PbP Gameday VII - #4-09 Blakros Matrimony - GM Nowruz (Inactive)

Game Master noral

Start Oct 15

Maps & Handouts

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Syl'las Morbos wrote:

Syl'las follows Terrance over to Tancred, "Well if it isn't Advisor to the throne Tancred Desimire" In a slightly lower tone she follows up, "I am so sorry to hear about your brother, it is always hard to lose a loved one to silly rivalries. I admire your outlook on the situation to not blame the Society as a whole."

[dice=diplomacy to gain influence]d20+8
forgot to add the +1 for being "fashionable". And again, no matter what I roll, I can not go below a 13

Mosi the Wanderer wrote:

"Ahhh, I see there are movers and shakers at this party." Mosi steps into a conversation that Tancred had been having with a group of Taldan nobles. The information relayed to him by Terrance buzzes around in his head, while he tries to figure out how to best use it.

"Do you even know whom you are speaking with gentlemen?" Mosi asks two men who appear to be content with their buzz and their proximity to powerful people. "The Desimire name is infamous in the inner sea. They attack each day with an ambition unknown to mankind." he smiles, raising a glass. "Destined for the upper crust is what I heard, am I right Tancred?" Mosi feigns a deep interest in the percieved power of the Chelaxian noble.

"What is your title now? I don't want to be rude and address you with the wrong moniker."

Mosi's smile appears just like the two fanboys next to him, hangers-on who just like being in the presence of power. Secretly he smiles at his own cleverness at possibly getting the man to admit his relatively low station in front of a small crowd.

Mosi's aid was needed! ;-)

Syl'las approaches when one of the several hangers-on next to Desimire is in the midst of asking him his opinion of the best school to send her eldest son to when Syl'las butts in.

A lady standing next to Syl'las suddenly shouts "How dare you address the Lord Desimire in that way, you damnable half-bre-..."

"Enough." Desimire cuts her off before she can finish her insult.

When Mosi enters the scene and starts speaking you see that the Pathfinders have gained his interest.

"My apologies sir. I am Lord Tancred Desimire, Master of the Fourth Sanctum, Imperial Counsellor, Hand of the House of Thrune. Damian Kastner is my cousin. And to whom do I have the pleasure of speaking this evening?"

Desimire is stsmooth and unflappable. Even when castigating, he does not raise his voice. Yet the woman he scolded shrinks away, and beats a hasty retreat.

Minor success with Desimire.

Scarab Sages

Arcane Trickster 10 | Mods: Countless Eyes, Mage Armor. | HP: 112 (-0) Temp 0| AC: 24 (18 Tch, 17 Fl); +1 vs Traps | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9; +2 vs Shadow, Evasion | Init: +9 | Perc: +10 (+1 vs Traps/Surprise), SM: +2 | 20ft |
8/8 Lightning Flash, BotG 1/1, Dissolution 1/1, Imp SA 1/1, L&D 1/1; At Will: Feather Fall (Self), Levitate (Self) | Spells 1st: 5/6+1; 2nd: 4/4+1; 3rd: 3/4+1; 4th: 3/3

Eyeing the newcomers as his companions continue their rounds, he meanders towards the supposed Lord. Stifling a chuckles as his cohorts interact with the man, he stays towards the outskirts of the group.

'Hmmm...Dralneen would like us to humiliate this one...but we are supposed to be making friends while we're here. Two different requests by two V.C.s....' he considers. Glancing towards Hamish, he wonders 'How would that one proceed?'

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Umbrato Shawart wrote:

Eyeing the newcomers as his companions continue their rounds, he meanders towards the supposed Lord. Stifling a chuckles as his cohorts interact with the man, he stays towards the outskirts of the group.

'Hmmm...Dralneen would like us to humiliate this one...but we are supposed to be making friends while we're here. Two different requests by two V.C.s....' he considers. Glancing towards Hamish, he wonders 'How would that one proceed?'

Dralneen and her wishes are not the mission briefing. ;-) But your ratfolk super hero found out that Tancred respects power and showing him that you can get him cornered means that he will show the Society more attention ...

Dark Archive

CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

After a couple drinks, Hamish feels pretty good. This is a party after all, gotta fit in!

He is also enjoying the discussion with this Bedard guy, "I like you buddy! Not judgy like all those uptight stick in the mudds! Tell me more about this night eagle thing."

He is completely oblivious to Umbrato's glances.

Umbrato Shawart, are you taking any action this round?

Scarab Sages

Arcane Trickster 10 | Mods: Countless Eyes, Mage Armor. | HP: 112 (-0) Temp 0| AC: 24 (18 Tch, 17 Fl); +1 vs Traps | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9; +2 vs Shadow, Evasion | Init: +9 | Perc: +10 (+1 vs Traps/Surprise), SM: +2 | 20ft |
8/8 Lightning Flash, BotG 1/1, Dissolution 1/1, Imp SA 1/1, L&D 1/1; At Will: Feather Fall (Self), Levitate (Self) | Spells 1st: 5/6+1; 2nd: 4/4+1; 3rd: 3/4+1; 4th: 3/3

Stepping out of the crowd, Umbrato bows to the man. "Seems you've done well for yourself and your family. Should we expect you to continue to climb th ladder? Perhaps one day even being the leader of the fine nation of Cheliax?"

"My name is Umbrato, sir. No titles of note, just a humble man interested in the world."

diplomacy? (Come on high roll): 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (20) - 2 = 18

Desimire remains calm whilst Umbrato tries to win him over and the combination of teasing and provocation gets a smile from Desimire.

"Hmmm ... you seem to be from the Pathfinder Society - I believe you already have a Chelish liaison, do you not? You are very charming but if you want to trade up, and establish a partnership that actually gets you access, you know what you need to do."

Success! You have gained major influence BUT you have not won him fully, yet.

Good night!

After all the discussions end, the music dies down and Hamaria Blakros announces the end of the evening's festivities.

Servants guide you towards the log cabins that have been constructed to house the wedding guests.

The Pathfinders have a cabin to themselves.

* * *

You make your way to your own wood cabin, directed by the Blakros servants. Like the others, it is of simple, clean construction, but it is furnished spendidly. A common room holds a polished oak table and upholstered chairs.

There are two bedrooms, each with four individual cots, thick mattresses, soft feather pillows and warm blankets. A separate washroom is provided, with soaps and perfumes (though none so exotic as Dorje's 'Spice of Akiton').

As you enter the building a servant provides you with keys, which fit individual lockers where your 'luggage' has been stored.

Waiting for you in the common room is a familiar face. Trade Prince Aaqir al'Hakam.

"A thousand blessings upon you Hamish, Umbrato, Syl'las, Mosi, Kolvisa and Terrance. I hope you are enjoying this felicitous occasion. I know you have been hard at work." he says smiling.

Here's where I get to give you update on your progress.

"You have done quite the job on Nigel Aldain. We all know how difficult he can be, but I am certain that we are going to be working with him a great deal in the future. Well done.

Alexander Bedard has been singing the praises of our Society of 'freedom lovers and romantics.' I think we have to thank really you for the latter.

Madame Blakros seems more relaxed than at the start of the evening. She has told me personally that she feels merrier for having you here. Really amusing!

Lord Desimire is an enigma isn't he? I understand why you might be reluctant to deal with him, but please consider that we have long had difficulties in gaining access to the interior of the Chelish Empire, and its many sites of archaeological interest. Desimire could help us get over the bureaucratic hurdles involved. You have to work harder on him!

Jeon Raeng-Woo, did I spot him throwing up in the bushes earlier? I know I heard him singing with you. More importantly, he has agreed to work with us on a trade agreement to our mutual advantage! Thanks a lot!

The mercenary guard commander, Rubaani Shafar, speaks well of the vigilant crusaders of the Pathfinder Society. No doubt we can provide her with work more to her taste than guarding a wedding feast.

* * *

A good night's work, Pathfinders! Rest well, and be sure to avail yourselves of the remedies that Madame Blakros has provided. Tomorrow will be another full day, and the wedding begins at dawn! Be on your best behaviour, my friends! Do not undo all that good work!"

With that, al'Hakam retires to his own lodge.

What all this means is that you have successfully influenced all of your targets except for Tancred Desimire, with whom you have some way to go.

On your pillows, you note two small vials. A printed card is placed next to them. "For your comfort. Drink when you wake."

craft(alchemy) or Perception 15:

Alchemist's Kindness and a mild stimulant

Dark Archive

CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

Perception: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (13) + 5 = 18

Hamish looks at the vials, sniffs them and then takes a drop of each to put on his tongue. He smacks his lips a bit and then speaks, "this one is just a mild stimulant in case anyone wakes up needing a little boost. This one here is actually really nice, they call it Alchemist's Kindness. Mix it with water and it takes care of a hangover."

With that said, steps into the washroom and changes for bed. He hangs up his outfit and gems, casting a quick prestidigitation on them to get the wrinkles and any stains out. He quickly washes up with some soap and then returns to the common room before heading to a bedroom. In his under-clothes and mithral breastplate, he flops down onto an open bunk, leaving his pack, outfit and weapons hung up next to his cot.

Looking at the group, "what? I trained myself to sleep in my armor. It'd honestly feel weird not wearing it to bed."

Grand Lodge

Male LN Vanara Unchained Monk 3 | HP 27/27 | AC [20]17 T [20]17 FF 13 | CMB +6, CMD [26]23 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft, Climb 20ft | Stunning Fist: 0/3 | Wand of CLW: 43/50 | Active conditions: Crane Style

"To each, his own." Mosi shrugs non-judgementally.

"I trained myself to not need armor." the vanara winks. He takes his pack and hangs it on a hook near his locker before going to wash up quickly. After that, he sits on the floor next to his bed, crossing his legs and straightening his back. His breathing becomes slow and deliberate, while his eyes flutter closed, losing himself deep in meditation.

Perception: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (9) + 10 = 19

Sovereign Court

Female LN Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 18; T 13; FF 15; CMD 16(21 vs Grapple and Reposition) | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9(+11 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Toxic 1/1; Bardic Performance 7/7 | Active conditions: None

"You all need to relax." Syl'las says from across the room, she is now dressed in what appears to be a silky black dress that barely reaches her knees.

"Do you honestly think we will be attacked in this ritzy of a place. "

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|

Terrance draws out Syl'las Kukri from his scarf, and inspects it.
"Ofcourse I do; I'm an infiltration expert. This is a prime target for either a high target hostage or a spy to loot some sweet info from a drunk party-guest." He holds it out towards her.

"Never pays to be caught with your pants down."
Craft Alchemy DC15: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (11) + 18 = 29

He decides to pack the Alchemist Kindness away for later.
"This stuff is great for hangovers, by the way. Just mix it and drink it and 10 minutes later your booze induced headache will be a thing of the past."

Sovereign Court

Female LN Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 18; T 13; FF 15; CMD 16(21 vs Grapple and Reposition) | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9(+11 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Toxic 1/1; Bardic Performance 7/7 | Active conditions: None

"Ah, thank you Terrance" Syl'las says taking the kukri back. "Guess you are right."

Grand Lodge

Male LN Vanara Unchained Monk 3 | HP 27/27 | AC [20]17 T [20]17 FF 13 | CMB +6, CMD [26]23 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft, Climb 20ft | Stunning Fist: 0/3 | Wand of CLW: 43/50 | Active conditions: Crane Style

"I dunno. Life is better without pants." Mosi smirks and chuckles at his own joke, interrupting his meditation for a moment.

Focus, back to the breath...

Scarab Sages

Arcane Trickster 10 | Mods: Countless Eyes, Mage Armor. | HP: 112 (-0) Temp 0| AC: 24 (18 Tch, 17 Fl); +1 vs Traps | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9; +2 vs Shadow, Evasion | Init: +9 | Perc: +10 (+1 vs Traps/Surprise), SM: +2 | 20ft |
8/8 Lightning Flash, BotG 1/1, Dissolution 1/1, Imp SA 1/1, L&D 1/1; At Will: Feather Fall (Self), Levitate (Self) | Spells 1st: 5/6+1; 2nd: 4/4+1; 3rd: 3/4+1; 4th: 3/3

'Life without pants' he considers. 'What an interesting concept...'

Turning towards Terrance, he nods. "I do agree with your assessment. Though this is not the typical Society mission...I fear there is more than meets the eye going on..."

Shaking his head slowly, he smiles. "Nevertheless, we shall do our best to full fill whatever need arises. I've always found armor to be too restricting myself, so I don't wear the stuff."

Carefully removing his armbands, the illusionary affect dissipates suddenly. Selecting a bed where he can see the door, the wayang settles down. "I am a bit hesitant to sleep without a watch setup...but surely none would be so brazen in this place...what do you all think?"

Dark Archive

CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

You hear light snoring from Hamish's cot.


You are awoken with the pre-dawn light by servants bringing a breakfast of blood sausage, Brevoy toast, eggs, fresh fruit juices and strong Vudran coffee.

Those of you who indulged in large quantities of wine the previous day feel somewhat worse for wear, but find that the remedies left for you are most effective. In minutes, your head is clear and you feel wide awake.

As the sun rises on the eastern horizon, representatives of the Blakros family move between the many living quarters erected on the island gathering guests for the wedding ceremony.

* * *

A queue of nearly a hundred guests stretches along the winding path through the woods from the guest accommodations to the location of the wedding itself, with each guest arranged in order of rank and prestige. The procession makes its way approximately a mile to the northwest, ending at an opulent, open-air chapel carved out of cedar and wreathed with colourful flowers and laurel leaves.

Atop a high bluff overlooking the Inner Sea, the chapel sets a scene of wealth and beauty few families in the region could afford to build specifically for their child’s wedding. Rows of comfortable upholstered pews stand facing the chapel, providing guests in attendance with a view not only of the ceremony and the vista beyond, but also of those other guests who were granted better positions because of their social station.

* * *

You are given a spot of relative prestige in the third row—behind the first row of attending members of the Blakros and Kastner families, and the second row of other honoured dignitaries.

The process continues until all pews before the chapel are filled to capacity, at which point a priest of Abadar, resplendent in the robes of his office, enters from behind the pews to address those present.

know.local DC15:

The celebrant is Vroclaw of Brevoy, high priest of Abadar in Absalom’s Ascendant Court and a personal advisor to the city’s primarch, Lord Gyr of House Gixx— further evidence of the Blakroses’ power and influence.

I just hope you guys are all married ... ;-)

The high priest delivers a long sermon about the duty of nobility in matters political and economic, and heaps praise upon the Blakroses for their contributions to Absalom and the entire Inner Sea region over the centuries.

His praise for the groom and his family is noticeably more understated, and while he seems approving of the Hellknights in theory, the speech includes a number of underhanded jabs at Cheliax and those who use law as an excuse to cause pain and suffering in others.

* * *

At the conclusion of the sermon, Damian Kastner walks forth from the entryway, garbed in the finest of ceremonial Hellknight armor.

To honor the groom, Lictor Toulon Vidoc, the head of the Order of the Scourge, rises from the chapel’s second row and delivers his own speech, which consists primarily of recounting of specific operations Kastner oversaw as a field-maralictor, and a list of over two dozen noted criminals from throughout the Inner Sea that he is credited with apprehending or killing.

In response to his commanding officer's speech, Kastner kneels before the Lictor and offers up his sword. "I resign my commission, Lictor. I ask your permission to give up my duty to the Order, that I may accept a greater duty to my new wife and family."

The Lictor nods.

"You have served the Order of the Scourge with honour and integrity. I accept your sword and your resignation. You are released. But remember always: without culpability, Chaos reigns."

* * *

Kastner stands again. With much fanfare and adulation, Michellia Blakros proceeds down the aisle, followed by an entourage of doting attendants who maintain her elaborate dress and 6-foot train.

The bride takes Kastner’s hands as the Abadaran high priest again takes the pulpit, now espousing the importance of adhering to the contract of marriage and the significance that such a long-lasting agreement holds.

As the sermon draws to an end, the high priest looks over the assembled witnesses and asks, “Do any here object to this union, sanctified by the great Judge of the Gods, or know of any reason this contract cannot be entered into by either party?”

A hush overtakes the chapel, and for a brief moment it seems that everything is all right, until a voice breaks from the crowd.

“I do!” The protester is Alexander Bedard.

Bedard gives an impassioned speech, as most of the guests stare at him incredulously.

“Be not fools, friends! This is not a marriage of love, and the sacred oath this pair will soon take is but a means to a political end. Michellia Blakros doesn’t love this man, and what the groom feels for his bride seems immaterial to these proceedings. The great nation of Andoran has shown in its short existence that every man or woman should be free, and this wedding spits in the face of that belief. This couple should not be bound to one another over a lie for mere political gain. I, Alexander Bedard of the Andoren People’s Council, protest!”

* * *

Bedard sits down after giving his monologue, and confused and angry murmurs begin to erupt from the crowd. Michellia looks irate at the spectacle her wedding has just become, and Kastner maintains a cool face of steely anger.

Do the Pathfinders intervene? Speak now, or forever hold your piece. ;-)

Dark Archive

CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

I'm married, Hamish is not. My wedding was much better than this snooze fest. ;)

Enjoying his breakfast and taking the alchemist's kindness with a bit of fresh water to calm his very minor headache, Hamish is amazed at the opulence displayed. "Well now, they certainly pulled out all the stops on this wedding. Jeesh."

Oblivious to the fact that most likely brought a second outfit for the wedding, he puts everything from the day before back on and heads out for the wedding.

He takes his spot and sits.

K: Local DC 15: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27

Hamish whispers the important details about the officiant (The celebrant is Vroclaw of Brevoy, high priest of Abadar in Absalom’s Ascendant Court and a personal advisor to the city’s primarch, Lord Gyr of House Gixx— further evidence of the Blakroses’ power and influence. ) to his allies and then relaxes, thinking about important things that are completely unrelated to the wedding.

After Bedard gives his monologue, he is torn between chastizing the man for making a scene and keeping his influence strong with him. In the end, he stays quiet. Our mission comes first, but I think our new ally Bedard just made himself a pretty big target for retribution. I better keep an eye out for him.

Grand Lodge

Male LN Vanara Unchained Monk 3 | HP 27/27 | AC [20]17 T [20]17 FF 13 | CMB +6, CMD [26]23 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft, Climb 20ft | Stunning Fist: 0/3 | Wand of CLW: 43/50 | Active conditions: Crane Style

"Our job here is to make nice with everyone." Mosi whispers quietly to his companions. "If Bedard wants to put himself on an island, we will inevitably piss many more people off by joining him than by simply doing nothing." Mosi shrugs his shoulders at the unfortunate situation.

"What's odd is... he is right, isn't he? Doesn't everyone already know that though?"

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|

Terrance sighs, grabs his flask from his coat pocket and drinks some of the wine he stole, then stuffs it away again. He looks to his colleagues.
"Well, I can save the image for the bride and groom, but someone else is gonna need to reassure that Andoren is still in good graces here."

Terrance stands in his chair and raises his arms, addressing the crowd. "Friends, let us not get so quick to wrap political gains with love! Why, from an outside view, certainly it could look as though that were what today was."

Terrance hops out of his chair and walks up the aisle. "But friends, look closer. You can see that there is more here than just politics. What is a Hellknight, but a dutiful soldier who will give his last breath and draw his final blade to the concept of order over chaos? They fight devils to be initiated, they fight corruption to bring peace, and they do so every day with the diligence and duty the Hellknights fight and die by that very duty!"

"Our groom has resigned and stepped down from a life of duty and solidarity! He has stepped down from his own codes and testaments he has fought tooth and nail over! He has done so all to be with Michellia."

"At what point does a man step down from everything he ever knew to give it all away? When he found something even more perfect in his world to him!"

"Bravo, brave Kastner!"

Bluff My Tail Off: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21
The bluff is that I know and/or care enough about the couple.

Anyone else?

Dark Archive

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CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

Hamish sighs and stands to be even with the small pathfinder next to him, putting his hand on the ratfolk's shoulder, "my friend here is correct, this is a time to focus on the love between the two up there pledging their lives to each other."

He looks around the room and goes to sit, but stops and looks at Lord Desimere. "But then again, these accusations are strong, and it is better to clear the air now then to let things fester."

Nodding his head he motions to Tancred, "ah yes, Lord Tancred Desimire is probably the perfect person to comment on this situation. Both being highly regarded in Cheliax and having dealt with his own family issues with his brother Aglorn, he is in a unique position to comment. Lord Desimere? What say you of the accusations and this situation we find ourselves in?"

Diplomacy to Influence Tancred by showing my skill at throwing him under the bus?: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (15) + 10 = 25

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|
Hamish the Bard wrote:

Diplomacy to Influence Tancred by showing my skill at throwing him under the bus?

Oh, I like you. :)

The murmurs die down a little after Terrance's speech but you hear various mutterings still, "Kastner is lucky alright..." and "... maybe this marriage is not entirely about politics" and ".. this Pathfinder is a fool but quite romantic..."

Then Hamish starts to speak and after the first two sentences Tancred looks very nervous ... but although many guests are staring at him, he neither stands up nor speaks.

After a few more titters, the ceremony continues. Bedard looks sheepish, but says no more.

* * *

The bride and groom are married, and the audience erupts in cheers of congratulations. Soon after the two are joined, the guests are escorted back to the pavilion for the reception by Shafar's mercenary guards.

Wedding reception to follow...

Bedard approches Kolris and catches his arm with a raised eyebrow.

"I was a fool to think that a Blakros might marry for love but you could have supported me. I hope that Michellia can be happy, one day. Her new husband seems a harsh man. Your comrades did not really try for defending my honour. I won't forget what you Pathfinders and I discussed yesterday but this ... oh well, let us forget it and join the reception party."

* * *

The wedding reception is underway at the pavilions. Music plays and wine flows, as the guests comment on the content of the sermon or speculate as to the new couple's plans.

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|

Terrance at his table with the other Pathfinders finishes off his flask. "This hoity-toity never seen the dirt and grit we put up with."
He turns over to a waiter. "Hey, you! Get me a bottle of Qadiran Rose Whiskey, and about six glasses." He turns back to his allies. "I think we deserve a little reward after that debacle, don't you?"

Edit after reading next post.

"Those two love birds can't even wait til after a wedding photo to go make, can't they?"

Influence Phase: the wedding reception.

You have another chance to influence key NPCs. The only target still to be won over is Tancred Desimire. You can spend the time speaking to random guests if you prefer (might help later on - just give a check if you do not want to interact with Tancred).

Hamaria Blakros and the bride and groom are not present: the immediate family are gathered for a wedding portrait.

Dark Archive

Male LN Elven Investigator/Swashbuckler 5 | HP: 35/35 | AC: 23 19 (14 Tch, 15 Fl; +1 traps) | CMD: 20 (16 Fl; +1 traps) | F: +2, R: +10 (+1 traps), W: +2 (+2 ench.; +3 illu.) | Init: +8 +4 | Perc: +16 +13 (+2 traps), SM +14 +13 | Speed 30 ft; climb 10; swim 10'' | Active conditions: whispers of evil, heightened awareness, monkey fish, shield

"Well, dear Bedard, freedom works both ways, no? And what of love? Why must that be the only good reason to marry?" Kolris shakes his head and places a friendly hand on his friend's shoulder.

"These two have chosen to take vows for each other. Whatever the reason, so long as they uphold their vows I can see no reason to object. I'm sorry for leaving you standing there alone, but I'm sure you wouldn't want me to speak unless it be from my own heart! Your view is noble, indeed, and your heart is strong! But it's quite simple; I support their union no matter the reason. Be it for love, politics, or wealth. They pledge themselves to each other; we must stand by that until they prove the pledge false."

I had actually planned to say something similar during the wedding, but it seems I didn't make it back to the game in time; sorry!

He looks around to find the drinks. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, then laughs (hopefully along with Bedard) in the knowledge of the wedding featuring an open bar.

Diplomacy, student of philosophy, Lord Avid's recommendation: 1d20 + 2 + 6 + 2 ⇒ (14) + 2 + 6 + 2 = 24
Keeping Bedard happy, I'll leave Tancred to the rest of you.

Scarab Sages

Arcane Trickster 10 | Mods: Countless Eyes, Mage Armor. | HP: 112 (-0) Temp 0| AC: 24 (18 Tch, 17 Fl); +1 vs Traps | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +12, W: +9; +2 vs Shadow, Evasion | Init: +9 | Perc: +10 (+1 vs Traps/Surprise), SM: +2 | 20ft |
8/8 Lightning Flash, BotG 1/1, Dissolution 1/1, Imp SA 1/1, L&D 1/1; At Will: Feather Fall (Self), Levitate (Self) | Spells 1st: 5/6+1; 2nd: 4/4+1; 3rd: 3/4+1; 4th: 3/3

I am also married. Seems this wedding has more hiccups than mine did. ;-)

Glancing towards the speakers with intrigue, Umbrato smiles. 'None of this is really that surprising...or secretive...' considers the man, though he keeps his seat...silently.

As the wedding winds down, he sighs. 'Well, so far so good...perhaps we'll finish this mission without incident for once.'

"Oh...we have more smoozing to do?" he whispers as they are led to their seats. "Was kind of hoping we could make a strategic exit...still not great with the whole talking to people thing..."

Graciously accepting the offered glass, he sips it slowly as his eyes travel over the crowd. "Ha! Well now...I suppose when you need it, you need it. Aint that right Terrance?"

Dark Archive

CN Half-Elf Dirge Bard 9 | HP 84 (-0) Temp (+0) | AC: 28, Tch: 15, FF: 24 | Mods: Deathwatch 30ft | CMD 25 (+1 Disarm/Sunder) | F/R/W +7/+11/+7 (Mods on Profile) | Speed 30 | 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Bardic Performance: 22/22 | Spells 1st: 6/6, 2nd: 5/5, 3rd: 4/4 | Perc: +5, SM: +3 | Init: +2

Hamish walks up to Desimere, "Lord Desimere, didn't really mean to toss you under the cart there but figured you might be able to drop some wisdom on everyone. My bad. Hopefully you don't hold it against our organization, I mean that was terrible what happened with your brother. Obviously he made his own choices, but still sad it went down that way. Anyway, enjoy the party."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (7) + 10 = 17

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|

"You know your right Umbrato! And I bet you a coin purse that tall-dark and gruesome would like a glass after that spat at the chapel. Let's see if I can sweet talk the dumb bastard." Terrance steps away from his table and makes his way over to Tancred, but with two glasses and some of the Qadiran Rose Whiskey.

Terrance weaves through the crowd and over to Tancred, glass extended in one hand and one held close to himself.
"Hey if Castner is not going to worry himself about family politics now, you got more room to take up the ladder. One day you might even have Hellknights at your beck and call. Nothing like a ball and chain to hold down your competition, am I right or what?"

He then offers up the glass to toast.

Bluff: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Sovereign Court

Female LN Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 18; T 13; FF 15; CMD 16(21 vs Grapple and Reposition) | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9(+11 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Toxic 1/1; Bardic Performance 7/7 | Active conditions: None

Syl'las continues maneuvers her way to the newly married couple, while the others are off mingling with the guest. "Congratulations, I am glad to see two so much in love to cast away the bonds of being hellknight to be with the other. She hands out a peice of paper. "As a gift, I give you the opportunity to work with fellow nobles to further better the nations. In this scroll will be directions to open a line of communications between nobles with in the Court. The more person of higher status, the more influence they have."

This is a faction card mission thing. And I had to wait for others to be away from me. To get a second check mark.DC for this check is a total of 21.

knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (18) + 11 = 29 Success

GM if you want this to be my use of influence, that is fine.

Mosi is up!

Grand Lodge

Male LN Vanara Unchained Monk 3 | HP 27/27 | AC [20]17 T [20]17 FF 13 | CMB +6, CMD [26]23 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +6 | Init: +3 | Perc: +10, SM: +3 | Speed 40ft, Climb 20ft | Stunning Fist: 0/3 | Wand of CLW: 43/50 | Active conditions: Crane Style

Not sure what to do, so I'll try to help with Desimere. Sorry for the delay!

Mosi nods along with Hamish as he sympathizes with the Chelaxian noble. On the topic of Desimere's brother, Mosi keeps silent.

"Someone such as yourself shouldn't have any trouble climbing that ladder either." the vanara offers. Beyond that, he keeps quiet, suddenly self conscious of the effect his clumsy words might have.

Diplomacy: 1d20 - 3 ⇒ (12) - 3 = 9

Kolris Isimlothe wrote:

"Well, dear Bedard, freedom works both ways, no? And what of love? Why must that be the only good reason to marry?" Kolris shakes his head and places a friendly hand on his friend's shoulder.

"These two have chosen to take vows for each other. Whatever the reason, so long as they uphold their vows I can see no reason to object. I'm sorry for leaving you standing there alone, but I'm sure you wouldn't want me to speak unless it be from my own heart! Your view is noble, indeed, and your heart is strong! But it's quite simple; I support their union no matter the reason. Be it for love, politics, or wealth. They pledge themselves to each other; we must stand by that until they prove the pledge false."

I had actually planned to say something similar during the wedding, but it seems I didn't make it back to the game in time; sorry!

He looks around to find the drinks. "Can I buy you a drink?" he asks, then laughs (hopefully along with Bedard) in the knowledge of the wedding featuring an open bar.

[dice=Diplomacy, student of philosophy, Lord Avid's recommendation]1d20+2+6+2
Keeping Bedard happy, I'll leave Tancred to the rest of you.

Bedard nods but he is clearly more distanced now ... although you Kolris would say that you were able to keep the relationship to the Sociaty intact.

Syl'las Morbos wrote:

Syl'las continues maneuvers her way to the newly married couple, while the others are off mingling with the guest. "Congratulations, I am glad to see two so much in love to cast away the bonds of being hellknight to be with the other. She hands out a peice of paper. "As a gift, I give you the opportunity to work with fellow nobles to further better the nations. In this scroll will be directions to open a line of communications between nobles with in the Court. The more person of higher status, the more influence they have."

This is a faction card mission thing. And I had to wait for others to be away from me. To get a second check mark.DC for this check is a total of 21.

[dice=knowledge nobility]d20+11 Success

GM if you want this to be my use of influence, that is fine.

It would consume your influence phase but you can use this oppt for your faction card.

Mosi the Wanderer wrote:

Not sure what to do, so I'll try to help with Desimere. Sorry for the delay!

Mosi nods along with Hamish as he sympathizes with the Chelaxian noble. On the topic of Desimere's brother, Mosi keeps silent.

"Someone such as yourself shouldn't have any trouble climbing that ladder either." the vanara offers. Beyond that, he keeps quiet, suddenly self conscious of the effect his clumsy words might have.


Hamish the Bard wrote:

Hamish walks up to Desimere, "Lord Desimere, didn't really mean to toss you under the cart there but figured you might be able to drop some wisdom on everyone. My bad. Hopefully you don't hold it against our organization, I mean that was terrible what happened with your brother. Obviously he made his own choices, but still sad it went down that way. Anyway, enjoy the party."

Tancred eyes Hamish and Mosi. "Ah, a direct approach. How refreshing ... but family is not important if you have friends! My friends are close to the heart of the Empire. And I am not short of friends. I can certainly grant you what you wish for. Come back to me if you have understood that!"

Desimire seems intrigued!


A herald asks for the guests to be seated, and you are shown to a table that you share with Trade Prince Aaqir al'Hakam, Lady Gloriana Morilla, and a handful of their close aides.

The Paracountess is seated with a Chelish delegation, at the same table as Desimire. Neither of them looks comfortable.

When everyone is seated, the 'top table' arrive. The bride and groom and their closest family take their seats. More wine is served, and the speeches begin.

Hamaria Blakros dotes on her daughter’s excellent pedigree and the respect shown to her family by Damian Kastner. Others at the head table give similar speeches, expanding on their love for Michellia and their acceptance of Damian into the extended Blakros family.

* * *

Eventually, Michellia Blakros stands to make her own proclamation. Although quiet in tone, she speaks with a force that all can hear.

I wish to thank you all for coming. While the Hellknights of the Order of the Scourge have lost a loyal and noble soldier, the Blakroses have gained a new member of our esteemed clan— my husband, Damian Kastner. As a symbol of this union, I offer you, Damian, the Blakros name, so that you will ever be known as a member of our elite, illustrious family. Let it be known forever more that your name shall be Damian Blakros, should you accept the honor."

The groom then stands and speaks himself, raising his glass toward Hamaria and the rest of his new family.

“I, of course, accept this honor, and am proud to know my children shall bear the name as well. I am not good with words, however, so I shall keep this brief. There are few gifts I could give in response that would parallel the honour I have just received. Even so, I shall offer something that my new family will hopefully find valuable. To my wife, Michellia Blakros, I offer my family’s long-held manor of Ostergarde."

Damian’s announcement causes an immediate commotion from the crowd. Audible whispers and speech drown the pavilion, as assembled guests show mixes of horror and satisfaction at the proclamation made by the former Hellknight.

knowledge (history OR nobility) DC20:

Ostergarde Manor is an abandoned site in the Chelish mountains, where diabolists once conducted secret rituals long before the death of Aroden and the rise of House Thrune. The historical significance of this location can’t be overestimated, and the Blakros family will surely have many new, diabolical artifacts to display in their museum.

* * *

As the crowd quiets down, Hamaria Blakros bids everyone enjoy the reception’s food, music, and wine for the rest of the afternoon and into the night. Immediately, guests rise from their tables and move about the pavilion, all eager to gossip about this dramatic offering to the Blakros family.

There is now another (final) influence phase, but you have successfully influenced all of your targets, so I will move you on. ;-)

The wedding celebration continues, with more outstanding delicacies and expensive wines. Musicians play, guests dance, and the bride and groom accept the congratulations and good wishes of the gathering.

Tancred Desimire has absented himself. Nobody recalls seeing him since the groom's dowry was announced.

Following tradition, the bride and groom leave their seats in between each course of the wedding dinner to greet their guests at their tables.

Michellia and Damian graciously accept your good wishes, and thank you for attending.

* * *

When the formal feast ends, tables are moved aside by servants to allow more space for dancing, and the musicians play on whilst more wine flows.

Bedard is subdued, and moody, but maintains decorum. He asks Kolris to consider traveling to Augustana, or Almas, where he promises a warm welcome and Andoren hospitality. He seems keen to make an Eagle Knight of the young paladin.

Jeon Raeng-Woo shows no signs of regret for last night's overindulgence and is drinking heavily again. He asks Syl'las to do him the honour of a dance.

Rubaani Shafar spends most of her time outside the pavilions, seeing to it that her troops are behaving and are doing their jobs.

Nigel Aldain is studiously avoiding his family, but otherwise seems relaxed.

Hamaria Blakros hovers over her new son-in-law, all of her attention seems to be on how Damian is comporting himself.

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|
GM Nowruz wrote:

The groom then stands and speaks himself, raising his glass toward Hamaria and the rest of his new family.

“I, of course, accept this honor, and am proud to know my children shall bear the name as well. I am not good with words, however, so I shall keep this brief. There are few gifts I could give in response that would parallel the honour I have just received."

Terrance starts to take a long hard pull of his drink...

GM Nowruz wrote:

"Even so, I shall offer something that my new family will hopefully find valuable. To my wife, Michellia Blakros, I offer my family’s long-held manor of Ostergarde."

Damian’s announcement causes an immediate commotion from the crowd. Audible whispers and speech drown the pavilion, as assembled guests show mixes of horror and satisfaction at the proclamation made by the former Hellknight.

And thus spits out his drink.

"The hell is an Ostrich Guard?"

Sovereign Court

Female LN Vishkanya Rogue (Deadly Courtesan) 5 | HP 33/33 | AC 18; T 13; FF 15; CMD 16(21 vs Grapple and Reposition) | Fort +4; Ref +9; Will +4 | Init: +3 | Perc: +9(+11 to locate traps), SM: +6 | Speed 30ft | Toxic 1/1; Bardic Performance 7/7 | Active conditions: None

knowledge nobility: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (16) + 11 = 27

"No Terrance, Ostergarde. It is an abandoned site in the Chelish Mountains. It is rumored that diabolists conduct secret rituals." Syl'las explains, "The historical significance of this site is worth more than the monetary value of it. Plus, the who knows what artifacts can be pulled and added to the Blakros' museum."


Syl'las takes Jeon's hand and smiles. "I would love to"

Daylight is fading when Damian Blakros approaches you:

"Pathfinders, honoured guests, please may we speak somewhere a little quieter?"

Damian draws you to a smaller tent, outside the main pavilion. Michellia is not with him.

"Nigel told me to ask you ... he obviously trust you. I have a predicament. My bride seems to have wandered off. It's probably nothing, but I am a little worried. I expect she's gone up to the old summer house ruin. She used to spend her summers there as a child. Must be feeling nostalgic for more carefree days, before she had all of the responsibilities she bears now.
Look, would you go and find her please? I'd do it myself but as you might have noticed Hamaria is watching me like a hawk. She wants to make sure I make the right impression with the right people. In fact I had better get back to it right away: I'm a Blakros now and I have duties. The old ruin is on the southwest bluff. Could you do this for me?"

The Exchange

CN Ratfolk Opportunist 6 Grenadier 2| HP58/58 | AC20 T15 FF16| CMD 19 | Fort 8 Ref 7 Will 2 | Speed 20ft | Initiative +4|

"Hell, I love having permission from the family to check out their private island. I'm game." Terrance grabs another random servant who is walking by at that moment.
"Get me my rat."

He walks over to the coat check and retrieves his +1 Armored Coat, and then sees Tibbens being pulled up by some confused servants. He mounts up, and awaits his fellow Pathfinders outside.

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