Pixie Rogue |

I'm not seeing a post date of 3AM on any of them, but the company is based in Seattle, WA. I don't know where their web servers reside.
Concentration checks are made by d20 + caster level + intelligence modifier (for a magus) + combat casting bonus (if applicable)
The difficulty class is based on the spell level and possibly other factors, which should be under the link I tried to post above.

Ashia Autumn |

So funny thing, I thought that you were actually posting at 3 AM some days until I just realized that my posts were also showing 3 AM. Where is this website based? Europe?
Check the following:
- Click the "My Account" link at the top of the page.
- Check your time zone under the "Messageboard Settings" section.
- Edit them if not set to your timezone.

Loegare |

Not that I'm anywhere near this level yet but I want to check my understanding. At 10th level on a Magus, do I get to treat myself as a fighter for my class bonus also? Meaning that I'd immediately get the bonus that a 5th level fighter gets? Like for example, Could I name my blade that I'm supposed to be getting at 5th level my weapon training bonus that a fighter gets and then get a +1 on the attack rolls involving my sword?

Pixie Rogue |

I swear I posted a response to this question days ago. Is it still something you need an answer on or did you did you find it already?
The reason I came in was to post that I think I should be able to get Tyhal's action posted finally. The test did not work out as hoped, but the review was worth the attempt.

SOFreyr |

No worries about the delay. I also figured it had to do with keeping everyone straight. I know I am having a hard time keeping the position of everyone straight, as well as the actions and timing. I wish there was a website that could track the map, movements, and turns. Something simple to link to for play-by post.
If only there was a web programmer that would do it :-|
Looking around and not seeing a mirror anywhere, I don't see any programmers as the moment.

SOFreyr |

They help, and I am sure as I get to know names, I will get more experienced with the theater of the mind. I just know that I can get lost in all the posts, and I always hope to not be missing my turn in initiative. Play by post is something I have not done much of, so it is something I need to get use too.
I generally have always like to know the latest greatest info before posting my actions, but it is hard to know what the latest greatest info is sometimes. I don't know if that is me or just the format.
I also try to not post outside of my init order (when in initiative), as I don't want to add confusion (if only my own :-).
So long story short, I have had an idea for mapping/init tracking/playing for PbP for a while now, but I have not done anything about it. I seem to only get motivated to do it when I start running into issues. I will be sure to let you know if anything ever comes of it.

Pixie Rogue |

I think a set of Google docs could alleviate a lot of issues, giving us a place for common notes, maps, xp, shared treasure, stuff like that. An init tracker could certainly be posted there.
I will see if I can't come up with one when I get a chance to breathe. I get another chance at that test tonight since it was locked by mistake last night. Sleep deprivation is currently my default state. Welcome back to college.

Pixie Rogue |

Yeah, I enter the roll and hit preview. It will retain the same randomly-generated number when you hit submit, so you can customize the description based on the results of the 'roll' before publishing.
Actually, I have had times when I deleted the roll completely can came back later, edited the entry to put a different roll in, and got the original result again.
It's a neat trick.

SOFreyr |

Yeah, I enter the roll and hit preview. It will retain the same randomly-generated number when you hit submit, so you can customize the description based on the results of the 'roll' before publishing.
Actually, I have had times when I deleted the roll completely can came back later, edited the entry to put a different roll in, and got the original result again.
It's a neat trick.
Also note, it keeps them in the order in when they were rolled. That is important because if you reorder your '[dice]' commands, it would not reorder the rolls, thus changing the rolls they are applied to.
And on another topic, I think the initiative order on the campaign info should help. It can easily be found and it can easily be updated. And if you ever use Google sheets like you mention, that is a great place to put the link as well. Thanks.

Loegare |

Ok brother, question. You can answer this too SOFreyr obviously. Do you see any reason for me to get Hero Lab? I looked online and when it was recently updated (8 months ago I guess?) the guy on YouTube wasn't impressed because it lacked archetypes and everything else. I'm curious because I'd like to be able to play around and invent more characters easier and I'm not a fan of the free version I was already dealing with. I also wondered if this wouldn't make it easier for me and you to communicate back and forth my characters we already created. Let me know what you think. Also, is it a one time payment of 29.99 or is that a yearly thing or something? That would also help me make my decision.

SOFreyr |

I use Hero Labs to help me make some of my characters a well. I have also used PCGen, pen a paper, and spreadsheets. Here are my thoughts so far:
- Quick character creation.
- Verifies your work
- Can quickly apply calculated stats with Buffs, Debuffs, Conditions, etc.
- Runs relatively quick and smooth.
- Can use on Windows computer or tablet
- Can use on an iPad.
- Quickly see what your character is able to do/cast.
- Custom personal coding can be done to add additional options.
- The base price is $30.
- Base price is for base ruleset.
- $10 per additional rulebook (Advanced Player's Guide, Ultimate Combat, etc.)
- Their eCommerce isn't setup very well, and can be confusing.
- Complex custom coding is difficult.
I like it. It helps me track my character, and I can easily post stats online (like under my character profiles). I don't like having to pay for each book. I have one character in Pathfinder Society that uses 3 books. I can only use Hero Lab for most of her. I have a text document for her special abilities (Time Oracle).
I feel like in the end, if you have the money it is worth it, but it can be costly, and I am also playing a lot right now (GMing on Roll20.net, GMing and playing weekly at a Pathfinder Society table, and playing in the play-by-post).

Pixie Rogue |

The review was outdated within a month, I'd bet. Rule sets don't magically appear and the book publishers rarely create them. They release several books every month and probably made his complaint old news shortly afterward.
Paizo, at least, charges HL a licensing fee to use their intellectual property to make money, but it is up to HL to actually create the files. That means paying someone to create them in addition to the IP license. I don't begrudge HL charging for the service, especially after seeing how PCGen struggles to keep up with book releases because they rely on volunteers. Talented volunteers, but they have to put food on the table, so their time is constrained.
In a nutshell, I think HL is a good investment if you intend to play much. It costs about what a hardback used to cost and you can augment your virtual bookshelf one book at a time if that's what your budget allows, or you can purchase some books in bundles if you are feeling flush.
If you also want to use it for Mutants & Masterminds for Tom's game, there is a charge for the additional ruleset, but they don't have nearly as many additional books to purchase - the core is all I have currently and all I expect to purchase.
I wish I had time to make custom data, but I don't, even if it was easy. And as SOFreyr points out, it's not easy, from what I gather.

SOFreyr |

You mentioned having problems with sharing and keeping things straight. I just recently started traking my Roll20 campaign on Obsidian Portal. It has a free version (which is what I am currently using). Maybe you could check that out, and see if that helps.
I am not sure though as it may add more work. Check it out at if it doesn't work, it doesn't work. Like I said, I am still testing it out myself.
My Kingmaker Campaign or their main site at https://www.obsidianportal.com/

Pixie Rogue |

I've read some long adventures on that site - it appears to have changed quite a bit. I don't see any maps at this point, so I have to ask: Are you able to share maps for in-game combat or is more for large-scale maps?
I've seen some very cool map options, so I may not need a solution for those, but it's good to ask.
And some people have figured out how to share google docs that allow everyone to move their token. I haven't gotten the hang of setting that up yet.
I appreciate the suggestion - it looks like a good option.

SOFreyr |

I think the benefit of such a system helps keep everything straight when drawn out over multiple plat forms, or when the campaign is really long.
I wanted to start using it to help keep my world straight. I have thought about running other campaigns, and I was going to run them in the same world as my kingmaker.
I have been contemplating running a campaign PBP that uses the Ultimate Campaign downtime rules. I was then planning to have the PBP downtime be in the Kingmaker world we have created. It is a different type of RPG style, and I am not sure how it will work out, but I have been playing with the idea, and this website could help organizing it.
As for the maps you asked about, you can have some maps and images, but the free version is limited to how many you can have. Even the pay version doesn't seem like a lot, but I haven't had to use the map section yet (as I am using Roll20).
It does also have formatting limits, as I have made some tables and it broke out of the theme's columns. So I am thinking I might still use Google Docs, and link the document on the site. I use google docs for everything, so I know how to setup the sharing for public to view and allow logged in people to make changes. Let me know if you have any questions/issues.

SOFreyr |

No worries. I understand that.
Also I want to share a document I created to help with the map. I find it hard to remember what is where and where everyone is at each time I come back. As long as we keep it up to date, this should help when we have pauses between posts.
I have made it viewable to the public, and have also shared it for editing to your (Pixie) gmail address that I have. Let me know if you are able to reach it and edit it.
As far as Loegare, I suspect you (Pixie) have his email address. You can then share it with him to edit. He can then move his characters around.
If anyone has issues, let me know. As of right now, I have the it back a couple of actions, when we were at the door on the stairs and ready to enter. Feel free to update the "L" shaped room with doors (orange boarders) as well as place our characters where you have their location.
Feel free to post the document wherever you need it for reference as it is open to all public for viewing.

Pixie Rogue |

Looks like you are getting the hang of it. I assume he also told you about the formatting tags for bold, italics, and out-of-character text.
I am currently traveling and didn't intentionally bring the information for this game with me (though if I dig, I might actually have it and not realize it yet), so we won't move this game forward, but if you want to review the story thus far for background purposes, that would be cool. And you can continue to experiment here - if you see something we did in the game thread that you are curious about why or how, please ask. Nolan will probably know, but if not, I'll get back to you when I can.
If I failed to say so before, Welcome Aboard!

Pixie Rogue |

Ok, reading through some of the “how to have a great pbp” discussions that I shared with you earlier, I think I found some gold to definitely keep close. If you have found some rules you liked, share them and we will see about incorporating them or at least considering them.
Some I want to offer:
Try to post once a weekday, minimum. If you know you can’t meet your normal schedule (work, vacation, other obligations), a heads up would be appreciated either here or via text since you have my number.
When you post, flavor and description is appreciated. Something that moves the story either by taking an action or baiting a hook for someone else to take an action is even better. When you make a combat/tactical post, detail in a spoiler or ooc what you have in mind. Tell us where you moved and why, and indicate your actions (free, move, standard) to avoid confusion - and to help yourself structure your turns.
When I post, I will endeavor to summarize the combat round thus far (so you can post out of order because I will put the actions in order) and if your action is no longer valid because your target has already shuffled off this virtual mortal coil, a descriptive post on your part will help me make a reasonable adjustment to your action.
Someone should track ongoing spell effects and treasure. It does not have to be me, so I’m open to volunteers. A GoogleDocs sheet might be a good venue, what do you think?
I am responsible for the map (of course) and one point of agreement seems to be that finding a good map solution (for our group) is of the utmost importance. Google Docs are a common choice here, also. A thought - is anyone going to be restricted from using Google Docs to where it is a hardship for your game participation?
Ok, that’s too much already for a single post. Please share your feedback on these ideas. I will focus on the mapping solution with your suggestions and concerns in mind.

Lalandar |

Hey, question. Hero Lab won't show me 2nd level spells for my magus. The book I have only shows 3 spells. Can you tell me where you got the spells from so I can add them to my online spellbook? Thanks.