PbP GameDay 2: PFS 05-07 Port Godless (5-9) with GM Derek W (Inactive)

Game Master Derek Weil

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Technic Siege/Full Map

Gameplay thread for fun, fun, fun!

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

A muscled woman with the complexion of burnt cinnamon and a scowl on her face is scratching the ears of a camel, who seems to be enjoying it immensly.


Dotting.. Will introduce once i know which character im bringing

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

One of the attendees is a well-dressed, clean elf with blond hair and timeless blue eyes. By his looks, you can tell that he likes everything to be neat and spotless, just like his enamelled mithral breastplate. His gestures are precise and never made in vain. Yet one thing contrasts with the elf's shiny appearance: his hands, up to the elbows, are severely burnt, to the point that it'll probably never heal. Those burn marks are in the open, a reminder of the vicissitudes of his past.

Addressing his companions, the elf displays a no-nonsense attitude, even adding a touch of humilty as he bows to the other attendees. He's obviously an experienced socialite, adapting to his environment rapidly. "I am Kynrac Chronarion, librarian of the Scrolls and apprentice of Master Shaine. Well met."

The Exchange

HP: 95/95 | AC 26 | T 12 | FF 23 | Fort +11 | Ref +9 | Will +6 | CMD 27 (31 vs. Trip) | Init +3 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +8 (+4* or +2*)
(Arrows: CI: 43 | CI/B: 20 | CI/S: 7 | CI/GS: 10) | MHB: 19 | CLW: 34/50
Male Human Ranger 11 HP: 101/101 [0] | AC 26 | T 17 | FF 21 | Fort +12 | Ref +14 | Will +9 | CMD 31 | Init +6 (+4* or +2*) | Perc +17 (+4* or +2*) | Sense Mot +3

A middle-aged man is dozing in a chair, his feet propped up on a large grey & white wolf - also snoozing.

Shhh. Desmond is still dreaming of his Red Harvest adventure.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

You see a half-elf with a hint of wild in his appearance, especially his silvery hair and sideburns. His armor has bits of horn and covered with markings from the far East.

Closeby, there is a cougar that follows Fendahl closely, watching for commands or an occasional treat from his companion.

He bows deeply to the collective members assembled.

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

Looks like ill be bringing my magus over here..

A lean, muscled human with short white hair and a pair a scimitars across his back steps into the lodge.. He takes note of the others present and silently takes a seat in the corner..

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

A short and slender woman her eyes sparkling like sapphires and her hair a rich yellow enters the lodge wearing a richly embroidered red tunic over a elegant mithril chain shirt. She bears the colors of one of the noble houses of Brevoy, and carries herself with an air of nobility. She looks carefully around at the others already present. Not seeing any familiar faces she looks harder, clearly appraising them.

As her eyes settle on the man with the scimitars across her back she raises an eyebrow. Her hand settles on the hilt of her own exotic blade, looking more like a work of art than a weapon, its blade nearly as long as a longsword but curved slightly. Her fingers brush across the the dragon headed shaped pommel.

She speaks with a heavy brevic accent.
"Truly ve are in ze company of some august agents. I vould be pleased to know each of you better. I am ze Duchess Kale Aldori of House Orlovsky, famed Swordlord from ze land of Brevoy."

She gives a small bow to the other agents.

Technic Siege/Full Map

Incense hangs heavy in the air in a meeting chamber of Manaket’s Swordmeet Lodge, where Venture-Captain Obo stands before a low table. “I won’t mince words,” he declares as he strokes his graying beard. “This mission is of vital importance to the Pathfinders’ success in the Worldwound. The Society has many powerful spellcasters, yet few can compare to the Riftwardens in feats of demon-banishing. That Abyssal scar spawns many demons, and the aid of capable abjurers would be a great boon in our march to Jormurdun, the newly discovered Sky Citadel . When our leaders requested the Riftwardens’ aid, we were denied; too many of their wizards are already committed to Mendev’s cause.”

Obo’s face betrays his chagrin, and he continues. “However, in saying no, they tantalized us with a means of securing their trust and alliance. Several Riftwardens led by Jahani Jodinaj and stationed in Azir were recently preparing for a dangerous task, but they recently stopped responding to magical missives. Were we Pathfinders to investigate these Riftwardens’ disappearance, we would have performed a great service to be repaid in kind."

"Ah," he notes with some pleasure as two servant carry platters
of drinks and fruit into the room, “We have refreshments. May you find them to your pleasure.” As he begins peeling an orange, he frowns and adds, “We have one potential ally in this investigation, though I doubt he will leap at the chance to help. A contact of mine recently spotted the former Pathfinder Eando Kline in the sook of Azir. He has donned the guise of a copper merchant and likely prefers a degree of anonymity, but he is also a very well-connected man; if anyone knows what ills have befallen the Riftwardens, it is he. Should he not wish to speak, tell him, ‘Sasha Antif-Arah sends her regards — healthy and alive from Andoran.’ “Beyond that, be careful, Pathfinders. The sands of Rahadoum are unforgiving, and the Pure Legion is even less so.”

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale listens carefully to Venture-Captain Obo's words, nodding slightly understanding the Riftwarden's 'offer'. She eyes the refreshments as they are brought in, conspicuously refraining from the fresh fruit and drinks. As he gives his message for Eando Kline, Kale carefully repeats the words several times under her breath, committing them to memory.

Seeing the venture captin is finished, Kale ponders for a moment longer before speaking. "Captain, vhat can you tell us about zis Pure Legion? I've not had ze... vould it be, 'pleasure'? ... of encountering zem before."

Diplomacy : 1d20 + 0 ⇒ (19) + 0 = 19
Local: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (11) + 3 = 14
History: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (8) + 3 = 11
Religion: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (6) + 3 = 9

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Kynrac cannot suppress a kind smile as Sascha's name comes up.

One year since we freed her from her wretched cell, then recovered her locket in the sewers of Korvosa. How time flies. Strange... I did not know that Kline and her were somehow connected. Leverage maybe?

Grabbing some grapes as sole nourishment, the elven lorekeeper listens to the Venture-Captain's words with obedience and dedication. "Very well, we shall leave at once. I shall not leave my brothers to a dire, yet unknown, fate." Turning to his companions, he adds "For I am a Riftwarden as well, and while my unquestionable loyalty goes to the Society, the Riftwardens are my heart and my blood. I shan't stop till we've saved them."

Diplomacy (Gather Information): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (11) + 14 = 25
Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (1) + 7 = 8
Knowledge (History): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (19) + 7 = 26
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Using Knowledge of Ages on the Local and Religion rolls. 3 uses remaining for this day.

Knowledge (Local): 1d20 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (18) + 7 + 5 = 30
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 7 + 5 ⇒ (14) + 7 + 5 = 26

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

The scowling Qadiran woman makes a noise from her throat as though she were spitting.

"Riftwardens in the desert? The Children of Lamashtu - demons - must be involved."

Geography, Rahadoum: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (8) + 7 = 15

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

Fendahl listens carefully to the mission briefing and responds after the others.

"Hrrmm, the desert can be harsh. I would recommend provisioning gear or magics to protect against the climate. I am unfamiliar with Eando or Riftwardens myself, but I have met this Sasha a time ago. "

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale frowns, What an uncouth woman... and to bring her camel in here of all places. Those barbarians to the vest had more manners then her.

"Ve should not jump to conclusions my dear..." she gestures at the Qadran woman allowing her to supply a name. "lest we eliminate ze true culprits from our investigation."

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

"The Demon Mother scatters her spawn like a horse leaves droppings, frequently and carelessly. But, you are not of the desert. You would not understand" The camel snorts, as if in agreement.

Sovereign Court

AC24(25)/T15/F22/CMD26||HP73[73]|Fort:+7;Ref:+4;Will:+7|Percept.+13(+15 traps)|Init.+4 Human Barbarian 2 / Oracle (Life Oracle) 4 / Rage Prophet 3

Jalrgur takes a proffered drink and takes a deep pull, but begins to cough and sputter when Kline is mentioned. "Kline? Here?"

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

Darius sits in the corner, observe the chatter with a smile.. "Ill take care of the heat provisions.."

Know Local: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (15) + 16 = 31

Spend 2 PA for a Endure Elements wand

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

Fendahl bows to acknowledge the newcomer, Jarlgur.
"Welcome. I am Fendahl Silvermane."

He then turns to Darius.
"Hrrmm, that will be most helpful Master _____? I am sorry, I did not catch your name."

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

He looks up at the question.. "Darius is my name, nice to meet you Fendahl.. Well met pathfinders!"

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Kynrac nods politely. "Likewise, Darius. Shall we get down to business? We have some Riftwardens that need to be investigated."

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

Nahlah looks at Fendahl with a piercing gaze.

"I can prepare spells that do not need the symbol of Sarenrae, and leave it behind. What is your intent?"

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

Not sure why she would ask, Fendahl responds plainly to Nahlah.

"Hrrmm. I do not require such symbols as I revere nature and the spirits of the felines. I am ready to travel. "

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

Nahlah shrugs. "So be it. We should begin our search then."

She will pay a wizard to load her cracked vibrant purple prism ioun stone with shield before she leave Manaket.

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

Before shes pays for the spell Darius would offer to fill it for her.. CL 9 Shield

"Indeed.. Let us begin.."

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

Thanks! She'll take you up on a refill?

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

He wont have a problem refilling ur spell.. I use the wand for shield most of the time so ill keep one mem for u..

Technic Siege/Full Map

Venture-Captain Obo looks at the group;

"Yes, Kline. He's got quite a reputation, I know. For those who haven't had the pleasure, Kline was once a Pathfinder, but his philosophies conflicted with those of the Decemvirate and inspired him to leave. It was not a pleasant parting of ways, and I understand the wounds he bears are still raw; be careful not to rub them with salt.”

Obo is also able to provide the PCs with a simple sketch of Eando Kline, depicting a handsome Taldan man sporting a short beard.

To Kale he says: "Your Grace, the Riftwardens are an order of arcanists devoted to maintaining the planar boundaries and limiting the interference of outsiders. We are not certain what they were doing in Azir, but it seems as though they were preparing for a raid of some kind."

Kynrac remembers a great deal of information as well:

Text Wall:
10+ Azir is the capitol of Rahadoum. The entire nation upholds the Laws of Man, which make worshipping the gods illegal. The country adopted these laws following decades of religious wars, and although this has driven away the most devout merchants, Rahadoum is nevertheless the home to many influential businesspeople.
15+ Although often referred to as atheists, the people of Rahadoum accept that the gods exist but simply refuse to venerate them, believing that the price of worship is too great. An elite militant organization known as the Pure Legion enforces the ban on religion.
20+ Despite the Pure Legion’s best efforts, there is nevertheless a considerable trade in smuggled religious paraphernalia. Punishment for breaking religious law
ranges from a fine for possession of forbidden texts to public humiliation or deportation for proselytizing or displays of divine magic.
25+ Rahadoum has experienced several terrible plagues and other disasters in recent memory, leading some to speculate that the gods are displeased with the nation. Additionally, while the Pure Legionnaires have a reputation outside of Rahadoum of being merciless hardliners, they are educated, humane, and far from being bloodthirsty killers.

Save your re-rolls, Kynrac - you just needed 25 on one of the checks. Next time I'll try to be clear when multiple checks reveal the same facts!

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

No worries, I've got them 5/day, and usually the mission briefing isn't on the same day as the first actual day of action, so nothing's wasted.

Kynrac ponders for a moment. "The Laws of Man in Rahadoum might prove a problem, as was pointed out earlier. Worshipping any god is forbidden. I don't have a problem with this as my divine powers come from the powers of time, not Irori which I incidentally pray to. Actually, the people of Rahadoum accept the existance of the gods - they're far from being atheists - but they refuse to bow to them for the price is too high.

The Pure Legion is the organization that enforces the ban. Despite their best efforts, there is a considerable black market for religious items, but this is heavily punishable. We should definitely leave any religious symbol or text here at the Lodge. The Pure Legion has a sinister reputation but are in fact more educated than many, and can even show humanity.

Finally, Rahadoum has fallen victim to terrible plagues or disasters in recent times, which has led people to believed that the gods were wroth."

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale nods slowly as Kynrac speaks, indecating her attentiveness to his words. Again she looks over at the refreshments, licking at her dry lips.
Pharasma take this heat, I miss the north where the weather's more natural. This desert heat feels like we're going to explore a portal to the plan of fire! She turns away from the drink her hand slipping down a a small flask on her hip.

"Zhe Lady of Graves needs no signs of outward vorship from me, though I'm certain she is happy to judge ze souls she calls me to send to 'er."

Kale gives a wink at this, glad for once of not carrying any religious tokens.

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

"Azir is a nice port." Nahlah adds, somewhat uselessly.

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

The half elf nods.

"I am eager to see what awaits in the port city. I have not traveled to Azir before. Although plagues and disasters may cut down on tourism."

Sovereign Court

AC24(25)/T15/F22/CMD26||HP73[73]|Fort:+7;Ref:+4;Will:+7|Percept.+13(+15 traps)|Init.+4 Human Barbarian 2 / Oracle (Life Oracle) 4 / Rage Prophet 3

"I've never been to Azir either, but it sounds hot. I'm more interested in meeting Eando Kline! He's a legend." Jarlgur veritably gushes.

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

Darius nods at the others thoughts.. "Well it sounds like we're all set then.. Shall we get going then?"

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale will nod her accent, indicating she is ready to depart. After leaving the office she opens her wayfinder, checking to be sure the clear spindled stone is seated securely, she give a little shudder as she remembers the feast she had attended not long ago.

Pharasma was kind to spare my companions from my hand that day...

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

lol, nice bauble, Kale. Great investment.

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Ya, had I know about the resonate power before that mission, I would have been solely responsible for incapacitating 2/3rds of the party. Shes still a bit paranoid.

Technic Siege/Full Map

You leave the Lodge in Manaket and board ship for Azir. After a short and comfortable voyage, you arrive in the principal port of Rahadoum.

The heat of the midday sun accentuates the strange juxtaposition of salty sea air and dry, desert wind, just as the Rahadoumi caravans mingle with sailors from a dozen lands to make the markets of Azir a bustling, cosmopolitan hub of western Garund.

The city’s edifices range from old constructions rejuvenated with elegant murals and exotic carvings to much newer buildings built with irregular angles and acute corners that combine to create an elegant mosaic of
art and architecture. A vibrant soundscape overlays this visual effect, combining the sound of men haggling over baskets of dates, camels bleating in protest to their handlers’ commands, and the chorus of seagulls that soar overhead in search of an easy meal.

Once your ship arrives in Azir, several port officials begin performing routine tasks and inspections as a pair of Pure Legionnaires ask you to declare any religious texts, icons, or other objects that they are bringing into the country. Following this, the legionnaires run a quick search of your belongings for holy symbols.

If any of you brought holy symbols among your gear, and want to attempt to conceal them, please roll a Sleight of Hand check.

Sovereign Court

AC24(25)/T15/F22/CMD26||HP73[73]|Fort:+7;Ref:+4;Will:+7|Percept.+13(+15 traps)|Init.+4 Human Barbarian 2 / Oracle (Life Oracle) 4 / Rage Prophet 3

Jalrgur smiles openly at the Legionnaires, opening his pack for them. "Good day to you fine gentlemen! What wonderful sights and smells! I'm excited to visit your fair country."

Diplomacy: 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (5) + 11 = 16

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

Darius remains silent unless spoken too.. He prefers to take in the city rather than meet its inhabitants..

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

Fendahl does not own a holy symbol, so has nothing to hide but some holly and mistletoe. He makes a minor comment to the guards, but offers no resistance.

"Hrrmm, interesting customs here in Azir. "

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale grows impatient as the guards search her belongings, irritated that they would treat a noble in such a brash manner. She has nothing to fear as she carries no holy icon or text.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

Kynrac smiles gently and accepts gracefully the Pure Legionnaires' search. "Good day, we are travelers wishing to visit Azir. Pray tell, what are the wonders to see for foreigners? Could you also tell us more about the Laws of Man? We're very interested in your customs."

Diplomacy (improve attitude): 1d20 + 14 ⇒ (3) + 14 = 17

No religious symbol or paraphernalia here.

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

Nahlah opens her bags but maintains an icy silence, in contrast to Kynrac, Kale and Fendahl. Her small, rarely uses token of devotion to Sarenrae has been left behind.

Childraca, the camel, brays loudly in protest if it is touched.

Technic Siege/Full Map

The men conclude tbeir search:

"Long ago, the people of Rahadoum suffered greatly during a series of religious wars. Now, we no longer allow religion here. No worship services, no holy symbols, no proselytizing. We have enjoyed much peace as a result. Also, there is a ban on the casting of divine magic. The penalty can be a stiff fine or even deportation."

"There are many sights here. Most visitors enjoy a trip to our bath-houses, which are quite famous. Thank you for your cooperation, and please enjoy your stay in Azir."

Where to now? Seek out Jahani Jodinaj? You have her address. Or you could try to find Eando Kline first, but you only have a sketch to work with there.

Grand Lodge

Venture-Captain Kynrac Chronarion | Male Elf Oracle (Ancient Lorekeeper) 17 | HP 190/190 | AC:35 T:15 FF:32 CMD:27 (+1 AC +1 FF/surp.) | F+15 R+13 (evasion) W+15 (+2 ench, +11 mind-aff; +1 FF/surp.) | Init +6 (roll 3 times take best, always act in surprise round) | Perception +21 (darkvision) |

After thanking the guards, Kynrac moves forward in the busy streets of Azir. "Maybe we should find Jahani, it seems our best lead so far."

Grand Lodge

Male Half-elf HP 130/130 (172 for troll) AC33(40 for troll) Touch 13 Flat 31; F+17 R+11 W+18(+2 ench,+4 fey) INIT+4 Perc+21 CMB+16 CMD+30 Lion Shaman 13/Samurai 1, {see in posts} Shape changed 1/5 Beads 0/3, Rerolls 0/3

"Hrrmm, agreed. That is our best lead for now ."

Sovereign Court

Female Human Fighter 7 (Aldori Swordlord) - HP 56/60 -
AC:22 /T:15 /FF:17* - Perception +7- F: +6/ R:+7 /W:+2*- CMB+9 - CMD 24(26 vs Disarm) - Speed 30' - Init +5

Kale nods, feeling they should seek out Jahani Jodinaj first.

The Exchange

Female Human Ranger 7 HP 67/67 | AC:23 (29, 30 vs evil)| T13 (14 vs evil) | FF:17 (21, 22 vs evil)| Fort:+8 | Ref:+8 | Will:+5| Init:+2 (+4 in desert) | Perception: +12 (+2 in desert,+4 v Outsiders(Evil),+2 v Undead)| Ranger 7

The Qadiran ranger shrugs and takes her camel's reigns, waiting for the group to decide. She simply seems to be enjoying the sun.

The Exchange

Active Spells:
Arcane Pool 13/13(+4), +10 to Crit Confirms
HP 143/143 | AC 32 | T 21 | FF 23 | CMD 39 | Fort +19 | Ref +12 | Will +15 | Init +9 | Perc +16(18) | Images

"After yall.."

Technic Siege/Full Map

The address proves easy enough to locate. Jahani owns an attractive home surrounded by a low wall; three servants assist in maintaining the property. Jahani’s majordomo answers the door when you call at the estate.

"Well met, strangers. My name is Akhina. Who might you be, and how may I be of assistance to you?"

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Community / Forums / Online Campaigns / Play-by-Post / PbP GameDay 2: PFS 05-07 Port Godless (5-9) with GM Derek W All Messageboards

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