PFS PbP Gameday 3: 5-08 The Confirmation (Inactive)

Game Master Crashwheeler

Tactical Map

Current Characters

Toff Ornelos
Mike Andersen 351
(31 posts)
Dark Archive Eponine Lokrien Savet

[dice=To Hit Touch AC]1d20+7[/dice] [dice=Damage]2d6+4[/dice] [6 Splas, DC14 Ref for half (3)] [Dice=Scatter]1d8[/dice]
15/15 HP, +3 Initiative, +7 Perception, +5 Fort, +6 Ref, +1 Will, AC: 15/13/13

played by Mike Andersen 351 (477 posts)
Lord of Blades
GM Crash

played by Crashwheeler (1,006 posts)
Pallid Mask
Grand Lodge GM Lithrac

played by Cyril Corbaz (5,503 posts)
King of Roses
Liberty's Edge Jadger Josser

#76925-29 Male Gnome Silent Scholar 2 | HP: 24/24 | AC: 14/14/11 | Fort: +3| Ref: +3| Will: +2| Init: +1| Perc: +5| CMB: -1| CMD: 10| Club: +0: 1d4-1| Sling: +0 1d4-1|
Acrobatics: +5| Bluff:+4| Climb:+0| Diplomacy: +8| Disguise: +3| Kn. (Arc/Dun/Eng/Reli/Pla/):+8| Kn. (Loc):+9| Kn. (Others):+4| Ling:+8| Per(Oratory):+8|S.M:+0| Spell:+7| Stealth:+10| Survival:+0| UMD:+8|

played by nightdeath (183 posts)
Hairdar the Accursed / Hairdar Yunan
Liberty's Edge Jhalan

Male Human (Keleshite) Slayer 8 | HP 70/70 | AC:20 T:13 FF:18 CMD: 27 | F+10 R+10 W+4 | Init +6 | Perc +11

played by Cyril Corbaz (332 posts)
Sovereign Court Nestezuk Gnorth

CG Male Half-Orc Bloodrager3
Need LvlUp to 3:
Init +2; AC14, Touch10, FF12, CMD18; hp 19/19; Fort +4, Ref +2, Will +1; Perception:+6 (darkvision: 60ft); Condition: enlarged, 20ft reach

played by Tiaburn (47 posts)
Sovereign Court Nora from Taldor

Female Half-orc Monk 2

played by Pashira (14 posts)
The Exchange Valkyrja

Human Sorcerer 3 | HP 23/23 | AC 17; Tch 12; FF 15 | F +3; R +3; W +2 | CMB-1; CMD 11 | Speed 30 ft | Init +6 | Spiked Gauntlet: -1 (1d4-2) | Perc +10

played by PatheticWretch (56 posts)