later than Monday night.

GM Deadly Secret |

Just to avoid any more confusion. Your enemies are stealthed behind cover and you just can't see where they are so you don't know. You did see a lot of lights flying around though but you are not sure if they are enemies or just lights. Your ally cast a mist that is preventing you from seeing where these creatures are. I'll give you a hint, they aren't in the mist. If you want to see them you'll have to leave the mist and roll a perception as a move action to observe a target. Unfortunately, the dude that cast the mist is on the ground and can't dismiss it while he's unconscious.

Mina Javid |

It looks like I need to be able to edit the map in order to see where we are and to choose where to go. As soon as I get that, I'll post. I couldn't post earlier because the Paizo site had crashed.

GM Deadly Secret |

Asric Swain |

Hey guys, I'm being sent out of town from Aug8-Aug15. I hope to still have internet access, but I can't guarantee that. I will do my best to keep up on my games, though I expect my posting rate will drop. My apologies in advance. Please bot me if needed.

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I have CLW, but we didn't take a rest so I could change my prepared spells. Probably should have returned to town after the zombies.

Rikiru |

I mean, our visibility's down, our movement's down, they're flying, they have tons of cover, they have ranged attacks...and I chose THIS campaign to try to make a throwing ninja who does no damage outside of sneak attacks.
This is why so many people don't play rogues.

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Well, the site is alive again!
So, I'm not familiar with the rules on living with negative hit points. Do I wake up at any time? Function as 'Disabled'? If possible I think we need to go back to the village.

Asric Swain |

@Rerdahl: "Conscious characters with negative hit point totals are treated as disabled characters." So you're staggered and can take one move action per turn without bleeding again. We will not be jogging back to town

Ellioti |

Hello guys. Forum is back and it braucht me to the table. I see you need some early healing. Is it enough to be a Druid that can prepare CLW? I'd rather not roll a Cleric, because of the low skill points. The environment would kill him.
Anyone would have a problem with a CG Orc Druid?

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I was also planning to prepare a CLW in my first level spell slots, and if we survive to second level I'll take the healing hex.
Hopefully that'll be enough.