PbP GameDay IV: PFS #6–97: Siege of Serpents - Tier 1-2 (Inactive)

Game Master Magabeus


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Fiend series | Shackles


Please post:

Character name
Normal / Slow advancement
Day Job

Anything you feel I should be aware of

We are scheduled to start Nov 5th.

Please read:

How I handle PbP initiative:

I roll initative for everyone at the start of combat and will post a list that looks like this

Example 1 wrote:


Combat modifiers like bless or inspire courage are posted here
Player A
Player B
- - -
Enemy 1
- - -
Player C
Player D
- - -
Enemy 2

In this case Player A and Player B can act, and Players C and D can not. If Player B posts his action those action are resolved and I change the tracker to:

Example 2 wrote:


Combat modifiers like bless or inspire courage are posted here
Player A
- - -
Enemy 1
- - -
Player C
Player D
- - -
Enemy 2
- - -
Player B

If Player B wanted to wait to see what Player A did before acting he needed to either wait with posting or put in conditional clauses in his post like

Player B wrote:

If Player A flees the combat

Bertrand runs after Aloward, deciding that this enemy is too much for them to handle

If Player A casts a spell
Bertrand gawks at Alowards and mumbles "I didn't know you could do that!"

In any other case
Bertrand steps up to the Aspis agent and attacks him with his greatsword[/b]

In other words: in the same initiative bracket your actions get resolved in posting order, not initiative order.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

PFS-ID 139218-15
Character name Balinor
Faction Silver Crusade
Level 2
Normal advancement
Day Job

This is my high IQ, low EQ character. He is outstandingly loyal and unintentionally abrasive (think Sheldon from the Big Bang Theory for the brain, but Conan the Barbarian for the physique).

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

PFS id: 118440
Character name: Kryas Azrin
Faction Silver Crusade
Level 2
Normal Advancement
Day job: Traveling Priest and Merchant

Small Description of Kryas for those of you interested:

Smart-ish but lacks a formal education, grew up mainly among the fey as such he has a short attention span and gets bored easily. Adept at manipulating people and twisting words and meanings to get what he wants. He's loyal to those who earn his trust. He is a slow mover due in part to an injured leg.

Profession Merchant: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11

Fiend series | Shackles

If you have a day job: please make the roll now as that will save me time when reporting comes or state that you do not have a day job.

M Half-Elf Summoner lvl 5 Hp 47/47 AC 13,11,12 Fort: +3, Ref +2, Will +3 Perc.+1 Init. +1 +2 vs enchantment Immune to sleep effects

I'm having some technical problems and have been only able to post via a tablet.

As my crude setup on the kitsune is on my laptop, i can't access it for now.

I'm still interested, don't worry.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Got a 17 on my day job roll (basket weaving, the manliest of all occupations). For some reason it isn't letting me edit my earlier post. Ah well.

Fiend series | Shackles

You can only edit posts within one hour after initial posts.

Do you know how to use the forum format functions? The more important ones are:

{dice=Perception}1d20+3{/dice} for

Perception: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22 if you replace {} with []

In character speech using {b}Bold{/b}

Out of character speech using {ooc} and {/ooc}

These (and others) are shown when you press "How to format your text".

And you can ignore this if it was common knowledge.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Sorry, I know that's proper etiquette, but I was just frustrated by not knowing why I couldn't edit my post and was just typing in frustration.
I am excessively new to PbP (not to Pathfinder, just to PbP), so please let me know if you see me getting the format wrong.

Fiend series | Shackles

No problem! And we have all been new both in PF / PFS and PbP, so don't worry. And it works both ways: please tell me when you think I am not doing things right.

A good thing to know regarding PbP is that you should never insert die rolls when you edit a post, because that will change results. If you need to add die rolls you should always add them after the already made die rolls.

Hope that makes sense, I am about to go to bed, so don't feel like making a lengthy post just now. There are some good guides out there, in Kludde's profile you can find some links.

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

PFS-ID 116986-2
Character name Girzog
Faction Grand Lodge
Level 1
Normal / Slow advancement Normal
Day Job Grand Lodge faction card, forego DJ to finalize a Society. Intelligence (DC 15): 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (18) + 1 = 19

This is a Level 1 rebuild, he's done but I'll update his info on site tonight. He is an Unchained Barbarian, not a Battle Host.

Dark Archive


PFS ID#: 66548-24
Character: Aloysius Pendergast (though he prefers "Inspector")
Player: Nefreet
Faction: Dark Archive
Class/Level: Investigator (2)
Advancement: Normal
Special Rules:

  • He's an Empiricist, so he uses Intelligence for Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, Use Magic Device, and Diplomacy checks made to gather information.
  • He has the Orator feat, so he uses Linguistics in place of most Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff checks.
  • As an Investigator he adds +1d6 to all Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks.
  • He can also find and disable magical traps, though he does not yet have the Trap Spotter Rogue Talent (that's next level).
  • He has a spring-loaded wrist sheath with a wand of Cure Light Wounds (which I must use UMD to activate).
Craft (alchemy): 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (6) + 11 = 17 (actually one less than that but it doesn't impact the result)

Dark Archive


Oh! Whoops. Forgot I have Crafter's Fortune, so Day Job result was actually 21 (and I just missed the editing window, too).

Extracts Prepared:
1st - Endure Elements, Shield (x2)
(he always drinks Endure Elements at the start of every day; it's a comfort thing)

Fiend series | Shackles

I have made the google presentation that I will use for this game (link in my status bar). Can you check if you have access? And while you are there: please include your perception and initiative modifiers on page 1 If one of these has situational modifiers add some text regarding that.

Thanks! Only 5 more days....

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

I just did mine. Correctly? Maybe. Let me know if I need to do it again/differently.

Dark Archive


I fixed yours.

Regarding your header, click on my profile to see how I formatted mine. Just fill in the lines where it shows "Gender", "Classes/Levels", and "Race".

I have extra stuff that you don't need for PbP.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Excellent! Thanks for the assistance.

Balinor sees a heavily laden fellow approaching. "Pardon me, companion, do you need help with your gear. You seem weak. That is, I mean, not weak, bit too...not strong...to carry all of that. Sorry." He tries to be nice. He's just not very good at it.

EDIT: FYI for everyone, as I hadn't played Balinor since 1st level (and this adventure will bump him to 3rd level, yea GM credit!), I could still do some rebuilding, so I had him add grenadier so he'll get to add splash weapons to his sword next level and can boost himself with mutagen now. 24 str? I think yes!

Dark Archive


My PC is carrying a host of alchemical weapons (hence the encumbrance). May as well with 1/3 pricing. It'll probably be his only contribution to damage.

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

i've got my sword and healing magic front line healer is ago. oh and i have some weapon blanches silver and cold iron just in case, as well as alchemist fire, acid and holy water.

Fiend series | Shackles

Ok, current status is 4 check-ins of 7 applicants... PM's send to the others. Starting tomorrow!

Fiend series | Shackles

Inquisitor is not joining

Chyrone: Kitsune Ninja?
Ben: Gnome Kineticist

If neither have replied by tomorrow morning I will see if we can get two new people in, that won't be an issue while we are starting.

Dark Archive



Thursdays are usually my longest days. School/Work from 6am-9pm, but I'll try to post during gaps throughout the day.

Silver Crusade

Human Battle Host 1/Grenadier 2; HP 9/18; AC 16, touch 10, FF 16; CMD 16; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +0 Init +2, Perception +3, speed 20 ft (medium armor) Skills
craft: basket weaving +8, diplomacy +3, disable device +4 (+6 with MW thieves' tools), intimidate +2, knowledge (arcana, engineering, history, planes, religion) +8, linguistics +9, perception +3, sense motive +2

Looking forward to getting started!

Grand Lodge

LN Tengu Fighter 3 | HP: 28/28| AC: 19 / T: 13 / FF: 16 | CMB: +4 / CMD: 17 | F:+5 / R: +4 / W: +2 | Init: +5 Perc: +5 | Speed: 30ft

*full body shakes in excitement*

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

still here not to worry

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

Reporting in, sorting out some stuff, as i couldn't access my files/laptop for a while.

Good to make your aquaintance.

Thomas Hasoshi
119488 #10
The Exchange

Perform (Eastern comedy): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Fiend series | Shackles

Good to have you with us Thomas!

I have reopened recruitment for the last spot, Ben has also let me know he won't join.

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

Bang Baby!

Player Great Green God
Character Rilia, Sacred Hetaira
PFS # 139009-27
Faction Sovereign Court
Day Job Perform (oratory): 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (18) + 6 = 24

Fiend series | Shackles
Rilia, Sacred Hetaira wrote:
Bang Baby!

Welcome Rilia, please post your details, and fill out initiative and perception in the map.

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |

How's that for a fast woman?

Fiend series | Shackles

Took you one hour and 11 minutes to sign in... that is not quick ;-)

Rilia and Thomas: I am missing your initiative and perception modifier in the map (see status bar)

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18


I'll get the last details sorted tonight.

Sovereign Court

Female Elf Bard 2/Cleric of Calistria 4 | hp 37 | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | CMD 16 | F +4 R +6 W +11 (+2 v ench, +4 v bardic) | Spd 30' | Init +2 | Kn(Arc, His, Loc, Nob, Pla, Rel) +7, KnOther +3, Perc +12 (low-light), SensM +14 (+16 hunch) | Chan 5/5 | Perf 8/8 | clw wand 34/50 |
GMG wrote:

Took you one hour and 11 minutes to sign in... that is not quick ;-)

Rilia and Thomas: I am missing your initiative and perception modifier in the map (see status bar)

That's an hour eleven faster than anyone else. ;) Besides, I'm playin' hard to get.

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18


[Has Rilia]

Liberty's Edge

Regional Venture Coordinator - Online

Overseer Posts

(GM has password to site)

Fiend series | Shackles

Overseer post password sent through PM, let me know if you did NOT receive it (no need to let me know if you have got it)

Sovereign Court

We aren't even past the first event/encounter/challenge/whatever, and the dice roller is already trying to kill us. It's a good thing these aren't dangerous events!

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

Dice roller sux today guys...

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

It does?

[Mischievous fox eyes]

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

The dice gods clearly like the swashbuckling pirate fox nin... Wait a minute ninja pirate that explains everything.

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

Next thing you know, i ninja'd your kill. ;)

Silver Crusade

Male Half Elf level 1 Expert

what kill? im the white mage and rule number 1 you don't mess with white mage. you guys can have the kill, i'll be busy making sure the enemy doesnt get any.

Fiend series | Shackles

For this special the dice-roller has been tampered with fixed to give the GM's a running chance....

Fiend series | Shackles
Inspector Pendergast wrote:
GMG wrote:
Inspector Gadget Pendergast is right. (sorry, had to get that out of my system)
Never read anything by Douglas Preston & Lincoln Child, I take it?

No, I have not. I guess you recommend it?

Dark Archive


Them. They write all their books together.

Aloysius Pendergast is an FBI agent that's their recurring main character.

The books aren't all police drama, but they're usually mystery. The Relic was my first and favorite read, and had a fair bit more of the supernatural than most of their books (don't see the movie that came after it; it was terrible).

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

GM, can i buy a few light things?

It occurred to me Thomas is ill equipped in the ranged department.

Fiend series | Shackles

Thomas, go ahead, as long as you do it before I start act 2.

Sovereign Court

Should we be really pushing forward to get through Act 1 before the cutoff tomorrow? Or are we close enough to the end that we're fine? I just want to make sure we aren't only progressing every act because of the deadline, not because we are going at a good pace.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Fiend series | Shackles

Act 1 is an introduction to the rest of the party and through the rumors to some background. In other words: we have completed it.

The Exchange

Kitsune Swashbuckler(mouser) 1/Ninja 5/ Shadow dancer 2
HP 61/61, AC 17/ T 14/FF 13, F+5, R+12, W+4, Init +7, Speed 30ft, Darkvision 60ft, Low light Vision, CMB +4, CMD 18

Domo arigatou, GMG-sama.

I'll buy a shortbow and 1 quiver of arrows.
37 gp.

Liberty's Edge

Regional Venture Coordinator - Online

Overseer Announcment

Overseer wrote:
“Pathfinders, please get settled. All campus-wide events are closing. All venture-captains and field agents are invited to gather on the north lawn for refreshments and the keynote address in several minutes.”

Table GMs Act 2 begins November 10th when the Overseer Announcement is made, please begin to conclude whatever contests are ongoing.

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