Ptolus: City by the Spire

Game Master EltonJ

A city of mysteries, secrets, and dark histories, Ptolus lies forever in the shadow of a towering stone spire reaching impossibly high into the sky, an enigma and reminder of evil long past. In Ptolus, the supernatural is expected and treachery lies around every corner—or is it that the supernatural lies around every corner and treachery is expected? Either way, the city of Ptolus abounds with danger, magic, intrigue, and above all, adventure.

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Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Oy! Gameplay thread here fellas!

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft.


Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Hey Tiller, didn't know if you saw but there was a question aimed at you in discussion

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),


Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

It's overcast, the spire is obscured by clouds and it feels like it has just rained. You are all at the gates of Ptolus, in the tent city where the Aram (Centaurs) are camping at. Some of you are new arrivals to the city by the spire, others have been permanent residents. Several fires are lit around the city gates, giving it light. Some of you are about to pass through the city gates, and some of you are through the gates. The city guard are checking caravans -- but you are not part of any one caravan. All of you are part of that strange breed of foolhardy and brave fellows called adventurers.

All of you can post a monologue. The monologue can be anything, but at least state your goals why you took up the call to adventure.

You know it is time to enter the city. Ptolus, and what lies beneath, sings to you and your heart. Will you find fabulous treasures? Possibly. But going down there could mean your life.

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

It was a slow day for Jonas, there was no work to be done, and he had plenty of coin left for ale. If might have been a day like any other. However, as he shared a morning drink with an acquaintance of his, Jonas complained about the difficulty he was having in finding a new employer. "Everyone wants a specialist!" he complained "Ta' make matters worse, everybody just assumes you have to be three-feet tall with hairy feet and daggers the size of tooth-picks to know anything about locks and traps." Jonas continued, already slightly inebriated.
His acquaintance suggested that perhaps Jonas should go down to the gates then. "You might find less, uhm, discerning employers amongst the rookies entering the city." his acquaintance said.

"So here I am, standing at the city gates in full kit, looking like a fool no doubt, and surveying the rabble arrayed before me. The stench of their poverty could make privileged man gag, and worse, I've lost my buzz." Jonas thought glumly as he meandered through the tend-city outside the gates. In truth he probably looked rather impressive, dressed as he was in black leather and dark cloth. His finely crafted greatsword slung from his back and an assortment of other weapons hanging from his belt. Not to mention the iconic and prominently displayed leather bundle strapped to his hip that identified him as being versed in the arts of picking locks and disabling traps.
A foolishly optimistic part of him was hoping for an enormous sign pointing to a gullible band of adventurers eager to hire a man of Jonas' many talents. For a share of the spoils of course, no more of this day-wage malarkey. That part of him would just have to learn to live with disappointment. "Surely there are other adventurers here seeking wealth and glory in the depths of the dungeon, I just have to spot them..." Jonas thought; scouring the crowd.

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Shellin eyes never fail to gape over the crowd. He isn't used to such large concentrations of people.
I suppose I won't have to worry about that after I get underground. I'll eventually have to get used to it, though. One wonders where the mages college is? Is there a formal college or more of a- Dalliance. Stick to the plan.
Shellin snaps to from his musing as he strides through the throng, hands clasped behind his back.
Step 2, safely travel to Prolus, check. Now I just need a party and I can begin exploring the Dungeon. After I develop a reputation with my work there, it should be easy to catch the eye of a master! Long journey in the dark though.. Need someone I can trust, at least. Perhaps that veteran father wanted to hire as a bodyguard, and maybe that Aleda girl is still alive...I wonder?
Shellin's odd eyes begin to scan the crowd, searching
Taking 20 on Perception for 24 to search the crowd for Either Jonas or Aleda, hopefully both.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

1 - Jonas, 2 - Shellin: 1d2 ⇒ 1

I think a 24 is more than enough to spot the commotion this will cause.

"What the–?! Hey! This ain't a friggin' carriage!"

A big burly man who'd been busy unloading a wagon near where Jonas was busy looking for some adventurers steps into the bed and grabs a tallish, slightly built woman who'd been napping amid the cargo. With a heave, he tosses her into the air, and straight for Jonas.

Player goal, meet up with the others.
Character goal, find someone willing to help her get back to the city, but I couldn't get that across with how I chose to go about this.
Also, Jonas, it's up to you what happens now. Do you catch her? Do you let her hit the ground, or does she crash into you leaving you both in an awkward tangle of limbs and clothes.

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

Jonas turns to watch the commotion just in time to see a beautiful woman being flung at him. Jonas finds himself dropping his waterproof duffle bag without hesitation, and reaching out to catch Aleda. His bag lands in the mud with a heavy thud, and splatters his boots with wet earth.
Going more or less by the book for catching a falling person:
Modified Touch Attack: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22 (DC 10 assuming you forgo your Dexterity Bonus. DC 15 if you flail) (Success either way!)
Climbing Check: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (5) + 7 = 12 (Also DC 10 as near as I can tell) (Success!)
Jonas takes a half step forward and braces himself just in time; Aleda lands securely in his arms. For a moment, Jonas has a sort of bemused look on his face, as though surprised at his good fortune, then he cracks a rakish smile and says with glee, "If I'd known it would rain angels, I might've brought a net!"
"Are you alright?"
He asks, still cradling Aleda in his arms.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

The young woman looks up at the man who'd caught her with a confused look on her face.

"Uh, where am I," she asks as she looks around the tents. "This doesn't look like the city."

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

"This isn't the city, not really anyway, we are currently just outside of Ptolus..." Jonas replies. Setting Aleda gently on her feet, Jonas takes a step back and admires the beauty now standing before him.
"I am Jonas." He says, placing a hand on his chest. "And those are the gates of Ptolus" He continues, pointing towards the gates with his other hand. After a moment spent posing dramatically, Jonas lifts his bag from the mud and examines himself. He scowls for a moment at his mud-caked boots and kicks the mud from them in the general direction of the brute who'd thrown Aleda. Then he shakes his waterproof bag slightly in an ineffectual attempt to knock the mud off of it before hoisting it over his shoulder once more.
Looking to Aleda once more he asks "So, what is a sweet little angel like yourself doing hitching a ride into the den of inequity and sin I like to call home?"

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Aleda Helene Kath wrote:

I think a 24 is more than enough to spot the commotion this will cause.

Assuming the above,

Shellin's ever-present half-smile slides into a wry smirk at the commotion of Aleda's eviction from her chosen respite..
Two birds, one stone...Oh, three; I won't have to introduce them now.
Shellin will begin working his way through the crowd towards the two, back straight with his hands behind his back as he turns and weaves.

Half-way there, his brows furrow and his pace slows. We still need more... Shellin continues his approach, slightly slower, off in his head.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

"It was an accident," Aleda tells Jonas looking for all the world like a schoolgirl about to get scolded. "I was tired so I found someplace soft to take a nap and the next thing I know, I'm here."

She turns to Jonas, a questioning look on her face. She looks down at the road, then to the tents, then back to the man who'd caught her.

"You sleep in the middle of the road? Wouldn't you get all wet and gross and stuff?"

HP: 12 (13) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +2 Burn: 0 (7)

A red haired, blue eyed, 5'5" woman is about to say something to the man who is throwing people around when the guy behind her grabs her derrier. Without even turning around, she throws an elbow at his nose that connects in a spray of blood. The sound of laughter gets her to turn around, and she sees that he has a couple of friends. She smirks, and with a thick accent says "So, which one of you am I crippling first?"

As they look her over, they choose the better part of valor, collect their friend, and leave. The woman seems disappointed, shouting after them "At least come back and let me break one of your limbs!"

She then turns back around and waits her turn to enter the city.

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

Jonas chuckles good-naturedly at Aleda's excuse. "Of course it was, and as good a place as any to take a nap I'm sure" He says.

"Nay, I live in the city-proper angel of mine." Jonas answers.
"I'm just here to greet the fresh shipment of monster-bait to Ptolus... Most rookies die during their first delves you know." he continues matter-of-factly. (Bluff 17)
"I thought I'd do the charitable thing-" He begins, stopping short as the red-headed spitfire makes a spectacle of herself. He watches in bemusement for a moment, then returns his attention to Aleda ...and give a few of them the opportunity to hire on an experienced delver like myself. But I think I've found something better to do with my day." Jonas finishes, completely unfazed by the violence he just witnessed.

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Quick to violent response when threatened. She will definitely do. Let's great the Jonas and Aleda first.

Walking calmly up to the two, half smile perched on his face, Shellin says "Greetings! Aleda, Shellin is glad to see you doing well, and also glad you have met Mr Jonas. Shellin came here hoping to meet with you both, and perhaps a few others..." He turns for a moment to regard Kali with his pale blue stare, before returning to those before him.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

Aleda is more than a little confused by what's going on. She understands why the men backed down from the scary red-headed woman, but she fails to comprehend the subtext of Jonas' statement. Fortunately, a familiar face comes to her rescue.

"Oh, hello Mr. Dragon!"

HP: 12 (13) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +2 Burn: 0 (7)

The young woman sees the man staring at her from across the gate, smirks, and gives him a look that says wait your turn.

Once she gets into the city, proper, she begins speaking to each and every person she sees. Most of the city residents proper shake their head fearfully and leave. Each time, she shrugs and moves to the next person. After several minutes of this, she finally arrives at the trio of people talking and says "Good morning. I am looking for the Longfingers Rogue's guild. Do you know where I can find them?" she smiles sweetly at you all, but even that smile has an undertone of implied violence in it, most likely because of the massive warscythe that sits on her back. It *almost* looks too big for her to wield, as it's blade stands about a foot and a half above her head.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft.

Skulking at the edge of the tent city, Alder adjusts his cap and looks over the crowded space. Although it has been almost 2 years since his "freedom" was gained, the sight of so many "surfacers" and their animals still cause a cold felling in his gut.
Slowly the halfling edges out into the bustling crowded mess to be found before the gates of the great city. He nimbly dodges between the crushing hoard of humanity until he gets near a wagon. Walking under the vehicle he stops to catch his breath until he hears a voice call out...

"What the–?! Hey! This ain't a friggin' carriage!"

Not sure if the owner is yelling at him, Alder darts out from under the wagon and into a group of people. One holding a young human female.

"Umm..very sorry for my mistake of walking...much pardons", he says in a heavily accented common.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

Before Aleda can reply to Kali's question, she feels someone bump into her leg. Looking down, she sees a strange little man who is otherwise unremarkable in appearance.


She cocks her head to one side as she tries to puzzle out what Alder is saying, and utterly fails to make sense of it. She starts to sit on her heels, but one look at the mud her hair would be in had her thinking better of it.

"Uh, why are you apologizing for walking? Are you afraid we'd be mad about how you walk," she asks.

Yes, she is pretty much ignoring Kali's question now. Feel free to bring her back to reality.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads zipped from cover to cover. So many Long-Legs in one place. He didnt know what to do. He came to find refuge. Make some money to survive and maybe get something warm to eat or drink. This was a bit much for the poor Skink. He gulped. He had to do it. Going back was out of the question. Better face the unknown than the known. Back there was death. Or worse.... Here, well here he didnt know what to expect. So for now. Keep his head down. His eyes and ears open and just try to blend in. Yes. Make an informed choice. Not barrel in unprepared. Not like last time. No. Live and learn. Yes.
He nods. Mostly to himself, trying to reasure his own shaking legs. His tongue tasting the air out of nervousness.

-Posted with Wayfinder

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

"Well met..." Jonas says to Shellin with just a hint of suspicion. He taps his chin thoughtfully for a few moments, regarding the fellow. "The queer fellow knows my name... Have I met him before? He does seem sort of familiar. Do I owe him money? Did I forget about a meeting? Hmm... perhaps I'll just play along until I remember him."
"It is good to see you again as well, ahm-Shellin." Jonas says.

To Kali's question Jonas replies earnestly "Why would you want to find that pickled pack of has beens?" if somewhat contemptuously.
Let me assure you, they're nothing but trouble, and not the fun kind. If you're looking for action you should be head for the Delver's Guild, or straight into the Dungeon" He advises.

Finally noticing the Halfling in their midst, Jonas says. "And well met to you as well." Taking a quick mental tally, he follows with "Hmm, getting a bit crowded out on the road, perhaps we should continue this conversation in the city-proper. I know an excellent pub in Delver's Square."

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

He cocks his head to one side. This Jonas person seems to know the city well. Yes. Good idea. And maybe a break for him. Follow this Long-Legs called Jonas, listen and learn. Good idea. Very good idea. Then he wont have to mingle with everyone. And going into the city does sound better than staying here and possibly be trampled. His eyes swirl a bit as he looks up and down. Another Short-Legs. He doesnt see them too often. But being close to a city probably has something to do with it. Maybe he can learn from him how to work with all the Long-Legs

-Posted with Wayfinder

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

Looking back up at Jonas, Aleda blinks as her look of confusion deepens. She steals a glance at the red-headed woman, just then remembering she was asking a question.

"You're looking for pickled beans?"

The young woman sees Jonas beginning to head into the city and follows him. She couldn't put her finger on why, but she felt uncomfortable among the tents here. Perhaps the area was too crowded.

HP: 12 (13) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +2 Burn: 0 (7)

Kali seemed equally confused by Aleda's question, so she chose to answer Jonas' instead: "They have something that I have been sent here to get, and I was told by one of my Elders that the best way to find dangerous people in any city was to start wandering around asking the locals questions about it until some of those dangerous people showed up, and then after they failed to kill you 'Remembering to leave one alive' you get a location and can be on your way."

Stepping closer to narrowly avoid a messenger on horse, Kali says "You seem to have the right of it. We should get out of the street."

"What is a pub?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

Flabergasted by how many posts this morning. Sixteen, and I was expecting about six monologues. This is going to be a lively group, seriously. I'm not Aubrey the Malformed, but I'll try to get a post in every day.

There are several taverns on this side of the gate. Most of them catering to merchants. However the Welcome Inn (not a pun, okay it is) is large enough to accommodate newcomers. Perhaps this is the inn where you want to go. Passing the smells and aromas of the Spice Market.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads follows the group of Long-Legs as they make their way into the city. Strangely even the Short-Legs kept up with them. then again, it wasn't that hard, since people where not that in a hurry to go anywhere other than some building. Such a strange concept living like this. But, since his plan involved staying in the city, he may as well learn why they do this. Not that he planned on staying inside any place. outside was much more comfortable

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft.

Alder decides to follow the others into the was a good guise to be in a group. As he turns back to see the great gate, he notices a new arrival.

"Good greetings to you friend...or are you a pet? I have not met such as you before..are you a little ' linddil'..err Lizard people?"

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Shellin is positively beaming at the size of their group!
Now if I can just convince this powerhouse to join... that scythe looks like it's seen some use
When they all turn to leave, Shellin turns to the hallfling(?)
Linguistics to determine source of accent: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

"If you need work friend, you will find no persecution with me. Come, join us for a drink."

As they file in to the pub, Shellin chooses a table away from the entrance and sits with his back to the wall, facing the door. He sits as he walks, back straight, but this time his hands are clasped before him on the table.

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

"Hmm, well if the Longfingers have something of yours, good luck getting it back." Jonas says.
You plan sounds quite ahm-efficient. However, one thing you should know about thieves is that they are like goblins or ratfolk. You can crush one or two under your heel easily enough, but they always travel in packs, and in packs they can be quite dangerous..." Jonas advises Kali.
"A pub is a wonderful place where libations abound and adventures begin and end!" Jonas says reverently.

As the group approaches the Welcome Inn Jonas slows, remembering that his acquaintance mentioned something about it being quite large, something of a beacon for rookie delvers, and their breakfast cook being especially good. His stomach grumbles at the thought, and he remembers he'd forgotten to break his fast before leaving for the gates this morning...
Turning to address the group, Jonas says "Actually, lets all stop there and have breakfast before we head into the city-proper." He says, pointing to the Welcome Inn's sign over his shoulder.
"It'll give us a chance to introduce ourselves and get to know one-another." He says, taking another quick tally. "Five... With any luck, one of them is a Healer, and all of them are gullible." He ponders hopefully as he awaits their answers.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads looks at the Short-Legs a few seconds. He blinks slowly. Then looks around. He was talking to him... very odd. Very few spoke to them. Much less so ditectly

"Sssskink" she says, his tongue flicking out
"Me issss a Ssskink. Me name issss Beadssss" he hasnt spoken in a while. And their language was a bit hard. But at least he could communicate well. Or so he hoped

-Posted with Wayfinder

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

The Welcome Inn is busy today. Some of them adventurers, and some are not. You can't mistake the usual adventurer. All of them wear some kind of ostentatious clothing or their armor and smell quite bad (if they have been in the sewers). The spice market smells better than most of the adventurers here. Some don't smell like anything except like humans, elves, or some other race. Some adventurers do earn enough to perfume their bodies with pleasant scents.

Luck has it that you find an empty table. However, one of the serving maids had to hit one of the patrons because he tried to cop a feel. The waitress, one of the Schuks, approaches you.

"May I take your order, please?" she asks.

Neutral Evil Adult Male Human Slayer 2 | HP 19/19 | Init +2 | AC 15; T 12; F 13 | BAB +2; CMB +5; CMD 17 | Fort +3; Ref +4; Will +0 | Perception +5 (+6 vs. Traps) | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load
Acid (1), Oil (1), Healer's Kit (10), Bear Trap (1/1), Tripwire Trap (1/1),

"Triple portions of bacon and eggs, a tankard of ale, and whatever my fellow patrons here care to order." Jonas says, motioning to indicate those he brought with him. "I will be paying the tab." He continues. As he speaks, he remembers one of the first lessons he learned on the streets of Ptolus: "There is no form of gratitude cheaper than a meal."
As it turns out, Jonas is one of those people Bards sometimes tell tales about; burly warriors capable of devouring comically prodigious quantities of food.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft.

Hearing the degrades language of the traders from the deep, Alder reaches for his daggers, but stops short when he realizes it is a human speaking to him.

"I am sorry..what did you just say?"

He mostly ignores the human, but turns to speak with the lizard.

"Greetings and proper salutation Beads. I am Alder, a halfling, yes! Are you joining us in this large hall of food and drink?"

He walks into the building with the others.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads tilts his head to watch as the Short-Legs enters the building. Such an odd place indeed. He quietly follows him. Alder. Wonder what it means?

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Jonas Deepdelver wrote:

"Triple portions of bacon and eggs, a tankard of ale, and whatever my fellow patrons here care to order." Jonas says, motioning to indicate those he brought with him. "I will be paying the tab." He continues. As he speaks, he remembers one of the first lessons he learned on the streets of Ptolus: "There is no form of gratitude cheaper than a meal."

As it turns out, Jonas is one of those people Bards sometimes tell tales about; burly warriors capable of devouring comically prodigious quantities of food.

"Sure," said the girl. "Anyone else want to order besides the gourmand here?"

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads, picking up from the chatter that the food was "free" goes up to the human girl and pulls on her skirt

"Scccuse me. Beadssss wantsss to get the food ssssstuf. Meat pleassse. Not cooked..."

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

You would think she'd be surprised by the little skink pulling on her skirt, but it seems she's used to it. "Leg of ham? Mutton? What kind of meat, hun?" She asked.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

He blinks a few times, such strange terms, meat was meat, why name them?
"Uhm... raw meat...Beadssss... Beadssss take mutton meat"

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Food... food that isn't trail rations...
"Shellin will have a juice and cooked fish, if you please miss." This statement brings an obviously full smile to his face.

Now, back to the matter at hand.
Shellin's grin will fade to his comfortable half smile as he turns to his table mates. "Greetings, friends. Shellin has previously met Miss Aleda here, and He is somewhat familiar with The Dungeon Veteran Jonas whom his father once intended to hire as a caravan guard." He gestures at his companions as he names them, "However, He seems to be lacking a bit of basic knowledge by way of your names! This one is Shellin, mage, linguist, and historian."

Hiding with spoilers so massive post doesn't hog space. Everyone hears all of the below. May not understand all of it though...
He turns to each of the three newcomers in turn., his ole blue eyes near glowing in the shade of the bars interior

To Beads:

"Shellin understands that your name is Beads? He has never met a lizard folk before. Draconic Do you speak the eldest lizards' tongue?"

EDIT: ^ fixed the above, my bad xD

To Alder:

"Shellin doesn't think he caught your name, Undercommon friend."
Common "You have quite the accent."

To Kali:

"Lastly, I don't think I caught your name either, Miss. Though I must say, if earlier is anything to judge by, you must throw a rather nice elbow."

Lastly, DC 15 Wisdom check to notice:

Shellin casts no silhouette, no shadow against the wall. However, swarming and dancing across the table, the floor, the wall, and the ceiling above Homs are several small shadows resembling dragons. These dragons swoop and soar around Shellin as he speaks, almost hypnotic.

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

heh heh, beans

Once again he cocks his head to get a good look at the Long-Legs who seems to be speaking to him. His Draconic was much more fluent than his common

Draconic "Indeed I can, but I am not of the tribe of Lizardssss you sssspeak of. I am what ssssome would call Ssskink. A pleassssure to meet you Sssshellin" he gives him a nod, and a toothy grin

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

Not lizard tribe... fascinating.
Shellin's eyes will almost visibly brighten with interest, his pinhead pupils focused.


"I hope you won't mind if I take the chance to practice. My father taught me Dragon tongue very young, thus it has always been a bit of a comfort to find chances to use it. Not lizard tribe you say? I have never met, nor read, nor heard of the Skink tribes, though I assume that puts you far from home then. By chance, have you come to Ptolus with interests in The Dungeon?"
Also added spoiler to the blanket post, Wisdom check to see dragons

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10
Beads wrote:

He blinks a few times, such strange terms, meat was meat, why name them?

"Uhm... raw meat...Beadssss... Beadssss take mutton meat"

"Uh, huh, raw mutton." She said that without surprise. Maybe some of the patrons eat raw animal meat here.

Shellin wrote:

Food... food that isn't trail rations...

"Shellin will have a juice and cooked fish, if you please miss." This statement brings an obviously full smile to his face.

"Of course hun," she said. This was the South Market, fish was readily available.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

Aleda doesn't seem to notice most of the interactions happening between Alder and Beads. Indeed, she's getting a little nervous about the crowd they're in and starts humming different songs to herself to try calming her nerves. She isn't thrilled by how packed the place is already when they arrive at the Welcome Inn, and decides to sit by Shellin, hoping his presence would be enough to help her forget about the others. That, or help her long enough for the subject of orders to come up.

1->Fancy: 1d4 ⇒ 2 Jonas got lucky this time. :)

"Can I get some bread with pear jam and cream cheese, pickled apples, fried ham, scrambled eggs with cheddar, and some hashbrowns, please," she asks the girl before thinking for a moment and also asking, "do you have chocolate milk?"

Male Human Psion 10/Atlanteologist 10

"No, sorry hun. Chocolate milk is only available to the nobility," she says.

Female Aasimar (Azata-Blooded) Oracle 7/Ranger 2/Sorceress 1 HP: 112/112 | AC: 26/17/21 | Resist: Acid 5, Cold 5, Electricity 5 | F +10, R +12, W +11 (+1 vs. Illusion) | Per:+19 (Darkvision 60 ft.), Init: +4 | Spells: Sor: 1st - 4/4, Ora: 1st - 7/7, 2nd - 7/7, 3rd - 5/5 | Status:

"Okay, do you have just the regular kind?"

Aleda looks pretty sad at hearing that chocolate milk is not on the menu.

Male Halfling Rogue 1 | HP 17/17 | Init +4 | AC 17; T 14; F 14 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 15 | Fort +1; Ref +7; Will +0 | Perception +5 (60' Dark Vision) | Speed 30 ft.

"Plain oatmeal please", the halfling ask.

Spells Prepared:
0th- Light, Detect Magic, Jolt, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation || 1st- Shocking Grasp, Silent Image, Mage Armor
Human(draconic heritage) Blood Arcanist 3| HP 18/18 | Init +2 | AC 13; T 12; F 11 | BAB +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 | Fort +2; Ref +3; Will +4 | Perception +5 | Speed 30 ft. | Light Load

To Alder:

Had a post up there talking to alder, didn't know if you saw it or Alder is ignoring him xD

To Aleda:

DC 15 Wisdom check to notice,
Several of Shellin's little dragon shadows are silently yet obviously sniffing you.

HP: 12 (13) | AC: 16; T: 13; FF: 13 | Init +3 | Fort +6; Ref +5; Will +2 Burn: 0 (7)

"Interesting place a pub seems to be. Like a food tent without the wandering goats." Kali looks around in, if not wonder, than certainly curiousity.

When someone mentions introductions, Kali smacks herself on the forehead and says "Of course I should introduce myself. You have bought me a meal, so I will tell you my name and we can share our troubles." Taking a deep and practiced breath, she begins "My name is Kalisandri, of the house of Soi, but everyone calls me Kali, and so should you all. I am a culler of flesh and a cleaver of both man and beast. My greatest kill so far has been a massive bear, whose body I turned into a blanket, which has warmed the winter of several of my elders."

Given the way she speaks, it's clear she's from the Eastern Hordes.

Kali then winks at Shellin and whispers something to him.


"Men always stand the same way when trying to grasp a woman's backside. Let's just say I've had alot of practice swings."

In response to Jonas' comments about the Longfingers, Kali will say "My fool of a brother ran off to this city to join some group called the Longfingers. My mother, being a greater fool, told me to come and get him. I reminded her that he is a piss-poor swordsman and can barely run for a morning without collapsing out of breath. Since she is technically my Elder, she reminded me that I had not choice in the matter, and I, being the greatest fool, could find no way out of her request."

When the waitress asks about our orders, Kali will say "I'll take some Dacha fermented goat's milk and meat, either mutton or bull if you have any."

Male Skink
AC: 19, T: 15, FF: 15; HP: 17/17; F:4, R:7, W:2 (+2 vs poison); CMB +0; CMD 14; Init: +4; Perc: +7
Vivisectionist 2
Acro +3(+7 jump),Climb +11,Craft (alch)+13,DD+6,Escape Artist +5,K.(nature) +9,Perc +7,SoH +8(+14 to hide on body),Stealth +21,Survival +7,Swim +11,UMD +4

Beads looks at his own hand then to those who were about him. Then he puts his own two hands ontop of each other. Then he looks back at the others before he speaks

"Long fingersssss? Sssso two handssss big... how they work? Ssssseemssss hard to make holding thingssss... ssspot them quickly then?" he seems to be asking the group and at the same time asking himself. He seems quite puzzled and very confused

-Posted with Wayfinder

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