Summoner 1 | HP 6/8 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 13 / ff10 | Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2 | Init +3 | Viroté (eidolon): HP 8/11 | AC 15, t 13, FF 12 | CMD 16 / ff 13 | Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
Common, Vishkanya, Elven, Hallit
Medium (mostly fraudulent)
About Mina Javid
Mina has tan, almost olive skin, with dark brown hair and green eyes. She seems preternaturally graceful, which adds to her allure. She wears dark green and gray leather armor.
Fort +0, Ref +3, Will +2
- Furs +2 circumstance bonus vs. cold weather
- Poison Resistance 1
HP: 8 / Current HP: 8 AC: 15, touch 13, flat-footed 12
CM Bonus: +0
CM Defense: 13
BAB: +0
Initiative: +3
Speed: 30 ft.
Current XP: 1
Main Attacks: Shuriken +3 (1d2), Kukri +0 (1d4), spellcasting
Skills, Feats, Weapons, Gear:
Skills (those above the baseline):
Diplomacy +5 (+4 Cha, +1 rank; +1 vs. character who could be attracted to you)
Escape Artist +5 (+3 Dex, +2 racial)
Perception +2 (+0 Wis, +2 racial)
Profession (medium) +4 (+0 Wis, +1 rank, +3 class)
Spellcraft +4 (+1 Int, +1 rank, +3 class)
Stealth +5 (+3 Dex, +2 racial)
Feats and Traits:
Extra Evolution
Charming +1 vs. characters who could be attracted to you
Failed Winter Witch Apprentice +1 trait bonus to identify spells or magical effects with the cold descriptor
Kukri: +0 / 1d4 / S / crit 18-20
Light Crossbow: +3 / 1d8 / P / crit 18-20
Shuriken: +3 / 1d2 / P
Special Abilities:
Life Link
Summon Monster I (Sp) 7x/day
Low-Light Vision
Poison Resistance +1
Poison Use (Ex)
Toxic (1/day, Fort DC 10, injury 1d2 Dex/round for 6 rounds) (Ex)
Eidolon's name: Viroté (veer-owe-TAY)
CG Outsider (serpentine); Size: Medium; Scales: Blue; Eyes: Yellow.
He has golden, serrated ridges above his eyes, and vestigial bat-like wings that seem to be made of blue mist.
Str 14, Dex 16, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11
Initiative +3
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +2
AC 15
CMB +3, CMD 16, Speed 20
Hit Points: 11
Attacks: Bite +4 (1d6+2); Tail Slap -2 (1d6+1)
Nina developed her magical skills in her adolescence, but she didn't put those talents to good use at first. After leaving her home and going abroad, she took advantage of her natural charisma and presented herself as a medium. For a fee, she would "summon" the spirits of departed loved ones, using simple magic to create noises and other effects. She would then move on to the next town before people became suspicious. She grew bored, though, and decided to take her magical skills more seriously. She heard of the Winter Witches and, after reluctantly traveling to the frigid north, successfully appealed to them for training.
Recently, however, the Winter Witches discovered her past as a fraudulent medium and cast her out. Bitter, and without enough funds to make her way out of the area, she relies on her looks, skills, and her serpentine eidolon, Viroté, to survive in this cold land.