Redelia's GM school (Inactive)

Game Master Redelia

Folder for the Class


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For the positives, I enjoyed how you portrayed the children and the alien shoe. There is not a ton of guidance in the scenario regarding how to play these NPCs so in the end, it really comes down to the GM's own imagination and creativity to bring this mission's NPCs to life and I had fun with what you presented!

For the improvements, there's not much I can think of and the only thing I can come up with is a minor point. It felt like there were several times during mission where we as players lagged in posting. I don't think it was anyone's fault because I believe the notifications weren't showing up. For example, when Redelia gently poked us, I was surprised to see that Redelia had a posted a couple days prior to that which prompted us to try a diplomacy, sense motive, or survival roll. I don't think my account showed a notification for that post. So my only real suggestion here is that the gentle pokes could have been poked sooner. But really, this is just a matter of the group's pacing...some groups are probably a bit slower and more relaxed whereas others proceed more quickly. And again, this is really just a minor point as I don't have other suggestions for improvement.

Well done and thanks for running this last ission for us!!!

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)

Male CN Ysoki Mystic 1 | SP 6/6 HP 8/8 | RP 5/5 | EAC 14 KAC 15 | Fort +0; Ref +2; Will +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +8, SM: +8 | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 0/3 | Active conditions: none

Player: bigboom
Character: Kaiole
Society Organized Play Number: 194657-704
Faction: Second Seekers
Day Job Roll: Profession Psychologist: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (5) + 13 = 18
Other Notes: Accepted subdermal graft, purchased heartlove album

I've finished filling out Elinnea's chronicle and have uploaded it to the drive here: LINK

Do let me know if I recorded anything incorrectly. Thanks!!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Bigboom, I think the credits aren't right, because the album for Ziggy was split, meaning 62.5 was spent on albums, not 50.

Also, it is good to put a note about the albums purchased on the chronicle sheet.

Got it. I'll adjust the credit amount. However, I don't think fractions of a credit exist in Starfinder. So should I just go ahead and round it to 63 credits spent?


Male CN ysoki outlaw mechanic 1 | SP 6/6 HP 8/8 | RP 5/5 | EAC 13; KAC 14 | Fort +2; Ref +4; Will +0 | Init: +2 | Perc: +4, SM: +0 | Speed 30ft | Active conditions: None

Player name: GM Red
Character name: Chip Patchwork
PFS # and character #: 205498-704
Faction boon slotted: Acquisitives
Day Job: Profession (Gambler): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (1) + 4 = 5

Thank you for the lovely game, everyone. I'm glad to have participated here and you all did such a great job GMing!

Oh, loved the name Floofy, Redelia. ;)

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

sounds fine, Bigboom.

Chip and Morroda, thank you very much for your help with this session of GM school. Your chronicles can also be found in the student work folder of the class folder linked at the top of the page.

Students, you're welcome to take a look at how I filled out the chronicles if that would be helpful.

Alrighty, done! Please take another look at Elinnea's chronicle and let me know if I need to make any other corrections!

Survivor's Salvation

For feedback! I liked how you presented the creature and how we could interact with it. It felt totally natural to roleplay the checks we were making, and way the alien responded. I didn't read the randomization options before we did the scene, but looking at it now it's interesting how it could go a few different ways.

There's not much I would critique, but maybe it was a bit rushed at the end? Having everything wrapped up all at once, the mission and the entire scenario, followed by a big The End banner, didn't leave much room for reacting in-character if anybody wanted to. But we hadn't been doing a great job of keeping up with posting toward the end, and I was probably the worst offender there, so I can hardly fault you for that. Thanks for running us through this whole thing. :D

I'm waiting for Darren's info to fill in the chronicle sheet.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Elinnea's chronicle has been signed and re-uploaded. It should be ready for you, Elinnea.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Elinnea, why don't you go ahead and make bigboom's chronicle. That way you can both be done. When Darren returns, he can fill out his own chronicle and I can sign it.

Survivor's Salvation

Ok, I uploaded bigboom's chronicle sheet, ready to be checked/signed.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Elinnea- looks great!

bigboom- a signed copy of your chronicle has been uploaded.

Unfortunately, I can't have you guys do part of the reporting, so I will take a few screen shots as I do it and share them with you. You can always contact me if you have trouble the first time you try to report.

Other than looking over the document on reporting, I think you two are done!

You two have both worked hard and done an excellent job. I would be proud to sit at a table run by either of you.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Game has been reported. I took screenshots during the reporting, but I need to work on making a comprehensible document from them.

Darren, let me know when you put a chronicle for yourself into the folder, and I will look over it and sign it for you.

The chronicle looks great. Thank you to my fellow players, to the guest GM/Players and especially to Redelia! It's been fun and educational!! Thank you very much for making this happen!!


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Sorry for the delay folks. Here is my info

Player name: Darren Whitehouse
Character name: Dee 42
PFS # and character #: 241518-702
Faction boon slotted: Not sure what this is?
Day Job: Profession (Lab Technician): Day job roll: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (17) + 6 = 23

Doing Chronicle sheet now....


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

sorry Bigboom - just realised yours is already done. Will do my own...:-)


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Okay - I've done it, I think. Couple of questions:

1. I've put +2 fame like everyone but no idea how to calculate this?
2. Does this mean I have 799 credits to spend if I wanted to on my character?
3. +1 xp means that I am 1/3rd toward level 2 right?

Great session Redelia and thanks so much for all of your efforts in helping me understand the game and GM'ing. My outpost is going pretty well I think - at least I haven't lost any players yet :-)

I thought you handled Fitch's character really well, and really brought him to life. ALso like the way you suggested different rolls and encouraged the team when we were almost there.

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Answers to your questions, Dee:

1. The end of the adventure explains this.
2. I'm not sure how you got the number that you did. The adventure could have granted 753 credits, but buying the album for yourself and contributing to Ziggy's copy subtracts 62.5 credits from that. So on the chronicle, you would have 690 in the 'credits garnered' box. The total credits at the end you don't know until you also put in your starting gold, and those boxes don't need to be filled in right now.
3. Yep.

So, two things to fix on the chronicle before I sign it:
The event name is wrong, and also the credits need to be adjusted as pointed out in my answer to 2.


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Oh sorry - I was GM for the album one so didn’t realise I also had to buy it. I got the number of credits as 753 plus my day roll (I think its 2 x what you roll?)


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Sorry - just checking before I finalise - did i need to buy the album if i was GM?

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Even on the GM chronicle, that boon just gives you the opportunity to buy the album, not gives you the album for free. So you can either choose to buy it or not; if you buy it, you would subtract 50 credits and make a note on the chronicle. However, you are right that as the GM for that section, you would not take off money for Ziggy's copy.

The other problem is that the money box that should have been filled in was the 'credits garnered' box that is slightly grey, not the final value.


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Thanks GM - now redone and uploaded

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Signed copy is uploaded, Darren.

I am working on the document on reporting. I will send you a PM with a link to that document when it is done. However, I am now considering this GM school done. You guys have worked hard and hopefully had some fun. You all did a good job with your portion of the scenario. Thank you for allowing me to work with you.

Please feel free to PM me with any questions that come up, especially in your early games. I see part of my job as teacher of GM school to be acting as a resource for your first games.

I'll be posting a graduation announcement for you in the Lodge in a few minuts.

Thank you again Redelia for putting in the time and effort to make this school happen. It's been fun and educational!! I really appreciate your ceaseless energy and commitment!

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey guys, the document came together more quickly than I expected, so here it is.

It's in a rough state right now; thank you for being willing to be beta testers for documentation that I write.


Female Android Operative (1) | SP: 7/7 | | HP: 10/10 | EAC 14 | | KAC: 15 |

Thanks Redelia - awesome job!

Survivor's Salvation

That looks clear enough!

If there's a special mission outcome to report, is it called out in the scenario?

Edit: Oops, I just noticed the campaign is already marked inactive. You might never see my question, so I'll assume the answer is yes. ^^

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