[PFS][Private] GM Ilmakis Year of the Shadow Lodge CORE level 1-2 (Inactive)

Game Master Ilmakis

Overseer and chat between tables
Current MAP (Charvion) on google docs

Current Characters

Sovereign Court nightdeath

Chronicle Sheets GM Busy At Work........
(5,775 posts)
Scarab Sages Akhenethys Bin Lisimba

Male Human (garundi) Conjurer 3 | 17/17 HP | AC 16 T 12 FF 14 | Ft +2 Rf +3 Wi +3 | Init +8 | Perc +7 | Acid Dart 6/8 | Arcane Bond 1/1

played by Paladin of Baha-who? (320 posts)
The Exchange B.A.B.S.

Female Druid 3 / Barbarian 1| HP: 37/37 | AC: 22 (13 Tch, 1917 Fl) | CMD: 19 | F: +8, R: +4, W: +6 | Init: +2 | Perc: +7 (darkvision), SM: +1 | Active conditions: backskin Half-Orc Betsy the Boar| HP: 26/26 | AC: 23 (13 Tch, 21 Fl) | CMD: 15 | F: +5, R: +4, W: +2 | Init: +1 | Perc: +5(scent, lowlight), SM: +1 | Active conditions: none

played by PJP (329 posts)
Bugbear Shadow Sneak
Balgos Daevion'lyr

Male Drow Ninja/Assassin 5/1

played by Saiman (1 post)
Darius Finch
Silver Crusade Brother Caellus

Human Male NG Human Cleric of Shelyn-2 | HP: 13/13 | AC: 17 (11 tch, 13 Fl) | CMB: +3, CMD: 15 | F+4 R+3 W+6 | Init: +2 Perc: +1 SM: +6 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: none

played by Scott Young (69 posts)
Sable Company Elite Marine
Liberty's Edge Ex Bop

Male Human Ranger/L1, HP:10/12, AC: 17(Touch:14, FF:13), Saves: Fort +3, Ref: +6, Will+1, Init+6, Acrobatics+8, Handle Animal+5, Heal+5, Know: Dungeon+5, Know: Geo+5, Know: Nature+5, Perception+5, Stealth+8, Survival+5

played by Saiman (27 posts)
Wayfinder of the Planes
GM Ilmakis


played by Ilmakis (2,204 posts)
Dalviss Crenn
GM Lamplighter

played by Scott Young (4,729 posts)
Liberty's Edge Graff Leogil

PFS #76925-37 Male Half Orc Cleric 4 | HP: 27/27| AC: 15/9/15|Init: -1| Perc: +3| Fort: +4| Ref: +1| Will: +6| CMB: +4| CMD: 14| Greataxe: +5;1d12+4| Morningstar: +5;1d8+3| Sling: +1;1d4+3| Channel 2d6 5-4/day| DS +1 Dmg 6/day| BR +1 Dmg 6/day|
Acrobatics: -6| Appraise:-1| Bluff:+2| Climb:-2| Diplo:+6| Intimidate: +4| Kn.(Reli): +3| Sense Motive: +3| Stealth: -5| Survival: +3| Swim: -2|

played by nightdeath (447 posts)
Friendly Fighter
Scarab Sages Iago Dalamitrin

Male CN Human Fighter 5/Champion 3 | HP: 64/64| AC: 20 (11 Tch, 19 Fl) | CMB: +9 CMD: 20| F: +6, R: +2, W: +4 (+1 vs Fear) | Init: +4 | Perc: +10, SM: +1 | Speed 20ft |Hard to Kill | Mythic Power 6/9 (+1d6), Fleet Charge, Fleet Warrior, Impossible Speed, Penetrating Damage, Amazing Initiative, Recuperation | Active conditions:None.

played by Upaynao (685 posts)
Sovereign Court Seiran Leogil

PFS #76925-45 Male Half Orc Paladin3/ Sorc 2/ Dragon Disciple 1 | HP:55/55| AC: 15(23)/13(21)/12(20)|Init: +2| Perc: +4| Fort: +10| Ref: +8| Will: +12| Quarterstaff: +6;1d6+3| Longbow: +6;1d8| CMB: +6| CMD: 18| Smite Evil: +3 TH;+1 DMG|
Acrobatics: +5| Appraise:+0| Bluff:+3| Climb:+2| Diplo:+9| HH:+3| Inti: +11|Kn.(Arc):+8| Kn.(Reli): +4| Kn.(Noble): +4| Lin:+1| Perform (Sing):+4| S.M: +0| Spell:+0| Stealth: +2| Survival: +0| Swim: -3|

played by nightdeath (384 posts)

VC - Sydney, Australia

played by Nik B. (25,437 posts)
Dark Archive Variel Soumral

Male Elf Rogue 1; HP:10/10 AC:14 T:14 FF:10 F:2 R:6 W:0 Init:10 CMD:16 Perception:+6 Acrobatics: +8, Disable Device:+9, Escape Artist+8, Know: Dungeon.+5, Know: Local:+5, Sleight of hand+8, Stealth+8, UMD+6

played by Saiman (128 posts)