PFS- Way of the Kirin, 4-21 (Inactive)

Game Master DrGabe

It is the Lantern Lodges swan song!

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

PFS 4-21, The Way of the Kirin is the swan song for the Lantern Lodge that has recently been published. I am interested in GM'ing this scenario especially for any LL members.
It is a Level 3-7 adventure and I'd be keen on having some LL members play.

Please let me know if you are interested in this one, especially if you are in the LL. If we can get enough of the right tier then we can start moving forward.

Scenario Link

Pathfinder Adventure, Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

D'oh! I just signed up to play in another Way of the Kirin game. Next time, Gabe!

I'm new to PFS and PbP, but wouldn't mind giving it a shot.

Ill play with a pregen 7 if you allow them..

Dark Archive

I have a level 7 Inquisitor that is LL. If you get a group that is not all pregens I would be pleased to join. He is a good striker but a bit of a glass cannon. I believe he is my lowest con character.

Take pre-gen? I have LL but not 3-7

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Ah, this is the curse of the message boards. Lots of new players (which is awesome!), but not enough to field a higher level module.
Skorn, I have you on the list.
WerePox and Arizhel- you are on the list as well, but I would hope to not use too many pre-gens.
Bradisonfosho- If you are new to PFS it might be best to play one of the first level modules first, that being said using a pre-gen is an option.
Tarondor- no worries! We keep bumping into each other virtually enough, we will get into a (another) game soon enough!

Everyone else- if there is interest in this module please let me know. At the moment we only one for sure and a few maybes.

Grand Lodge

Jory is finishing up the Frostfur Captives and will be level 3.

He is Grand Lodge, so I am sure he would help out the lantern lodge if needed. Zen archer monk with stealth.

Silver Crusade

Ooh Jezebel is level 3 if you like. Forgot Hadassah is at the other table!

Silver Crusade

Have a level...erm..5/6-ish (It's been awhile since I PFSd) here who is supposed to be Lantern Lodge. I'm not sure the free faction change from when the new factions went live ever went through, even though I requested it at every table I played at.

I can get the sheet up today.

EDIT: ...and I see, in fact, that it did not.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

OK, after another day here is what we have:
Skorn 7, LL
Riley 5, LL
Jezebel 3, not LL
Jory 3, not LL
Three pre-gens

I am going to keep Recruitment open for a bit longer to see if we can get some more Lantern Lodge members to play if possible. It looks right now that we would play the upper tier with higher level folks.

Riley- I think it is a website issue from what I hear. I know a few players that have problems getting their faction changed on the website when they have changed legally. Don't worry about it from my prospective.

Silver Crusade

Fair enough. I'll try to get the hero lab profile rebuilt today. (Not the character, just the profile - it's easier for me to play online if I can use HL to make the situational adjustments.)

EDIT - Found an up-to-date profile. Sheet is now on the web site.

Dark Archive

Still here and hoping to play, but not in a hurry. :)

Its it OK for the lower level players to play a level 7 pre-gen (if they do not want to play up) and still add the chronicle (at the right apl) to their lower level character?

Silver Crusade

I am set as well. Always wanted to play up, and I know it may be suicidal to do so.

Liberty's Edge

I present Jake Hargrove, looking to play up.

Grand Lodge

Jake, my former first steps comrade. Good to see you.

Liberty's Edge

Ahhhhh...Jory, great to see ya too!

Silver Crusade

Just checkin in

Dark Archive

Looks like we may be approaching critical mass...

Silver Crusade

Chopchop? (Said the fighter....)

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Update time... I am still looking to run this. However ivebhad some RL issues. Needed to find a cleric for the family dog, long hours at the localPathfinder Lodge. Dumb stuff like that. I'll get PCs in line and look to start soon.
Thanks for everyone's patience.

Silver Crusade


Liberty's Edge


Silver Crusade

...Chop....Chop? *Slightly psychotic glint to the eyes*

...okay, I'll stop that now. Take your time and make sure everything's in order.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

All right gang, lets get this party started!
Here is the player list:
Skorn Inquisitor 7, LL
Riley Fighter 5, LL
Jezebel Wizard 3, not LL
Jory 3, not LL
- WerePox (PreGen)
- Arizhel (PreGen)
- Jake Hargrove (PreGen)

Two options here, if you use Lvl 4 Pregens the Average Party Level will be 7 + 5 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 4 + 4 = 30 divided by 7+1 is *5*. So the option to play up or down.

Option two is with Lvl 7 PreGens and then we play up. Jezebel and Jory would need to accept the risks in this (or use a PreGen).

Don't answer here, go to the Discussion thread. Participation there also indicates that you are ready and willing to play.
Despite our slow start, I'd like to get this going as fast as possible and be done by GenCon (if possible).

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

At the moment I have only heard from three of the players- we need another before we can start, I'd prefer a full table of six.
If you haven't gone to the discussion page, please do that. If you are interested in playing, please let me know.

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We have four. A legal table!
Anyone else want to join? Now is the time. Deadline is Monday, that is when we start.

Liberty's Edge

DrGabe - if there is still room for another pregen of 4th or 7th, I am interested.

Silver Crusade

I was away today. Is it sage to assume that I am one you have heard from?

The Exchange

Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Roland- you would make #5, please go to the discussion thread and chime in on what character you would like.

Jezebel, you are in. Just be aware that we are playing up.

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